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1: Flip the Cipher

A user on the forum commented, that when you turn the cipher upside down the
cipher appears to be saying want to know. I believe Tom Vogit made that

Step 2: 8s Become Os and the Zodiac Symbol becomes a T

This is done because the 8s appear to be Os to create the text want to know. The
zodiac symbol becomes a T because it resembles a lower case T. When you do you


Step 3: Spell Out Want to Know
Using the letters that are available:


Once you have spelled out want to know you are left with three characters AEO.

Step 4: Number the Cipher and Count the Symbols that appear
multiple times

The My Name is cipher is symmetrical. The middle 8 is the midpoint so we split

the cipher there. Number 1 to 6 from the beginning and do the same from the end.

1 2 3 4 5 6 M 6 5 4 3 2 1

Next circle the symbols that are repeated in the cipher.

1 2 3 4 5 6 M 6 5 4 3 2 1

The Symbols in the 3 and 5 position are repeated and the M in the 1 and 6
positions are repeated. If you look at the second half of the cipher the M is in the
sixth position no matter how you look at the orientation. So now you have the
numbers 3, 5, and 6.

Step 5: Transpose the remaining symbols in using the numbers in

ascending order.

For example, take A and count up 6 letters: A B C D E F G. You end on G. Repeat. E F

G H I J. Then: O P Q R.


Step 6: Put it all Together

Reverse GJR and you get RJG. The final text reads:

WANT TO KNOW? RJG (Richard Joseph Gaikowski)

This solution is of course non-verifiable, but it struck me as interesting so I
thought I should share it. There are some very subjective components to this
solution, so take it for what it is.

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