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Friday Jan 30, 2015

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SINCE 2006


January 30, 2015

Seeto Killer On The Loose

The family of Holland Seeto, chief
executive of Lees Trading Company
Ltd, was left in shock following the
tragic news of his death, which police
are treating as alleged murder.
Fiji Police Force spokeswoman Ana
Naisoro said the late Mr Seeto's body
was discovered between 6am and
6.30am at the Lees factory headquarters
in Laucala Beach by an employee who
claimed he saw a masked man fleeing
the scene.
An employee revealed how he chased a
masked man in vain before he saw his
boss lying in a pool of blood.
Holland Seeto, 59, died from stab
wounds in his office in Laucala Beach
Estate, Suva.
Police are looking for the masked man
in an alleged murder investigation.
But the employee, who wished not to
be identified because he feared for his
familys safety, said he recognised the
man behind the mask.
I was at the factory when I heard
noises. When I came out I saw a masked
man, whom I recognised wearing a
three-quarter pants and a round necked
Tee-shirt, he said.
The employee said he ran after the man
until he disappeared into the back of
the factory.
I then ran straight to my CEOs office
to inform him that I had seen a masked
man getting out of the factorys
premises, however when I opened
the door I saw him lying in a pool of
blood, he said.
Mr Seeto usually reported to work at
It was also alleged that when Mr Seeto
came into the factorys premises, the
security guard on duty did not note in
his log book that Mr Seeto had arrived.
In an interview with the media, the
victim's brother and prominent figure
in the tourism industry, Dixon Seeto,
said he was on his way to Nadi when
his sister-in-law contacted him.

"I was first alerted by my sister-in-law

just after 7am that there was something
happening at the factory and the
workers were outside and the police
were inside and they were not letting
anyone in," he explained.
"I was actually on my way down to
Nadi and I turned back and went to
the factory where my brother worked,
and the officers then disclosed to me
the sad news that my brother had been
attacked and passed away."
He said there was nothing unusual in
his behaviour in the days leading up
to his death. He said his brother acted
the way he did every other day and his
children even went to school.
"Everything was normal. Even his son
went to school.
"We have to look after our brother's
family now and arrange for his
funeral and the final rites and take
As expected, the tragic news was not
received well by the victim's mother,
who only seven short months ago, lost
her other son, Johnson.

"It's never easy to handle a death, we

are all in shock and grief. We only lost
a brother last May.
"My mother is very distraught. It's hard
because she lost two of her offspring
in a matter of seven months. It's very
hard because Holland is a very popular
man with his staff and a friend to
The family also acknowledged the
many calls of condolences it received
from the Prime Minister, ministers,
friends and relatives.
"We also want to mention his staff who
stayed outside the premises until the
police removed Holland's body out of
the premises as a mark of respect. His
employees were loyal to the end and
showed their respect.
Holland, a member of the RBF board,
is survived by his wife Vuli, and two
children Conrad, 7, and Bernice, 2.
Personal information
Holland Seeto is the third in a family of
eight children. He received his primary
education at the then Chinese Primary
School before he went to Marist


Brothers High School and later to the

University of the South Pacific.
He has been with Lees Trading
Company Limited for more than 30
He is survived by his wife, Vuli of
Namuka-i-Lau and two children,
Conrad in Year Three and Bernice, a
Seeto family
Mr Seetos brother, Fiji Hotel and
Tourism Association president Dixon
Seeto said the family was still shocked
over his brothers death.
I was on my way to Nadi this morning
when I was notified by his wife shortly
after 7am of the tragedy. I later spoke
to Police and got the bad news, Mr
Seeto said.
He was well known as a kind man and
we cannot understand why someone
had done that to him.
He said the family was baffled because
the office was in a fully fenced
compound with a security guard.
He said they were overwhelmed with the
messages of condolences and support
from relatives, friends and people from
all walks of life in Fiji and overseas.
Bainimarama, and Cabinet ministers
also called to share their sympathy and
support, he said
The late Mr Seetos popularity as a
boss was shown when many of his staff
were openly crying as Hollands body
was taken out from his office.
Some had also joined Hollands sisterin-law Jenny Seeto to comfort his
wife, Vuli. They declined to comment
because they were too distraught.
The Chinese community in Fiji is still
trying to come to terms with the death
of Mr Seeto.
Its president, Yuen Bing Tong, said
they were shocked. He confirmed they
would be visiting Mr Seetos family.
We still cannot believe how he had
died, Mr Tong said.

Friday Jan 30, 2015

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Fiji News

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Man Who Came To Canada From Fiji At Age 11 Faces

Deportation For Robbing Store
A Kamloops, B.C., man who
immigrated to Canada as a boy may
face deportation to his native Fiji after
he is sentenced on a robbery charge,
provincial court has heard.
Feroz Buksh, 44, pleaded guilty to one
count each of robbery and use of an
imitation firearm at a store where he
broke down in tears in the middle of a
demand for money from the till.
Judge Stephen Harrison accepted a
joint submission from Crown and
defence lawyers for an 18-month jail
Mr. Buksh is a sympathetic character,
Harrison said.

Prior to the robbery, Buksh did not

have a criminal record.
He blamed his divorce and death of
his mother and brother in Fiji for
sending him into a spiral where he was
homeless, broke, hungry and addicted
to speed, said Harrison, who read
a letter from Buksh at the sentencing
Harrison delayed the sentencing to
hear a defence submission about the
impact of a sentence on Bukshs future
in Canada.
He is a permanent resident and does
not have citizenship despite living in
Canada since he was 11. His two adult

children were in the courtroom.

Student lawyer Jay Michi told Harrison
that the passage of a recent law means
anyone living in Canada without
citizenship and sentenced to more than
six months in jail may face deportation
without appeal.
Buksh walked into a store last Sept.
19 and asked a clerk for some hot food
and 10 packs of cigarettes.
He tried to pay for the items with a
pre-paid Visa card. When that failed he
demanded money from the till and said
he had a gun.
Then he began to cry, telling the clerk
he would use the money to pay for

bills and that he was going through a

Buksh grabbed the money and ran
out. As he did, the bag broke and the
contents spilled out.
Police found him hiding in a closet at a
friends house.
I have to say as well that robberies
of this sort are far too frequent in this
community, Harrison said. People
who work these jobs in corner stores
and markets should not have to fear
Buksh has already spent three months
in jail after he breached his bail. He
will also serve 18 months' probation.

Do Not Beat Up Children - Surviving Veterans Receive

Rosy Akbar Warns
$9,855 Each

Children found being physically

assaulted by their parents are being
taken into social welfare care.
An alleged incident last Saturday has
prompted the Minister for Children,
Rosy Akbar, to sound a strong warning
against corporal punishment, child
abuse and neglect.
This comes after seven siblings were
removed from their fathers care by
Social Welfare officials.
Their father has been taken in by
Police for allegedly beating one of his
The nine-year old girl was allegedly
assaulted by the father at their Valelevu
Ms Akbar said the Ministry visited the
family right after the report was made.
The ministry will not tolerate any case
of corporal punishment or any form of
child abuse or neglect for that matter,
the minister said.
The Welfare officers have visited the
familys home in Valelevu and saw that
the conditions in which these children
are housed in is not good, Ms Akbar

She said the very last option in any

child welfare case is the placement
of the child in residential care homes
through which the child becomes the
responsibility of the state.
In such cases when a child is removed
from their families then a court order is
requested by the ministry.
In a separate case, a mother has been
charged with beating her 12-year-old
daughter using a belt.
Under the Child Welfare Decree which
was put in place by the Bainimarama
Government, it is mandatory for the all
child welfare cases to be reported to
the Permanent Secretary for Children
or to their nearest social welfare office.
The decree states that it is also mandatory
for Police, Social Welfare and medical
officers, and teachers to report all child
welfare cases to the ministry.
The ministry has a National Child
Welfare Register that has details of the
child welfare case reports under the
Child Welfare Decree 2010.
This is a first for Fiji, which provides
unprecedented safety for children.

24 surviving veterans of the nuclear testing program on Christmas Island

received $9, 855 each as compensation for their suffering.
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama I have a very personal link to this
personally handed over the cheques to story because it was my late father,
the veterans in a moving ceremony in Ratu Inoke Bainimarama, who led
Suva yesterday.
the Fijian contingent that was sent to
Bainimarama says his government Christmas Island. Sadly, he did not live
values the lives of veterans and the to see this day, nor benefit from the
sacrifices they made.
payments that his comrades and fellow
I can tell you all that every Fijian joins veterans are receiving this morning.
me in thanking you not only for your But I know in my heart of hearts that
service but for your perseverance and he is with us in spirit today and would
your patience. It has taken far too long. rejoice with all of us that we are finally
But today as a nation we say sorry. It drawing a line under this unfortunate
was not our fault but we are sorry for episode that he also witnessed, and
what you have suffered over the years. like these men, never forgot.
The event was one close to the heart The second payment will be made
of the Prime Minister as his father sometimes between February and
was also a part of the deployment to September while the third will be given
Christmas Island.
at the last quarter of the year.

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Friday Jan 30, 2015

Fiji News

Payout For Nuclear Test Veterans

The Government started the processing of the one-off payment to veterans of the Christmas Islands nuclear tests.
The Ministry of Defence is coordinating designated centres, details of which One of the few surviving veterans, naval ships the Pukaki and Rotoiti.
the verification process against existing
will be published soon for a face to former laboratory technician, Maleli He was on Pukaki which sailed directly
records with the relevant stakeholders face interview with recipients and Naigulevu, 80, from Namacu, Koro, to Christmas Island. The Rotoiti visited
before final decisions are made to dependents.
said: Thank you, Prime Minister Mr Rarotonga and arrived later. They were
effect the payment to recipients.
The payment is for medical assistance Bainimarama. This is the greatest news transferred to a British aircraft carrier
The Ministry of Employment, in recognition of the various ailments I have heard in 57 years after our return called the Warrior.
Productivity and Industrial Relations the veterans have suffered over the from Christmas Island. At last my Our leader was chief petty officer Ratu
will disburse funds only after due years after their exposure to nuclear group has been recognised.
Inoke Bainimarama and was assisted
process has been followed and the final radiation during the tests at Christmas Mr Naigulevu said they got nothing by Viliame Raikuna from Rewa, he
4 when they returned to the then British said.
approval from the Ministry of Defence Islands in 1960.
is given.
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama colony of Fiji from Christmas Island.
They were not briefed about the
Priority of payments will be to the made the historic announcement about He said the PM and his Government purpose of their mission, he said.
surviving veterans, followed by direct the payout in Suva. It will bring to 4 had shown they cared for them.
They had their identification cards and
a closure decades of campaign for He remembered the Fijians went to were later told if something happened,
Claimants who are survivors of compensation by the veterans for Christmas Island on two New Zealand they would be identified by their IDs.
Operation Grapple are to provide suffering health problems including
as soon as possible their regimental their children.
number, birth certificate and any form But their counterparts in Britain are
of ID.
still fighting for similar compensation.
Claimants who are dependents are The military veterans suffered serious
to provide the death certificate of the illnesses such as chronic myeloid
veteran, marriage certificate if spouse leukemia (type of blood cancer),
is alive, birth certificates of children aplastic anaemia (blood disorder), and
and a copy of a will if any.
skin complaints, reportedly caused
The disbursement process is initiated by exposure to radiation from nuclear
by a Task Force comprising of tests. Some of their children were
officials from the Defence Ministry, born with congenital deformities and
Employment Ministry, the Nuclear unidentified illnesses.
Veterans Association and the RFMF.
In 1958, more than 70 Fijian soldiers
The role of the Task Force is to were sent to the island which was
properly verify individual claims prior then part of the British Gilbert and
to payment of the assistance.
Ellice Islands colony. It is now called
The Task Force will visit various Kiritimati in independent Kiribati.

Fiji News


Friday Jan 30, 2015


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Fiji NZ Relation To
One In Hospital
Further Strengthen

A lot has been planned this year to further strengthen the partnership between
Fiji and New Zealand.
High level visits of officials are first New Zealand is the second largest
on the agenda and New Zealands source of tourists for Fiji and more
High Commissioner Mark Ramsden than 120 thousand New Zealanders
says such visits signal the growing visited Fiji last year.
relationship between both the countries. The High Commission is also looking
We had a number of high level visits, at ways of providing support for the
the NZ Minister for Defence Honorable Fiji Higher Education Commission.
Gerry Brownlee just before Christmas. It will also be assisting more students
I expect the year is going to see a through the educational aid programs.
number of high level visits both ways.
We certainly have a visit booked for
the honorable speaker of parliament to
head down to NZ in the early part of
the year.
Ramsden says tourism is another area
they are looking at in regard to the
introduction of more flights between
Fiji and New Zealand.
Fiji is a happy destination for New
Zealand tourists and I think the fact is
that theres a lot of people to people
contact which is not just tourism of
course, it is sports, business, and its
New Zealands High Commissioner
academic but its a very positive part of
Mark Ramsden
the relationship.




A man is in a stable condition following

an accident at Kerebula in Nadi.
Police spokeswoman Ana Naisoro
said the accident involved a fourwheel drive and a bus loaded with
The driver of the pro box attempted
to overtake the bus, said Ms Naisoro.
That is what allegedly led to the
accident but the driver is in stable
condition, she said.
Ms Naisoro said passengers on the
bus and students going to school were

rushed to the Nadi Hospital for medical

examination, treated and sent home.
Andrews Primary School Year Four
student Alisi Saukuru was still in
shock when met with the reporter at
the hospital.
I was chatting to my friend on the bus
and heard a loud noise, she said with
her arm in a sling.
It was so fast that I heard the yelling
then we hit the side of the road and we
got scared and I was thrown out of the
bus and I landed on my arm.




Fiji News

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Former PMS Not Entitled Fijian Parliament Delegation

To Diplomatic

The Fijian Parliament delegation held a series of meetings with counterparts

in London.
The delegation met with the the Parliament Secretariat and the
Acting Secretary General for the processes and procedures used in the
Parliamentary Westminster Parliament.
Association (CPA) and the Inter- The delegation met the Shadow
Parliamentary Union Secretary General. Foreign Affairs Minister, John Spellar,
CPA and the IPU are the two major to outline recent developments in Fiji in
6 The
networks of global parliaments.
terms of the election and the operation
Secretary General to the Parliament of Parliament.
Namosimalua also had an The group also met Hon. Simon
6 Viniana
opportunity to meet with her counterpart Danczuk MP to discuss the role of
in the UK House of Commons, David an opposition MP and the way the
Parliament worked in the UK House of
Discussions covered the role of Commons.

Two former Prime Ministers confirmed

they have stopped using their diplomatic
passports after vacating office.
Sitiveni Rabuka said when he vacated
office in 1999, he did what he felt
was right and returned his diplomatic
However, this was sent back to him by
the Immigration Department with the
explanation that it would not be of any
use to anyone else.
I took it back and kept it but never
used it. I knew that we were not entitled
to it, Mr Rabuka said with a laugh.
Laisenia Qarases diplomatic passport

expired after he left office and for years

now he has been going overseas using
the normal blue passport.
My diplomatic passport expired a
long time ago and I did not even seek
any renewal. All my trips overseas
have been made using the normal blue
passport, he said.
Yet another former Prime Minister
Mahendra Chaudhry held onto his
diplomatic passport, and it had to
be confiscated from him at Nadi
International Airport as he attempted
to fly to Sydney with his wife Veermati

Fijian Parliament delegation currently in the UK


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Fiji News

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Muni Reddy's Family Was Additional Doctors For Ba

Waiting For
His Return

The family of Vodafone Fiji Under-17 football rep Muni Shalit Reddy, who
drowned, cannot believe he will not be coming back home.
Reddy, who was part of the national Monday he called me and I talked a
side, which took part in the Oceania little bit. Then last Friday I spoke to
Championships, died in Samoa, while him again and he said mum, we will
come back this Friday we will come
Reddys mother, Sulochana Reddy, back. I was so happy and counting
says she hadnt seen her son in two days and because he left from here on
months and was looking forward to his December 1st and two months he was
return on Friday.
away from home.
Last time I met him at the airport Meanwhile, sponsors, Vodafone Fiji
but during Christmas I went and saw have also paid tribute to the youngster.
him at the Ba Academy. Then before Vodafone chief executive Pradeep
the team leaving, at the airport the Lal says they extend their heartfelt
plane was delayed, I said I was going condolences and would like to thank
to wait until plane will go but he the family for raising a son who gave
said no mum you go home as what back so much towards his passion for
you will do there. Then I came here football in a very short time.
and I called him a few times then he He adds they are extremely saddened
said I am still at the airport. Then at by the passing away of a young man
5.30pm, I saw the plane take off and I and humble friend, and the player will
said he must be gone. Then last week be missed by many.

Register For Free Medicine

More people need to register for the

FREE medicine programme.
Health Minister Jone Usamate said
people need to register to be able to
access the free medicine programme
which is now being implemented
around the country in 47 private
People who earn less than $20,000
annually can access the free medicine.
Theres about 72 items on the
medication list which will be supplied
from the government pharmacy to the

designated private pharmacies.

People with their social welfare
cards can automatically qualify but
for others they need to register at
any of our facilities health centers
or sub divisional hospitals. People
who use government facilities, they
already have free medicine but its
those who visit the private doctor
who need to get free medicine from
the private pharmacies these are the
ones who need to register, said




Hon. Assistant Minister for Health and Medical Services Mrs Veena
Bhatnagar with Ba hospital board of visitors.
The Ministry of Health is looking at Ba Board of Visitors and strategic ways
increasing the establishment of doctors to further improve these areas as well
at the Ba Mission Hospital to cater and the Ba Mission Hospital infrastructure.
service the large population.
At a separate consultation held, the Ba
This decision comes after assistant Advisory Councillor Mukesh Chand
minister for Health & Medical Services thanked the Government for the work
Veena Bhatnagar met with the Ba carried out to improve Fijis health care
Mission Hospital Board of Visitors to system.
discuss improvements to the exiting The need to improve the facilities at
Ba Mission Hospital was highlighted
Bhatnagar also discussed space issues, whilst the new hospital was being
cleanliness and staffing issues with the constructed.

Friday Jan 30, 2015

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Fiji News

Albert Park Closed To

Hibiscus Festival

24 Hour Service At Suva

Private Hospital

There is good news for those who use

the Suva Private Hospital services.
Executive Director of Suva Private
Hospital Pramesh Sharma said from
next week the 24 hours services will
again be in operation.
We were constrain by the number of
doctors we have because the inability
of us recruiting doctors because of the
constrain through the Fiji Medical and
Dental Practitioner of 2010 where the
regulation required certain process GP
need to go through before we could
actually ended up recruiting we are
glad we have had a good discussion
with the regulator that allow us to have
a 24/7 medical operation said Sharma.
Sharma said the hospital has met all the
requirements under the Fiji Medical
and Dental decree requirement.

24/7 will give the public another

option to have another health facility
available we are complementing the
public health and this is another option
for the general public to come and see
us after hours for the public health care
said Sharma
The hospital is also working closely
with the Ministry of Health to look at
other health option.
We always considering to look at
how better we can improve the health
service in Fiji we have had a good
discussion with the Minister of health
on how to work with the public health
system and the CWM hospital, said
The Suva private hospital had to reduce
its opening hours in late 2013 after a
shortage of doctors.

SPSE CEO Resigns After

Nine Years

Former SPSE CEO Jinita Prasad

Jinita Prasad the chief executive for South Pacific Stock Exchange has
SPSE chairperson Dr Nur Bano Ali made significant contributions to the
says Prasad is leaving to travel overseas development of the stock market in
for an extended period of time for Fiji.
professional and personal development. Her resignation comes into effect from
Dr Ali says Prasads decision to leave April 24th.
was not easy given her passion for the The recruitment process for the next
stock market.
CEO of the South Pacific Stock
During her time at SPSE, Prasad Exchange will begin immediately.




Friday Jan 30, 2015

The Vodafone Hibiscus Festival wont

be held at its traditional home the
Albert Park in Suva from this year.
The Suva City Council says its time
to find a new venue, since Albert
Park which has become synonymous
with the festival, will undergo major
Special Administrator Chandu Umaria
says organizers of the festival will have
to find a new home from this year.
We have already advised the Hibiscus
Events Group about this last year that
we will not be able to give them the
Albert Park, I am sorry about that but
we cannot keep everybody happy.
Umaria says close to $16m will be
spent on redeveloping Albert Park
which has hosted the mother of all
festivals for 58 years.
He says redevelopment will be done in
phases and once completed the site will
only host sports events.

They will have to look for another

park either they can have it at the
foreshore car park or they can have
it in Sukhu Park in Samabula or they
can look at an alternative place like the
Vodafone Arena.
The refurbished Albert Park will have
a thousand-seat capacity grandstand,
new turf worth about two million
dollars and other facilities found in
most sports arenas.
There will be four football fields, a
cricket pitch and even retail space.
Final consultations are underway
and the site inspections begin from
Actual work at the Park will begin in
April and it is expected to be completed
by the end of the year.
The Hibiscus Events Group has
been told of the SCC decision, its
understood the committee is hoping to
find a solution in its favour.

A second team of medical practitioners

from India is due to arrive in the
country later this week.
They are part of the joint venture
between the Ministry of Health and the
Sahyadri Specialty Pacific Hospitals
Limited who will be performing openheart surgeries here.
Sahyadri Hospital project co-ordinator
Professor Manu Munibhargav confirmed
they were expecting another 15 staff.
Since everything is centralised we
want people from all over Fiji to come

and take advantage of this opportunity,

Professor Munibhargav said.
He said they wanted to provide a high
quality treatment for the patients.
At the moment we are conducting
angiograms and we are working with
some of the Fijian medical team.
Professor Munibhargav said the nurses
and doctors they had worked with were
very enthusiastic.
We will be performing open-heart
surgeries from February 3 till the 17,
he said.

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Indian Investors Show Interest In Fiji

Indian businesses have shown interest

in investing in construction, medical,
energy amongst other areas in Fiji.
Permanent Secretary for Industry,
Trade and Tourism, Shaheen Ali, and
the executive chairman of Investment
Fiji, Truman Bradley, met with Indian
business houses to discuss investment
opportunities in Fiji.
Last week the delegation met with a
number of companies, many of which
were very large Indian multinationals
that have an annual turnover of more
than US$400million and have invested
in various countries or partnered with
governments in a number of countries.
Indian businesses are showing strong
interest in investing in Fiji in areas,
such as, construction, medical, energy,
film making, agriculture, to name a
few Mr Ali said.
Investment between Fiji and India
has immense potential, especially, with
the efforts of the two governments to
create an enabling environment for
trade and investment to take off.
Last year Fiji and India signed a
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
that exempts investors from being
charged taxes twice, in both countries.

However, it is the private sector and

commercial activities that are the
driving force which will determine the
success of the Governments initiatives
and policies, Mr Ali said.
With the renewed and strengthened
Fiji-India relations evidenced by the
Indian Prime Ministers visit to Fiji
and his discussions with the Fijian
Prime Minister Hon. J.V Bainimarama,
there are many opportunities available
that will be explored.
The interest from the Indian business
community is an indication of the
readiness of these businesses to come
to Fiji and explore the opportunities,
Mr Bradley said.
There are a number of companies
that have already registered as foreign
investors and are going through the
process of establishing their business
interests in Fiji. Hence, in the coming
months, we will see a number of Indian
projects materialising in Fiji.
Mr Ali and Mr Bradley were part of
the Fijian delegation to India, led by
the Attorney-General and Minister
for Finance, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
and Minister for Industry, Trade and
Tourism, Faiyaz Siddiq Koya.






Register For Free Medicine

More people need to register for the
FREE medicine programme.
Health Minister Jone Usamate said
people need to register to be able to
access the free medicine programme
which is now being implemented around
the country in 47 private pharmacies.
People who earn less than $20,000
annually can access the free medicine.
Theres about 72 items on the
medication list which will be supplied
from the government pharmacy to the

designated private pharmacies.

People with their social welfare
cards can automatically qualify but
for others they need to register at any
of our facilities health centers or sub
divisional hospitals. People who use
government facilities, they already
have free medicine but its those who
visit the private doctor who need to
get free medicine from the private
pharmacies these are the ones who
need to register, said Usamate.


Fiji News

Education Ministry To
Cater For Child Beggars

The Education Ministry is willing to facilitate the education of children

found begging in streets and those facing financial difficulties.

This follows the removal of children

from the streets by the Ministry
of Women, Children and Poverty
Alleviation last week.
Education Minister Dr Mahendra
Reddy says his Ministry will try and

assist children in such situations.

Were happy to look at the plight and
if theres any issue in respect to parents
in schools, we will come in and assist
them. Whether we immediately have to
construct a tarpaulin kind of classroom
or etc, well do that and then construct
a proper classroom. We had some cases
from Nadi we instructed our divisional
education officer to go down and ensure
the child gets a school. Buy a tablet, desk
and chair and put it in a classroom but
thats our job and we have to do that.
5 children between the ages of 4 and 16
are currently in residential care receiving
their basic needs from the state.
The children were supposed to be in
school but were found begging on the
streets in Nadi.

Embassy Helps Mother

And Son

The Fijian Embassy in United Arab

Emirates (UAE) is trying its best to
facilitate the repatriation of Fane Traill.
Mrs Traill is a Fijian who was stranded
in Kuwait with her son without her
passport and relevant documents.
Fijis Ambassador to UAE, Robin Nair
said Mrs Traill arrived in Kuwait last
January without any work contract.
The embassy is liaising with the
State of Kuwait to assist Mrs Traill
and her son who are now deemed to
be living in Kuwait illegally, Mr
Nair said.
He said his First Secretary, Emosi

Rakai had visited Mrs Traill last week

and discussed her situation and ways
the embassy could assist them.
The Fijian Embassy remains hopeful
that she and her baby would return to
Fiji soon, Mr Nair said.
Meanwhile, Mrs Traill said in her
meeting with Mr Rakai, he had
informed her she had only two options.
He told me that the only options that
I had was for me to get a new sponsor
so that the company I had worked for
would release my passport, or I had to
go through prison with my baby and
get deported, Mrs Traill said.

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Civil Servants Need To

Know Their Duties: PAC

The Public Accounts Committee began its third day deliberations over the
Auditor Generals report from 2008.
take responsibility for any government
I,s the fiduciary duties that the civil
servants must be aware of, they have a
duty of care to the state and they should
not act negligent or with laxity, they
must pull up their socks and see that
these repetitions , most of these things
are repetitious and re-occurrence of
loss of revenue for the government and
this cannot be tolerated.
PAC Deputy Chairman Balmindar
The Committee meets tomorrow with
the CEO of the Fiji Revenue and
As highlighted throughout the week, Customs Authority as well Heads of
a number of recurrent issues have Finance of various ministries to clarify
a number of discrepancies highlighted
PAC Deputy Chairman Balmindar in the Auditor Generals reports from
Singh says all civil servants need to 2007 to 2009.

Father Jailed For Raping Daughter

A fathers sinful act has landed him in

jail for 14 years and 6 months.
The incident happened last year in
Rakiraki, when the man took his
daughter through a shortcut in a jungle
and raped her.
The girl then ran to a neighbours
house and called her mother.
Her mother then immediately reported
this matter to the Police.

She was 14 years old at that time.

After a three day trial the assessors
found the man guilty on all three charges
relating to rape and sexual assault.
In sentencing the man, Lautoka High
Court Judge Justice Sudarshana De
Silva said he had breached the trust of
his own daughter.
Under the Crimes Decree the maximum
penalty for rape is life imprisonment.


25 years old
Professional Chef
From Fiji Islands
Well settled Fijian family seeking a suitable
match for their son. He is 25 years old, 5 8 tall,
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employed as a chef in Fiji.
Looking for a Indo Fijian girl in Canada between
the age of 20 - 25 years old.
Religion has no barrier as long as can be
For Further information Contact Ragani at:






Fiji News

India Cardiac Team

Performs 27 Angiograms

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Cancer Appoints New

Board Members
The Fiji Cancer Society has appointed
a new board, new trustees and new
office holders.
These appointments were made during
the societys annual general meeting at
the Tanoa Plaza in Suva.
Newly-elected chairperson Cecilia
Frost said the role was quite
I will work with the board, trustees and
donors in order to build the reputation
of the society, Mrs Frost said.
Mrs Frost is a staff of Mana Island
I am a representative of an organisation

The Sahyadri cardiac team from India

has to date conducted 27 angiograms
at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital
in Suva.
This is a joint venture between the
Ministry of Health and Medical
Services and the Sahyadri Specialty
Pacific Hospitals Limited.
Sahyadri Hospital project co-ordinator
Professor Manu Munibhargav said five
of their staff were in the country whereas
the other 15 would come in next week.
We will be conducting angiograms
for the next 15 days and we want more
people to come forward and make
use of this opportunity, Professor
Munibhargav said.
He said his team had been coming to
Fiji to perform the surgeries for more
than two years now.
Our team of cardiac surgeons,

anesthetists and other paramedical staff

are being assisted by some of the locals
who had trained in India, he said.
Professor Munibhargav said their
training would continue in Fiji as they
would assist in the open heart surgeries
that would be performed.
We will be performing the open heart
surgeries from February 3 to 17.
He said the ministry was trying to meet
the needs of the patients and they were
making sure that all efforts were made.
Indian Cardiac Services
- Open Heart Surgery from February
3- 17
- Non-insurance patients (Fiji residents)
$20,000- $25,000
- Insurance patients (Fiji residents)
$24,400- $30,500
- Non-residence treatment cost (25 per
cent top-up) $25,000- $31,250

Two Beggars Get Jobs

Two beggars have been provided with
Under the Ministry for Women, Children
and Poverty Alleviation income
generating projects, the two beggars were
given produce to sell at the Suva Market.
Minister for Women Rosy Akbar said
with a lot of beggars on the streets they

have decided to implement this project

in a bid to eradicate beggars.
Akbar said this project will also be
implemented in other divisions.
One of the beggars Jasma Wati said she
is grateful for the assistance provided
to her and that she will also refrain
from begging on the streets.

Minister for Women Rosy Akbar (middle) talks to the beggars who are selling
in the market





that helps cancer society and I also

have lost loved ones who suffered
cancer, she said.
The main challenge for me now is
to work with the board, trustees and
also the donors in order to build the
reputation and the welfare of the Fiji
Cancer Society.
During the meeting, the Society also
approved a new constitution. This
will be looked over by the board for
three months before it is passed and
The board also presented their audited
accounts for 2012 and 2013.

Employment Ministry
Warns About Fake
Recruitment Agencies

The Ministry of Employment is warning Fijians to be aware of fake

recruitment agencies operating in the country that are promising them
employments opportunities overseas.
Deputy Secretary for Labour Viliame He says the major problem is that when
Baledrokadroka says to date Fiji only these people go through fake agencies
has two authorised agencies all other and do succeed in going overseas, they
agencies are operating illegally.
are not protected by the safety net of a
This is another dimension of the registered agency.
whole labour mobility movement and
there is a big risk involved in there.
We have had cases in the past where
our people have got stranded overseas
taken through such bogus agencies and
then they are left out there in the cold.
Baledrokadroka says people usually
fall for these fake agencies because of
the lucrative jobs being offered.
One is really security given the happenings
around the world now and another is
tourism but given our experience with the
agencies so far its really the security work,
People are going for security work we
had nursing for a while then care givers but
that soon died out.




Fiji News


Friday Jan 30, 2015

Malaysian Universities To
Recruit More Fijian Students

its just like

Malaysian Universities are looking forward to recruit more Fijian students to

study in Malaysia.
The message was relayed to the higher education opportunities for the
Fiji Higher Education Commission people of Fiji.
FHEC by twenty five officials from Wah says its pleasing to note that a
the respective fourteen Malaysian number of Malaysian Universities
universities who paid a courtesy visit themselves
to the FHEC before proceeding with scholarships to Fijians.
their exhibition in Suva this week.
FHEC is urging students to make use
FHEC Executive Chairman, Dr Richard of this education exhibition and learn
Wah says the team was commended for more of the various opportunities and
their passion and support in providing field of studies offered.

the Paper

Stinson Bridge Will Be

Completed By 2017

Try it
online E-view

The Stinson Parade Bridge in Suva will

be completed in 2017, says Fiji Roads
FRA capital works manager Ian
Hunter said: The current status
is that enabling works (building
demolitions, service relocations),
will commence in January/February

2015 with the main construction

works commencing in March/April
2015 and completion in April/May
Mr Hunter said when the bridge would
be completed its cross-section would
consist of two sidewalks and a twolane vehicle access.

USP Welcomes New

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Fiji, Professor Richard Coll

has joined The University of the South Pacific as its Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
Learning, Teaching and Student Services.

Enjoy it on your Tablet,

Smartphone or Laptop

Welcoming Professor Coll, USPs

Professor Rajesh Chandra, said he was
very pleased that Professor Coll had
joined the University.
Professor Chandra says he is confident
that Professor Colls impressive track
record and qualifications will stand him
in good stead in guiding the University
through the challenge of transforming
Learning, Teaching and Student
Services from Good to Excellent.
Professor Coll began his academic
career as a lecturer in the Department
of Chemistry.

The new Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Professor Richard Coll






Friday Jan 30, 2015



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Canada News

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Surrey Named Among Worlds Top 7 Intelligent


The City of Surrey has been named

as one of the Top 7 Intelligent
Communities of 2015 by New Yorkbased think tank Intelligent Community
Forum. The ICF studies the economic
and social development of the 21st
Century community. Its mandate is to
educate communities on how to build
prosperous economies, solve social
problems and enrich local cultures.
As the most rapidly growing city in
the region, investing in technology
and innovation is crucial to building a
city that is ready for the challenges of
the future, said Mayor Linda Hepner.
The Top 7 distinction given to us is
fitting as the City of Surrey has been
at the forefront in our use of digital
technology to foster economic, social
and cultural opportunities.
Out of more than 300 nominations, the
City of Surrey is the lone Canadian city
in the Top 7 list and is now in contention
for the prestigious designation of
Intelligent Community of the Year.
The other six cities and towns on the
list include three communities from the
United States, and one from Taiwan,
Australia and Brazil respectively.

This is a significant milestone for

Surrey as it acknowledges that the City
is on the right track with sustainable
economic growth, innovative service
delivery, and sound infrastructure
investments, said Councillor Bruce
Hayne, Chair of the Investment and
Innovation Committee.
Surreys progressive approach is
outlined in its Smart Surrey Strategy
which provides a framework to build a
city that uses technology and innovation
to transform life and work within the
region. Strategy initiatives include:
Innovation Boulevard, an agile
partnership of health, business,
higher education and government
which is creating new health
technologies to improve peoples'
lives in the areas of medical
devices, independent living and
digital health.
The City is building an Organic
Facility which will process the
citys organic waste into a 100%
renewable fuel. This fuel will
then be used to power Surreys
waste collection vehicles, creating

the only sustainable closed-loop

system in North America.
Surrey City Energy has been
established to implement and
operate district energy systems
within the City. A district energy
system distributes thermal energy
(i.e. heated water) by way of a
common heat source and pipe
system to buildings in a defined
neighborhood. These systems are
an efficient and effective means of
reducing greenhouse gas emissions
by utilizing low GHG-emission
energy sources.
The Citys state-of-the-art Traffic
operating in the fall of 2014; this
Centre allows adjustments of
traffic signals based on real-time
traffic flow. It is the most advanced
municipal centre of its kind in BC.
This centralized control system
controls 320 traffic signals and 16
coordinated corridors.
The My Surrey App is a
convenient alternative for residents
to engage and interact with the city.
The app acts a portal for all Surrey

apps and also includes features such

as service request reporting, news,
events, facility locations, job listings,
bike routes, and parking.
An Open Data Catalogue,
comprising more data sets than
any other municipality in Canada,
available free on the City website.
The catalogue includes datasets on
crime, financial information and
restaurant inspections.
Communications Inc. which will
be offered free at more than 40
key locations throughout the city,
including recreation centres, and
a number of parks, civic buildings
and public spaces.
Nominated communities provided
a detailed explanation of programs
and initiatives that address IFMs
five intelligent community indicators;
broadband access, a knowledge
based workforce, innovation, digital
inclusion and marketing and advocacy.
One community will be chosen in June
2015 to succeed Toronto as the 2015
Intelligent Community of the Year.

Ravinder (Ravi) Singh Atwal Named As Truck Driver

Killed In Crash Near Massey Tunnel
An Abbotsford, B.C. father - Ravinder
(Ravi) Singh Atwal has been identified
as the driver who died in a fiery truck
collision on Highway 99 south of Massey
Tunnel, near Delta, B.C. on Wednesday.
Witnesses to the collision tried to pull
Atwal out of the truck, which was fully
engulfed in flames, but were unable to
save him.
The B.C. Coroners Service has yet to
confirm the identity of the driver. But
Shimmy Walia of Mid-Valley Sand
and Gravel in Surrey, B.C. said that
he owned the truck in the fire and that
Atwal was the driver.
Walia also said Atwall was in his 30s,
was from Abbotsford, B.C. and had
several children.
He said Atwal had been driving for
his company for roughly two years
and stressed he was a very safe,
conscientious driver who would always
tell his bosses about even tiny things,
such as small burned-out lights.
Walia also said the truck was a 2014

model, in very good condition and was

regularly inspected.
Loud bangs, flying tires
The accident happened around 9 a.m.
PT on Wednesday near the overpass
for Highway 17A, also known as the
Ladner Trunk overpass.
Witnesses reported explosions after
the southbound dump truck hit the
highway median and burst into flames.
"We tried to get out there to do what
we could to help him, but it was too
late. There was loud bangs, tires were
flying. It was time to step back," said
witness Gary Edgar on Wednesday.
"We were yelling at him. We were
pretty confident he was unconscious
throughout all this, but there was no
way to get him out."
Two vehicles in the northbound lanes
were also damaged after being hit.
The drivers of both vehicles were
transported to hospital with non-life
threatening injuries. The cause of the
fire is still under investigation.




The NEW Print Version Will Be Available SOON!


Ravinder (Ravi) Singh Atwal has been identified as the driver who died in a
fiery truck collision on Highway 99 near Delta, B.C. on Wednesday.

Canada News

Friday Jan 30, 2015


Police Recover Elderly

Vancouver Could Tow
Man's Wedding Band After Chronic Offenders, Even
He Sold It To Buy Food
After Fines Paid

Police in an Ontario town chipped

in this week to help an elderly man
recover his wedding ring, which he'd
been forced to sell in order to buy
groceries for him and his wife.
Officers were called to a home in
Cornwall, Ont. for what they thought
was a domestic dispute. Instead, they
discovered that the woman at the home
was suffering from dementia, and her
husband had pawned his wedding band.
Heartbroken by the scene, the officers
who had taken the call came up with a
plan to help the man get his ring back.
"We put money together, and found
out where he did sell his wedding
band, and we bought it back," said Sgt.
George Knezevic. Police also collected

food for the couple.

The elderly man had sold his wedding
band, which he'd worn for more than
50 years, to a consignment shop in
downtown Cornwall. He had been
trying to raise enough money to pay
for food.
Later that week, police delivered a load
of groceries and the ring.
"They have an inscription on the
wedding band that says 'together
forever,' so when we got the wedding
band back, I don't think there was a dry
eye in the station at all," said Knezevic.
The couple has since been in touch
with the Alzheimer Society of Canada,
which provides support to people
living with the disease.

Family Of Innocent Victim

Of Surrey Drive-By Shooting

The Halane family received another

knock at their door late Friday night.
The last time police came calling, in
2006, it was to tell them their beloved
Mahdi, 18, had just been shot in a
drive-by shooting in Whalley.
Nine years later, Sgt. Mike Hall was
again at their door, this time bearing
news that an arrest had been made.
I dont think its fully sunk in yet,
Juweria Halane, Mahdis sister, said on
It would have been better if Mahdi
were here to hear this.
Fushpinder Singh Brar, 30, from
Surrey is charged with manslaughter in
the Oct. 14, 2006, shooting.
Brar was arrested in Vancouver on
Friday. Insp. Manny Mann, of Surrey
RCMPs major crime section, said it
was a direct result of investigators
following up on leads and new
information received, and we hope it
will bring some closure to the family.
The Halane family was preparing to
head over to Surrey provincial court
Monday morning for Brars first court
Juweria said she was very nervous
about seeing the suspect for the first
time, as her family had never heard of
him until now.
Shes still in shock, she said, at how
her brothers paralysis and ultimately
his death stemmed from something so
stupid, idiotic.
Her brother was a tall, athletic young
man who loved basketball. Filled with
life, he was a practical joker who easily
made friends.
He was just like a typical brother who
annoyed you when things went wrong
and kind of was there to support you
when you needed him too.
Sgt. Hall, in charge of Surrey RCMPs
unsolved homicides unit, said Monday

that story proved very valuable to the

What it did was it made it (the
crime) relevant again. It helped people
Hall has been on the case since the
night of the shooting and said police
believe Mahdi was an innocent victim.
They also believe there are other
people who were either involved in the
shooting or who have very important
information about it, who have yet to
speak with police. Hall can be reached
at 604-599-7634.
Mahdis mom Safia and dad Osman
brought their five children to Canada in
1997, from war-torn Somalia, hoping
for a prosperous future for them here.
The Queen Elizabeth Secondary grad
was out celebrating a friends birthday
when they came across another group
of friends whod been in a fight at the
Chevron gas station at 96th Avenue
and 128th Street in Cedar Hills.
Police say the fight started after a man
from another group spat and some
of his spit hit the pant leg of one of
Halanes friends.
Halane was down the street, in a
different car, and had nothing to do
with the gas station incident. He
apparently looked up from his front
passenger seat, as bullets flew from a
passing car, and was hit in the neck,
severing his spinal cord and rendering
him quadriplegic until he died of
kidney failure on March 25, 2012, at
the age of 24.
Osman Halane said his son hovered
between death and life for six years.
For six years he was paralyzed, and
he died, Osman said in December,
contemplating the horror of his sons
A lot of disaster we passed, and

The City of Vancouver is considering changes to its towing policies, to crack

down on chronic offenders
The City of Vancouver is considering towed, even if all of their fines have
a plan to tow the vehicles of chronic been paid.
regardless The city has yet to decide how many
of whether they have paid their tickets a driver would have to have
outstanding fines.
accumulated to face towing.
Vancouver's current policy is if a driver "It could be five it could be seven over
has three unpaid parking tickets two years. We haven't yet done the
assigned to their licence plate their analysis on what other municipalities
vehicle will be towed if it is parked at are doing. It's really at the beginning
an expired meter.
stages of development," Scollard said.
The city is in the preliminary stages Not about the money
of changing that policy to include Scollard insists the move is not about
tickets that have been paid, said Taryn revenue it's about getting people to
Scollard, director of city streets.
follow the rules.
"We're looking at potentially increasing "Parking tickets are never a popular
or changing that number, regardless situation, but it helps change the
of whether they have paid or unpaid behaviour. We are looking at
tickets," Scollard said.
That means if a vehicle belonging The City of Vancouver handed out
to someone the city determines to be 328,567 parking tickets last year, about
a chronic parking offender is found 3,500 fewer than 2013 and 29,000
parked at an expired meter, it will be fewer than 2012.

Tonnes Of Unreported Cheese

At Border Nets $25,000 Fine

The owner of a Burnaby-based

importing company was among
travellers penalized recently for
flouting the rules around bringing
products into Canada.
According to the Canada Border Services
Agency, Manuel De Oliveira, the owner
of Beira Mar Importers Company Ltd.,
was fined $25,000 last month after
pleading guilty to evading duties and
importing dairy products specifically,
cheese without an import declaration.
Two shipments one with 235
undeclared boxes of cheese and
another with 198 were intercepted at
the Pacific Highway border in South
Oliveira, according to the related B.C.
Supreme Court judgment, was found to
have violated the rules on 10 occasions
between Jan. 1, 2005 and Jan. 16, 2010.
He "imported cheese and either failed
to report it entirely and had no permit
or import declaration, or underreported
the amount of cheese contained in a
shipment," states the reasons for judgment.
The unreported cheese alone weighed
12,899 kilograms and was worth more
than US$130,000. Underreported
shipments added another 5,825 kg of
cheese to the total.
Both of the shipments intercepted at

the South Surrey border were reported

as containing only grapes or grape
juice, and in 2008, CBSA assessed De
Oliveira a $7,625 fine equal to 20 per
cent of the undeclared value.
Crown calculated the total duty
evaded over the five-year period at
"At the time Mr. De Oliveira committed
these offences, he was voluntarily
participating in a system to protect the
Canadian cheese industry and, by flouting
it, he unfairly competed with people who
followed the rules," the judgment states.
"He also removed the ability of health
inspectors to ensure the cheese he was
importing met health standards."
According to the judgment, Oliveira
was several days into a 20-day trial
when he entered guilty pleas to the two
His case was highlighted by the
CBSA last Friday as a reminder of the
potential consequences of failing to
declare food, plant or animal products.
Travellers were also reminded that
a ban on all birds, raw poultry and
poultry by-products that are not fully
cooked, including raw eggs and raw pet
foods that was put in place Jan. 8 for
products from Oregon and Washington
State remains in effect.





World News

Friday Jan 30, 2015

US President Barack Obama Guest Of Honour At

India's Republic Day Parade

Barack Obama has become the first US

president to be chief guest at India's
Republic Day parade, a day after
hailing a new era of friendship between
the world's biggest democracies.
The invitation to the annual celebration
of the birth of modern India is one
of the biggest honours the country
can bestow on a foreign leader and
underscores the growing closeness
between president Obama and India's
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Security has been clearly present at
the parade, a colourful display of
India's military and cultural diversity
showcasing everything from tanks and
state-of-the-art weaponry to camels
and traditional dancers.
The parade celebrates the adoption in
1950 of the Indian Constitution, the
day that India became a republic, three
years after gaining independence from
The show-stopper is considered
the Border Security Force on their
brightly-decorated camels, and the
parade also included carnival-style
floats and a human pyramid atop
moving motorbikes.
Prime Minister Modi, who issued the
invitation via Twitter saying he hoped
to "have a friend over", watched the
parade with President Obama from
behind a bulletproof glass enclosure.
Roads were closed around the area,
which was declared a no-fly zone, and
snipers were positioned on rooftops
along the route, where 15,000 new
CCTV cameras have been installed.
Grey skies and light drizzle failed to
dampen the mood of spectators who
had gathered hours before the twohour spectacle was due to begin.
"This day is all about patriotism and I'm

Barack Obama has become the first US president to be chief guest at India's
Republic Day parade
lucky to be a part of it," said 20-year- counter-balance to a rising China.
old college student Ajith Kumar, there "I'm honoured to be the first American
President to attend this celebration, as
with his parents and younger sister.
"The fact that we have a guest like well as the first President to visit India
Obama has made it all the more twice," Mr Obama said.
After his arrival, the US president
travelled to the presidential palace,
Bear-hug greeting for Obama
President Obama's presence as Rashtrapati Bhavan, for an official
chief guest represents a remarkable welcoming ceremony.
turnaround in his relationship with Mr Obama laid a wreath at the Mahatma
India's new leader, who only a year ago Gandhi memorial and planted a tree.
was persona non grata in Washington. The two leaders announced a
He began his visit on Sunday with a breakthrough on an agreement to provide
bear hug from Mr Modi, later saying civilian nuclear technology to India that
their new "friendship" reflected a was signed in 2008 but had been held
natural affinity between the two up by US concerns over liability in the
countries, which are both seeking a event of a nuclear accident.

A gas tank lorry has exploded outside

a maternity and children's hospital
in Mexico City causing dozens of
The explosion, on the western edge of
Mexico City, was so large that much of
the building was destroyed.
It is not clear how many people died.
Officials initially said up to seven
people had been killed by the blast.
The mayor of Mexico City later
reduced the death toll to two, saying a
woman and baby had died.
About 100 people were believed to
be inside the hospital at the time of
the blast, and dozens of victims were
injured by flying glass.
Rescuers are at the scene, searching for
anyone who might be trapped under
rubble and twisted metal.
Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said
the blast was caused by a leak in the
hose carrying gas from the truck to the
hospital kitchen.

The tanker workers had been struggling

to repair the hose for about 15 to 20
minutes, according to reports.
As they worked, a large cloud of gas
began to form outside the hospital,
reports said.
Eyewitness Agustin Herrera, a
66-year-old anesthesiologist, told the
Associated Press news agency that the
workers shouted for firefighters, but
then there was a massive explosion.
At least 54 people were injured, 22 of
them children.
Another eyewitness, Ismael Garcia,
told AP there had been a "super
He added: "Fortunately, we were able
to get eight babies out."
There have been a number of other
fatal gas explosions in Mexico over
recent years.
In February 2013, 37 people died in
a blast at the headquarters of the state
energy firm Pemex.

They also extended a defence pact

and agreed to enhance cooperation on
climate change. But the focus was on
the warming of relations after a tense
diplomatic row in late 2013, rather
than specific policy announcements.
Mr Modi's election in May 2014 was a
potential headache for the US, which
had blacklisted the Hindu nationalist
for more than a decade after deadly
communal riots in Gujarat when he
was state chief minister.
He was only brought in from the
cold last February when the then US
Ambassador Nancy Powell travelled to
Gujarat once it appeared Mr Modi was
likely to end the centre-left Congress
party's 10-year rule.
Nonetheless Mr Modi has gone out of
his way to welcome the US president,
breaking with protocol to meet him on
the tarmac when he arrived on Sunday
and inviting him to co-host a radio
The two leaders made a joint address to
company bosses in an event organised
by the US-India Business Council.
Mr Modi is seeking to attract global
business to manufacture in India to
fulfill his election pledged of creating
enough jobs for the burgeoning young
US Ambassador Richard Verma said
before President Obama's arrival that
trade was now running at around
$US100 billion a year, five times the
level of a decade ago, and saw no reason
it couldn't grow by another five times.
Mr Obama had been scheduled to visit
the Taj Mahal with First Lady Michelle
Obama, but his trip has been cut short
to allow him to travel on to Saudi
Arabia and pay his respects following
the death of King Abdullah.

Mexico City Gas Truck Explodes Near Maternity


The blast destroyed large parts of the hospital






Friday Jan 30, 2015






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World News

Indian Child Killer

Surendra Koli

Indian Child Killer Surendra Koli Has Death Sentence Commuted

After Execution Process 'Took Too Long'

Surindra Koli (facing) is escorted by police to court

An Indian man convicted of a series of rule on his mercy pleas.
gruesome murders has had his death The Allahabad high court has now
sentence commuted to life in prison on accepted that argument, communing
the basis officials took too long to carry his death sentence to life in prison.
Human rights advocates have long
out his execution.
Surendra Koli was sentenced to death argued India's corrupt and ineffective
in 2009 over the killing of five children justice system did not allow Koli a fair
in a workers' colony in a middle-class trial.
The investigation was marred by
neighbourhood in north Delhi.
It was alleged he killed a total of 19 police misconduct and incompetence
women and children, ate some of their and there were allegations Koli was
body parts and stuffed the rest in a tortured until he confessed.
Koli's employer Moninder Pandher
drain behind his employer's home.
After India's president rejected his bid was also convicted and sentenced to
for clemency last year, Koli argued that death over the murders but was later
it took too long for the authorities to acquitted.

Italy Dad Who Put Girls

On Diet Convicted

An Italian father who forced his two daughters to go on a diet and practice ski
at competitive level because he thought they were "fat" has been found guilty
of psychological abuse and sentenced to nine months' imprisonment.
The 53-year-old man from Turin,
in north-west Italy, was reported to
authorities by his separated wife. The
couple's daughters had complained to
her about their father, telling her that
they no longer wanted to see him.
The news agency quoted the father's
lawyer, who did not want to be named,
as saying that his client had expressed
"normal" concerns for his daughters'

wellbeing. An appeal against the ruling

by the Turin court is to be lodged.
Due to privacy laws, Italian media did
not provide details about the daughters'
The man was not expected to be
imprisoned, as in Italy people who are
given short jail terms, especially if they
have no previous criminal record, are
normally given suspended sentences.

Captain Locked Out Of

Cockpit On Vegas-Bound Flight
A malfunction of a door on an airplane
bound for Las Vegas locked the captain
out of the cockpit Thursday.
Christine Crews, spokeswoman for
McCarran International Airport, said
168 people were aboard Delta 1651
from Minneapolis to Las Vegas when

the cockpit door malfunctioned,

locking the captain out of the aircraft's
control center. The first officer took
over the controls and safely landed the
airplane at LAS just after noon.
No one on board the MD-90 aircraft
was injured, Crews said.

Friday Jan 30, 2015

French Court Stops Child

From Being Named Nutella

A French court has stopped parents

from naming their baby girl Nutella
after the hazelnut spread, ruling that it
would make her the target of derision.
The judge ordered that the child be
called Ella instead.
He said in his ruling that the name
Nutella was the trade name of a
spread that is commonplace in Gallic
"And it is contrary to the child's interest
to have a name that can only lead to
teasing or disparaging thoughts," he
French parents are usually free to
choose the names of their children, but
local prosecutors are empowered to
report what they deem to be unsuitable
names to a family court.
The parents in the case on Monday
did not attend the court hearing, so the
judge decided in their absence that Ella
was a more appropriate name.
There have been several cases involving

children's names in France since 1993,

when parents were finally given the
freedom to name their children as they
pleased, including:
A couple who wanted to call their
daughter Fraise (Strawberry) which
a judge also ruled could result in
the child being teased. The baby
instead was renamed Fraisine, a
name popular in the 19th century
A father who took legal action to
try and stop French car makers
Renault from using the same name
as his daughter, Zoe Renault.
Cedric Renault argued that if
Renault named car model Zoe it
would make his daughter's life a
lain and Sophia Renaud in 1999
fended off legal action to prevent
them from naming their daughter
Megane, even though local
authorities said it sounded too
much like a car.

Saudi Arabian air force sergeant Mazen

Alotaibi appeared in court Jan. 28.
A Saudi air force sergeant convicted in
the rape of a 13-year-old boy at a Las
Vegas casino hotel was sentenced on
Wednesday to 35 years to life in prison
for the crime, a court spokeswoman said.
Mazen Alotaibi, 25, was found guilty
in Las Vegas in 2013 of kidnapping,
burglary, coercion, lewdness on a child
and sexual assault on a minor over a
2012 New Years Eve attack.
Prosecutors say Alotaibi, who was
visiting Las Vegas while temporarily
stationed at Lackland Air Force Base

in Texas, lured a then-13-year-old boy

to a room at the Circus Circus hotel and
sexually assaulted him.
Under the sentence imposed in a Las
Vegas court, Alotaibi is not eligible for
parole for a state-mandated 35 years,
according to court spokeswoman
Mary Ann Price. If he is released, he
will be required to be under periodic
supervision, Price said.
The judge did not sentence Alotaibi
for his conviction for coercion, and a
court hearing for the judge to impose a
sentence on that count is scheduled for
Monday, Price said.

Saudi Airman Gets 35 To

Life For Raping Boy At
Circus Circus In Las Vegas

Teenage Girl Sought In Hk

Diamond Heist

HONG Kong police are on the hunt for a teenage girl who they say has made
off with a multimillion-dollar diamond necklace.
No arrests have been made so far, store while CCTV footage showed the
police confirmed, after the robbery on girl calmly leaving the mall compound.
Saturday at a jewellery shop reported "The necklace was embedded with
to be in southern Kowloon.
more than 30 diamonds totaling about
Three well-dressed adults distracted 100 carats," a police source told the
staff while a girl estimated at between newspaper.
12 and 14 years old stole a key, opened After spending more than 30 minutes
a locked cabinet and slipped the in the shop - reported to be the Emperor
necklace worth $HK36 million $US4.6 Jewellery shop in southern Kowloon million into her pocket, the South the four left without buying anything,
China Morning Post reported.
the South China Morning Post reported.
The trio, two women and one man aged Detectives described the heist as "very
between 30 and 40, stayed on in the well planned."
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Drug That Cures Allergies And

Cold May Help Treat Cancer

antihistamines, which is mainly used to
treat allergies, runny noses, itching and
insect bites and stings, may play a role
in warding off tumors as well.
A new research report suggests that
the drug may have significant anticancer properties as they interfere
with the function of myeloid derived
suppressor cell that is known to reduce
the body's ability to fight tumors by
interfering with the activity of cells.
Daniel H. Conrad, Ph.D., from Virginia
Commonwealth said that though the
research drew a connection between
two diseases that aren't commonly
linked: allergy and cancer, it's important
to realize that this connection is new
and needed more research before they
could confirm if antihistamines could
be used effectively in cancer therapies.
Conrad and his colleagues examined
two groups of mice that involve

myeloid derived suppressor cells,

where the first group was infected with
a rodent intestinal helminth to simulate
a strong allergic response. Then they
were injected with myeloid derived
suppressor cells and treated with antihistamines, cetirizine or cimetidine.
Treatment with these anti-histamines
reversed the effects of myeloid derived
suppressor cells.
The second group of mice had tumors
and were injected with myeloid derived
suppressor cells and treated with the
antihistamine, cimetidine. In this
group, the antihistamine also reversed
the enhanced tumor growth normally
seen with myeloid derived suppressor
cell injection. Finally, the scientists
examined blood from patients with
allergy symptoms and found that these
patients had increased circulating
myeloid derived suppressor cells over
non-allergic controls.

Having An Avocado A
Day Could Lower Risk Of
Heart Disease

Avocados are known to be a nutrientdense food, high in monounsaturated

fatty acids. Previous studies have
suggested that avocados are a
cholesterol-lowering food, but this
is the first study -- to the researchers'
knowledge -- to look at health
implications of avocados beyond
monounsaturated fatty acids.
One avocado each day as part of a
moderate-fat, cholesterol-lowering diet
compared to a comparable moderatefat diet without an avocado provides
additional LDL (low-density lipoproteins)
lowering affects, which benefit CVD risk.
The colleagues tested three different
diets, all designed to lower cholesterol:
a lower-fat diet, consisting of 24
percent fat, and two moderate fat diets,
with 34 percent fat.
The researchers tested the diets with
45 healthy, overweight adults between
the ages of 21 and 70. Compared to the
participants' baseline measurements,
all three diets significantly lowered

LDL -- also known as bad cholesterol

-- as well as total cholesterol.
However, participants experienced an
even greater reduction in LDL and total
cholesterol while on the avocado diet,
compared to the other two diets, the
researchers report.
The avocado diet decreased bad
cholesterol by 13.5 mg/dL, while LDL
was decreased by 8.3 mg/dL on the
moderate-fat diet and by 7.4 mg/dL on
the low-fat diet.
Using avocados as a condiment was a
great way to incorporate avocados into
meals -- for instance, putting a slice or
two on a sandwich or using chopped
avocado in a salad or to season
The researchers noted that further
research will need to be conducted
with a larger and more diverse study
sample and to explore further how
high-density lipoproteins -- good
cholesterol -- might be affected by a
diet that includes avocados.

Friday Jan 30, 2015


Hay Fever Treatment:

Eight Ways To Combat
This Allergy
IF YOU don't suffer from allergies, it's easy to sniff at people who take time
off work due to hay fever.
But this condition (the correct name
of which is allergic rhinitis - "hay"
has nothing to do with it) can be
The study shows one in five people
suffer hay fever, which can cause sinus
infections, loss of sleep, issues with
asthma and can even affect learning in
It can strike at any time as trees, grasses
and plants pollinate throughout the year.
However, as nature bursts into action
for spring and the air becomes filled
with pollen, this is most commonly the
time when people's immune systems
react, resulting in symptoms such as
itchy eyes, sneezing and a runny nose.
So how can you stop this allergy from
ruining your day? Health experts reveal
their tried and tested treatments.
"Intranasal corticosteroid sprays are
one of the most effective treatments
for allergic rhinitis," immunology and
allergy specialist Dr Sara Barnes says.
These contain steroids that reduce
inflammation of the nasal membranes
to keep the nose clear. You can buy
them over the counter, but stronger
sprays require a prescription.
Allergen immunotherapy requires
long-term commitment but gives longterm results, Barnes says, adding that
it's typically offered to anyone over the
age of five with severe allergic rhinitis.
ASCIA says it involves "regular
administration of gradually increasing
doses of allergen extracts, as an
injection or as drops or tablets under
the tongue". Treatment usually lasts for
three to five years, but ASCIA says you
should see clear improvements in the
first season.
A review in the North American
Journal of Medical Sciences reveals
that probiotics can help treat hay
fever. Naturopath Victoria O'Sullivan
explains that 70 to 80 per cent of our
immune system is in our digestive
system, so taking a probiotic such as
Lactobacillus rhamnosus can ease
Your immune system produces
histamine to protect cells from infection,
but in the case of an allergic reaction,
it mistakes something harmless such
as pollen as a threat. Antihistamines
are also available without prescription
and they work by preventing histamine
from affecting your cells. Barnes says
they work well for sneezing and itchy
eyes, but aren't as effective as sprays
for treating a blocked nose or sinuses.
Hay fever is driven by inflammatory

mediators, nutritionist Brittany Darling

says, so reducing inflammatory foods
such as sugars, refined grains and
flours, and hydrogenated or seed oils
can help. Several studies suggest
the bioflavonoid quercetin (found in
citrus fruits, berries and pineapple) has
anti-inflammatory properties. "These
are also high in vitamin C - nature's
antihistamine," Darling says. She adds
that a diet high in coloured veg and
fruit can ease symptoms, as can the
anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids
found in fish, chia, avocado and olive
There are several herbal remedies that
can ease symptoms, O'Sullivan says.
"Scutellaria baicalensis [commonly
known as baical sckullcap] contains
compounds that act as antihistamines,"
she says. "Albizzia lebbeck also has
anti-allergic properties and is a great
herb for the sinus and hay fever; perilla
is used to treat hay fever, asthma and
sinusitis." Hay fever causes mucous
production, which leads to congestion
and can increase the risk of infection.
For this, she recommends horseradish
and garlic: "Horseradish acts like
a decongestant and drains excess
mucous from the nasal passage; garlic
acts like a natural antibiotic and can
have a 'drying out' effect on mucous."
The World Health Organization
recognises acupuncture as an effective
treatment for about 30 conditions, and
2013 research found that it could ease
symptoms of hay fever. Researchers at
Charite-University in Germany gave
442 hay fever sufferers antihistamines.
A third were also given 12 acupuncture
sessions; another third were given
sham acupuncture. Those who had
acupuncture were found to have the
most improvement in symptoms,
although the benefits seemed to wear
off within eight weeks of treatment.
"Hay fever plays out differently in
different people, so treatment needs
to be tailor-made," homeopath Kylie
Seaton says. She recommends the
following: Allium cepa for a runny nose
that burns, with sore, inflamed nostrils,
runny eyes, sneezing attacks that leave
the nose blocked, symptoms that are
worse in the evening and a tickly
cough. Euphrasia for inflamed, burning
eyes that run and are sensitive to light,
a nose that runs like a tap but doesn't
burn, intense sneezing and symptoms
that ease at night. Sabadilla for episodes
of violent sneezing, itching in the nose
and throat, the constant feeling that a
sneeze is coming, runny nose and eyes,
and tears with every sneeze.



Home Remedies For


Gout can be treated at home with

some simple household remedies.
Most of these remedies are very
effective in treating all types of gout.
The following are some of the most
effective remedies:* Cherries are very good in treating
people with gout. Cherries are rich
in vitamin C, which can help in
eliminating the gouty deposits. A
person with gout must consume about
ten to fifteen cherries in a day to get
relief from recurrent attacks of gout.
Cherry juice is also very beneficial.
Drinking a whole glass of cherry juice
at least once a day proves to be very
* Apples are also very good for the
treatment of gout. A person with gout
complaints must eat at least one apple
per day for obtaining relief.
* If you have gout in your toes, then
the following remedy can be used
to seek relief. Take one-third cup of
ground ginger in a bath tub and soak
your affected foot in it for 30 minutes.
This will cause you to sweat and uric
acid will be eliminated. After this,
make sure that you bathe thoroughly or
ginger may cause skin irritation after
the body dries.
* Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a
glassful of water. Drink this juice three
times a day in morning, noon and night
at regular intervals. Lemon is also a
very rich source of vitamin C, which
helps in dissolving the gouty deposits.
* Drink 6-8 ounces glasses of fluid
a day. This will not only reduce gout
attacks a day but also wash out the
urate crystals from the system and
prevent you from developing kidney
* Take two teaspoons of organic apple
cider vinegar with two teaspoons of
honey (twice a day). Within a few
hours the pain will be minimized.
* Bananas serve a good remedy for
curing gout. Consume 3-4 bananas a
day. Bananas are rich in minerals like
phosphorus which can chemically
react with the uric acid deposits and
eliminate them from the system.
* Increase the intake of citrus fruits,
berries, tomatoes, green pepper and
leafy green vegetables which have
high content of vitamin C. They reduce
inflammation produced in gouts.
* Simple water can also help to a great
extent in curing gout. Drink excess of
water that is eight to ten glasses per day
as they will cause the toxic uric acid to
flow away and this will reduce its level.
* Soak the feet in Epsom salt if the
pain is concentrated in big toe. Add
two cups of Epsom salt in warm water;
soak the feet in it and keep it till the
water starts losing its heat.

* Black cherry really works wonders

with gout pains. Drink concentrated
juice of black cherry at regular intervals
throughout the day. This will relieve
you from the pain.
* Increase the amount of strawberries
in your diet. Strawberries are rich
sources of vitamin C. However, the
strawberries must be fresh, and several
of them must be eaten per day.
* If you want a quick remedy for your
gout pains, then a very convenient way
is to apply ice on the affected regions.
This will reduce the pains immediately,
but this remedy is only temporary. You
will need some other remedy to remove
the deposits from the internal system.
* Boil one tea-spoon of pepper in one
cup of vinegar and one cup of water,
dab this mixture onto the painful joint
and leave it for 2-3 hours.
* Eat several cloves of raw garlic daily.
Mince the garlic and add it to black
cherry juice for better effects. This
remedy works very well if you have
the garlic cherry paste in the early
Avoiding Gout
There are some simple measures one
can take to avoid the onset of gout. The
following is a list of those preventive
methods:(i) Most important of all preventions
for gout is to keep the weight under
check. This keeps your digestive
system working fine and ensures
proper expulsion of the waste products
from the body.
(ii) If you have an obesity problem, then
you must work severely at bringing the
weight down to a manageable level.
This can be done through exercise and
maintaining physical fitness.
(iii) Eat a proper balanced diet and do
not consume the excess of any one kind
of food. Include several fresh fruits in
your diet. Hot foods must be avoided.
Avoid lean meats and organ meats.
Restrict your intake of poultry and fish.
(iv) Keep all the vital parts of your
internal body clean. This is because
toxic depositions anywhere in the
body could be an influential factor in
causing deposits of gout to occur in the
joints. The main parts you must focus
on are dental hygiene, proper and clean
digestive system, kidneys and liver.
(v) Avoid alcohol and smoking, as they
can precipitate the conditions of gouts.
Beer and distilled spirits are very
harmful for gout, and their seriousness
increases much more if the person
indulges in binge drinking of these
(vi) Do not keep your joints fixed in
one position for a long period of time.
Maintain some amount of movement
in them all the time.




Friday Jan 30, 2015

Day Napping In Middle

Age Boosts Memory

By the time people reach middle age,

more sleep during the day such as an
afternoon nap helps the memory and
protects against its decline as long as
they night-time sleep is not skipped, a
study has found. Sound sleep in young
and middle-aged people helps memory
and learning.
"As people grow older, they wake
up more at night and have less deep
sleep and dream sleep - both of
which are important for overall brain
functioning," said Michael K Scullin,
director of Baylor University's sleep
neuroscience and cognition laboratory.
If a person lives 85 years, he or she
may sleep nearly 250,000 hours - more
than 10,000 full days.
"People sometimes disparage sleep as
'lost' time. But sleeping well is linked
to better mental health, improved
cardiovascular health and fewer, less
severe disorders and diseases of many

kinds," Scullin noted.

For the study, researchers' extensive
review began with studies as long
ago as 1967, including more than
approximately 200 studies measuring
sleep and mental functioning.
Participants aged 18 to 29 were
categorised as young; aged 30 to 60 as
middle-aged; and older than 60 as old.
Participants were asked how many
hours they typically slept, how long
it took them to go to sleep, how often
they woke up in the middle of the night
and how sleepy they felt during the
The research also correlated results
from numerous brain-wave studies
and experiments dealing with sleep
deprivation, napping and sleep
intervention such as sleep medications.
"It is the difference between investing
up front rather than trying to
compensate later," Scullin concluded.

Daily Consumption Of

A new study has revealed that eating

whole grain foods can cut your risk
of premature death by 9 percent and
eating a small bowl of oatmeal may be
the secret to a longer life.
reviewed two large studies that
followed more than 100,000 people
who were periodically quizzed about
what they ate and how they lived for
more than 14 years, as reported.
The study found that the folks who ate
at least 33 grams of whole grains daily
-- equivalent to a bowl of oatmeal -cut their risk of premature death by 9
percent compared to those who barely
ate whole grains at all.
The researchers said that the risk of
dying from heart disease was slashed
by 15 percent, though eating whole
grains didn't seem to lower the risk of

dying from cancer.

Qi Sun, an assistant professor with the
Harvard School of Public Health and
one of the study's authors, said that
whole grains may protect the heart
by lowering blood sugar and insulin
levels and this type of property could
improve insulin resistance to lower
the risk of cardiovascular disease and
Sun added that weight loss and other
healthy nutrients may add to the health
benefits of whole grains. He also said
the studies may not have yielded
enough information about cancer
to draw any conclusions. Previous
studies have demonstrated a lower
risk of colorectal cancers with high
consumption of foods made from
grains where the germ and bran have
been left intact, he noted.

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Parenting Skills - Tips For Raising Teens

Helping an adolescent become a

caring, independent and responsible
adult is no small task. Understand the
parenting skills you need to help guide
your teen.
Adolescence can be a confusing time of
change for teens and parents alike. But
while these years can be difficult, there's
plenty you can do to nurture your teen
and encourage responsible behavior.
Use these parenting skills to deal with
the challenges of raising a teen.

Show your love

One of the most important parenting

skills needed for raising healthy teens
involves positive attention. Spend time
with your teen to show him or her that
you care. Listen to your teen when he
or she talks, and respect your teen's
feelings. Also, keep in mind that only
reprimanding your teen and never
giving him or her any justified praise
can prove demoralizing. For every time
you discipline or correct your teen, try
to compliment him or her twice.
If your teen doesn't seem interested in
bonding, keep trying. Regularly eating
meals together might be a good way
to connect. Better yet, invite your teen
to prepare the meal with you. On days
when you're having trouble talking to
your teen, consider each doing your
own thing in the same space. Being
near each other could lead to the start
of a conversation. You might also
encourage your teen to talk to other
supportive adults, such as an uncle or
older cousin, for guidance.
Minimize pressure
Don't pressure your teen to be like you
were or wish you had been at his or her
age. Give your teen some leeway when
it comes to clothing and hairstyles. It's
natural for teens to rebel and express
themselves in ways that differ from

their parents.
If your teen shows an interest in body
art such as tattoos and piercings
make sure he or she understands
the possible health risks, such as skin
infections, allergic reactions, and
hepatitis B and C. Also talk about
potential permanence or scarring.
As you allow your teen some selfexpression, remember that you can still
maintain high expectations for your
teen and the kind of person he or she
will become.
Encourage cyber safety
Get to know the technology your teen
is using and the websites he or she
visits. Keep the computer in a common
area in your home. Remind your teen
to practice these basic safety rules:
-Don't share personal information
-Don't share passwords.
-Don't get together with someone you
meet online.
-Don't use texts or other tools to gossip,
bully or damage someone's reputation.
-Don't text or chat on the phone while
Talk to a parent or trusted adult if an
interaction or message makes you
Set limits
To encourage your teen to behave well,
discuss what behavior is acceptable
and unacceptable at home, at school
and elsewhere. Create consequences
for how your teen behaves. When
setting limits:
Avoid ultimatums. Your teen might
interpret an ultimatum as a challenge.
Be clear and concise. Rather than
telling your teen not to stay out late,
set a specific curfew. Keep your rules
short and to the point.
Put rules in writing. Use this technique

to counter a selective memory.

Be prepared to explain your decisions.
Your teen might be more likely to
comply with a rule when he or she
understands its purpose.
Be reasonable. Avoid setting rules
your teen can't possibly follow. A
chronically messy teen might have
trouble immediately maintaining a
spotless bedroom.
Be flexible. As your teen demonstrates
more responsibility, grant him or her
more freedom. If your teen shows poor
judgment, impose more restrictions.
Not sure if you're setting reasonable
limits? Talk to your teen, other parents
and your teen's doctor. Whenever
possible, give your teen a say in
establishing the rules that he or she is
expected to follow.
Prioritize rules
While it's important to consistently
enforce your rules, you can occasionally
make exceptions when it comes to
matters such as homework habits, TV
watching and bedtime. Prioritizing
rules will give you and your teen a
chance to practice negotiating and
compromising. Before negotiating
with your teen, however, consider
how far you're willing to bend. Don't
negotiate when it comes to restrictions
imposed for your teen's safety, such as
substance abuse, sexual activity and
reckless driving. Make sure your teen
knows early on that you won't tolerate
tobacco, alcohol or other drug use.
Enforce consequences
Enforcing consequences can be tough
but your teen needs you to be his or
her parent, not a pal. Being too lenient
might send the message that you don't
take your teen's behavior seriously,
while being too harsh can cause

Consider these methods when

corrective action is called for:
Skip the drama. Calmly explain
the unacceptable behavior and the
consequences. If your teen starts to
overheat or melt down, put off the
conversation and explain why. Tell your
teen that you'll talk to him or her when
the whining, sulking or yelling stops.
Ignore your teen in the meantime.
Correct but don't scold. Make sure
you reprimand your teen's behavior,
not your teen. Avoid using a sarcastic,
demeaning or disrespectful tone. Also,
avoid reprimanding your teen in front
of his or her friends.
Assign more work. Give your teen
additional household tasks.
Impose additional restrictions. Take
away a privilege or possession that's
meaningful to your teen, such as
computer time or a cellphone.
Ask your teen to suggest a consequence.
Your teen might have an easier time
accepting a consequence if he or she
played a role in deciding it.
Be consistent when you enforce
limits. Whatever disciplinary tactic
you choose, relate the consequences
to the broken rule and deliver them
immediately. Limit punishments to a
few hours or days to make them most
Also, avoid punishing your teen when
you're angry. Likewise, don't impose
penalties you're not prepared to carry
out and punish only the guilty party,
not other family members. Never use
physical harm to discipline your teen.
Set a positive example
Remember, teens learn how to behave
by watching their parents. Your actions
generally speak louder than your
words. Set a positive example and your
teen will likely follow your lead.

Caring For A Baby With Constipation

Infants will pass a thick, green-black
stool (meconium) in the first 24 to
36 hours of life. As feedings become
established, the stool becomes more
yellow-green. Most infants have stools
daily, but some have them only every
two to three days. If that infant is
feeding well, has soft stools and isn't
uncomfortable, she's probably not
Formula-fed babies tend to have
drier, less frequent stools than
breastfed babies. Breastfed babies
are rarely constipated. Just after
birth it seems they have a stool
every time they eat. But after a
few weeks the pattern can change
to a stool every two or three days
or even once a week. If the baby is
not uncomfortable and the stools are

soft, there's probably no problem.

Even if your baby strains to pass a stool,
he may not be constipated. Babies often
grunt, become red in the face and pull
up their legs when passing a stool. If
it's soft and passes without pain, these
behaviors are normal. If your infant
appears to be having difficulty, curling
the knees up against the baby's chest
might help.
If your baby's diet changes or he's sick,
the stool pattern may also vary. If stools
become drier, try adding a little water
or juice to the infant's diet. For older
babies, adding fruit or vegetables can
make stools less dry. For a formula-fed
infant, ask your healthcare provider
about changing the formula.
When your infant hasn't passed a
stool in the usual time and seems

uncomfortable, try lubricating a

rectal thermometer and holding it in
the rectum for three to five minutes.
Inserting a small piece of glycerine
suppository may also help. If it doesn't,
or you keep having to do this, consult
your baby's healthcare provider. True
constipation can be a sign of a more
serious illness or an obstruction.
Never give an infant an enema or
a laxative unless your healthcare

provider advises this. These treatments

can cause life-threatening shifts in a
young infant's fluid/electrolyte balance.
When to Contact Your Healthcare
* Your infant is feeding poorly or
* There is abdominal swelling.
* Your baby is in pain.
* There is blood in your child's stool.
* Home remedies don't help.






Friday Jan 30, 2015

Foods That Will Make You Gain Weight

It seems like North America is obsessed
with losing weight, but what happens if
you want to gain weight? Some people
are naturally quite small and they too
feel the effects of bullying.
It can be very hard for a person
with a fast metabolism to gain body
weight. For these individuals, even a
few pounds can make the difference.
Doctors say that having too low body
weight can cause health issues like
organ damage, lack of menstruation in
women, and bone density loss to name
a few.
Individuals who are recovering from
eating disorders may also be interested
in learning how to gain weight a
healthy way. It is certainly true that
drinking sugary sodas and eating
french fries all day will make you gain
weight, but your body may suffer the
consequences of poor diet and lack of
nutrition. Nutritionists recommend that
the best way to gain healthy weight is
by eating natural, whole foods and
paying attention to caloric intake.
Here are some healthy foods that when
eaten right can help you gain healthy
1. Lean Red Meat
If you are trying to gain weight, enjoy
some lean red meat. Steak contains
a ton of protein and iron. But food
experts warn that not all steak cuts are
made equal. You want the fatty cuts
where the meat is marbled. These cuts
of meat will contain more calories, but
theyll also be way more delicious too!
Look for rib-eye, t-bone, New York
strip, and beef tenderloin. Red meat
is high in cholesterol, so most food
professionals dont recommend it as
part of a healthy diet more than a few
times per week. Combining it with an
unhealthy diet high in saturated fats
could cause health effects.
2. Real Nut Butters
Natural peanut butter is packed with
protein and fats, making it a great
choice for people trying to gain weight
the healthy way. One tablespoon
contains around 100 calories and has 4
grams of protein. Real peanut butter is
also high in folate, magnesium, vitamin
E, and vitamin B3. You can enjoy
peanut butter mixed into oatmeal,
topping a slice of whole grain bread,
or as a dip for apples. When picking
a brand of peanut butter, try to find
varieties that are all natural, meaning
they dont have a ton of sugar and other
ingredients added.
3. Whole Fat Milk
Dietitians say that one simple
substitution you can make when trying
to gain weight is swapping your skim
milk for whole milk. Its only 60
calories more a glass as the fat is left
in. When you keep the fat in milk,

the vitamins and nutrients stay in the

solution. Whole milk is high in vitamin
D and A. Add whole milk where
ever you would use skim, such as in
oatmeal, cereal, sauces, or just as a
glass of milk. If you enjoy milk in your
coffee, you can also use cream here.
4. Tropical Fruit
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but tropical fruit can help you gain
weight. Fruits like mango, papaya,
bananas, and pineapple are amazing
choices according to food experts.
Why? They are full of natural sugars
and can give you great energy. Adding
servings of fruit to your diet is a great
and healthy way to gain weight. If you
find it difficult to eat enough fruits and
vegetables in a day, try blending them
to make a delicious smoothie.
5. Avocado
These delicious green vegetables are an
excellent way to add heart-healthy fats
to your diet. One half of an avocado
contains 140 calories, but also contain
high levels of potassium, folic acid, and
vitamin E. Avocado also are filled with
B vitamins. Enjoy avocado added to
salads, cut up on meat, or even spread
on toast. Mash half a ripe avocado onto
bread and season with salt and pepper.
6. Natural Granola
Natural granola with no added refined
sugar is a great cereal to enjoy if you
are trying to gain weight. This tasty
snack is made from rolled oats, sugar,
and healthy fats (like nuts and coconut
oil). More dried fruit and nuts can also
be added. You can buy granola premade, but its easy to make at home
too! Enjoy granola topped with thick
yogurt, fruit, and a drizzle of honey.
This breakfast will be high in protein
from the yogurt, filled with fiber from
the oatmeal, and sugar from the fruit.
7. Whole Wheat Bread
Nutritionists say that eating healthy
bread products is a great way to start
gaining weight. If youre adding
bread to your diet, look for whole
grains. While white bread is what we
all grew up with, its not the best for
your health. By refining the wheat so
much, we strip the nutrients out of it.
Instead, opt for whole grain varieties.
These contain a fiber and minerals that
are missing in white bread. It will help
you stay full for longer, and give you
sustained energy.
8. Vegetable Oils
Nothing beats the taste of oil for
cooking or in salad dressings. Extra
virgin olive oil, safflower oil, coconut
oil, and peanut oil are full of flavor
and heart-healthy calories when
enjoyed in moderation. Plus, most oils
are safe to use when cooking at high
temperatures, unlike butter which will

burn. Many vegetable based oils also

have concentrated flavor, so you can
use less when cooking.
9. Nuts
Nuts are a great snack for gaining
weight. According to foodies, they
are full of fat and nutrients, but also
contain a great deal of fiber. Eating
only a handful of nuts can keep you
full for hours. Not all nuts are equal
for fiber though. Almonds are a great
choice, while macadamia nuts are
very high in fat. Mixed nuts are a
great option because you can get the
nutritional benefit of many varieties
in one snack. Add nuts to your salads,
on top of Asian dishes, and in your
breakfast cereals and oatmeal.
10. Cheese
Cheese is one of North Americas
favorite foods. And for good reason, you
can add cheese into almost any dish. It
has all the nutritional benefits of milk
products, but most cheeses are high in fat,

making it a good product to have if you

are trying to gain weight. Cheese comes
in many delicious varieties, so pairing a
cheese to your meal is a fun experience
in moderation. Try goat cheese with
eggs, Swiss with roasted chicken, and
Parmesan on top of asparagus. On its
own, cheese also makes a great snack
because its high in protein.
11. Potatoes
One of the first things people cut when
trying to lose weight are carbohydrates.
Thus, add them back to your diet when
you are trying to gain weight! The key
is choosing carbohydrates that have
nutritional value. Potatoes are a great
choice because theyre high in protein
(really!), full of fiber, and contain a ton
of vitamin C. Eat potatoes with the skin
on for optimum nutrition. Once theyre
peeled, the protein is cut in half. Also,
you can mix it up with mini reds and
sweet potatoes that pack more flavor
than white potatoes.

Foods To Reduce Belly Fat

A bloated stomach not only hampers your personality but also makes you
The best way to get rid of such a the bloating and tummy discomfort.
disgruntled belly is by following a Cucumber
low-calorie diet and practicing regular Cucumber is an extremely refreshing
exercise. Below is a list of food that and low-calorie food. They contain
aids in getting a flat stomach.
approximately 96 percent water
content, which makes it a cooling food.
This tiny food is not only rich in skin- One full cucumber contains just 45
boosting vitamin E and protein, but calories, making it sexy stomach food.
their richness in fibre content helps you Avocado
to stay full for a longer duration. Even This is a truly magic fruit, due to their
though they are slightly high in calories richness in various vital nutrients. Avocado
but that will not contribute to belly fat, is rich in fibre, which helps to keep hunger
so keep swapping a handful of almonds at bay and the presence of monounsaturated
as snacks to curb your hunger.
fatty acids helps to burn belly fat easily.
The name says it all - this giant fruit The best way to start your journey to
contains 82 percent water, which helps to sexy stomach is by having oats for your
keep you full for a longer duration and breakfast. Oats are filling and thus help
also removes excess sodium present in you to lose weight. Besides, it is also low in
the body. This super sweet fruit, is also calorie and provides energy to your body
rich in vitamin C and contains barely 100 slowly. It is a very good source to provide
calories in one cup. So start eating this energy to your body all throughout the day,
delicious fruit as a snack, if you wish to which keeps you feeling fuller for longer
have a body like your favourite celeb.
and can even lower your cholesterol.
Consuming means on a regular basis The best way to avoid stomach bloat is by
helps to get rid of the body fat, develop keeping yourself very well hydrated. Drinking
body muscles and improves digestion. ample amounts of water helps to flush excess
Beans also help to feel full for a longer fluid and toxins out of your system.
duration, thus avoiding over indulgence. Apples
Add beans to your diet, if you want your Apples are packed with fibre, which
middle to be sexy and firm.
makes your belly feel full. Thus,
Green leafy vegetable
avoiding over eating; besides it also fills
Want to get a flat tummy instantly? your body with maximum nutrients.
Then fill for plate with green leafy Peppermint
vegetables. All types of green leafy Peppermint has great healing and calming
vegetables are extremely low in digestive properties. It is also good for
calories, full of fibre and offer several removing belly fat. The easiest way to do
vital vitamins and minerals that help to this is to drink it in tea form. Besides, it
ease water retention without causing also helps in cleansing your skin.

For Women/ Relationship

Anti-Ageing Tips For Oily


Oily skinned women have typically less lines and wrinkles visible as compared
to women with normal and dry skin. Though there are a few benefits of
having oily skin, here's how you can prevent your skin from ageing faster
1. Apply sunscreen regularly
Whatever the skin type, using sunscreen
is a must. If protecting your skin from
damage caused due to sun was never
your priority, start now. Sunscreen will
protect your skin from sun and you'll
look younger. Most importantly, go
for sunscreens for oily skin to avoid
clogged pores.
2. Don't wash your face too often
Don't over cleanse your face even
though your oily skin texture may
tempt you into washing your face again
and again. Yes you may want your skin
to look fresh, clean and oil-free but
washing your face several times in
a day actually leads to increase in oil
production. Also, over-cleansing may
make your skin dry. You can wash
your face twice a day and use blotting
papers during the day to keep oil away.
3. Nourish your skin
Antioxidants help prevent oxidising
and help your skin stay supple. So
antioxidants is certainly something
that you need to incorporate in your
skin-care routine. Opt for oil-free
moisturisers that contain antioxidants.
Also follow a diet that includes berries,
beans and veggies to feed your skin
4. Get adequate sleep

Sleep is extremely important not only

for your skin but your overall health.
This doesn't mean you sleep all day,
just get adequate sleep of around 8 to
9 hours. Also, sleep on your back as
sleeping on your face can wrinkle the
skin and age skin at a faster rate.
5. Consume Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids revitalises your
skin and repairs it from inside. Eat
foods rich on omega-3 fatty acids like
salmon, halibut, eggs, soy milk and
yogurt. They are not only delicious but
also do a lot of benefit to your skin.
6. Avoid sugar, smoke and alcohol
Quitting smoking is the best thing you
can give yourself as it not only damages
your health but also your skin. And if
you have a sweet tooth and indulge in
too many sweets, cut down on them.
Studies have shown that consuming
lots of sugar over long periods can
cause skin to age and dull due to a
process in our body called glycation.
Limit your consumption of candies
and eat healthy vegetables and fruits
instead. Also, drinking alcohol dilates
your blood vessels and increases blood
flow near the skin's surface which
makes your skin appear sallow. So
limit your consumption of alcohol.

Shampoo And Conditioner

For Your Hair Type
Be it natural or artificial, there are scores of shampoos and conditioners
available in the market.
With so many options for the different a product with panthenol. It is an
kinds of hair, it is difficult to choose ingredient that improves the thickness
which shampoo would be best suited of every strand of hair. Go for a mild
for your hair type. While there are no conditioner. Spray conditioners can be
fixed rules as to which shampoo and great as they don't reach the scalp very
conditioner one should use, there are easily.
certain parameters you should keep For dry and damaged hair - It is
in mind, so as to make an informed advisable to choose creamy shampoos.
Clear shampoos are not suitable for
Here's presenting a small guide as to damaged and dry hair at all. Regular
which shampoo and conditioner is best conditioning is required. An ultrafor your hair.
moisturising conditioner is just right
The right ingredients: Don't blindly for damaged and dry hair.
go for a shampoo and conditioner For processed hair - The biggest
because of what the advertisement problem with processed hair is that
on TV tells you. Always look at the the roots tend to be oily while the ends
ingredients that have been used in remain dry. Technically, you have to
making that product.
moisturise the ends and cleanse the
For coarse and curly hair - If you shaft. In such cases it is advisable
have curly hair, you should opt for to wash your hair with an ordinary
creamy and moisturising shampoos. shampoo at least once in a day. Use
It should contain Shea butter, germ oil a strong conditioner but do not apply
and nut oil, so that your hair doesn't the conditioner to the scalp area. You
remain dry. Also, you should use an should never use conditioners that
ultra conditioning moisturiser.
have silicone as this ingredient is
For fine and oily hair - Avoid creamy known to cause damage to coloured
shampoos and conditioners. Choose hair.

Friday Jan 30, 2015



Things Women Always

Hide From Men

She'd tell you a million things to make you believe her undying love for you.
From what is known of peeking into
most women's diaries, the life of a
woman seems synonymous with the
life of a secret. What goes on inside a
girl's mind usually fails to agree with
her heart, leading her to hide a few
things, not because she's afraid, but
because she loves those things in her
personal space.
A survey carried out on a social media
website asked women - single and
committed - 'what would you hide
from your boyfriend'? At first, the
responses were few and far between.
Most women refrained from opening
up about their hidden secrets, which
clearly indicated that there's a lot to
hide! But, as their masks started to
unveil, the poll witnessed a rapid fire of
some of the most outrageous answers
given by bold and fearless ladies. Here
are the top five answers that were found
on the survey that every man should be


While you may feel that your girl has

divulged her most intimate experiences
with you, she might be hiding her
share of "fun experiments". Most
women are afraid of being judged for
their character, while others felt that
sharing their 'dirty little secrets' would
make their current partner insecure and
jealous. Most men want to know, "Am
I better than him?" and women find this
very annoying.

Off the record girl-talk

You will never be able to break into

the most classified realm of girl talk
(unless you go undercover into a
girls' room) where some of the most
sizzling, spicy secrets are openly
discussed with graphic juicy details!
Most women who gave their opinions
said that they would never tell their
friend's secrets because it has nothing
to do with their relationship with the
guy. The inside scoop of a ladies night
is your girl's place to vent. Sorry, men
not allowed!

Make-Up kits

If you ever wondered how she manages

to look so pretty all day long, it is
obvious that you haven't seen where
she keeps all of her cosmetic backup. She wants you to keep wondering
where the prettiness comes from and
how it never goes. While some of you
may be smart enough to know it's the
make-up on her skin, your girl might
prefer to cover up her anti-ageing
cream, her under-eye makeup or her
pimple solutions!

Heart-tales of her ex

Virginia Woolf so aptly quoted, "Love,

the poet said, is a woman's whole
existence."You know that she had a
life pre-you. You know that she didn't
spend all her days in a girl dorm before
you saved your damsel in distress. And
now you want to know whether she still
feels anything about her past. However,
a woman's heart will have the deepest
of feelings that even she would never be
able to decode. From what we gathered
of the survey results, most women
hide their true feelings about the exbeau to save their current boyfriend
from getting hurt. Interestingly, there's
a flipside to this story! Some women
said that they purposefully mentioned
a few feelings about their exs to let the
current partner know that the bar is set
high for him.

Feelings about his kin

Every time a woman has expressed

her feelings about his sister being
petty or his mother being overtly
inquisitive, she's been accused of being
insensitively provocative! It's as if she's
trying to put him in a situation where he
would have to make a choice. Over the
years though, the entire race of fairer
sex has become cautious of loosening
their tongue over their true feelings for
his clan members. The reason they all
gave for camouflaging their opinions
about his family - 'We don't want to
be the ones to cause damage to the


Friday Jan 30, 2015

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French Roasted Salmon

Friday Jan 30, 2015

Asian Shrimp & Vegetable

Pasta Stir-Fry

What you need

1/3 cup Kraft Asian Sesame Dressing
2 Tbsp. Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter
2 Tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
220 g angel hair pasta , uncooked
2 tsp. oil
3/4 lb. (340 g) uncooked deveined
peeled medium shrimp
180 g pea pods , cut into strips
1 cup halved seeded peeled cucumber
1 carrot , shredded
5 radishes , thinly sliced

This quick but sophisticated roasted

salmon entre is great for dinner with
friends or for a family occasion.
1 tsp (5 mL) dried thyme
1 tsp (5 mL) dried rosemary
1/4 cup (50 mL) olive oil
2 tbsp (25 mL) chopped oil-packed
sun-dried tomatoes
1 tbsp (15 mL) Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp (2 mL) chilli flakes
Salt to taste
4 6-oz (175-g) salmon fillets, skin-on
2 oz (50 g) snow pea pods, cut in half
on the diagonal
4 green onions, cut in 2-inch (5-cm)
6 cherry tomatoes, halved and seeded
rosemary, olive oil, sun-dried
tomatoes, mustard and chilli flakes in
a minichop (or by hand) and process
until combined. Mixture should have
a chunky texture.
Spread marinade over salmon and
season with salt.
Preheat oven to 450 F (230 C).
Place tomatoes in an oiled oven-proof

baking dish large enough to hold the

salmon fillets. Bake for 10 minutes.
Remove dish from oven and toss
tomatoes with snow pea pods and
green onions. Place salmon on top.
Bake, uncovered, for 12 minutes or
until white juices appear and salmon is
just cooked through.
Serve salmon fillets with some
vegetables and any juices.
Makes 4 servings.
Nutritional information Per serving:
460 Calories
53 mg calcium
32 g total fat
68 mg magnesium
5.5 g saturated fat
190 mg sodium
17 g monounsaturated fat
816 mg potassium
8 g polyunsaturated
2.2 mg vitamin E
5 g carbohydrate
2 mg iron
35 g protein
83 RE vitamin A
100 mg cholesterol
20 mg vitamin C
1 g fibre

Chilli Fish


1/4 cup dry-roasted peanut s, chopped

Make It
Mix first 4 ingredients until blended;
set aside for later use. Cook pasta as
directed on package, omitting salt.
Meanwhile, heat oil in large skillet
on medium heat. Add shrimp; stirfry 2 min. Add vegetables; stir-fry
2 min. or until shrimp turn pink and
vegetables are crisp-tender. Remove
from heat.
Drain pasta. Add to shrimp mixture
along with the dressing mixture; mix
lightly. Sprinkle with nuts.

Chilli Fish

500gms white fish fillet, cut into 1 inch
1 Teaspoonsp oil
200ml oil for deep frying
8 to 10 green chillies, deseeded and
chopped into fine strips
2 Spring onions, chopped
1 small onion cut into large squares
4 to 5 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped
1 piece fresh ginger, cut into thin
Green Bell Pepper deseeded and cut
into 1 inch pieces, one cup
2 Tablespoon Dark Soya Sauce
1 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce
Teaspoon Sugar
2 Tablespoon Lime Juice
Teaspoon Salt
Freshly ground pepper
2 cloves Crushed Garlic
cup Corn Flour
1 egg
Salt to taste
Corn Starch paste:
1 Tablespoon Corn Starch mix with 4
tbsp water
Marinade the fish cubes with salt, lime
juice, garlic paste for 15 minutes
Prepare the batter by mixing corn flour
and eggs, add little salt
Take the fish out of the marinade, drop

into the batter and deep fry, take out

and keep on absorbent tissue
Heat little oil in a frying pan, add the
onion, and fry for 30 seconds
Add garlic and ginger, fry for 30
Add cut Chilli strips and fry for few
more seconds
Add the Bell Pepper
Stir contentiously and fry for 2 minutes
Remove from heat and keep aside
**Please note, Onion and Bell peppers
should be crisp and not soft by over
Now in a wok, add little oil, bring back
the fish pieces,
Pour in the dark Soya Sauce, Oyster
sauce, sugar, little water and bring it to
boil, cook for one minute
Pour in the contains of the frying pan
(Bell Pepper, Onion etc)
Fold well and cook for 30 seconds
Pour the Corn Starch Paste and fold
fast so that the sauce thickens and oil
separates out
Sprinkle the chopped spring onions
Serve immediately with Rice, Noodles
or pass it as finger snack with drinks
Tip: If its served as side dish to
main course, retaining little gravy is
recommended, if its served as a snack,
make it dry.
Click on the image to get the recipe of
another Tangra Type food, the Chilli



You will find the week to be casual

one. You can keep your mind free. This
week will be suitable for winning new
contacts and friends. You will shine well
in your job. The week will keep you
busy and by planning, you will be able
to carry on your work efficiently. You
will receive appreciation for the work
you do. Gaining incentives and perks
will be possible. You will be able to gain
good amount of money on the week.
Utilizing the week for efficient purposes
will meet your requirements. Money
will be available for you in plenty for the
week. You will be spending money for
useful purposes. You will be humorous
and you will show this to your partner.
Being in a good mood, you will be able
to understand your partner's feelings.
You will be able to bond with your
partner. This will be possible through
your pleasing approach. You will be
able to enjoy fine health. There will not
be any health problems for the week.
Health will be in good condition.


Friday Jan 30, 2015


You may have some confusion in your

mind for which you may lose your cool.
Devote your attention to prayers, listening
to devotional music which will give you
relief. You will find job front to be good
and thereby you will enjoy a favorable
time. You will witness satisfaction with
the work that you do. You may have to
face tough challenges with respect to your
profession. A high level of planning is
essential for you to reach top position in
your job. You will be able to good savings
to increase your bank balance for the week.
You will be spending more money for
your family. You will have good amount
of understanding with your partner. You
will be communicating properly with
your partner and this will make you feel
happy. You may be having little tension in
your mind and you may show this to your
partner. It is essential for you to take care
of your health as digestion problems and
pain in your legs may keep you troubled.
Have a balanced diet.


You can try to have spiritual involvement

and it will bring you happiness and
relief. Learning by experience will give
you relief for the week. You will find
the week to be an exciting and fun-filled
one. There will be lot of enjoyment that
will bring you good level of satisfaction.
You will not be able to find job situation
to be so encouraging. You may need to
carry on with more work pressure that
will be possible for the week. Take advice
from experts. You will find the job to be
productive and flexible for you. Plan
accordingly and this will guide you. You
will get good returns for your money. You
can be in a good condition to save money
and your potential to save money will also
increase. You must avoid speaking to your
partner for the week. You will be having
chances for leg pain and this may be due to
stress. Relax yourself and maintain a calm
approach. Health will be generally good
provided you do not take much strain.

You may need to live up to tough

challenges that will be present for the
week. Engaging in spiritual practices
will bring you happiness. There will
be job-pressure on the week and you
may need to cope up with challenging
situations. You will be able to prove your
skills in your work and carry out the
tasks much before time. This will fetch
you more laurels and appreciation from
your superiors. You will not find money
situation to be encouraging. There will
be some unwanted expenses for the week
which cannot be avoided. Finances will
be comfortable for you. You will be in a
position to save more money. You have
to avoid being sensitive in your feelings
towards your partner. Try to be happy
and enjoy time with your partner. You
will be sincere in your approach towards
your partner. By this, your partner will be
able to understand you very well. Avoid
taking more spicy foods and sweets. You
will find yourself in fine health.

You have to use your common sense to

make the week progressive. This will
guide you to reach the target. You have to
be more professional in your approach.
You will lose comforts due to the stress
you will undergo. To beat the stress, you
can keep yourself in a light mood by
listening to music, watch movies and
so on. You may face some disturbances
in carrying out your work. Flow of
money will not satisfy your needs. You
cannot expect better luck with respect
to the same. You have to be cool in
your approach with your partner. This is
very much essential for you to maintain
happiness. You have to take things easy
and in your stride. You may show your
fatigue and restlessness to your partner
which you may need to avoid. You may
face pain in legs and thighs and this will
be due to stress. You may be having
chances for headache. So it will be good
for you to be in relaxed state of mind.

You will witness general level of happiness

and this will be possible for the week.
Taking some major decisions will be
good. Your luck will keep you get going.
You have to rely on your intelligence to see
get results in your favor. Positive thinking
and courage will help you move towards
growth. You will be able to enjoy the work
that you are carrying out and the work you
do, you will be able to do it happily. You
will be appreciated by your superiors for
the work that you are doing. You will
have very good chances to maintain good
level of money. You can try entering into
speculative practices which will fetch you
gains and profits. Your financial position
will be sound enough for the week. You
will be comfortable with the money that
you possess and utilize it for productive
purposes. You will maintain a balanced
relationship with your partner. You will
be more courageous and determined. This
will enable you to keep in fine health.







You may need to possess an open mind

and take things lightly. Adjusting attitude
is essential for the week. Flexible approach
will guide you to meet success in your
endeavors. You will be facing some
unpleasant situations at your work-place.
There will be more planning in carrying
out your work effectively. You will have
moderate results in job. There will be little
scope for you to save. You will find less
money returns and will be able to meet
your needs for the week. You will make
the week better by avoiding any kind of
argument with your partner. This will only
bring about misunderstandings. You may
show frustration towards your partner.
This may cause less happiness and you
will not be able to please your partner. You
will be having pain in legs and stomach
upsets. You should take proper care of
your health. Health will be moderate. You
may succumb to headache and this may
cause botheration for you.
You will find the week to be moderately
favorable for you. You may feel that
sometimes situations will be out of control.
A sensible planning is essential. There
may be chances of some sort of tension
that may prevail related to your work. You
will not be able to find enough money
available for you. This may cause worries
and frustration for you. You will have both
expenses and gains that may give you
some botheration. Try to save money for
future. You need to be calm and patient
in communicating with your partner.
This is required to ensure happiness in
relationship. You may be more aggressive
in expressing your opinion to your partner.
This you may need to avoid for a healthy
and happy relationship. Health will not be
good. Chances for stomach upsets may be
possible. You will be having confusions in
your mind over your development. This
may give you headache and stress related


You cannot depend on luck for the week

and there will be chances for absence
of fortunes. You may feel little insecure
and this may bother you. You will be
able to carry out the work effectively.
This will bring you happiness.
Prosperity with respect to finance will
not be possible. You may have to face
more commitments that will make you
to spend more money. You will find
yourself in fine condition with respect to
money. You will be able to make use of
your finances in an effective manner. It
will be good for you to avoid bitterness
in relationship with your partner. You
may show such feelings towards your
partner due to a family issue. You will
find yourself in fine condition with
respect to money. You will be able to
make use of your finances in an effective
manner. You may have pain in legs and
this may bother you. Do some exercises
and this will be required for you. Health
will be good for the week. You will be
fit and find yourself happy.

You will learn worthwhile things through

experience and you should take them in
positive manner. You will find satisfaction
by meditating or engaging yourself in
spiritual practices. You should make
yourselves happy and relaxed by engaging
in creative activities and keeping yourself
entertained with what you enjoy doing.
You need to put extra efforts in making
the week favorable for you. You will keep
a low profile at workplace. Have patience
in carrying out your work and this is most
required for the week. You will be having
a tight schedule with respect to work. You
may not be able to maintain happiness
with your partner. There will be difference
of opinion which you need to avoid. You
need to be patient in conversing with
your partner. Otherwise there may be
chances for disputes that will disturb the
atmosphere on the week. Involve yourself
in meditation. You may not be able to
keep fit due to digestion related problems.
You will not find the week to be an
encouraging one but you need to keep
your hopes alive and be positive. This
is very much required for the week. You
will be delayed in carrying out your
work. This will cause some worries for
you. You may lack stability in handling
your job effectively. Colleagues will
not be co-operative with you and you
will not get the due recognition from
your superiors. You will find it little
difficult to save money. You will not
be satisfied with the money that you
are gaining. So try to handle your
expenses through proper planning. It
will be good for you to maintain good
terms with your partner. You will not
be able to express your love freely with
your partner. Confusions in your mind
will not allow you to express yourself
properly and this may bother you. You
may have problems related to your
teeth. You may not enjoy your health
as you may have itching problems.


You have to keep yourself patient on

this week. You will not find satisfaction
in doing things but you should have
positive thinking. You may lose
valuable chances in the last minute. This
may annoy you and make you feel less
lucky on this week. You will not find
much progress in your work. This may
be due to lack of concentration in work.
You may need to concentrate more on
your job for the week as there may be
chances for errors. Pressure of job will
keep you busy throughout. You may
waste money if you do not plan your
expenses well. You may find it difficult
to maintain prosperity with respect to
finances. You will be sensitive in your
approach to your partner. You will have
chances for arguments or difference of
opinion which will be possible with
your partner. You will have insecure
feelings and this may put you under
stress. So it will be good for you to relax
and this may keep you in good health.

Friday Jan 30, 2015


Aditya Pancholi To Play Brutal Husband In 'Lakhon

Hain Yahan Dilwale'
Shamim Bhagat has roped in actor
Aditya Pancholi to play a brutal and
insecure husband in his debut project
"Lakhon Hain Yahan Dilwale".
"The film has an important character
called Vitthal Dada, for which I have
roped in Aditya Pancholi," Bhagat
"He will be seen married to the leading
lady in the film. However, he has a
troubled past, and leads a life of a
gangster. Aditya will be seen playing
a brutal, insecure husband who doubts
his wife. He will be seen as a very
angry man," he added.
"Lakhon Hain..." has been produced

by Bhagat himself under the Banner

Meena Shamim Films.
Beside Aditya Pancholi, the film also
features Kishori Shahane, Aroon
Bakshi, Anju Mahendru, Vije Bhatia
and Kritika Gaikwad, among others.
Talking further about the plot of the
film, the director said: "My story
is based in Mumbai... a city where
thousands of people come to fulfill
their dream. The leading lady and hero
of the movie both are talented singers
who never got a chance in their life.
The girl lives in Mumbai and works in
a beauty parlour while the boy migrates
to Mumbai chasing his passion and to
try his luck."




The NEW Print Version Will Be Available SOON!



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Friday Jan 30, 2015

Soha Ali Khan Weds Kunal The Mystery Behind Shahid

Kapoors Dilliwali Girlfriend

Actress Soha Ali Khan and Kunal

Kemmu finally exchanged vows.
The wedding took place at their
Khar residence in the presence of
a registrar and family members
like brother Saif Ali Khan, sisterin-law Kareena Kapoor and mother
Sharmila Tagore.
Soha had earlier shared that the
ceremony would be a "small wedding
in the presence of our family members".

The mehendi ceremony took place last

Friday that was attended by friends
including actress Neha Dhupia, who
had shared photographs of Soha who
was "chillin like a Villian" during the
pre-wedding function.
Soha, who believes that people need
to have "a sense of commitment,
maturity and infinite patience to make
a marriage last", got engaged to Kunal
in Paris last year.

This year seems to be although more special for Sasha because he is not only
sweeping away awards for his terrific performance in Haider but things are
going great for him personally too.

Bipasha Basu To Introduce

New Season Of 'Aahat'

Actress Bipasha Basu, who has done a

string of horror and supernatural films,
will reportedly make her small screen
appearance once again with an upcoming
season of horror TV show "Aahat".
According to a source, the actress has
been approached for the first episode
of the horror show aired on Sony
Entertainment Television channel.
"Bipasha, who has of late done a lot of
horror movies, has been approached to
narrate the introduction episode of the
upcoming season of the popular horror
show 'Aahat'," said a source.
She was previously seen in TV shows
like "Fear Files" and "Comedy Nights
with Kapil".
In an interview earlier, Bipasha had said
that she is happy with the tag of "horror
queen". She has been part of horror films
like "Raaz", "Aatma" and "Creature
3D" and more recently "Alone".
The show is likely to go on air midFebruary.

Shahid Kapoor, the B-town hunk has

finally found someone special. Yes, we
are saying that he is indeed dating a girl
and it seems this isnt just any other
woman in his life. We dunno much
about Shahids current ladylove except
for the fact that she is from Delhi and
has nothing to do with Bollywood.
Interestingly, the Shaandaar actor
met his Dilliwali girlfriend courtesy
his parents. Now how cool is that?
Well, we have some more dope on
Shahid and his mysterious Dilliwali

girlfriend. Our khoofiya khabroo has

told us that the two are even planning
to take their relationship one step
further. We hear the couple may end
up tying the knot next year. Yes, you
heard that right!
Guess SK is not only back in the rat
race professionally but he is at par
personally with other B-town couples
as well! Lets hope things work out for
the Udta Punjab actor this time around
because its the right time for him to
settle down.

Gulshan Grover To Make

Tamil Debut

Gulshan Grover, known for playing

negative characters in Hindi films like
"Ram Lakhan" and "Bullett Raja", will
be seen essaying an important role in
upcoming Tamil drama "Thanneer"
about the water crisis.
The film, which will be directed
by Vasanth Sai, has now been was
officially launched.
"I have immense respect for Vasanth
and have admired his work. I'm really
honoured to have got this opportunity to
work with him," Gulshan told reporters.
Based on a popular novel by
Ashokamithran, the film features
Chandini Sasha in the lead role.
The film's director said the film is "very
close to my heart" and he hopes "it
creates the awareness about water crisis".


Friday Jan 30, 2015

Hema Malini To Appear As

'Dream Girl' Once Again

Reliving the past once again, veteran

actress Hema Malini will be appearing
and lending her voice to an album
based on her image as Bollywood's
'Dream Girl'.
Singer and fellow parliamentarian
Babul Supriyo came up with the idea
and soon they would record a duet
song at a studio in Mumbai.
"As a singer I have been discovered by
Babul... the whole credit goes to him,"
the 67-year-old actress told reporters.
She said the concept of this song was
interesting. Hema starred opposite
Dharmendra in 1977 film 'Dream Girl',
directed by Pramod Chakravorty. Sung
by the legendary Kishore Kumar, the
film's title song, which rejected her as a
dream girl, was an instant hit.
Explaining the concept of the song,
Babul said it was about how today's
youth was trying to pull back the dream
girl into this era.
"She comes back to show today's girl
what a dream girl is all about - in terms
of natural beauty, beauty of the mind,
no tantrums, simplicity, humility and
everything you could attribute to her,"
he said.
"A dream girl is not someone who can
be kept in a showcase. A dream girl
is today's material woman who can
handle everything. It is a Bible for
a young woman to understand how
happy a woman can be when she takes
up those difficult challenges," he said.
To be produced by Saregama, the lyrics
of the new song were being written
now and it would be a bilingual one in

Hindi and Bengali.

Babul said they would like Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to launch the
album in Delhi.
"If it can be launched by the Prime
Minister, why not? We are dreaming
about it," the BJP MP from Asansol
The lyrics of the album would be by
Srijato and music composition by
Indradip Dasgupta.
Besides the 'Dream Girl' song, Hema
Malini, the BJP MP from Mathura, is
also re-recording two Bengali songs to
which she had rendered her voice 41
years ago and recalled how Kishore
Kumar had motivated her to record the
"Recording it after so many years...
the same song in the same scale is
very difficult. Your whole personality
changes, voice, scale everything
changes," she said.
Babul said they have recreated the old
songs to make it contemporary with
modern musical tracks using guitars
The songs were written by Mukul
Dutta and set to tune by none other
than Kishore Kumar.
All these songs were slated to be
released by Valentine's Day next
Hema, who has donned multiple hats,
said the eagerness to learn new things
was still there in her and now she wants
to learn more of Sanskrit, learn how
to play the sitar and do a little bit of
painting as well.

Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi

Post Phoned

The release of Rishi Kapoor-Paresh

Rawal starrer Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi
has been postponed from 13th February
2015. A new date will be announced by
the makers very soon.
This romantic comedy also features
Vir Das, Prem Chopra Payal Ghosh,
Jinal Belani, Divya Seth, Bharati
Achrekar and Tiku Talsania in pivotal

The story is about a Punjabi played by
Rishi Kapoor and Gujarati Patel played
by Paresh Rawal. Directed by Sanjay
Chhel, the post-production work has
begun. Lalit Pandit and Uttank Vora are
the music composers. Gujarat based
Bharat Patel of Bholenath Movies is
the producer of this film.


Friday Jan 30, 2015

Friday Jan 30, 2015



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Friday Jan 30, 2015

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Friday Jan 30, 2015





Friday Jan 30, 2015

Canucks Acquire Clendening From Blackhawks In


Vancouver Canucks General Manager

Jim Benning announced today that the
Canucks have acquired defenceman
Adam Clendening from the Chicago
Blackhawks in exchange for Gustav
Clendening, 22, has split the 2014.15
season with the Chicago Blackhawks
and Rockford IceHogs. He collected
two points (1-1-2) in four games with
Chicago and 13 points (1-12-13) in 38
games with Rockford. In 2013.14 he
was named an AHL First Team All-Star
and, in 2012.13, was named a second
team AHL All-Star and Rockfords
Rookie of the Year.
Prior to his professional career,
Clendening played for Boston
University. In his final year with Boston,
he shared the lead among Hockey East

Exchange For Forsling

defensemen with a career high 33 points

(4-29-33) in 38 games with the Terriers.
He was also named a Hockey East
First Team All-Star and was one of two
sophomores selected to the All-New
England Division I All Star-Team.
On the international stage, Clendening
was a member of Team USA at the
2010 IIHF World U18 Championships.
He led defencemen in scoring at the
tournament with 10 points (3-7-10),
was named to the tournament all star
team and won a gold medal. The 60,
190-pound defenceman also won
gold at the 2009 IIHF World U18
The Niagara Falls, New York native
was originally selected by Chicago in
the second round, 36th overall in the
2011 NHL Entry Draft.

OFC President Mourns

Shalit Muni Reddy

Changes To 7'S Team

Expected For Wellington

Changes are set to be made to the Vodafone Fiji sevens team to the New
Zealand and USA tournaments.
Coach Ben Ryan has hinted on changes Ryan says he needs the best as the aim
from the last two tournaments in Dubai is to do well in the two tournaments to
and South Africa.
better its position on the World Series
One change is guaranteed with Nasoni points table.
Roko having been dropped already, while Fiji is pooled with Australia, Portugal and
the return of speedster Samisoni Viriviri Wales in the Wellington 7s, which will
could also mean another player goes.
kick-off next weekend at Westpac Stadium.
OFC President David Chung
Often I begin my monthly column
by extolling the progress we are
making in Oceania in terms of football
development on and off the pitch in our
closely knit region.
Sadly, such work shrinks into
insignificance following the sad
passing of Fiji U-17 international Shalit
Muni Reddy who died of accidental
drowning in Savaii, Samoa, this week.
It is a tragic event - a young boy playing
for the Fiji U-17 team, dreaming of
football glory, to be cut down in the
richness of youth leaves us all with sore
hearts, tears and prayers for Shalit's
family, friends, team-mates, coaches
and our dear colleagues at the Fiji FA.
Shalit had been playing for Fiji U-17
with distinction, he was a prospect
that undoubtedly would have had a
bright future in the game. Indeed, he
underlined that promise as a footballer
when he scored a goal in Fiji's 5-0 win
over the Cook Islands just over a week
ago. Everyone is still in disbelief that

Shalit Muni Reddy

something this tragic could happen to a
fine young man.
No words can fully express our grief
and dismay at seeing this happen, we
can only pass on all our thoughts and
prayers to the friends and family of
Shalit Muni Reddy and hope they will
get some strength from the out pouring
of love and support from everyone.
I understand that Shalit's body will be
repatriated to Nadi this week thanks
to the caring and diligent work of
Football Federation Samoa and the
local authorities. I believe a special
mention must be made for CEO
Michael Kapisi and his team for their
professionalism and warmth during
this time of tragedy.
At the OFC we continue to grieve at
what has happened, and we are sure the
Oceania football community will join
with us in also thinking of the Fiji FA,
Football Federation Samoa and all the
players, coaches and the family who
are affected by this sad event.

The Fiji Times Canada is now available online




The NEW Print Version Will Be Available SOON!



Ajit Jokes
Raabatt, isey thodi shampane pila do,
paheley shame sey, phir pain sey mar
Scene: Ajeet thouroughly disgusted
with Mona daaa..arrling's typing.
Ajeet: Raaberrt, Mona ke dono hathon
ko kaat do.
Raabert: Magar kyoon baas ?
Ajeet: Typing to nahi atee, kamsekam
shaarthand to seekh legi.

in a helicopter...
Ajeet: Kuch hee der mein hamara
helicopter hindustan ki sarhadon ke
pare door birmingham mein hoga.
Wahaan tumhe ek kaale rang ki
sioorlett (cheverlett) nazar aayegi. Wo
tumhe signal
Raabert : Boss..hamara signal kya
hoga ?
Ajeet :

Ajeet: Raabert, in kutton ke saamne

yeh Compooter laga do aur debugger
starrt kar do.
Raabert: Lekin kyoon, baas?
Ajeet: Saale Checkpoint mein atak

Raabert: Boss? Is kaa kyaa kare boss?

Ajeet: Rawbert! Is pille ko liquid
oxygen me daal do. Liquid ise jeene
nahi dega, aur oxygen ise marne nahi

Ajeet: Raabert, Test Match mein kyaa

ho raha hai ?
Raabert: Boss, Vivian Richards
chhakke pe chhakka maar raha hai.
Ajeet: Saaleh ko sabak sikhana padega.
Lunch break mein usse phone milana.
Raabert: Yes Boss.
Ajeet: (on phone, to Richards):
Veeveeyun Reechards, tumhari Maa
hamare kabze mein hai .......
Scene: Ajeet comes to know about the
traitor in his gang.
Ajeet: Raabert, ise ShamePain mein
daal tho, agar Shame se nahi mara to
Pain se mar jayega.
Scene: Giving a decision as to how the
hero should be killed.
Ajeet: Peter, time bomb le aao aur is
saale ko usse bandh do. Timer ko teek
das bajhe set kar do. Nahin nahin, yeh
saala to sub cheez hamesha late karta
hai. Iska mauth bhi late hona chahiye.
Timer ko panch minute late rakh do.
Arre, Raabert, Raabert, bevkoof, silly
fellow, time bomb ko yahan peh math
rakho, yeh to 'no-smoking' area hai. Ha
haa ha. Time bomb 'tic tic tic tic' karke
bajega. Aur iska dil 'tup tup tup' karke
dhatakega. Tum agar paas me khade
hoge to tumko 'tic tup tic tup tic tup'
suanaai dega"
Ajeet: Rabert! isko eraser se maar do,
yeh mar bhi jayega aur mit bhi jayega
Raabert: Boss! Aaap ko kaun si teen
chiz sabse jahyahda pasand hein boss?
Ajeet: Ek Mona, Doosra Sona, aur
Tisra, Mona ke saath Sona
Peter: Boss? Sona kahan hei?
Ajeet: Tum chahe jahan bhi sona, lekin
mujhe to Mona darling ke saath sona!
Scene: Ajeet spots one of his is
Ajeet: Maikal, woh jo admi ghadi
pahne tumhe nazar aarahaa hai, woh
hamara mehman hai. Tum ja kar uske
doosre hath mein bhee gadhi pahna
do...phir woh do ghadi ka mehman ho
jayega !
Scene: Ajeet is escaping with his men

Peter: Boss? aur is pille ka kyaa kare

Ajeet: Peter! Is saale ko superconductor me daal do, saala bus mein
ticket dete-dete thak jayega.
Peter: Boss is saale ka kya karen ?
Ajeet: Ise microprocessor mein daal
do...BIT by BIT marega !
Robert: aur boss..iska kya karen ?
Ajeet:Ise hamlet poison khilado...
sochta rahega, to be or not to be !
Robert : Bass, mujhe actor banna hai
Ajit : Dilli ke laal kilay pe khade ho
jao, Raabert
Red-ford ban jaoge !
Ajit : Robert, isko Harshad Mehta
poison pila do
Robert : Kyon Baass ?!?
Ajit : Stoopid, phir yeh GROWMORE
sey NO MORE ho jayega !
Ajit : Robert, isko CENTRIFUGE
mein daal do.
Robert : Kyon Baass ?!?
Ajit : Stoopid, taki hamen paata to
chale ki chakkar kya hai. !
Robert : Bass muje minister banna hain
Ajit : Tum ek file mein baith jao, apne
aap cabinet
mein chale jaoge ! !
Ajit : Peter, tum motor mein aao,
maneckshaw tum rickshawmein aao,
mikael tum sikael pe aao,
aur han mona darling, tum nahaati raho
Ajit : Peter ko babysitter bhej do,
Tony ko pony pe bitha do,
Mack ko pack karlo,
Aur Mona Darling, Tum hume naach
dikhaon. !
Ajeet : Maaikel, hamare mahmaan ke
baayen haath mein
Citizen garhi hai. Jaao uske daayen
haath mein yeh HMT garhi
baandh aao.
Robert : Pur kyon bass ?!?
Ajit : Isse woh do(2) garhi kaa
mahmaan ho jayega.

Friday Jan 30, 2015

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Friday Jan 30, 2015

Escobar: Paradise Lost (PG) *** The Boy Next Door (PG) ***
Danger Man!

Freak Out!

By Robert Waldman

By Robert Waldman
Most people know the television
landscape is changing. Many
folks prefer the comfort Of their own
home to watch a movie. Cheaper and
more convenient in many ways in
home viewing is the "in thing" to do for
many cash--strapped and dare I say
older people. While video stores have
gone the way of the do do bird smart
cable operators have now reached new
audiences through new " on demand"
services. Ever willing to expand their
reach Hollywood studios have begun
to tap into this new burgeoning market.
Heck, some movies are shot specifically
for home audiences and purposelessly
bypass a theatrical release. Into this
mix comes Escobar: Paradise Lost.
Better call your local cable carrier, be it
Shaw, Rogers, Telus or Bell to
check out this intense and intelligent
Part romance part guns and bullets
Escobar: Paradise Lost is a
tropical and topical delight. Filmed in
Panama with a decided Canadian bent
this two hour film revolves around a
vacationing displanted Canuck hitting
the local tropical beach and making by
as a surf instructor of sorts.
Awkward in a boyish sort of way turns
out to be Nick. Hot off his starring

ways in The Hunger Games is Josh

Hutcherson. Shucks, those innocent
baby-faced good looks lead to a chance
meeting with local lovely Maria.
Fetching and comely is this homegrown lass, buoyantly revealed through
Claudia Traisac.
Sometimes romances are made in
heaven. Sometimes they aren't. While
this pair date they are swept into the
world of politics, drugs and cocaine
as Maria's uncle turns out to be none
other than Pablo Escobar. Cruel is
the take given this monster by Benicio
Del Toro (License to Kill). Despite
the unbelievable nature of a storybook
romance gone sour actor turned
director/writer Andrea Di Stefano turns
out a pretty good effort here. That
sense of danger and tension is well
earned as is the insane intensity Del
Toro brings to the party. It's hard
imagining any actor doing a better job
getting into the depths of danger,
despair and ruthlessness that make-up
this cocaine monster family man.
Wolves in sheep's clothing never felt so
Pressure on many levels helps make
Escobar: Paradise Lost a good
reminder that all the money in the world
can't buy happiness or freedom -or love.

Obsession rears its ugly head (and then

some) in the unlikely yet
effective The Boy Next Door. Hall of
fame horror studio Universal shelves
it's classic monsters for a newer (though
not necessarily improved ) version
now delighting thrill seekers at
Cineplex Odeon arenas around B.C.
Perhaps more suitable for the gloomy
Halloween witching season or even
Valentines's Day (just kidding) this
dark tinged thriller laced with sex
and a range of offbeat situations
revolves around a disjointed family
and a
new neighbour. Down on their ropes
but not necessarily out are the
Petersons. Bad boy head of the house
Garrett is not exactly husband of
the year material and is well "covered"
by John Corbett (My Big Fat Greek
Working wife Claire does her best to
make ends meet and is played
with charm and innocence by Jennifer
Lopez (Selena). Big mistake. Despite
the best of intentions in raising high
school son Kevin being a teenager
poses problems. High school memories
and the trauma of being somewhat of a
spaz and outcast are well presented by
Ian Nelson who seems sort of lost.

When a new "kid" moves in next door

it sets off a chain of events that
impact mighty heavily on the Petersons
extending even out to their friends.
On the surface young Noah Sandburn
seems like a dream friend and helper.
Polite and ever ready to lend a hand is
Ryan Guzman. Oh, and he's also
rather strong, sturdy and handsome.
Call him a hunk on the move. And on
the make.
Being beautiful can have its setbacks.
Before you can say Welcome
Wagon our hot to trot hot-blooded boy
next door decides to make his
relationship with the Mrs. just a bit
more than "neighbourly". What should
have been an innocent "moment" turns
into a time of terror as a very uneasy
situation takes on a life of its own.
Director Rob Cohen knows his way
around the thriller genre and though
some of the set ups here are a bit
predictable and at times some situations
are preposterous the driving force of an
obsession is believable and
engaging. Solid acting on all fronts and
a genuine air of excitement and
foreboding doom and gloom turning to
terror make The Boy Next Door a
feverishly fun time at the movies sure
to race hearts and sweat palms.

Friday Jan 30, 2015

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