Roumi Denies Iranian Claim of Kuwaitis-Spy Kin' Swap Deal: Int'l School of Pakistan Holds 2nd Science Fair

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Roumi denies Iranian claim of

Kuwaitis-spy kin swap deal
Report alleges meeting between Sheikh Khaled & Abdullahian
20: The Director of Asia
Administration in the
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs Mohammad AlRoumi denies Iranian
claim that a deal was
signed with Kuwait to
swap two Kuwaiti citizens detained recently
by Iran for members of
the Iranian spy on trial
in Kuwaiti courts,
In an interview with the
daily, Al-Roumi stressed the
two cases are different
because those two Kuwaitis,
Adel Al-Yahya and Raed
Al-Majed, have entered Iran
on tourist visas and not to
spy on activities in the country, as alleged. He added the
case of the Iranian spy ring
is being deliberated by the
Kuwaiti judicial system,
which is known for its
integrity, justice and credibility.
The statement is in response
to a speech the Iranian Foreign
Affairs Ministrys undersecretary for the Affairs of Middle
East and Africa Hussain
Abdullahian made Monday, in
which he said Kuwaiti authorities had promised to release the
Iranians, and that Iran cannot
accept detention of its citizens
in Kuwait on flimsy accusations.

The statement which was

reported by the official
Iranian News Agency IRNA

Photos by Samer Shiqer

Above: Some photos from the Science Fair.

Around 200 students display projects

Intl School of Pakistan

holds 2nd Science Fair
By Cinatra Fernandes
Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Dec 20: The International

School of Pakistan held its second Science
Fair at the school premises in Khaitan.
Around 200 students from Grades 5 to 8
displayed science projects in the second
competition of its kind. The students have
worked on their science projects for not
more than one or two weeks. The work
mainly centering on simple machines, circuits and electricity, displays of the human
body and special chemistry projects with
acids and alkalis.
Student Ritaz Atif, displayed a model
automotive fitted with a solar cell and a
microphone in its circuitry. The focusing of
a spot light would move it and a sound trigger like a loud clap caused it to change
directions. Atif spoke of what she had
learned from her project, The light I am
using to move this car is like the sun in the
sky. The sun can also generate power to
help us move forward.
Batool Murtaza presented an air filter at
the competition. The container was fitted
with a fan on its lid with perforations at lateral sides. A UV light bulb and charcoal
were placed inside. Murtaza explained that
the fan sucked in dust, the UV light killed

germs and the activated charcoal removed

bad odour, allowing clean air to be let out
from the tiny holes on its sides.
Biological displays were spread over
DNA models, the anatomy of various organs,
experiments on digestion, among others.
Exhibits on environmental topics like the
depletion of the ozone layer highlighted the
students awareness and concern.
Abdul Rahman Amr, Emad Munir and
Pascals principle and hydraulics and presented the working of an electric generator
with magnets, wire, and cardboard.
No elementary school science fair is
complete without a volcano. A number of
students displayed the classic chemical
eruption of the baking soda volcano.
School Principal, Rtd Colonel Anjum
Masood said, Our school is one of the best
schools not only in Kuwait but in the whole
senior institutions. We periodically hold
these competitions; just yesterday we had
an art competition for primary classes
because that is how the children come out
with creativeness. It is important to look at
not only how the children have made the
models but also how they explain it.
Making of the model is not enough. The
child must know the reason behind it.

News in Brief
Amir sponsors awards ceremony:
Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is to sponsor
and attend a ceremony on Wednesday, Dec
21, by the Kuwait Foundation for the
Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) to award
winners of the 2010 KFAS research prizes.
The ceremony is to be held at Salwa
Sabah Al-Ahmad Hall at the Marina Hotel,
10:30 am. (KUNA)

PM visits Sumait in hospital: The

Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak
Al-Hamad Al-Sabah visited, on Tuesday,
renowned Kuwaiti philanthropist Dr
Abdulrahman Al-Sumait in Mubarak AlKabeer Hospital to check upon progress of
his health condition and wish him speedy
and full recovery.
Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak also relayed
the greetings and the best wishes of His
Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to the Sumait
family, pointing out the activist is in the

thoughts and prayers of Muslims around

the world and not just his countrymen,
appreciating his long career of devotion
and charitable work and initiatives that
benefit Muslims and others. (KUNA)

CP receives local dignitaries: His

Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown
Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
Al-Sabah received at Seif Palace on
Tuesday Bader Abdullah Al-Zuweir who
presented His Highness with a book he
authored on the centennial anniversary of
the Mubarakiya School.
The book also touches on the history of
the education sector in the State of Kuwait,
with focus on the school itself, which was
the first to be built in the country and now
serves as emblem and symbol of achievements so far in the sector.
The Deputy Amir and Crown Prince also
received Bader BuHindi and Abdelaziz
BuHindi who presented him with a book in
the field of astronomy. (KUNA)

KUNA photo

HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah being received at the Kuwait International Airport.

Amir returns home after GCC summit

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah
Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah returned
home on Tuesday accompanied by an
official delegation after participating in
the 32nd session of the GCC Supreme
Council held in Riyadh.
HH the Amir was received at Kuwait
International Airport by HH the Crown
Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah, senior sheikhs, Deputy
Chief of the National Guards Sheikh

Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,

HH Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad AlAhmad Al-Sabah, and the Prime
Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak AlHamad Al-Sabah.
He was also received by the Deputy
Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh
Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah, ministers, top state
officials, top ranked army, police and
national guards officers.
HH the Amirs delegation to the GCC

summit included Deputy Premier and

Minister of Defense and Minister of
Interior, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Humoud AlJaber Al-Sabah, Deputy Premier and
Foreign Minister and Minister of State
for Cabinet Affairs, Sheikh Sabah AlKhalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Minister of
Finance and Minister of Health, Mustafa
Al-Shimali, and Minister of Oil and
Minister of State for National Assembly
Affairs, Mohammad Mohsen Al-Busairi.

referred to an alleged meeting held

between the Kuwaiti Minister of
Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah AlKhaled and Abdullahian in which the

latter claimed that Sheikh Khaled had

promised to release those Iranian citizens.
The two Kuwaiti detainees were

released after assurance by the Kuwaiti

authority, said Abdullahian, and their
release was an initiative the Kuwaiti
side accepts.

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