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ayala enters Legazpi mall rush


LEGAZPI CITY -- Ayala Corp.

(AC), one of the countrys business giants, is now part of Legazpi
Citys bandwagon of big investments joined ahead by two of its
close equals -- SM Prime Holdings
of Henry Sy and Robinsons Group
of the Gokongwei family.

(Turn to page 8)

Daet zeroes in on waste elimination

DAET, CNorte -- This towns constituents will soon say goodbye to their garbage, but not unproductively.

tWO grOuNdBreakINg rIteS

Daet Mayor Tito s. sarion was a picture of a leader in a

hurry as he led two groundbreaking rites last week. First
was the Go Green Daet Waste Diversion/Recyling Facility at
Brgy. Bibirao; and later, the Metro Daet satellite Market at
the CT Terminal Complex at Brgy. Camambugan.

Over the weekend,

Mayor Tito S. Sarion led
the groundbreaking of the
Go Green Daet Waste Diversion/Recycling Facility
located at Barangay Bibirao.
Expected to be finished
after 160 working days
once construction starts,
the PhP30-million facility will process from 17.5
to 20 tons of garbage collected daily in the town
into fertilizer and other
products, like construction
materials from non-biodegradable waste.
According to Sarion, the
eliminating and recycling
waste will be Daets local
response to the global ecological problem.
The facility, according to Sarion, will directly
benefit some 42 scavenger
families living near the
garbage dump.

Part of the program will

be the purchase of 5 new
garbage trucks which will
collect garbage in the town
on designated days, one for
biodegradable and another
wastes, to create a culture
of garbage segregation,
the Mayor said. -- fpj

Bikol short film

in int'l fest finals

PENANG, Malaysia -A seven-minute Bikol film

[Pa]Duman ([To] Someplace) was named one of
the finalists at the TropFest
Film Festival 2015. The
announcement was made
on Thursday, January 8,
in a press conference with
the filmmakers and TropFest secretariat in Penang,
[Pa]Duman, which ac-

cording to TropFest website depicts how, along

every road to someplace,
there are stations where
lives may change, is the
third directorial work of
Jennifer Lyn M. Romano,
a Communication graduate from Ateneo de Naga
first film Kuwatro:Otso
was Bicol Regions rep(Turn to page 2)

3rd Floor, GERONIMO BLDG., BARLIN ST., NAGA CITY TELEFAX: (054) 475-62-62 CP 0921-3183720 / 0919-2822901 / 0920-5337766


bikol reporter

january 11-17, 2015

Familial Call

Two itineraries of Pope Francis are appropriately

chosen to bring home his expected message of mercy
of compassion. They are much like the ideal soil for the
sowing of the good seed in the Biblical parable.
The first is the Mall of Asia in Pasay where he will
meet with families. The MOA, or how it is curtly and
popularly called, like all other malls, has become the
contemporary center of urban family activities and
gathering, or as an anthropologist puts it, the new
cathedral of consumerism.
The MOA then is a fitting venue for this dialogue
which centers on the family whom the Pope calls the
foundation of coexistence and a remedy against social
It is not surprising then that Pope Francis will also
focus on this issue as he considers the importance of
the family in the survival of humanity. In an address to
the bishops of Brazil in 2013, he described the family as
an essential cell of society and the Church.
The contemporary family, in the Popes mind,
however, is in crisis.
In a broadcast from the Vatican Radio, he said that
This revolution in manners and morals has often flown
the flag of freedom, but in fact it has brought spiritual
and material devastation to countless human beings,
especially the poorest and most vulnerable. Crisis in the
family has produced crisis of human ecology.
His other itinerary at the Palo Cathedral in Leyte is
likewise appropriate as the devastation of the province
in the wake of Haiyan underscore what he termed the
need for a new human ecology.
Although the human race has come to understand
the need to address the conditions that menace our
natural environments, we have been slower to recognize
that our fragile social environments are under threat
as well, slower in our culture, and also in our Catholic
Church. It is therefore essential that we foster a new
human ecology and advance it, he urged.
This ecology, he argued during the World Youth Day
in 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, can be promoted by going
back to the basics, like life, which is a gift of God, and a
value to be promoted and protected; integral education,
one which is not a transmission of information for profit;
health, which is integral for well-being; and security,
where violence can be overcome by the human heart.
In the same event, he challenged to youth to be
revolutionaries by rejecting the idea that marriage is
out-of-fashion, that it is not worth making a life-long
commitment and making a definitive decision, forever.
Children he said, have the right to grow in a family:
capable of creating a suitable environment for the childs
development and maturity.


(PICPA past president and Hallof-Famer, and ACPAPP Lifetime

Achievement Awardee).
GLOBAL OIL: As a result of continuing
glut in supplies and downtrends in
demand (in mid-winter), world demand
for oil continues to go down due to
economic slumps in Europe and
slowdown in industrial outputs in China.
While USA industries are reported to be
churning with improvements, American
fuel requirements are not huge enough
to counter below-par industrial activities
Opinions Unlimited is constrained to
change its earlier predictions that global
oil prices will start to move up gradually.
It seems the major oil producers are not
fearful of the price rollbacks, even as
oil trading is now dictated by reduced
orders. Producers minimum thresholds
downward. Biggest oil exporter Saudi
Arabia is expected to remain safe and
unhurt even if the price per barrel goes
down to US$40.00!
PESO-DOLLAR: We confirm our
prediction that the Phl peso will soon
depreciate against the USD not
because our economy will falter, but more
so because the USA eco-performance
will improve. Latest statistics (GDP &
GNP) seem to indicate that China now
has the best performing fundamentals,
with the USA ranking just close second.
With our controlled inflation rate (at
2.7%) the domestic currency will not
suffer much in the exchanges.
Global oil will continue to be
cheaper. If we are able to maintain the

FX rate (vs. the US$) the local pump

prices of gasoline, diesel and kerosene
will be lower. Our good inflation rating
in the last quarter of 2014 can be
sustained. Lower transport costs favor
consumers hoping that our producers
will cushion their prices by inputting the
fuel cost savings in their selling prices.
In addition, we pray that the Papal Visit
will bring added luck to our country.
Reserves hit US$79.8 B last December.
The countrys gross international
reserves (GIR) reflect our ability to pay
for import of goods and services and to
service our foreign debt. The yearend GIR level is a bit lower than that
of 2013 (US$83.187B) and of 2012
(US$83.572B). Despite the lower
Forex Reserves the country is
assured of its commercial capability
in handling international trade and
The GIR year-end level can cover
10.2 months worth of imports of goods
and payments for services. At the

Whats the weather tomorrow?

It is Thursday, the first day of 20l5.
The almost one month wet weather has
not improved. It is still rainy and windy. In
my old Caramoan hometown many years
ago, people said that if the first day of the
year was rainy, the whole January month
would not be any better.
The first l2 days of January mirror the
weather for the whole l2 months. My old
folks could tell if a particular month would
be rainy or sunny by taking note of the
weather of the first l2 days.
Each day represents a month.
Call it superstition or folk wisdom but
in many cases, they were right/My Lolo
Eleno could predict the weather for a week
by observing the behavior of Mt. Damulog
south of the barrio. When thick white mist
blanketed its peak, it would rain, he once
told me. And for days, the rains poured in
In northern Catanduanes years ago, a
merchant owner of a wooden motor launch
could tell if there was a brewing typhoon
by dipping his fingers into the sea. He was
described as a walking barometer.
In those days, the barometer was
the only reliable tool to detect a coming
In his regular visit to Tabaco in Albay
from Caramoran in northern Catanduanes

with a cargo of copra and hemp, and back,

he did not meet turbulent seas.
Other motorboat owners, due to their
long experience with the sea, knew when
to make the trip or when to keep their
boats safe in the harbor.
We, Catanduanes traders, trusted the
boat owners with our goods and our lives.
The weather was easy to predict years
ago even without the aid of instruments.
Not anymore. The warming of the earths
atmosphere has changed everything. The
well-pronounced summer or wet season
is now a thing of the past.
The usually dry months of March to
May and June are now typhoon and flood
months. Areas rarely pounced upon by

Bikol short film . . .

Tel. No. (054) 475-6262

ed g. yu


Lee G. Dullesco II

Head, Advertising Associates


same time, it is also equivalent to

8.4 times the countrys short-term
external debt based on original
maturity, and six times based on
residual maturity. The exchange rate
strength of the Phl peso is directly
affected by the GIR level as global
investors favor countries with strong
paying capacities.
and managers of the smaller rural
banks are concerned by our alert
call on the initial implementation of
the ASEAN Integration starting this
year. Under this united regional
program, big financial institutions
throughout ASEAN will be allowed
to open banking units or branches
in the Philippines thereby putting
their global operations here on equal
status and at par with domestic
When the giants play, the dwarfs
can get squeezed or eventually be
bumped out! The Monetary Board
has issued policies mandating the
smaller banks (thrift and rural banks)
to raise their level or operations or to
merge with fellow small operators.
Many are opting to stay meantime
as they continually test the waters.
But they are ready to sell-out to
banks expanding their horizons.
The foreign banks earlier allowed
to operate locally are buying small
provincial banks.
interior life is caught up in its own
interests, there is no longer room
for others!

resentative at the National

Cinemarehiyon Film Festival
in Cagayan de Oro City last
[Pa]Duman is written
by prizewinning poet and
translator Victor Dennis T.
Nierva who is also featured
as an actor in the film along
with writer Frank Peones Jr.
and Chrismund Leao. The
film was entirely shot in Mi-

nalabac, Camarines Sur, and

produced by Romano, Nierva
and photographer Gerard Jan
M. Asay who also served as
its chief cinematographer.
The screening of the film
along with fifteen other finalists and the announcement
of winner will be held on the
festival proper on February 1
at The Esplanade in Penang.
TropFest 2015 will be graced

natural disasters have been repeatedly

savaged by calamitous weather.
It appears that the earth is reverting
back to its inhospitable era. But if ever
that period comes, we have nobody to
blame but ourselves. The worst enemy
of the planet is man, his greed, his
destructive nature.
It is beginning to be felt.
The nightmare of Tacloban City and
nearby towns has revealed a weather
gone berserk. There is no apt word
to describe the deluge which claimed
thousands of lives.
Nobody knows when another
Yolanda will come. Scientists predict
more violent weather disturbances in the
coming years. That means typhoons,
floods, storm surges, landslides galore.
I could see a much displeased
Nature. Probably not only displeased
but boiling mad at how some people
behave. They behave badly.
Old folks who before could easily
tell the coming weather by looking at
the peak of a mist-covered mountain or
dipping their fingers into the sea would
be hard-pressed predicting todays
Very few people know what the
weather will be in the next few days.

by internationally acclaimed
cinematographer and director,
Christopher Doyle.
The other finalists are:
Kats Diary by Vanessa
Commune by
Sher Bautista, The Steel
Child by Jake Soriano, The
Little Reader by Inshalla
Montero (Philippines); All
that Could Have Been by
Caston J. Chua, Wheel Rolling Home by Tan Yong Lin,

Visit our website:

Emmas Birthday by Joyce

Huan and Nicole Goh, Tank
by Shu Kar Keng (Malaysia);
Lily by Phan Nha Trang
(Viet Nam); Colorful Knots
by Polen Ly, The Ride by
Sok You Chea, The Scavenger by Sothe Chhin, Bubble by Hang Sokharo, A
Fistful of Pebbles by Somchanrith Chap (Cambodia);
and Bond by Pek Hong
Kun (Singapore).

january 11-17, 2015

bikol reporter

By Ana-Liza S. Macatangay
PILI, Camarines Sur
--- Allowing the power of
transparency and the work
of technology to take its
course while realizing its vision for a more progressive
Pili, Mayor Alexis San Luis
recently inked a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
with the Land Bank of the
Philippines (LBP) and Philippine Payments and Clearing Systems (PhilPaCS) for
the full automation of its
operations with online payment capability.
The Capital town of Pili
will be the first Local Government Unit in the country that
will be using the said technology a great leap in local
governance using the latest
breakthrough in technology.
In an interview, San Luis
divulged the benefits that the
automation will bring to the
LGU, particularly to its constituents.

We are looking forward

into enhancing the lives of
our people and making things
easier and convenient to everyone. This will enable the
LGU to be competitive, transparent, more efficient in its
operations and servicing of

its citizens and attuned to the

call of the ASEAN Economic
San Luis said that every
department is connected to a
server through the Executive
or the automated local government suite where all the

transactions will be posted in

real time and can be accessed
by him anytime, anywhere.
This will give him up to date
information regarding the
LGUs dealings even if hes
out of town attending other

He said the citys hybrid

rice program has a separate
budget of Php1 million spent
in every cropping cycle.
The budget is for the purchase of high-quality seeds,
fertilizers and other agricultural inputs used by the farmers.
In December last year,
Rosal turned over three complete sets of farm tractor, two
threshers with accessories and
irrigation pumps that will be
used to facilitate the farming
activities of the farmers in order to produce more agricultural products.
This aims to ensure that
local foods and other agricultural commodities are always
available and affordable for
the daily consumption of the
people in the community,
Kallos said.
He revealed that the purchase of farm machineries
was part of the Php1 million
cash reward given by the
Department Agriculture during the 2013 Rice Achiever
Award, with the City Government of Legazpi as among the
The DA Bicol Regional

Office turned over last year to

the City Administration Php4
million for the construction
of a farm-to-market road in
the southern village of Cagbacong to hasten the transport of
agricultural products from the
villages down to the commercial site of this city.
A 75-hectare vacant area
in that place is now on the
CAOs drawing board to be
developed into rice field, Kallos pointed out.
The city agriculturist said
the DA also distributed last
year to the citys farmers organizations three threshers,
three tractors and other farm
machineries to help them in
their daily farming activities.
The NIA has also made a
strong support to the citys agricultural sector that resulted
in the completion of six irrigation projects in the identified rice areas in the villages
of Tamaoyan, San Joaquin,
Maslog, Bagong Abre, Banquerohan and San Francisco.
The projects materialized
through the counter-parting
agreement between the City
Government of Legazpi and
the NIA.

Kallos said one of the best

practices of his office was the
very good collaboration of the
farmers organizations and the
city administration.
Almost all the projects
of this office came from the
recommendations and suggestions of the farmers and
all of these were submitted to
the Office of the City Chief
Executive and to the DA, he
To address the high cost of
fertilizers, Kallos said his office entered into an agreement
with the ELR Corp. for the
manufacture of organic input
and that the first 100 bags of
this organic fertilizer will be
given on Jan. 27.
This program would reduce
the usage of inorganic fertilizers and enable the farmers
to spend less in their farming
ELR Corp. is based in Science City of Munoz, Nueva
Ecija and is now recognized
as one of top producers of
organic fertilizers being exported to China, Korea, Vietnam, United States, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and other

(Turn to page 4)

Pope Francis
By Nancy Ibo Mediavillo
LEGAZPI CITY -- The Philippine National Police Regional Office 5, aside from preparing for the Papal visit in
Tacloban City, will send 1,500 police officers to Tacloban
City to reinforce security measures for the head of the
Catholic Church.
Chief Supt. Victor Deona, Matnog port and ensure the
PNP Bicol regional director, security of the commuting
said that aside from the for- public and motorists who will
mation of the PNP Bicol Task surely flock to Leyte to have
Force Papal Visit, a three-bat- a glimpse of the Holy Father
talion Bicol police contingent of the Catholics for their onceto reinforce the PNP Region in-a-lifetime experience.
8 force, they have also been
Deona underscored the impreparing security for devo- portance of controlled points
tees going to Tacloban by land in Sorsogon province for the
through the Bicol Region.
comfort of the travelers as
For instance, it has estab- these facilities will have facillished Motorist Assistance ities like comfort rooms and
Centers (MAC) in police eateries.
stations along the Maharlika
This, he said, was done
Highway -- from Tabogon, when super typhoon "YoDaet, Camarines Norte, to landa" hit Samar and Leyte.
Matnog, Sorsogon.
Banac said his men are all
Deona also instructed Sr. ready for the important occaSupt. Bernie Banac, PNP sion, although, he said, there
Sorsogon provincial director, are not much passengers travto re-implement controlled elling yet.
points in Sorsogon City, IroAt peak season, however,
sin, Juban, Casiguran and there are about 600 vehicles
and 5,000 passengers that
The move aims to avoid crowd at the Matnog Port.
long lines of vehicles that will
He expects this number to
(Turn to page 9)
go to Samar and Leyte via the

SP Okays Nagas 2015 Budget

By Emmanuel P. Solis
LEGAZPI CITY -- Despite the small area of agricultural lands in this fastdeveloping city, the City
Agriculture Office has recorded 34.17-percent ricesufficiency level in 2014, 32
percent higher than in 2013.
City Agriculturist Jesus
Kallos said in an interview
Wednesday that this improvement was the result of the
strong support to the agricultural sector by Mayor Noel E.
Rosal, the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the National Irrigation Authority (NIA).
Kallos said this achievement can be attributed to the
maximization of the use of
rice field areas and the application of rice farming technology through proper land
and water management, the
usage of high-quality hybrid
rice seedlings, post-harvest
facilities, fertilizer management and conduct of several
training sessions and seminars
on the best farming strategy
participated in by the members of the citys farmers organizations.

The Sangguniang Panlungsod approved on final reading the city's 2015 annual budget totaling
PhP834,689,694.14. The amount is 11% higher than last year's PhP751,377,318.

Welcome to An Maogmang Lugar, the Center of Good Governance. The recent renovation of
the welcome arch was realized through the collaboration of the city government and Naga City
USA, an organization of Naguenos based in Los Angeles, California, USA. Thanks Naga City
USA for your generosity.


bikol reporter


Aroaldaw akong minatingag
Ni Jusan Misolas*

Sa paglaom na ika yaon sa itaas

kan sakuyang mga mata,
sa kalangitan na saimong itinuga
na papadumanan ko sa huring aldaw.
Sinasabat ako nin mga pananguron
na nagriribay-ribay lalawgon:
Aki na may darang tsupon,
kuneho na mabarahibuhon,
kenkoy na nadalan sa telebisyon,
gurang na mabarbason.
Anas puti, garo mga halang na kayo
na pigpapalid nin duros.
Tinutukdo ko ini sa dawa sisay
na sakong mahiling, uy, hilnga ito!
Dangan maribay sinda nin lawog
na garo baga ako sana an gustong pahil'ngan.
Hain man? Tinutukdo ko
hasta madutaan sinda kan sakong muro,
ngarig dai na sinda
makaribay pa nin lawog.

Si Jusan
nagaadal sa
Ateneo de Naga, asin aktibo sa
pagpakarhay kan Rimpos Literary
Folio asin sa Ateneo Literary

Tano Ta Bikol, Liwat

Sa ginibong ika-15ng Region V
Tertiary Schools Press Conference
sa University of Saint Anthony kan
nakaaging semana, liwat na naman
akong nahapot kun tano ta kaipuhan
na itulod an pagsurat sa tataramon na
Siring sa dati, an sakong simbag
iyo ta an tataramon ko Bikol asin an
lenggwahe, garo ika-duwang kublit. Dai
ini mahahali sa sakong pagkatao.
Dai ko natatanyog kan mga riparo na
dikit naman an mga nagbabarasa nin
Bikol, katubuan nagta-Tagalog. Maski
soboot an mga paratukdo nadidipisilan
na magtukdo sa mother-tongue kaya
ano daw ngaya kun Filipino/Tagalog o
English na lang.
Sa enot, an hapot ko man siring sa
hapot kadto kan sarong aktibistang
taga-UP, kun bako kita, siisay?
Kun bako ngonyan, nuarin? Siisay
mataram asin maataman kan satong
sadiring tataramon kun bako kita. Nuarin
pa man kita maataman kaini kundi

official concerns.
The online payment capability feature of the automation will make payment
schemes more convenient by
using its online features. Residents of Pili who have migrated to other countries but still
maintain their properties in
this town, can now pay their
taxes without the hassle of
going through the process of
bank transfers or similar paying scheme. Booking of tickets and similar transactions
can already be done without
the annoyance of queuing in
airlines offices.
South Luzon Lending
Group First Vice President

by j. henry danican

Never mind if Mother Tongue is used as a medium of

instruction. But there is simply no way of putting English
on the sides. That Filipinos speak good English has
always been a source of pride especially to those who
are working outside the country and in local multinational
corporations. We have many prominent writers in English
that have established a niche in literature some of which
have been published in world anthologies.
So, we continue to hone our English proficiency. We
continue to develop our students ability to speak and
write correct English. We encourage them to read great
books in English, the classics for example. Many a writer
who have been recognized for their literary output talk of
reading Shakespeare in English, Homer in English, the
biographies of the Greek playwrights, Omar Khayyams
Rubaiyat all these in English. So, unless we continue
to sharpen our ability to put English into our system and
encourage our students to grow with the language, they
would lose the opportunity to admire the works of the
literary masters and life would not be fulfilling for them.
It does not mean that we put aside our own. Let us
not, however, forget that we have a national language
which is Filioino. We have our local dialects and
languages that are beautifully written and read.
Today, our Bicol literature is already considered a
developed literature in the country as there are many
prominent Bicol literary writers, two of whom are Frank
Peones and Kristian Cordero. May your tribe increase!
K-12 is going to bring us the fulfillment of our dream
to wave high amidst the global competition in the pursuit
of better employment opportunities.
K-12, Yes. But English is Still it.

ngonyan nganing dai ini magresulta

sa sinasabing language erasure, o
Bakong rason an kadipisilan na dai
na magtukdo. Dai ako nagtutubod na
an sarong Bikolnon na paratukdo na
nagtataram nin Bikol madidipisilan na
itukdo ini. An saindang kadipisilan yaon
sa pag-iisip ninda. Bunga sinda kan
palpak na bilingual educational system
kan panahon ni Marcos. Panahon

Pili to automate . . .
Daisy Macalino and Southeast Luzon Branches Group
Assistant Vice President
Marilou Villlafranca who
were both present during the
MOA signing in Manila last
December 17 lauded San
Luis vision of enhancing its
services and vowed to assist
and provide the banks products and services to the LGU
as its partner.
The agreement will not
just provide transparency of
the LGUs projects but also
the utilization of funds, flow
of inventory and even approval tracking. The automated system of the LGU is
accessible via internet online

inner chess
The in thing today in the Department of Education is
K-12. It is a most welcome innovation in the Philippine
educational system. No wonder, it is getting a lot of
positive feedbacks. Now, we are getting ready to face
the world very competitively in terms of employment
opportunities globally.

january 11-17, 2015

idto nin pagtulod, pagpapusog asin

pagpapatubod nin kalangkawan nin
sarong lengwahe, na iyo an English
asin an Filipino/Tagalog sa ibang
mga rehiyonal na lenggwahe. An
resulta iyo an mga namamanwaan
an suhay sa saindang banwaan an
hawak asin isip.
Kaipuhan lang ini nin desisyon
sa parte kan mga paratukdo na
maglakaw pa nin sarong milya.
Dikit na higos. Sabi ngani kan mga
Tsino, an paglakaw sa sanribong
padumanan, minapoon sa enot na
Yaon na an literaturang Bikol sa
agimadmad asin hablon kan nasyon.
Prueba digdi iyo si panggana kan
sarong taon kan limang librong
sinurat asin nakasurat sa tataramon
na Bikol.
Kaipuhan ta na lang ining
andurugan. Sabi ngani kan mga
taga-Iriga, if you cannot agwans,
better diskans.

and has a cross-platform capability where citizens can

view the flow of processes of
their municipality using their
available gadget desktop
computers, laptops, tablets,
and even mobile phones,
San Luis added.
It will also be advantageous on the part of the LGU
since it can easily log on to
the website, have their documents filed, taxes and fees assessed, and obligations paid
without leaving the comforts
of their home or office. Payments can be done using accredited banks and directly
deposited to the LGU LandBank account.
The system also provides

the efficiency of a fully-integrated system where each

completed transaction is directly logged to the municipalitys treasury and logged
in the accounting records in
real time.
The towns constituents
can view the latest municipal
resolutions since they are also
published online. The documents can also be tracked for
approval purposes.
San Luis capped the good
news by saying that the possibilities of more efficiencies
and technology advancement
for the municipality are limited only by the innovation in
the minds of its implementers
and users.

january 11-17, 2015

Republic of the Philippines
Tanggapan ng Sangguniang Panlungsod
J. Miranda Ave., City Hall, City of Naga
( 472-7919 473-2049 473-2051
ORDINANCE NO. 2014-085
NOS. 1992-042, 1992-049, 2002-017, 2006-70, 2010-066, 2011-018, 2013-036,
2013-054, AND 2014-034, RESOLUTION NO. 2010-340 AND INTEGRATING

Author: Hon. Esteban Greg R. Abonal III

Co-sponsor: Hon. Jose A. Tuason

After the enactment of R.A. 7432 known as An Act to Maximize the

Contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special
Privileges and for Other Purposes four more related laws were adopted.
Immediately after the promulgation of the first senior citizens law, the City
of Naga likewise legislated Ordinance No. 1992-042 creating the Office of the
Senior Citizens Affairs. Then followed several related or amendment ordinances,
supplemented by a resolution and an executive order, to wit: No. 1992-049, An
Ordinance Granting Discounted Fares to Senior Citizens in Common Carriers
Operating in the City of Naga; No. 2002-017, An Ordinance Appropriating the
Amount of One Hundred Thousand (P100,000) Pesos out of the Unappropriated
Surplus for the Year 2001 to Cover the Death Assistance to Affiliated Senior
Citizens of the City of Naga at One Thousand (P1,000) Pesos per Beneficiary; No.
2006-70, An Ordinance Creating the Office for the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)
Headed by a Senior Citizen in the City of Naga as Mandated by R.A. 9257; No.
2008-091, An Ordinance Establishing a Cash Assistance for Death Expenses for
Senior Citizens of the City of Naga; No. 2010-066, An Ordinance Mandating an
Increased Budget Allocation for Senior Citizens and Persons with Disability (PWDS),
Allocating No Less Than One Percent (1%) of City and Barangay Budgets for Each
Sector, and Requiring Implementation Beginning Year 2011; No. 2011-018, An
Ordinance Implementing Extra Privileges to Senior Citizens in Naga City; No. 2013036, An Ordinance Establishing a Trust Fund for the Office for Senior Citizens
Affairs (OSCA) in the City of Naga; No 2013-054, An Ordinance Prescribing the
Replacement of Senior Citizens Lost/Worn-out and Mutilated IDs and Purchase
Booklets for Medicines and Prime Commodities and Prescribing Fees Thereof;
and, No. 2014-034, An Ordinance Amending Section 2 or Ordinance No. 2008-091,
Entitled: An Ordinance Establishing a Cash Assistance for Death Expenses for
Senior Citizens of the City of Naga by Increasing the Cash Assistance from Two
Thousand (P2,000.00) Pesos to Three Thousand (P3,000.00) Pesos.
This ordinance consolidates these ordinances and integrates the resolution
and executive order all for the purpose of easy reference.

Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Naga, that :
SECTION 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the Consolidated
Senior Citizens Ordinances.
SECTION 2. Adoption of Policies and Objectives. The City of Naga
hereby adopts the declared policies and objectives in Section 2 of R.A. 9994,
otherwise known as An Act Granting Additional Benefits and Privileges to Senior
Citizens, Further Amending Republic Act No. 7432, as Amended, Otherwise Known
as An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation Building, Grant
Benefits and Special Privileges and for Other Purposes, more specifically :
a. To establish mechanisms whereby the contributions of the senior citizens
may be maximized;
b. To adopt measures whereby our senior citizens are assisted and appreciated
by the community as a whole;
c. To establish a program beneficial to senior citizens, their families, and the
rest of the community they serve;
d. To establish community-based health and rehabilitation programs for senior
citizens in every political unit of society.
SECTION 3. Additional Privileges and Responsibilities. In addition to
the benefits and privileges enumerated in Section 4 of R.A. 9994,
a. All senior citizens shall be entitled to the following benefits and privileges:
1) Comfortable seats in public conveyances, e.g. buses, vans, jeepneys,
2) Priority in services in restaurants, groceries, markets,
3) Free movie once a week at the designated theater and at the designated
date and time
4) Financial assistance of Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000) to the family
for the death of an affiliated senior citizen
b. In this regard, the management of establishments shall assume the
following responsibilities:
1) Where customers must queue for service, as in fast food centers or
payment counters, to provide marked lanes that shall give priority to
senior citizens;
2) In restaurants and on buses, to reserve seats most convenient for
entrance and exit or for embarking and disembarking;
3) In dealing with senior citizens, to extend the utmost patience and due
SECTION 4. Senior Citizens Coordinating and Monitoring Board.
Pursuant to Rule VIII, Section 5 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
of R.A. 9994, there shall be a mechanism on the implementation of R.A. 9994 to be
known as the Senior Citizens Coordinating and Monitoring Board (SCCMB).

bikol reporter

a. The SCCMB shall be composed of: the Social Welfare and Development
Officer as Chairman; the Department of Interior and Local Government
(DILG) Officer as Vice-Chairman; and as members: the Head of the OSCA,
the City Legal Officer, the City Health Officer, the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) Field Officer, and the Representative of the Naga City
Peoples Council.
b. The SCCMB shall have the following duties and functions:
1) To formulate a City Plan of Activities for Senior Citizens, in coordination
with the City Government, the Social Welfare and Development Office
and Stakeholders;
2) To develop an effective monitoring and reporting system toward efficient
and uniform implementation of the law;
3) To develop and institute effective and innovative approaches and
methods to address emerging concerns of the senior citizens;
4) To coordinate the programs and projects of the City Government with
responsibilities under R.A. 9994 and its IRR;
5) To monitor the conduct of orientation, training and other capability
building programs to maximize the contributions and participation of
the senior citizens;
6) To coordinate the conduct and evaluation of the plan of action, research
and documentation of good practices and disparities for policy and
program development; and
7) To prepare a yearly report for the City Mayor and concerned local
government units.
c. The SCCMB shall meet at least quarterly to promulgate policies, rules and
regulations, and resolve issues complaints and other concerns related to
senior citizens affairs.
d. The SCCMB shall use part of the special purpose appropriation for the
senior citizens budgeted for operation and implementation of its functions.
e. The OSCA shall serve as the SCCMB secretariat.
SECTION 5. Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs. Pursuant to Section 6
of R.A. 9994, there shall be the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA).
a. The head of the OSCA shall be a senior citizen chosen from a list of three
(3) nominees of the general assembly of the accredited senior citizens
association of Naga City. He shall be selected and appointed by the City
Mayor for a single term of three (3) years without prejudice to an extension
if exigency so requires. During his term, he may not be removed except
for reason of death, permanent disability or ineffective performance of his
duties to the detriment of fellow senior citizens.
b. The OSCA shall serve the interest of the senior citizens and shall
1) To plan, implement and monitor yearly work programs in pursuance of
the objectives of this ordinance;
2) To draw up a list of available and required services which can be
provided by senior citizens.
3) To maintain and regularly update on a quarterly basis the Senior Citizens
Master List and to issue, free of charge for the first instance, the Senior
Citizen Official Identification Card (ID) and Purchase Booklet which
shall be valid anywhere in the country but shall be distinguishably for
Naga City senior citizens.
4) To serve as a general information and liaison center to serve the needs
of the senior citizens;
5) To monitor compliance of the provisions of this ordinance and other
national laws, particularly the grant of special discount and privileges
to senior citizens;
6) To report to the City Mayor, individuals but especially establishment
found violating any provision of this ordinance and applicable national
laws; and
7) To assist the Senior Citizens in filing complaints or charges against any
establishment, institution, or any agency refusing to comply with the
privileges under R.A. No. 9257 before the Department of Justice or the
city or regional trial court
c. All salaries and wages of items created under this ordinance as well as
maintenance and other operating expenses shall have their own budgetary
allocation in the annual Local Expenditure Program.
d. No less than one percent (1%) each of the city and of the barangay annual
budgets shall be allocated for benefits, plans, programs, and activities of
the senior citizens either organized, implemented, and/or sanctioned by the
OSCA and/or by other General Administrative, Social, Economic Services
departments/offices of Naga City or, in the barangay level, by the BASCA
and/or by the Senior Citizens Committee of the Barangay Council.
e. All fund disbursements for various plans, programs, and activities for
the benefit of the senior citizens shall be based on a Work and Financial
Plan duly endorsed by the Sangguniang Barangay or the OSCA and duly
approved by the Punong Barangay, or by the City Mayor, as the case may
f. One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) shall be charged for replacement of lost/
worn-out/mutilated ID and Twenty-Five Pesos (P25.00) for replacement of
lost or filled-up Purchase Booklet. An Affidavit of Loss shall be required
for replacement of lost ID or Purchase Booklet and that payment shall be
made at the Treasurers Office.
SECTION 6. Senior Citizens Associations. Even as City Hall officials and
offices respond to individual needs of senior citizens, the OSCA shall coordinate
and assist in organized efforts by organized senior citizens associations.
a. There shall be one (1) Barangay Association of Senior Citizens Affairs
(BASCA) in each of the twenty-seven (27) barangays of Naga City and
shall hold office in their respective barangay halls.
b. The Naga City Senior Citizens Federation, Inc. (NCSCFI) shall be recognized
as the official umbrella organization of all the BASCAs in the city.
c. Each BASCA shall submit to its respective Punong Barangay its annual
plans and requests for budgetary assistance from the barangay.

january 11-17, 2015

bikol reporter

d. The NCSCFI shall collate its own as well as all BASCA annual plans and
requests for budgetary assistance from the City Government and submit
the same to OSCA for consideration and accommodation in time for the
annual budgeting process of the City Government in August each year.

2) A medical practitioner giving prescription to other persons in the name

of the senior citizen or giving anomalous prescription.

a) refusing to grant the full 20% senior citizens discount and VAT
exemption on drug and medicine purchases paid via credit card,

SECTION 7. Senior Citizens Month. September is declared as Senior

Citizens Month and the City Senior Citizen Officials Program (CSCOP) is adopted,

b) making a distinction between branded and generic drugs and

medicines in giving the 20% discount,

a. Composition and Manner of Election

1) There shall be one senior citizen counterpart for the City Mayor, one for
the City Vice-Mayor, twelve counterparts for the City Councilors, one
counterpart for the Sanggunian Secretary, and twelve counterparts for
department heads or heads of offices.
2) The SCCMB shall set the period and guidelines and shall supervise
the election of the City Senior Citizen Officials.
3) Each Barangay Association of Senior Citizens Affairs (BASCA) shall
submit to the SCCMB its single member-nominees Resolution of
Nomination and Certificate of Candidacy to OSCA; provided, that any
previous City Senior Citizen Official (CSCO) may be nominated and
serve only up to a second time.
4) The Presidents of the twenty-seven Barangay Association of Senior
Citizens Affairs shall elect through secret balloting the full complement
of fourteen (14) city officials from among the nominees.
5) The candidate with the highest number of votes shall be the City Senior
Citizen Mayor; the second highest, the City Senior Citizen Vice-Mayor;
and, the next twelve, the twelve City Senior Citizen Councilors.
6) The Senior Citizen Mayor-elect shall designate remaining BASCA
nominees as counterparts for the Sanggunian Secretary and for
department heads or heads of offices.

c) posting notices and signages telling customers that availment of the

20% discount is limited to cash purchases only,
d) limiting of discountable drug and medicine purchases to certain
weekdays only, such that senior citizens cannot avail of the 20%
discount on other days, and e) restricting the purchase time or period
for senior citizens to a particular hour each day only, i.e. refusing to
grant senior citizen discounts after a certain hour.
b. The following acts concerning food purchases are considered violations of
the provisions of the ordinance:
1) Pegging a maximum amount of food purchase subject to 20% discount
and the VAT exemption, and/or posting of notice to that effect;
2) Refusal to grant the 20% discount and VAT exemption on take-out /
take-home / drive-thru orders it appearing that the purchase is for the
exclusive use and enjoyment of senior citizens;
3) Refusal to grant a discount for credit card payments; and
4) Refusal to grant a 20% discount and VAT exemption on delivery orders
it appearing that the purchase is for the exclusive use and enjoyment
of senior citizens.

b) Term of Office, Functions, and Honorarium

1) The term of the City Senior Citizen Officials shall be from September 1
to 30 each year.
2) They shall serve as counterpart of the elected or appointed officials
and shall perform similar duties and functions of their counterparts,
except matters pertaining to monetary disbursement.
3) Each City Senior Citizen Councilor shall automatically become the
Chairman, Co-chairman, or Member of the Sangguniang Panlungsod
Standing Committee in which the regular City Councilor of whom the
former is the counterpart is the Chairman, Co-chairman, or Member.
4) During the joint session with the regular Sangguniang Panlungsod, the
CSCOs shall participate in the deliberations but shall have no voting
5) Aside from the joint session, the CSCOs shall schedule a separate day
for their regular session to deliberate on matters for proposal to the
6) At the end of their term, the Senior Citizen City Mayor shall convene
all the elected and appointed CSCOs for an evaluation of their CSCOP
and submit the evaluation report to the City Mayor, the Sangguniang
Panlungsod, and the OSCA.
7) All CSCOs shall receive honorarium on a daily wage basis.
SECTION 8. OSCA Trust Fund.
a. The OSCA Trust Fund is created and maintained at the Treasurers Office to
provide additional financial and/or material aid to senior citizens for health
care and rehabilitation system for the disabled senior citizens and extend
assistance to the needs of the underprivileged, sick, and incapacitated
elderly and give full support to the improvement of the well-being of the
b. To this OSCA Trust Fund shall be paid/deposited all payments for
replacement of IDs and Purchase Booklets, donations from individuals
or institutions, earnings from income-generating activities and projects
undertaken by the OSCA, and savings from externally-funded activities.
c. This OSCA Trust Fund shall be managed by Trustees that by resolution
shall approve disbursements for full and exclusive assistance to senior
citizens in need and shall require annual audit of the same. The Trustees
shall include:
1) City Mayor Chairman
2) OSCA Head Vice-Chairman
3) Sangguniang Panlungsod Chairman of the Committee on Senior
Citizens Member
4) City Treasurer Member
5) NCSCFI President Member
SECTION 9. Penalties and Other Sanctions
a. The following acts concerning drug and medicine purchases are considered
violations of the ordinance:
1) A Senior Citizen or his/her representative or a person misusing the
privileges by:

3) Retailers and establishments dispensing medicines:

c. Any person who refuses to honor the senior citizen card or violates
any provision of the ordinance shall suffer the following penalties: One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000) for the First Offense, Three Thousand Pesos
(P3,000) for the Second Offense, and Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000) for
the Third Offense and every succeeding offense thereafter.
d. If the offender is a corporation, partnership, organization or any similar
entity, the officials thereof directly involved such as the president, general
manager, managing partner, or such other officer charged with the
management of the business affairs shall be liable.
e. Provided, however, that any person/establishment charged with violation
of any of the provisions of this ordinance and does not wish to contest
the charge(s) and is willing to pay the fine voluntarily prior to the filing of
charges before the proper Court shall be allowed to pay the corresponding
fine at the City Treasurers Office to avoid criminal prosecution within twelve
(12) hours from apprehension; otherwise, the case shall be prosecuted.
f. Upon filing of an appropriate complaint, and after due notice and hearing,
the proper authorities may also cause the cancellation or revocation of the
business permit, permit to operate, franchise and other similar privileges
granted to any person, establishment or business entity that fails to abide by
the provisions of the Act, the Implementing Rules, and/or this ordinance.
SECTION 10. Separability Clause. Any provision of this ordinance found
to be in violation of the Constitution or declared invalid by a competent court shall
not impair the other provisions or parts thereof and shall continue to be in force and
in effect.
SECTION 11. Repealing Clause. Ordinances, rules and regulations or
parts thereof which are inconsistent or in conflict with provisions of this ordinance
are hereby repealed. Likewise, all previous senior citizen ordinances particularly,
except for the persons with disabilities (PWD) provisions in Ordinance No. 2010066, are hereby repealed.
SECTION 12. Effectivity.
immediately upon approval.

This ordinance shall become effective

ENACTED: December 19, 2014

APPROVED: January 5, 2015
WE HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing ordinance.


Secretary to the

Sangguniang Panlungsod
City Councilor &
Temporary Presiding Officer


City Vice Mayor

a) using several purchase booklets,

b) availing of the discount to buy medicines, drugs, medical accessories

and supplies not for the use of the senior citizen,

Published: January 11, 2015

c) unauthorized use of the identification card of the senior citizen.


City Mayor

january 11-17, 2015

bikol reporter

homar murillo


Understanding Scientific
Hypothesis, Theory and Law
The terms hypothesis, theory and law have precise meanings
when used in science. Generally speaking, these terms all try
to provide reasonable descriptive statements about specific
phenomena. The big difference, however, is the levels of
confidence attributed to these terms.
The levels of scientific confidence are based on the reliability
of predicted result as verified by independent experiments.
Hypotheses typically have the lowest scientific confidence while
theories and laws have the highest levels of scientific confidence
because they are well-tested and peer-reviewed by scientists.
Contrary to common understanding, hypothesis, theory and
law do not necessarily imply a continuum. A hypothesis does
not always graduate into theory or law. Similarly, a law is not
necessarily more well-established than a theory.
A scientific hypothesis is a tentative explanation about a
particular phenomenon, set of observable facts or implications
that remains to be tested. It could be derived either through
deductive or inductive reasoning based on previous observations
and established scientific theories or laws. Multiple hypotheses
can also be proposed, refined and combined to provide a
more coherent and comprehensive explanation. This typically
becomes a working hypothesis, which is a provisionally accepted
hypothesis that is subject to further research.
According to Schick and Vaughn, scientists who are
evaluating and comparing various hypotheses should take into
consideration the following criteria:
1.)Testability or falsifiability
2.) Parsimony or the application of Occam's razor
3.) Scope the apparent application of the hypothesis to
multiple cases of phenomena
4.) Fruitfulness the prospect that a hypothesis may explain
further phenomena in the future
5.) Conservatism the degree of "fit" with existing recognized
Scientific hypotheses typically have high mortality when
they are subjected to a barrage of tests. Very few hypotheses
survive to be accepted as factual. Most hypotheses do not lead
to breakthroughs even if they become a well-established fact. A
hypothesis could be as mundane and narrow as explaining why
there is a mold growth in a supposedly sterilized agar medium
in a Petri dish or it could be a grand and complex as explaining
how it is possible for biological life to arise from simple organic
Contrary to common notion, a scientific theory is not a merely
speculative explanation. A scientific theory is rigorously tested
to the point that it becomes a very reliable and comprehensive
explanation about some aspects of nature. A theory is wellsupported by a vast body of evidence that typically comes from
multidisciplinary approach. The tests for the validity of a scientific
theory are independently done by various experts in a particular
field of inquiry, complying with the strictest scientific protocols
and other criteria of modern science. A theory is proposed in
a way that it can either be empirically verified or contradicted
Scientific theories have the characteristics of being capable
of providing accurate predictions. In contrast to hypotheses,
which are empirically testable conjectures, theories have
already undergone and survived several empirical tests done by
independent scientists.
Theories may either be modified in the light of additional
evidence or they may be integrated with other theories to form a
synthesis such as such as in the case of the modern synthesis
of genetics with the Darwinian Theory of evolution through
natural selection. Very few theories well-established theories are
completely overthrown.
Historically speaking, few paradigms shifts or scientific
revolutions had completely overthrown well-established theories.
Some common examples include the following: geocentric
theory overthrown by heliocentric theory, absolute space-time
theory overthrown by relativity theory, and steady state theory
overthrown by the big bang theory.
A scientific law is similar to a scientific theory in terms of
empirical support and wide acceptability among the experts in a
particular field. However, the main differences of a scientific law
with a theory include comprehensiveness, predictive capability
and explanatory ability. Laws and theories are interrelated and
do not have degrees of superiority compared to each other. It is
a misconception to assume that a law is more established than
a theory.
A law is a descriptive statement about a specific phenomenon
while a theory is the explanation behind that phenomenon. In
most cases scientific laws are contained within theories. For
example, the three Mendelian laws of inheritance are contained
within the theory of genetics. The Medelian laws describe the
phenomenon of inheritance while the genetic theory explains
(Turn to page 9)

SM dominated the prestigious Don Emilio Abello

Energy Efficiency Awards
for 2014, getting a total
of forty eight awards, the
most number given to a
company by the awardgiving body.
SM malls, a department
store and two office buildings were conferred 48
energy efficiency awards,

including a Hall of Fame

award for SM Clark.
The Don Emilio Abello
Efficiency Awards is spearheaded by the Department
of Energy in recognition to
outstanding companies and
energy managers who have
undertaken energy efficiency and conservation programs to achieve substantial
savings in their energy con-

For being the only Philippine company to receive an
award at the 2014 ASEAN
Best Practice for Energy
Management in Buildings
and Industries, SM City
Davao was given an Award
of Recognition.
SM City Naga was also
given an award of recognition for its entry for the

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices

Competition in the new and
existing buildings category.
Due to energy efficiency
programs implemented in
the malls, SM has saved
P320.28 million in electricity. Thus, adhering to the call
to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and
the power shortage.

DPWH-Bicol completes 315 infra projects in 2014

By Floreo G. Solmirano
Works and Highways Bicol
regional office completed
315 infrastructure projects
in the region in 2014, a report released Tuesday by the
agencys Public Information
Office said.
The accomplished infrastructure projects are part of
the 422 projects targeted by
the agency for the year, involving a total allocation of
Php9.19 billion for the Bicol
Region under the DPWH Infra Program.
The projects include roads
and bridges, flood control and
drainage, water system, school
buildings, national buildings
and other public infrastructure
The big chunk of the allocation was for the construction
and rehabilitation of roads and
bridges with Php7.1-billion
share, DPWH Bicol Regional Director Melvin B. Navarro
Navarro explained that the
DPWH-Bicol is one of the
key agencies that provide the
infrastructures necessary to
spur the development of the
The regional office and its
15 district engineering offices
have facilitated the delivery of
the much-needed infrastructure services to Bicolanos, he
Other portion of the
Php9.19-billion total allocation went to flood control and
drainage, Php1.6 billion; water system, Php10.5 million;
school buildings, Php14.0
buildings, Php297.0 million; and

other public infrastructure,

Php209.1 million.
Water system and school
building projects have been
fully implemented while others are in progress.
One of the remaining not
yet started (NYS) projects
is ready for implementation

while others are still under the

pre-construction activities due
to the delayed pre-detailed engineering activities.
Navarro said that aside
from the current infra program, his office also implemented carry-over projects
under CY2013, CY2012 and

CY2011 infra programs.

For 2013 carry-over projects, the total accomplishment
in 2014 yearend was 97.04
percent, with one remaining
NYS project under perfection of contract; while for the
CY2013 carry-over projects,
(Turn to page 8)

january 11-17, 2015

bikol reporter

ayala enters leGaZpi . . .

AC is pouring in to the city
an initial amount of Php1 billion for the establishment of
the City Center Mall (CCM)
within a 1.5-hectare land
owned by the city government at the heart of the citys
central business district, according to City Mayor Noel
The property has been
leased by the city government to Liberty Commercial
Center Inc. (LCCI) of the Tan
family, a Filipino-Chinese
clan from Tabaco City -some 30 kilometers north of
this city, which pioneered the
putting up of malls here and
most parts of Bicol starting
way back in the late 1970s.
LCCI runs Liberty Commercial Center (LCC) which
has a chain of malls and grocery stores in the city and
several urban centers of the

Under the contract signed
in late 2013 by LCCI with the
city government, the property
is leased for an annual base
rent of Php5.775 million and
pursuant to the express provision of the Contract of Lease,
the company has paid a Construction Performance Bond
in the amount equivalent to
30 percent of the proposed
structures estimated cost in
order to guarantee the full implementation of the project.
The project cost was not
mentioned in the document
covering the contract but
sources said it is to the tune
of about Php1 billion to cover
the development of the site
into a world-class shopping
and lifestyle center featuring a four-level modern mall
Rosal on Thursday said

Republic of the Philippines

LuPI, Camarines sur


CCe-0001-2015 RA 10172
In compliance with the publication requirement and
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1,
Guidelines in the implementation of the Administrative
Order No. 1, Series of 2012 (IRR on RA 10172). Notice is
hereby served to the public that JUDEL DOGOS BARROGA
has filed with this office, a petition for correction of entry
in the SEX of the Child from FEMALE to MALE in the
Certificate of Live Birth of JUDEL DOGOS BARROGA who
was born at Lupi, Camarines Sur and whose parents are
Any person adversely affected by said petition may
file his written opposition with this office not later than
January 26, 2015.
Muncipal Civil Registrar
Published: JAN. 11 and 18, 2015

the project was taken over

late last year by AC, which
vowed to finish it this year.
He is confident the Ayala
company could do it without
hitches, knowing its reputation as one of the largest integrated property developers
in Southeast Asia that offers
innovative and sustainable
lifestyle cities with the development of malls, residences,
offices, hotels and convention centers.
With this new billion-peso
investment, the mayor said,
AC joins SM and Robinsons
in the bandwagon of grand
investors in the city that has
been emerging as the new
shopping and investment haven in Bicol, given its strategic location and its being the
regional government center
and center of transportation,
health services and education.
The city boasts of an expansive market that extends
from the entire province of
Albay to the adjoining provinces of Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon -- up to Samar areas.
Shadowed by the majestic
Mt. Mayon and named the
City of Fun and Adventure
by the worlds travel industry, Legazpi is also the heart
of Albay and Sorsogon tourism.
SM Prime Holdings now
runs its grand Save More
grocery store within the
sprawling City Grand Terminal Complex and has two
branches of its Banco De Oro
in the city.
Robinsons, on the other
hand, has its supermarket at
a prime location near the city
hall and the Albay provincial
Capitol as part of one of the

largest and most successful

chains of malls in the country
The Gokongwei group
also acquired in 2012 the
Legazpi Savings Bank, the
biggest thrift bank in Bicol
based here, from Albay Congressman Al Francis Bichara.
Rosal said both SM and
Robinsons are still looking
for spacious lands for their
respective plans of putting up
of more commercial establishments in the city.
We are impressed by this
response of the countrys
leading investors to our call
for investments after the Department of Trade and Industry cited the Legazpi as the
most business-friendly city in
Bicol for its prompt compliance with the governments
simplified Business Permit
and Licensing System, Rosal said.
The Department of Interior and Local government
(DILG) has also named
Legazpi as Bicols most
business-friendly local government unit, citing its effectiveness and efficiency in
paving the way for the place
to become haven of investments.
The Philippine Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
has recognized the city as the
most business-friendly for
the whole of South Luzon.
The Asian Institute of
Management named Legazpi
as one of the most competitive cities in the Philippines.
Apart from that, the city
is also recognized as one of
the best places of business
process outsourcing outside
Metro Manila when it advanced in 2011 to the 10 next
wave cities in the countrys

industry list of the Business

Processing Association of the
Early last year, the city
government won its second
Seal of Good Housekeeping
from the DILG for its excellence in the field of good
governance measured by
administrative, social, economic, environmental and
other forms of achievements that benefited both
the community and its constituents.
It was followed by an
award given by the National Disaster risk Reduction
Council and the Department
of National Defense last
March, which honored the
city government as the 2013
national champion in the
Gawad Kalasag Awards.
Last October, the city government was awarded three
more national championship
accolades that came in a row
within a week's timethe
Most Livable City Award,
Galing Pook Award and Silver Governance Trailblazer

Award for excellence in the

implementation of Public
Governance System.
Ahead of SM, Robinsons
and AC, the Gaisano Grand
Group of Companies of the
Cebu-based Gaisano family
has established here the Pacific Mall Legazpi, the first
full-sized integrated shopping
center in the Bicol Region.
The mall, located at a
prime location within an over
two-hectare property, opened
in 2001 as the centerpiece of
the Landco Business Park, a
master-planned central business district in the heart of
the city.

DpWh-bicol. . .
the total yearend completion
was 97.94 percent, with nine
ongoing projects and one remaining NYS that is under
MOA with an LGU and ready
for implementation.
The total yearend performance for 2011 carry-over
projects was 94.81 percent,
with two remaining ongoing


Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the
surviving spouse and only child and sole heirs of the
deceased ANDRes BeRNALes PeONes who died
intestate in Naga City on August 7, 2014 with no known
debts or obligations due against the estate, leaving real
and personal properties (1/2 of the conjugal properties of
the decedent) located in Naga City, Sagay and Tigaon,
Camarines Sur more particularly described as follows: a)
Residential House and Land located at Naga City; b)
Toyota Revo (2002 Model) with Plate No. PLW 985;
c) Residential and Agricultural lands located at Sagnay and
Tigaon, Camarines Sur; the parties adjudicate among the
themselves in pro-indiviso equal shares the entire estate
particularly the real property described, in the manner set
forth in the Extra-judicial Settlement, as acknowledged
before Notary Public Atty. Carlo C. Villanueva, Jr., Doc. No.
315, Page No. 63, Book No. 121, Series of 2014.
Published: January 4, 11 and 18, 2015

Be a ReAL esTATe sALesPeRsON and eARN a

substantial income.
APPLY NOW at estate Quest Realty services, Bulusan
street, Dayangdang, Naga City.
Kindly bring your resume.
Interview is being conducted every saturday.

Balatas road, Brgy. Balatas, Naga City

Please contact Felix G. Morandarte Jr. at 09209099334

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For DeCeMBeR


january 11-17, 2015

tip of an iceberg . . .
the cause and mechanism of inheritance.
For example, the first law of inheritance (Law of Segregation)
states that every individual contains a pair of alleles for each
particular trait which segregate or separate before cross breeding
for any particular trait and that each parent passes a randomly
selected copy (allele) to its offspring. This is well-established fact
that is observable when breeding diploid organisms. However,
this law does not explain why it happens or how it happens.
Scientific laws are narrower in scope while theories are much
broader and comprehensive. For example, the Newtonian law on
universal gravitation does not apply in very strong gravitational
fields such as in the case of black holes. This law may describe
planetary motions and projectile trajectories but does not provide
an explanation. By comparison, Einsteins special theory of
relativity does not only account for the planetary motions and
projectile trajectories but explains gravity as the curvature of
space-time, thereby providing explanation as to how and why
the paths of motions are curved. More precise calculations can
also be made using Einsteins theory.
Philosophical Views
Scientific hypotheses, theories and laws are all based
on empiricism or the idea that a valid test for truth must be
based on sensory experience and evidence. As a branch of
epistemology, science is primarily concerned with verifiable and
provable knowledge. Hence, scientific knowledge is a posteriori
On a stricter sense, scientific hypotheses, theories and
laws are limited to methodological naturalism. This means that
science is limited by facts and ideas that can be experimentally
tested or empirically observed. It is based on the assumption
that nature is coherent, consistent and self-explanatory.
On one hand, the logical positivists assume that scientific
concepts in the forms of hypotheses, theories and laws can be
deduced based on the axioms of nature. On the other hand,
the semantic view assumes that scientific concepts are both
inductive and deductive in nature but only provides models or
approximation of reality rather than revealing the fundamental
and consequential state of nature.
6. Schick, Theodore; Vaughn, Lewis (2002). How to think about weird things:
critical thinking for a New Age. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. ISBN 0-76742048-9.

Search for gender-fair media launched
bikol reporter

To give due recognition

to gender-fair practices in
Movie, Print and Broadcast Media, the Gender
Equality Committee (GEC)
has launched a nationwide
search for recipients of the
GAD Transformation and
Institutionalization through
Mainstreaming of Programs, Agenda, Linkages
and Advocacies (GADtimpala) Awards.
The GADtimpala Awards
is an incentive awards system
that recognizes the best gender-fair and gender-balanced
media practices.
GEC Chairman, Secretary Sonny Coloma of the
Presidential Communications
Operations Office (PCOO),
said the GADtimpala Awards
will help in mainstreaming
the gender equality criteria
of gender balance in content
and programming, gender-fair
language, positive portrayal of
women in media and film and
other works by professionals
and students.
The award has four categories: Gender-Fair Radio
Program, Gender-Fair TV
Program, Gender-Fair Print
Media, and Gender-Fair Film.
There will be one awardee
for each category but special
citations may be given to deserving organizations. Each
winner will receive a plaque/
trophy from the Media and
Gender Equality Committee
during the awarding ceremony, one of the highlights of the
Womens Month Celebration
in March.
The committee launched
the search during the kick-off
of the Philippine Commission
on Womens (PCW) 18-Day
Campaign to End Violence
Against Women (VAW) last
November 25 at the Quezon
City Memorial Circle.
For details on the criteria
for the award, nomination pro-

cess, selection/qualifying process and to download the nomination form, log on to PCWs
ph, or contact the GADtimpala Secretariat at (02) 7358509
or 7351651 loc. 131, or send
an email to
ph. The deadline for nomination is January 30.
The GEC was established through Section 19 of
RA 9710 or an Act Providing for the Magna Carta on
Women, to promote gender
mainstreaming, formulate the
guidelines on gender equality
and Code of Ethics for media,
and monitor and evaluate their
The committee is composed of representatives of
the PCOO, PCW, National
Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Movie and
Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB),
Film Academy of the Phil-

ippines (FAP), Film Development Council of the

Philippines (FDCP), Optical
Media Board (OMB), Na-

Tertiary School Presscon

PIA Provincial Head, Ana-Liza S. Macatangay was the keynote

speaker during the 15th Region V Tertiary Schools Press
Conference held at the University of Saint Anthony in Iriga
City. Macatangay, who also served as Judge and Lecturer on
Opinion and DevCom Writing, is joined by CHED Supervisor
Dr. Christian Rivero and USANT Vice President for Academic
Affairs, Dr. Domingo R. Ortega Jr.

PNP-Bicol readies for Papal . . .

triple during the Papal visit in
Deona has recommended to
the Philippine Ports Authority
and the Maritime Industry Authority to add more trips of sea
transport plying the Matnog and
Bulan ports, both in Sorsogon,
during the visit.
He also plan to meet the Department of Transportation and
Communication family in the
region on this matter.
In a related story, Governor
Joey Sarte Salceda has issued a
no-work order for Capitol employees and the suspension of
classes at all levels on Jan. 16.
Salceda said his decision
is based on his comprehensive
consultations and collective appraisal with appropriate government agencies like the Bicol
University and the Department
of Education in Albay.
He said 85 percent of Albayanos are Catholic.



tional Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA),

and womens media NGOs.

The governor said he had also

ordered officials and employees
of the Provincial Government
of Albay to make adjustments
on their work schedules before
Jan. 16 so as not to jeopardize
the public.
He also requested the Department of Public Works and Highways and local government units
to temporarily suspend work on
this day so as to clear the route
from Albay to Metro Manila.
The provincial chief executive
noted that in the past 50 years,
this opportunity happened only
between 15-20 years.
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime
event," Salceda claimed.
He stressed that not all Albayanos can have the opportunity to visit the Vatican.
"If those in the National Capital Region or Metro Manila will
have an opportunity to see the
Holy Pope, why deprive the Albayanos of the same privilege,"

the governor said.

He claimed that amid the tight
security and crowd control to be
enforced along the route of Pope
Francis, everyone has a chance to
have a glimpse of him.
Salceda said many believe
that no one should squander the
opportunity that awaits Albayanos, in particular, and the Filipinos, in general.
He also believes that this opportunity will also give way to
the unification of the Filipino nation as one family and one community.
"The meeting of the Holy Father with the youth will be a great
inspiration to them as the hope of
the society," the governor said.
Earlier, it was announced that
the Pope will meet with families
at the Mall of Asia Arena on Jan.
16, and on Jan. 18, Pope Francis
will meet with the youth at the
University of Santo Tomas.
He will lead a Holy Mass at
the Rizal Park.



All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE SPEED

PAWNSHOP, JR. Bichara Complex, San Antonio Poblacion,
Calabanga, Camarines Sur, pawned from AUGUST 1-31, 2014
whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale
on FEBRUARY 02, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until JANUARY 28,
2015 only.

Published: JANUARY 11 and 18, 2015

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ROWENA ASPE

PAWNSHOP, P. Burgos St., corner J. Hernandez Avenue,
Naga City, pawned from AUGUST 1-31, 2014 whose terms
have expired will be sold to public auction sale on FEBRUARY 02, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until JANUARY 28,
2015 only.

Published: JANUARY 11 and 18, 2015





All unredeemed items/articles pawned at R. M. ASPE

PAWNSHOP, Cor. Panganiban & Elias Angeles Street, Naga
City, pawned from AUGUST 1-31, 2014 whose terms have
expired will be sold to public auction sale on FEBRUARY
02, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until JANUARY 28,
2015 only.

Published: JANUARY 11 and 18, 2015

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE EXPLORER PAWNSHOP, Ground Floor, Bichara Complex, Abella St.,
Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from AUGUST 1-31, 2014 whose
terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on
FEBRUARY 02, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until JANUARY 28,
2015 only.

Published: JANUARY 11 and 18, 2015


All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE CROWNJEWEL PAWNSHOP & JEWELRY STORE, Bichara Mall corner
J. Hernandez & Gen. Luna Sts., Naga City, pawned from
AUGUST 1-31, 2014 whose terms have expired will be sold
to public auction sale on FEBRUARY 02, 2015 from 9:00
A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until JANUARY 28,
2015 only.

Published: JANUARY 11 and 18, 2015


All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE IGUALDAD PAWNSHOP, Cor. Igualdad Ext. & J. Hernandez Ave.,
Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from AUGUST 1-31, 2014 whose
terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on
FEBRUARY 02, 2015 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until JANUARY 28,
2015 only.

Published: JANUARY 11 and 18, 2015

10 bikol reporter

january 11-17, 2015

Flies swarm 7 villages in Guinobatan town

By eduardo m. casulla

LEGAZPI CITY -Residents of seven villages in Guinobatan, Albay,

have complained of flies
coming from a poultry
farm in Barangay Binog-

sacan of the same town

that are swarming their
localities, to the detriment of their health.
The PNA learned that the
residents have complained of

the situation since October

2014 yet.
They claimed they could
not eat well due to the bad
smell emitted by the poultry
farm, posing danger to their
Even village officials could

not help advising their constituents to just catch the flies and
decimate them.
Guinobatan Mayor Ann
Gemma Ongjoco said she
already warned the owner
of the poultry farm, who
has promised to do some-

thing about the problem but

begged not to close his business as he had poured millions of investments into the
The local government unit
had suspended operation of the
poultry farm for three months

last year but it later allowed

the business to resume operation after its owner promised
to do something about the situation.
Then flies also resumed infesting the surroundings of the
farm. -- PNA

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