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Revised: 3-Jan-08

Inmarsat-C from Stratos


C-SMS is the Stratos Short Messaging Service

between the Inmarsat-C network and GSM mobile
phones. With a minimum of effort you can send
short messages to any GSM user. GSM users can
also register at Stratos to send messages to
Inmarsat-C terminals.

Instructions: How to send a C-SMS

C-SMS provides a direct link between two worldwide

networks: the Inmarsat-C satellite network and GSM
phones. No additional hardware or software is
needed. If your message is longer than the standard
160 characters, it will be split into the necessary
number of SMS messages to be delivered to the GSM
phone. Note that this service is only available on LES

<country code and mobile number all

together><space><body text>

From Inmarsat-C to GSM

Be sure you are using LES 12 on your Inmarsat-C
terminal. Prepare the message as follows, starting
on the first line:

Send the message to Stratos via Special Access

Codes 696 or SMS
31620848338 Pls deliver spare parts engine on
Rotterdam dock7 at 1000 UTC. Thanks Capt Jones.

Inmarsat-C terminals do not need to be registered to
send SMS messages to GSM phones. Simply use
Special Access Code 696 or SMS (see full instructions
below). GSM mobile phones must be registered at
Stratos to be able to send messages to Inmarsat-C
The GSM phones to be registered must be owned or
authorized by business customers. Stratos offers two
forms of registration for your GSM phones - based
on GSM number only or based on GSM and
Inmarsat-C number. To register your GSM phone(s),
please contact your Stratos sales manager or Stratos
Customer Support.
C-SMS charges are one price globally. Prices are in
USD per 256 bits and are per agreed contract rates.
Charges from your GSM provider are not included.
Delivery notifications are not possible, however non
delivery notifications are available for messages
originated by a GSM phone only in case of format
errors or in case an invalid Inmarsat-C number has
been entered.

In the example are 31:country code; 620848338:

GSM number; the rest is body text
You may use the 5- or 7-bit mode, depending on
whether your terminal will allow the use of special
characters in 5-bit mode. If the message is longer
than 160 characters it will be split into the necessary
number of SMS messages.
From GSM to Inmarsat-C
Only registered GMS phones, authorized by
businesses, can use this service. Please contact to register or visit
To send an SMS from a GSM to an Inmarsat-C
terminal, type:
<the letter i"><space><Inmarsatnumber>
<space><message text> and send it to
i 425949710 To: Capt Jones. Parts to be delivered
tomorrow at 1000 UTC as agreed. Rgds. Bob.


About Stratos
Stratos is the worlds trusted leader for vital
communications. With more than a century of
service, Stratos offers the most powerful and
extensive portfolio of remote communications
solutions including mobile and fixed satellite and
microwave services. More than 20,000 customers
use Stratos products and industry-leading valueadded services to optimize communications
performance. Stratos serves U.S. and international
government, military, first responder, NGO, oil and
gas, industrial, maritime, aeronautical, enterprise,
and media users on seven continents and across the
worlds oceans. For more information visit
For more information please contact Stratos:
Toll Free (N. America): 1 800 563 2255
+1 709 748 4226
+1 709 748 4884
Fax (Worldwide):
+1 709 748 4320
Web Site:

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