E Recruitment

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E-Recruitment System

Software Requirement Specifications

Hamid Nasir
SherShah Khan
Anwar AhmedSatti




Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... i

Revision History ............................................................................................................................ ii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Benefits of E-Recruitment System
11.3 Document Conventions
1.4 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 1
1.5 Product Scope .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.6 Product Objectives
1.7 Definitions, Acronyms, and abbreviations

1.8 Modules

1.9 References ........................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................2

2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Operating Environment .................................................................................................................... 2
2.5 User Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies ...................................................................................................... 2
2.7 Future Development

3. External Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................3


User Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 3

Hardware Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 3
Software Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 3
Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 3

4. System Features .......................................................................................................................4

4.1 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................. 4
4.1.1 Job-Seeker
4.1.2 Administrator

4.2 System Feature 2 ............................................................................................................................. 4

4.2.1 Non-Functional Requirements

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .......................................................................................5

5.1 Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Safety Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 5

6. Other Requirements ................................................................................................................6

Appendix A: Glossary......................................................................................................................
Appendix B: Analysis Models .........................................................................................................
Appendix C: To Be Determined List ..............................................................................................

Revision History

1. Introduction:
This is the project to help jobseeker to look for job. To help company HR team to look for
candidate for vacant positions in the company. Now a days, there are many graduates/postgraduates who are seeking for the job. Many companies require good and talented employees.
But they also can't get the proper candidate for their company. So even though the candidate
have good knowledge, they can't get the job as they deserve. To recruit proper candidate in the
proper place, we designed online recruitment system.

1.1 Purpose:
The Purpose of the application is to provide Online Recruitment System for Job Seekers, to
submit their CV and apply for job, where Company can select best Employees from
available candidate profile.

1.2 Benefits of E-Recruitment System:

E-Recruitment System is the catalyst to ensure that you source and hire the best talent
within company quickly and efficiently.

1. Reduce Time to Hire:

Hiring quality talent sooner means more revenue for your company sooner
Streamlined, faster, and more efficient recruitment processes
Enhances company image as an attractive and cutting edge organization
2. Lower recruitment costs:
Reduces recruitment costs
Improves HR's contribution to the top & bottom line.

3. Reduce administrative duties:

Streamlined, faster, and more efficient recruitment processes.
Frees up time to focus on strategic business processes
4. Increase Quality per Hire:
Enhances workforce quality
Improves HR's contribution to the top & bottom line

1.3 Document Conventions:

In this document, we used Times New Roman font where size of heading H1 is 20 and bold,
heading H2 size is 18 and bold and content font size is 12 with 1.15 points spacing horizontally.

1.4 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

There are different types of the reader that this document is intended for, such as
developers, project managers, marketing staff, users, testers, documentation writers, job-seekers.
The rest of SRS contains the objective of the project as well as how we are going to
develop it step by step. I.e. how it is organized.

1.5 Product Scope:

To provide the information about the job seekers to the company. Company
can get the information about the proper candidate according to its
According to the requirement of the company, provide the information of the
job seekers to the company.
Inform the job seeker about the interview and exams session in the company.
To provide the information to job seekers about the details and all the dates
and arrangements of the company.

1.6 Project Objective:

1) Recruit the job seekers in the company as they deserve.
2) To get the proper candidate for the company.
3) To save the time for the job seeker as well as company.

1.7 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/
server protocol between a web browser and a web server.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): Extremely powerful language, used to control
the look and feel of the content written in HTML.
C# (C sharp): It is used to create websites, main language to design web forms
FTP (File transfer Protocol): used to transfer files between computers on a
HR (Human Resources): are the people who work for the organization.
24*7: (24 hours and 7 days).
JQuery: is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
AJAX (JavaScript + XML): is a group of interrelated Web development
techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous Web applications.
XML (Extensible Markup Language): is a markup language that defines a set
of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable
and machine-readable.
JavaScript: used to create interactive effects within web browsers.
IIS (Internet Information Server): created by Microsoft for use with Windows
NT family. IIS supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.
CV (curriculum vitae):overview of a person's experience and other

1.8 Modules
The main users in the project can be categorized into two modules as follow:
1. Admin
2. Jobseeker



References are listed as fellows;

www.telenor.com.pk/careers. Andhttp://careers.telenor.com.pk/
www.whatjobsite.comand other such websites.

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This application is for the jobseekers and the recruiters of the company. We are
automating the recruitment system.
The objective of the application is to develop a system using which job applicants and
recruiters can communicate with each other.
To recruit the proper candidate for the company, and to avoid the headache for the HR
team, we designed E-Recruitment System.

2.2 Product Functions:

The major functions the product are as follow:

Sign Up
Create Profile
Upload CV and Image
Take Online Test {If, Else}

Apply for Job

Help Menu

Admin must do things:

Manage website
Information will update
Job Posting

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

These are as fellows;

Administrator: Administrator has the full authority over the website. He can view all the
registered users and have the power to delete them. He can edit the web pages and update them.
He can view all the company details also. He will short list the candidates on the basis of online
test and will notify them about further details.

Job-seekers: A jobseeker can register himself. After registration, he will be directed to his
homepage. Here he can create, update his profile, change password, search jobs, apply for jobs
and see the examination details and all.

2.4 Operating Environment:

Hardware Specification:

: Dual Core (or above)

: 4GB (or above)

Hard disk

: 120 GB (or above)


: Celeron 500 MHz or more, Intel Pentium III (or above)


: 128 MB RAM (or above)

Hard disk

: 10 GB (or above)

Browser: Google Chrome.

Software Specification:
Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 8.1

Web Server

: IIS Server

Web Browser:Google Chrome

Development Tool: ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML, AJAX, JQuery, CSS
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Software for Development: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.

2.5 User Documentation

We are providing documentation components (such as user manuals) for the user that will be
delivered along with the software. (User readme, HR readme, customer readme).

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies:


The Interface is provided only in English. So, the user should know English.
Login and password is used for identification of user and there is no facility for guest
Registered users only have the rights to access the facilities provided by the system.
The user can access E-Recruitment System from any computer that has internet
connection and internet browsing capabilities.
The user should have sufficient knowledge about computers.

The application is developed by the developers by assuming the:

The user have intermittent knowledge of computers and it interface.

The computer has internet connection and internet browsing capabilities.
The user knows English as GUI has been provided in English.

2.7 Future Development:

A feature in which user will be asked to upload 2 to 5 minutes video based on his
personal interview can be added.

Online Job Interview facility can also be added.

Multi-lingual feature can also be added.

3 External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces:

Job-seekers profile page

Job-seekers Home page
Job-Seekers Login
Job-Seekers Registration
Administrators Home page
Administrators Profile page
Admin applied jobs
Admin Login
Admin Posted Jobs
Admin saved candidates
Admin Saved Jobs
Admin selected Candidates etc.
Login Page.
For the new user there will be the registration page to create an account.
List of jobs matching to his profile.
For each matching job there will be one link to apply.
List of replies he got from the HR team. (About the interview schedule, positions he applied).
Help Menu Page.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces:

The logical and physical characteristics of each interface between the software
product and the hardware components of the system is same that require for
any online project system.

3.3 Software Interfaces:

Software interface is very normal and easy so it require less memory and requirements.
There should be recovery for Data or important informations.

3.4 Communication Interfaces:

The requirements associated with any communications functions required by this product,
including e-mail, web-browser, network server communications protocols, electronic forms, and
so on. Communication standards that will be used, such as FTP or HTTP. Communication
security or encryption issues will handle by using java scripts.

4 System Features
4.1 Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements are those without which

System Features 1:
4.1.1 Job Seeker:





Jobseeker if wants to register to the site, a click High

on Register Now button will provide him with a
registration form. After filling all the details in
the registration form i.e. the mandatory ones
which are marked by * has to be filled
necessarily and the remaining may be left, user
has to submit it by clicking on submit button.
Notification via message will be displayed.



It allows only authorised people to access the High

application. When the user logs in to the system,
the user has to enter login details in the specific
username and password fields. The user clicks on
login button and if id and password are validated,
then the user is given access to the application
and user profile is displayed.


Change Password If the user forgets the password, it can be High

retrieved by Forgot Password? Button. A click on
this button will let to a security question and if
the answer is verified. The message with correct
password will be provided to the user.



Search Jobs

The jobseeker can search for the required job by High

entering keywords, category in the provided
fields. A click on search button will display the
result of all the jobs matching the job seekers


Add CV

Jobseeker has the option to post his own made High

CV. So, user is asked already Having CV. If a
click on Upload CV button is made, it will
enable the user to post his created CV on the site.


Receive Daily


Very low


Save Jobs

The user can save jobs that interest them but do

not want to apply at that particular point of time.
A Click on Save Job button will put all the
details of that job in the queue and the candidate
can apply for it later on from the list.



Apply for a Job

Jobseeker applies the job to company after High

submitting the resume and the required details. A
notification to apply for a particular job
according to his requirements is sent to the
jobseeker. Job Seeker can apply for the job in the
same company by clicking on the apply button
with the notification.


Set Privacy Level Job seeker has the option to set 'privacy level' to
control how much information is visible to
employers. The user has to set on Privacy Level
while posting and then check from a list of
Private/Public/Confidential Resumes option.


4.1.2 Administrator



Manage jobseeker

Send Notification
messages to jobseeker

Admin has the responsibility to manage the High

jobseeker. This includes managing their
account, usernames and passwords etc.
Whenever any user subscribes to the site as Medium
a jobseeker, the admin will have to send
them notification messages confirming
their subscription.
We will send SMS and emails to candidate
only those who have applied for specific
kind of job.

Provide roles and

authentication to users

Ability to change
websites interface

Send notifications to
candidates, members,
or employers

Display recent jobs on


Extensive usage

The administrator provides usernames and

passwords to the users and also the admin
has the duty to make user of the website as
a jobseeker depending on the type of
registration made by the user.
The option to make modifications in the
look and appearance of the websites
interface relies in the hands of the
administrator. This includes changing of
menu items in the menu bar, display of
contents and also the color if the interface.
The administrator can send notifications to
the subscribers regarding account details
consisting of their subscriptions, creation
dates, events, etc.
The job offers on the website keeps
changing. So, the admin has the duty to
remove the old posts or dead posts and
display new and recent job offerings on the
homepage of the website.
The admin also generates notification if the
number of posts of resumes or number of
sign ups to the website crosses a particular
limit. This notification is referred as
extensive usage report/stats.



No/ very low



Medium to

Categorization of JOB


Customization of
search criteria


Apply Restrictions on
Job Posting, Resume
Search, Contact Info,
Applicant Screening,
Company Profile.


Control over what is

displayed in nearly all
dropdown lists and list
boxes throughout the


Generate reports If

The website offers jobs of different

categories. So, the admin will have to
display the job offering posts in their
specific categories so that user doesnt get
confused regarding the scope and context
of the job post.
The search for job posts can be done using
keyword search system and the matching
job vacancy will be displayed to the user.
The admin decides what jobs will be
displayed on search using a particular
The administrator can apply restrictions on
the number of job postings to be displayed
on the websites homepage at a time. The
admin also decides what postings are to be
removed and why. Also, the admin has the
duty to display the details restricting
display of contact details of the company
or even the applicant and the company
profile can be limited.
The admin can change the content of the
dropdown lists and list boxes anywhere in
the website. This can be done either to
apply restrictions on few contents or to
make the website free from unwanted and
less important contents.
If any report is to be generated, for
example, reports of the number of
applicants or the number of resumes posted
for a particular job post, it can be generated
by the admin.







4.2 System Features 2:

4.2.1 Non-Functional Requirements:
Secure access of confidential data by user name and password. This application is secure

for every kind of its users.

24 X 7 availability.
Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
The database used here is robust, reliable & fast. So users will have to wait for the output
very short time.
This application can be accessed from any type of platform.

There is no case of redundancy in the database so it will not take extra memory space.

Password recovery system is also provided in case of forgetting the password.

Username & password are sent to the users via mobile SMS and email after registration.


Will contain the news portal displaying the recent notifications and news.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements:



Performance Requirements:
It shall respond in minimal time.
It shall be able to handle workload.
If the system workload increases, i.e. number of users increases it shall be able to
handle that, or it shall be able to keep itself active after maximum number of users
limit exceeds.
It shall work on any kind of the platform that meets its minimum requirements.

Safety Requirements:
It shall be enough safe to stay like a wall when hackers try to hack it.
Website, and all data shall be secured
Modified data in database should be updated for all users within few seconds.

6. Other Requirements:
Database: SQL server Management Studio 2012
Tools: Microsoft visual studio 2013
Languages: ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML, AJAX, JQuery, CSS

Appendix B: Analysis Models:

Analysis Models includes all analysis models, such as class diagrams, Sequence Diagram, use
case diagram.

Class Diagram:

Use case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

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