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Institute of Pedagogy of Wrocaw University would like to know your opinion on the various

aspects of behaviours that traditionally are considered as aberrational or criminal. The opinion
of the young people concerning important social problems is especially important for us since
we want to be able to develop effective preventive and therapeutic programmes aimed at
children and youths who have problems with social adaptation. And thats why we need your
answers to this survey.
1. List the aberrational and criminal behaviours that are most often encountered in your
2. Which one of them, in your opinion, is the most bothersome?
3. Who is affected the most?
4. Why do people commit crimes?
5. What makes the people behave in the way that differs so much from the norms in force in
the society?
6. Why do only some people decide to commit crimes?
7. Why are some of the behaviours prohibited?
8. What should be the lowest age limit of criminal responsibility?
9. What can be done to limit aberrational and criminal behaviours among children and
10. Does the crime constitute a symptom (signal) of certain pathology (for example of the
psychiatric nature)?
11. What are the characteristics (traits) of the people behaving in the way that is not socially
12. What aberrational behaviours are most often displayed by the people of a high social
status (prestige)?
13. What aberrational behaviours are most often displayed by the people with a low social
status (prestige)?
14. What behaviour is expected from the people playing important social roles?
15. What norms are the most important to obey for a proper development of the society?
16. What values are the most important in the lives of youths in your country?
17. What social institutions and organisations are the most important for the efficient
functioning of the modern state?
18. What makes the achievement of the life-time success possible?
19. In what situations people dont act in accordance with the social norms in force?

20. What is the determinant of the success in most of the contemporary societies?
21. How do people justify their unethical behaviour most often?
22. Who should control if the people behave in the way that adheres to the social norms?
23. How can one force the people to act in accordance with the norms in force?
24. How the existence of aberrational sub-cultures may influence the functioning of the
25. Why do the people avoid behaviours that are contrary to the norms in force?
26. Why do the people violate the social norms?
27. What situations justify violation of the legal norms?

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