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Sample of Endodontic Examination

1. A patient comes to your clinic on Saturday afternoon complaining of severe sharp pain when
eating ice-cream. Your examination revealed a hypersensitive response to thermal test which
subside as soon as the stimulus removed. The periapical radiograph shows normal intact PDL.
What do you think is your diagnosis?
a) reversible pulpitis
b) irreversible pulpitis
c) pulp necrosis with chronic apical abcess
d) patient has no problem
2.A 20 years old male student reported to the emergency clinic complaining of pain to thermal
stimuli of the upper left side. The patient said that he had RCT on tooth #24. The cause of the pain
could be:
a) remaining vital tissue at the apical third of the buccal root.
b) over-instrumentation of the palatal canal.
c) debris pushed through the apical foramen of the palatal root.
d) it must be another tooth and not #24.
3You started RCT on tooth #46 two days ago which was asymptomatic. Patient was given another
appointment to finish the RCT. The patient cameback to your clinic complaining of severe pain
when chewing on the same tooth. Clinical examination revealed pain on percussion only.
Radiograph shows normal apical area. The cause of the pain might be:
a) over-instrumentation.
b) overfilling
c) caries was left in the access opening.
d) all of the above
4. Leaving the tooth open between appointment during root canal therapy could lead to:
a) healing of the periapical lesion.
b) bacterial contamination of the root canal system.
c) neither (a) nor (b).
5. The pain characteristics of the C-fibers is
a) dull
b) severe and burning
c) sharp and pricking
d) none of the above\
6. The fluid movement in dentinal tubules (Hydrodynamic theory) is one of the theories of dentin
sensitivity (pain). It was introduced by:
a) Brannstrom 1966
b) Byers 1980
c) Kim 1983
d) none of the above
7. The pain characteristics of A-delta fibers is sharp and pricking.
a) true
b) false

8.The main pathway of communication between Endodontium and Periodontium is via:

a) lateral canals
b) apical foramina
c) secondary canals
d) dentinal tubules
9. Endodontic lesion is often characterized by narrow probing defect.
a) True b) False
10. In true combined Endo-Perio lesions the out come of the treatment depends usually on the
Endodontic treatment.

Select the most appropriate answer:

1. Electrical pulp tester is:
device used to determine the presence or absence of sensory inerrvation.
device used to determine the direct pulpal circulation.
device used to measure the temperature of the pulp
a and b
2. According to ISO, the number of each instrument refers to the diameter of
D1 in mm
D2 in mm
D1 in mmX100
D2 in mm x100.
3. Gutta-percha endodontic filling material contains:more ZO than GP
more GP than ZO.
equal amount of GP+ZO.
GP + coloring agents only.
4. The intrapulpal injection produces profound anesthesia if the anesthetic solution deposit
passively into the pulp chamber.
True ( ) False ( )
5. Bacterial invasion of the dead DT is slow possibly due to the presence of natural
resistance factors in dentin and pulp tissue.Therefore DT of pulpless teeth cannot be
infected by bacteria after pulpal necrosis.
a- First statement is true, and the second statement is false.
b- First statement is false, and the second statement is true.
c- Both statements are true.
d- Both statements are false


1. Electronic apex locator may be useful when:
a. the patient is physically impaired.
b. anatomic structures overlay the root apex.
c. a pregnant patient wishes to avoid x-ray exposure.
d. all of the above.
2. External root resorptions:
a. are untreatable.
b. can only be distinguished surgically from internal resorptions.
c. appear to be superimposed over the root canal.
d. all of the above.
3. Prognosis for root canal treatment is worse when the patient:
a. has pain as a presenting symptom.
b. has an interappointment flare-up.
c. has class III mobility and loss of bone support (probing defects).
d. has a small periradicular radiolucent lesion.
4. Referral of difficult cases is indicated when the dentist:
a. does not have the indicated equipment.
b. does not have the indicated training and experience.
c. is not sure what procedures are indicated.
d. all of the above.
5. Which of the following is most responsible for short underfilled
a. severe curvatures.
b. packing debris.
c. canal ledging.
d. calcification of the canal.
6. In a standardized K-file the diameter D is always greater that D by:
a. 0.02 mm.
b. 0.032 mm.
c. 0.32 mm.
d. 0.16 mm.
7. The following medicaments have poort antimicrobial effect except:
a. alcohol.
b. crestain
c. monochlorophenol.
d. cationic detergents.
8. Chloroform a. is the most effective intra-canal medicament.
b. evaporates rapidly.

c. has antibacterial effect.

d. none of the above.
9. Calcium hydroxide can be used as:
a. an intracanal medicament.
b. a temporary root canal filling.
c. an apexification agent.
d. all of the above.
11. The functions of the irrigation solution are the following, except:
a. lubrication.
b. debridement.
c. sterilization
d. disinfection.
12. Preparing curved canal in multiple planes
a. permits preservation of the natural curvature.
b. increase risk for furcal perforation.
c. requires Gates-Glidden drill.
d. a and c.
13. Most of the rotary instruments prepare canal using
a. crown-down technique.
b. step-back technique.
c. anti-curvature technique.
d. balance-force technique.


Sample Questions 2
1. Cavity test:
a. Is a common diagnostic procedure.
b. Considered a non-aggressive method of testing.
c. Is the last resort to identify a necrotic tooth.
d. Used to diagnose the condition of periradicular tissues.
e. Can be the first line of vitality testing.
f. None of the above.
2. A 22 years old male patient came to your office early in the morning complaining of pain that
awakened him at 2:00 AM last night and did not allow him to sleep till he came to your office, this
patient most probably has:
a. Reversible pulpitis.
b. Irreversible pulpitis.
c. Trauma from occlusion.
d. Pulp polyp.
e. Pulp necrosis.
f. None of the above.
3. A 65 years old male patient came to your office complaining of pain related to tooth #36, the
pain is provoked by drinking tee or coffee and lasts for 10 minutes after removal of the
stimulation, this patient most probably has:
a. Reversible pulpitis.
b. Irreversible pulpitis.
c. Trauma from occlusion.
d. Pulp polyp.
e. Pulp necrosis.
f. None of the above.
4 . Causes of endodontic failures include:
a. Anatomy
b. Inadequacies in cleaning, shaping and obturation
c. Iatrogenic events
d. coronal leakage
e. all of the above
5. The best method to remove gutta perch during retreatment.
a. Thermal.
b. Mechanical.
c. Chemical.
d. Combination treatment.
6. Overextended gutta-percha should be removed:
e. with ultrasonic
f. by pulling it out or surgically
g. with rotary instruments
h. with solvents

7. Areas of rarefaction are evident on radiographic examination when:

a. The tooth is responsive to cold
b. The tooth is responsive to percussion
c. A tooth fracture has been identified
d. The cortical layer of bone has been eroded
8. Which is the best treatment of failed root canal therapy?
a. extraction of the tooth and placement of implant
b. retreatment of the root canal with gutta-percha and sealer cement.
c. periapical surgery with retrograde filling
d. prescription of antibiotic and strong analgesic
9. Anesthetic testing is most effective in localizing to which of the following?
e. Specific tooth
f. Mandible or maxilla
g. Across the midline of the face
h. Posterior tooth
10. One basic part of diagnosis is:
a. good administration of local anesthesia
b. clinical and radiographic examination
c. proper placement of rubber dam
d. none of the above
10 b

1. MCQ Questions:
A- The most reliable test to diagnose the condition of the pulp is:
a. EPT
b. cold test
c. percussion test
d. periapical radiographs
B- You want to do RCT for a lower premolar, what type of LA will you
a. Buccal infiltration
b. Mental block
c. Inferior alveolar nerve
d. Mental & inferior alveolar block
C- The concomitant pulpal and periodontal lesion
a. Consists of two distinct disease processes involving the same tooth
b. Is characterized by pulpal necrosis and the formation of a draining sinus
tract through the attachment apparatus
c.Is best described as a periodontal lesion that exposes lateral or
accessory canals, resulting in pulpal inflammation or necrosis
d. Is the result of endodontic and periodontal lesions that have coalesced
D- Which of the following tooth groups is the most difficult to
a. Mandibular premolars
b. Maxillary premolars
c. Maxillary molars
d. Mandibular molars


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