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FALL 2014 - SPRING 2015
Dear Friends, Family and Supporters,
January 2015 is a momentous month for Tapstarting a new decade (60)!
We are also beginning our 19th year in Mexico. We have so much to be thankful for as we look back, reflecting and rejoicing in our Lords grace to bring us
this far and looking forward toward the prize of the high calling, sustained
by His faithfulness and power as we make disciples in Sinaloa, Mexico in 2015.
We invite you to take a moment to watch the videos linked with the images
to the left. At the top is a review of our family, followed by our Independence Day celebration in September, a Family Conference in October
/November and finally our annual Youth Conference in December.
I cant forget to explain what a blessing I have had teaching Luis to read.
Quoting from son Brians newsletter: Please continue to pray for Luis.
xxHe received Christ as his Savior in September with my father and has been a true
xxtestimony to the changing power of the gospel. He had surgery in October and has
xxbeen recuperating since. The Lord has given him a good recuperation, and he has been
xxfaithful to the Lord with a genuine desire to know Him more. Luis was a drug addict for
xxmost of his life and it was due to that lifestyle that he needed surgery. By Gods grace
xxLuis has left behind that lifestyle and has made some great changes. Please keep him in
xxyour prayers because he is the only believer in his family.

Upcoming ministry opportunities include a Couples Evangelistic Dinner for

Valentines Day, missionary/work trip to Morelia, Mexico and our 18th church
anniversary in April. The two mission churches, along with prison and drug
rehabilitation ministry keep us busy and provide opportunities for others to
serve. Pray for more laborers for the harvest!
Family News
Brian & Diana at home: Grateful for their
faithful and joyful service in two churches!
Tap & Katie in Campeche, Mexico: Pray for
their outreach via their homeschool ministry
for Spanish speakers and church planting.
Paul & Rebe in Barcelona, Spain: They are
expecting the birth of their second son in May.

Contact Information

Thank You for your

support & prayers

Field Address: Apdo. 229

Guamuchil, SIN, Mexico 81400
USA Telephone (864) 252-7667

Tap & Denise Hornor
Facebook YouTube Vimeo

MGMI: 2925 W. Polk St.

Phoenix, AZ 85009
(602) 272-0312

Redeeming the Time,

Prayer Requests:
Sun: Holy Spirits convicting
power in our services
Mon: Balance between rest,
personal growth & service
Tues: Mission in Tamazula
Services: Tues., 6:30 p.m.
Wed: Mission in Guamuchil,
Iglesia Jesus Salva
Thur: Midweek service in Alhuey
Fri: Prison/drug rehab visits
Sat: Visitation & youth ministry;
sister churches in Sinaloa

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