The Obsidian Monolith 40K Missions

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purity - conquest - exploration - war

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this is our inheritance - this is our gate

purity - conquest - exploration - war

A psychic scream resonates through the Scarus Sector. Thousands died

on the mining planet of Arshesh Prima during a lightning super-storm
that ravaged its population centres and miles of underground tunnels.
Three weeks of constant punishment devastated the grey urban
landscapes of the planet. Those who could afford it, fled the planet, while
the administratum determined that saving the millions of survivors was
not an efficient usage of the Empires resources. It only took one month
to leave the whole planet devoid of any living soul.
But still some beating pulse remained. Psykers of every race in the galaxy
felt it in their sleep like a flashing beacon. Many sent surveillance drones
to Arshesh Prima, and they all came back with the same information:
the image of a black monolith crackling with electric bolts.
They all felt an instant interest for the bizarre contraption. It was obvious
that the Monolith, and probably the lightning storm, was not the result
of any natural effect. The drones determined that there was some sort of
technology in the Monolith hidden beneath a layer of an obsidian-type
material, but none was capable of determining the source.
The Logis Strategos ventured that this Monolith could be related to the
Necron Pylons usually found in the Cadian sector, but conclaves of
Crypteks from all over the galaxy stared puzzled at this new contraption,
while many Eldar Seers wondered if this was just another trick of the
laughing god Cegorach.
Who would be the first one to lay hands on this new piece of eldritch
technology? Some will want to study it, some will want to destroy what
they cannot understand. They all know that their endeavour could be
contested by any of the forces of the galaxy, and they will be prepared
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for the clash.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate


purity - conquest - exploration - war

Every force has its own interest in the Obsidian Monolith, and they all have their own agenda.
Whomever gets control over it first could gain a privileged position as they strive for supremacy.

Imperial Forces


The champions of human kind are

eager to lay hands on the Monolith.
They first want to retrieve it, track the
source of this contraption and learn
more about its original designers. Once
they discover the nature of the threat,
they will proceed to destroy all records
and memories of its existence.

The hive mind felt the revelation of a

new presence in the galaxy like a sharp
spine ache. Not alive, yet not entirely
mechanical. Cannot be consumed,
useless. Could its presence be channeled
to attract prey? It must be assimilated.


What is this new tech? None of the races

of their Empire are capable of producing
this sort of machinery. Maybe they
can obtain the Monolith and reverseengineer it in order to produce better
tools to spread the greater good.


The sheer amount of destruction that

the lightning superstorm unleashed on
Arshesh Prime is enough to make any
Warboss drool in anticipation. They
assume that their Mekboyz will know
wotta do wivit ta make some Boom
onze we snaggit!.


Crypteks are responsible for studying

and maintaining the technology of the
Necron dynasties. While they dont
recognize that technology as their own,
they definitely can see patterns unique
to the Necron race in the Monolith. Can
it be possible that someone unveiled the
secrets of the Necrontyr?


Seers from many Craftworlds are

haunted by all sorts of bad omens,
all of them related with the ominous
Obsidian Monolith. They should secure
the position in order to conduct a ritual
that would cleanse the system of its


The cosmic entities known as the Gods

of Chaos, both feared and worshiped in
all the realms of reality, blinked. Maybe
something unexpected appeared in
one insignificant planet of the reaches
of men. Should they care about it? It is
not in their plans, but it might become
a nuisance. It must be an excuse for
another petty quarrel amongst the
sentient beings. Must send lackeys to
destroy it before it becomes a threat.

Dark Eldar

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Their Haemonculi are already savouring

the fine taste of fear that the mere
existence of this object has unleashed in
the galaxy. Imagine the absolute horror
they could unveil if only they knew the
secrets of the Obsidian Monolith.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Motives for War

purity - conquest - exploration - war

This document is not just a single

scenario, so it is going to take you a little
longer than usual to complete.

Weve added a few simple rules to make

the scenario more dynamic and the
gameplay even more engaging.

We wouldnt call it a campaign either,

because its designed to allow you to play
the whole series in one go. This would
be perfect for you and your mate to set
up the game on a Saturday morning, and
spend the day rolling dice!

The only thing youll need to play this

game other than the usual paraphernalia
is something to represent the Obsidian
Monolith. You can easily build your own
or use anything that you might have at

Building the Armies

There are no restrictions on the composition of the playing armies, but each one of
them must include at least one technology oriented unit. Bear in mind the following list
of armies and the suggested Techno-units that need to be included. (If you do not use
any of the following, just agree with your opponent before battle what represents the
Techno-Unit in your army.)
Space Marines - Techmarine

(Any chapter, including Grey Knights. Use an Iron Priest in the case of Space Wolves)

Imperial Guard - Techpriest Enginseer

Ork - Mek or Big Mek
Eldar - Warlock
Dark Eldar - Haemonculus
Tyranids - Zoanthrope
Necrons - Cryptech
Chaos Space Marines - Chaos Space Marine Warpsmith

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Chaos Daemons - Herald


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Rules of the Game

purity - conquest - exploration - war

Each time that any unit or character is wiped from the table, players will have to lay
down one marker on the table. At the beginning of games two and three, players will
have to place the units that died on the previous game back on the table or in Reserve.
It is not necessary to place the same units in the same spots where they were when they
were killed, but a player will have to place his units on top of his own markers.
See page 6 for a set of self print position markers!

The Obsidian Monolith

As you will notice the Obsidian
Monolith will display different game
effects in each of the games. We will
detail in each of the scenarios the
rules behaviour of this artifact. Bear
in mind that as soon as one of the
games is over, the set of rules that go
with that particular scenario cease
to function and a new one will be
triggered with the following game.

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See page 7 for a self print model!


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Position Markers

purity - conquest - exploration - war

this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Self Print Position Markers

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(print this page as many times as needed to produce the required number of markers for your game)


Theses gray areas should be
folded and used as tabs to
glue the model together.

Theses black lines show areas where

you should fold the page to make the
shape of the monolith.

The Obsidian Monolith

purity - conquest - exploration - war

Both armies have finally gathered in front of the invading Obsidian Monolith that wiped
Arshesh-Prime. The secrets that it hides have the potential to reshape the face of the
Galaxy from this moment on.
Pick your armies as on page 118 of the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

The player who deployed first, goes
first. The opponent can try to Seize the
Initiative, as indicated on page 122 of the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Define the Deployment map as on page
118 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
Place on the table as many buildings and
ruins terrain as you possibly can. You
can use Games Workshops buildings or
terrain from the Battlefield in a Box range
for example.

Follow the Variable Game Length rules, as
indicated on page 122 of the Warhammer
40,000 rulebook. See the Obsidian
Monolith rules, as they might affect the
length of this game.

Place the Obsidian Monolith on the

centre of the table. Move away any other
scenery if needed to make room for your
Monolith, leaving at least a clear space of
3 around it.

ATTENTION: Once this game is over, do

not take any models from the table. Leave
them where they are, because thats where
they will be when the following game

Roll for Warlord traits and deploy your
forces as indicated on page 121 of the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

When the game ends, the player who
scored the most Victory Points will win
the game.

Primary Objective

Your forces main objective is to study the Obsidian Monolith. At the end of every players
turn place a counter in your deployment zone area of the gaming board if your Technounit is in base contact with the Monolith, your opponent will do the same. When this
first mission ends, you have to check how many counters have been gathered by each of
the Techno-units. The player who gathers the highest number of these counters - that is,
spent most time studying the Monolith - gains 3 Victory Points.

Secondary Objectives

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Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Mission 1: One Strange Object On The Planet

purity - conquest - exploration - war

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As soon as the first Techno-unit gets in base contact with the Obsidian
Monolith, it will switch on with a humming sound. From then on, you have to
roll 2D6 at the end of every Game Turn. If the result is equal or lower than the
number of Position markers on the table, the game ends immediately - proceed
to Mission 2. If the result is higher than the number of Position markers on the
table, resume the game and roll again at the end of the next Game Turn.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate


Night Fighting, Reserves.

purity - conquest - exploration - war

As the battle grows bloodier the Obsidian Monolith seems to display some strange
behaviours. All the fallen comrades come back to life, with lightning bolts snapping
across them, a mysterious magnetic field snaps on throwing everything upside down.
Use the same armies you just played in
the previous game.
All the scenery from the previous game
should be left there in the same place.
Remember that you should have left the
surviving units where they stood when
the previous game finished. Units that
suffered casualties, but werent totally
wiped out will remain as they are at this
point. Players may decide to roll again
their Warlord traits if they wish.

Whomever won the previous game goes
first. The opponent can try to Seize the
Initiative, as indicated on page 122 of the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, but on a
5+ instead of a 6+.
Follow the Variable Game Length rules, as
indicated on page 122 of the Warhammer
40,000 rulebook. See the Obsidian
Monolith rules, as they might affect the
length of this game.
ATTENTION: Once this game is over, do
not take any models from the table. Leave
them where they are, because thats where
they will be when the following game


Due to some bizarre effect from the Obsidian Monoliths presence, all the units and
characters that died in the previous game will return to the battle. Players need to roll
1D6 for each of their units. On a result of 3+ the unit comes back to play in its full
potential, with the same options and configuration as it had in the previous game. On
any other result, that unit will suffer -1 to Initiative and Leadership and will receive the
Hatred (against the opposing army) special rule.
The player that won the previous game can reroll either one of his own dice, or make his
opponent reroll one of his.

we will return

Players will place their returned units on top of the Position Markers they placed in the
previous game. Players can decide to leave some of their returned units in Reserve if
they wish. Remove all the Position Markers from the last game before the first players
When the game ends, the player who scored the most Victory Points will win the game.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Mission 2: Back To Life: The Monolith Consumes

purity - conquest - exploration - war

At the end of the game, each player receives 1 Victory Point for each enemy unit that has
been completely destroyed. Units that are falling back at the end of the game, and units
that are not on the board at the end of the game count as destroyed for the purposes
of this mission. Remember that Independent Characters and Dedicated Transports are
individual units and award Victory Points if they are destroyed.

Secondary Objectives

Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker


At the end of every game turn, the Obsidian Monolith will attract everything on
the battlefield towards it. Every foot unit and character on the board (Walkers
too) will need to make an Initiative check, or be moved 1D6 inches towards
the Monolith. Start making these checks with the units closest to the Obsidian
Monolith, and then proceed outwards, checking units further away from it.
Units engaged in combat will be dragged away if any of them fails the Initiative
Vehicles will roll 1D6. If the result is 3+ (4+ in the case of Flyers) the vehicle
will remain in its place and continue to function normally. In any other case
the vehicle will be attracted 1D6 inches towards the Monolith. In the case of
vehicles running into any other unit (either friend or foe), please use the Tank
Shock rules from page 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
Roll 1D6 for every building, ruin and immobile object on the table, on a 3+
the building will collapse and will be substituted by Rubble (see page 105 of
the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). Any unit inside the building will receive as
many S5 AP-1 hits as the number of models in that unit. Alternatively, you can
use the rules on the table on page 17 of the Stronghold Assault Warhammer
40,000 supplement.

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After moving everything towards the magnetised Monolith, every model

within 6 inches of the Monolith will suffer a one S3 AP- hit.
As soon as the Monolith destroys 10 wounds (or HP) worth of models, the
game will be over at the end of the current game turn. Move on to the next
mission afterwards. Remember to leave the surviving units where they are.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Primary Objective

purity - conquest - exploration - war

Clouds gather in the sky, and a lightning storm approaches the battlefield. Fighters know
the scale of the threat, so they are eager to leave this planet as soon as possible. But there
is one fight to be won first!
Use the same armies you just played in
the previous game.
All the scenery from the previous game
should be left there in the same place.

Remember that you should have left the
surviving units where they stood when
the previous game finished. Units that
suffered casualties, but werent totally
wiped out will remain as they are at this
point. Players may decide to roll again
their Warlord traits if they wish.

Whomever won the previous game goes first. The opponent can try to Seize the Initiative,
as indicated on page 122 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, but on a 5+ instead of a
Once all the Back from the Dead units are back on the table or in reserve, the Obsidian
Monolith will push everything away from it. All units with 10 of it will be under the
influence of this event. Starting from those further away from it, proceed to apply the
Magnetic Field rule from the previous game with the exception that instead of moving
the models towards the Obsidian Monolith they will be pushed 2D6 inches away from it.
Due to some bizarre effect from the Obsidian Monoliths presence, all the units and
characters that died in the previous game will return to the battle. Units and characters
that suffered this rule in the previous game will continue under the effects of Back from
the Dead during this scenario as well.
Players need to roll 1D6 for each of their units. On a result of 3+ the unit comes back to
play in its full potential, with the same options configuration as it had in the previous
game. On any other result, that unit will suffer a -1 to Initiative and Leadership and will
receive the Hatred (against the opposing army) special rule. The Initiative and Leadership
modifiers will stack if the unit suffered this effect in the previous game as well.

we will return

The player that won the previous game can reroll either one of his own dice, or make his
opponent reroll one of his.
Players will place their returned units on top of the Position markers they placed in the
previous game. Players can decide to leave some of their returned units on Reserve if they
wish. Remove all the Position markers from the last game before the first players turn.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Mission 3: The End Of The World As We Know It

purity - conquest - exploration - war

Primary Objective

At the end of the game, each player receives 1 Victory Point for each enemy unit that has
been completely destroyed. Units that are falling back at the end of the game, and units
that are not on the board at the end of the game, count as destroyed for the purposes
of this mission. Remember that Independent Characters and Dedicated Transports are
individual units and award Victory Points if they are destroyed.

Secondary Objectives

Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker


During this game, the Obsidian Monolith will try to destroy its enemies. At
the end of every players turn, it will shoot out 1D6 bolts of lightning directed
to the closest units. Each of these units will receive 1D6 S5 AP2 hits with
the Haywire and Soul blaze Special rules. A unit can not be targeted twice
in the same players turn. In the case of equidistant units, choose amongst
them randomly. Any unit targeted by a beam can make a Leadership test to
redirect the beam to the closest enemy unit. The winner of the previous game
can negate any beam on a roll of 6+, before making the roll to determine the
number of hits.

If your opponent allows this, the final winner of this series of

games will be able to buy this option for his basic Troop choice in
other following games.
Obsidian Lightning Gun (One per five models in the unit) 10
points per Model.
Obsidian Lightning Gun 36



Heavy, Obsidian

we will return

Obsidian: Obsidian Guns have the Haywire and Soul blaze Special rules.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Follow the Variable Game Length rules, as indicated on page 122 of the Warhammer
40,000 rulebook.

purity - conquest - exploration - war

this is our inheritance - this is our gate

Need Terrain For Your Game?

If you need some terrain to spice up your gaming table make sure and checkout out
our self print GameScape Ruined Office Block available for FREE to Backstage Pass
holders on Beasts of War:
This set is ideal for creating destroyed urban environments by printing it multiple times
and changing the layout of the pieces.

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Consider it your very own, Ruined City Construction Kit!


purity - conquest - exploration - war

This download and its contents are completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by
Games Workshop Limited.

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Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices,
Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark
Angels, Dark Eldar, Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire
Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer,
Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the
Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of
Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk,
Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste
designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer
40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races,
race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the
Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd
2000-2013, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used
without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their
respective owners.


this is our inheritance - this is our gate

This Is An Unofficial Mission Pack

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