The Fundamentals of Delegation

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Unit Outline
The Fundamentals of Delegation
Understanding Delegation
1. What is delegation?
2. Why is delegation important?
3. What are some common misconceptions about delegation?
4. Why do organizations accept delegation?
5. What happens if I do not delegate?
6. Is there a difference between activity and productivity?
Benefits of Delegating
1. When does delegation work?
2. How does delegation benefit me as a manager?
* Delegation focuses your attention
* Delegation helps you manage your time
* Delegation offers you new challenges
* Delegation improves skills in your employees
Delegator Characteristics
1. Who can delegate?
2. What are the roles a delegator should fulfill?
* Role model
* Coach
* Counselor
* Instructor
3. What are the characteristics of a good delegator?
4. What are my responsibilities as a delegator?



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* Confirm task completion

* Allow autonomy in employees
* Offer support to employees
* Promote accountability in employees
5. Where does my right to delegate come from?
Unit Content
The Fundamentals of Delegation
Understanding Delegation
What is delegation?
Delegation is the act of using authority to assign the responsibility of completing a task to another
individual. A delegator entrusts a task's completion to a delegate who holds a subordinate position in the
Why is delegation important?
Delegators assign tasks to employees at the lowest organizational level capable of accomplishing them.
This process increases productivity and efficiency by allowing managers to concentrate on higher
priority tasks.
What are some common misconceptions about delegation?
I can abandon my responsibility of delegated tasks. Delegators are ultimately responsible for the tasks
they delegate, as well as their own projects. They are accountable for a task's completion and the
correction of any problems that may occur during the process.
I will lose control of delegated tasks. Another misconception about delegation is that a manager loses
control over a delegated task. However, the delegation process allows delegators to monitor a task's
completion through ongoing communication efforts between the delegator and the delegate.
I can avoid making decisions. Delegating tasks does not relieve managers from making decisions. Since
delegators are ultimately responsible for a task's completion, they are required to make decisions
regarding the task when necessary.
Why do organizations accept delegation?
Delegation provides fulfillment on both organizational and personal levels. Delegating tasks enables
individuals to meet goals quickly and in an orderly manner, thereby helping fulfill organizational needs.
In addition, a delegate's skills are enhanced through delegation and they receive a sense of
accomplishment upon the completion of a task.
Delegation also provides opportunities for delegates to demonstrate to other employees how to



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accomplish tasks successfully. By observing successful delegates, employees learn skills that enable
them to accomplish their own tasks in similar manners.
What happens if I do not delegate?
Personal growth is limited. Delegation promotes personal growth by placing employees in learning
situations. If an employee does not continue developing their skills, they soon lose interest in their
position and the organization. By delegating tasks that are challenging, yet within a delegate's
capabilities, delegators promote personal growth.
Tasks are poorly managed. Managers who do not delegate waste their time working on tasks that a
delegate could easily complete. Since they try to direct their time and attention among several tasks, they
complete tasks with poor quality and frequently miss deadlines.
Is there a difference between activity and productivity?
Absolutely. An activity is simply a task that occupies part of a delegate's time. However, activities that
keep individuals busy may not always be productive. Only real productivity allows organizations to
achieve their goals. In order to be productive, delegators should assign tasks that focus on achieving
Benefits of Delegating
When does delegation work?
Delegation works only when a traditional power structure is in place. A power structure is necessary in
order to establish a chain of command within an organization. An organization's chain of command
determines who can delegate, as well as which individuals are accountable for a task's completion.
How does delegation benefit me as a manager?
There are four ways delegation can benefit you as a manager:

Delegation focuses your attention

Delegation helps you manage your time
Delegation offers you new challenges
Delegation improves skills in your employees

Delegation focuses your attention

Delegation allows you to focus your attention to tasks that are specific to your job position. Addressing
low priority tasks can keep you from concentrating on more important responsibilities. By delegating
lower-priority tasks to your employees, you will be able to direct your attention to those tasks that hold
greater priority.
Delegation helps you manage your time
Delegation reduces the risk of becoming overwhelmed with responsibilities. Managing your time by
delegating lower priority tasks creates more time for you to work on projects that require your expertise.



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Delegation offers you new challenges

Delegation allows you to take on new challenges by eliminating tasks that can be easily handled by your
employees. The additional free time delegation creates will offer you opportunities to take on larger
responsibilities. Accepting new challenges enhances your managerial skills and reduces the boredom
encountered with repetitive tasks.
Delegation improves skills in your employees
Delegating tasks encourages employees to become more skilled and capable workers. By creating a
skilled workforce, not only will you enhance your department's overall productivity, but you will also
establish a reputation for yourself as a productive manager.
Delegator Characteristics
Who can delegate?
Individuals must possess three characteristics in order to delegate:

Delegators must have a position of authority over other individuals

Delegators need to be able to empower and motivate individuals to accomplish tasks
Delegators must have the ability to decide what is best for the organization when assigning tasks

What are the roles a delegator should fulfill?

Delegators are required to assume four roles at any given time:

Role model

Role model
Since delegators hold positions of authority, they become role models for their delegates. Due to their
influence, delegators have to set appropriate examples through their actions. Delegators must be
constantly aware of their actions in order to portray the correct image.
Delegators act as coaches when they show their delegates how to apply their knowledge and skills. To
be an effective coach, delegators need to be proficient in the tasks they are delegating. If they do not
possess the skills they are attempting to coach, the delegate will doubt the advice and the delegator's
When a delegator listens to the concerns of a delegate, they are assuming the role of a counselor.
Delegators must appreciate and attempt to understand delegates' concerns to identify and address any
problems that may exist. If a problem does exist, delegators should offer appropriate advice to address



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the situation.
Delegators frequently have to teach delegates new skills. Delegators should provide on-the-job training
to allow delegates to learn while they work on current projects. Instructing this way maintains
productivity while the delegate enhances their skills.
The delegator must remember that instructing a delegate requires time and patience. Rushing delegates
through the training process ultimately leads to failure. Encourage questions to make sure delegates
understand the material they are being taught.
What are the characteristics of a good delegator?
Delegators are organized. Delegators that are organized are able to maintain adequate control over
delegated tasks.
Delegators are flexible. A flexible approach allows delegators to adapt to situations as they change.
Tasks will rarely go exactly as planned, so delegators have to be prepared to handle changes.
Delegators are willing to accept risks. Delegators show their trust in delegates by empowering them to
take risks when necessary. Taking risks also demonstrates that the delegator is willing to accept
Delegators are knowledgeable. Knowledge of a situation and a delegate's skill enables delegators to
make effective decisions regarding a task's completion.
What are my responsibilities as a delegator?
There are four responsibilities you must accept when delegating:

Confirm task completion

Allow autonomy in employees
Offer support to employees
Promote accountability in employees

Confirm task completion

A delegator's main responsibility is to make sure that tasks are completed. Although the delegate is
responsible for executing the steps necessary for completing a task, the delegator oversees the task's
progress to make sure it is completed properly.
Allow autonomy in employees
Delegators should appoint an employee who can gather data, determine methods, solve problems, and
make decisions with little guidance. Delegates can develop these traits only if they are given the
freedom to complete a task on their own. In addition, autonomy instills a greater amount of
responsibility in delegates.
Offer support to employees



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Delegators must support delegates in order for a task to be successfully completed. Delegators can offer
constructive support by giving advice or helping create new options.
However, the delegator must avoid telling the delegate how to accomplish a task. Giving strict
instructions reduces the delegate's feelings of motivation and trust. By not instructing the delegate, the
delegator contributes to the task while allowing autonomy.
Promote accountability in employees
Delegators must communicate their expectations in a positive manner from the beginning. Relaying
expectations will increase a delegate's sense of accountability. When delegates have to answer for their
actions, it keeps them motivated to complete the delegated task successfully.
Where does my right to delegate come from?
Your positional authority.Your positional authority comes from your right to assign responsibility
through a chain of command. Individuals in an organization have to comply with the system and accept
the delegator as a superior for authority to be effective.
Your personality. A charismatic personality facilitates delegation by developing feelings of trust in your
delegates and increasing your influence. To be effective, you should be assertive, approachable, and
The respect your employees have for you. When a delegate respects you, they have confidence in your
judgements and opinions. Your experience and credentials earn respect from delegates. In addition,
delegators who are honest and forthright with their expectations quickly earn respect from delegates.



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