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A+ Certification Exam
Test Results: Student
Your Score: 13
Required Score: 515

Scores By Category

Operating Systems (1 out of 40 correct)


Hardware (0 out of 40 correct)


Questions Missed or Answered Incorrectly

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 1:

ID# 471846

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following files plays an active role while the OS is being loaded from a
SCSI controlled partition?
You Chose:


Correct Answer(s):


NTBOOTDD.SYS is file that is needed only if you are using a SCSI-controlled boot partition, and the SCSI
adapter does not have a SCSI BIOS enabled.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 3:

ID# 378682

Category: Operating Systems

What is the command syntax for assigning "Hidden" attribute to file c:\myfile?
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):



DOS allows you to set the following attributes using ATTRIB command:

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1. System
2. Hidden
3. Read-only
4. Archive
'+' sets and attribute
'-' clears an attribute

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 4:

ID# 821369

Category: Hardware

When using a common pencil eraser, you should be careful to rub __________ the
outer-edge of the board or connector to prevent damage to the contacts.
A. Radial to
B. Away from
C. Parallel to
D. Towards
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


If you use the emery cloth or rubber eraser to clean your contacts, always rub toward the outer edge of
the board or connector to prevent damage to the contacts.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 5:

ID# 211041

Category: Hardware

A 17xx POST error code indicates a problem with:

C. DMA Controller
D. Hard Drive or Controller
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Error codes beginning with 17 (17xx) relates to issues of the HDC.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 6:

ID# 561517

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following key needs to be pressed while interrupting the OS loading
process for the purpose of troubleshooting in Windows 2000?
A. F5
B. F1
D. F8
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Interrupting the OS loading process by pressing the key F8 will allow you to choose various options for
troubleshooting including recovery console.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

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Question 7:

Pgina 3 de 25

ID# 751542

Category: Hardware

An external modem converts incoming data from:

A. analog to serial
B. serial to digital
C. analog to digital
D. parallel to serial
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The modem has responsibility of modulating (converting Digital to Analog - computer to telephone line)
and demodulating (converting analog to digital - telephone line to computer) signals.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 8:

ID# 254934

Category: Hardware

You switch on your PC and get no display. You are sure the monitor is ok. Which
order would you follow for troubleshooting this problem?
A. Check that monitor cable is correctly installed in the PC case,monitor is turned on and
brightness is turned up.
B. Check that PC and monitor are plugged in, check that monitor brightness is turned up,
check that PC fan is running.
C. Check PC supply voltages, replace video card, replace CPU.
D. Check that everything is plugged in, replace system board.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Always think in the easiest solution first.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 9:

ID# 581901

Category: Hardware

A 3xx POST error code indicates a problem with:

A. Mouse
B. Keyboard
C. Floppy Drive
D. Video Adapter
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


An error code beginning with 3xx relates to keyboard issues.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 10:

ID# 671137

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following operating systems can be upgraded to Windows 2000

A. Windows 3.11
B. Windows Me

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C. Windows 98
D. Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):




Windows NT 3.51 Workstation, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, win 95,and all releases of Windows 9x can
be upgraded to Windows 2000 Professional.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 11:

ID# 212107

Category: Operating Systems

The best way to add a new user to Windows 2000 computer is through?
A. Network Neighborhood in Control Panel.
B. Computer management tool in Control Panel
C. My Network Places in Control Panel
D. User Manager in Control Panel
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The 'Control Panel' lists an icon for Computer management tool which you can add user accounts through
it easily.( this is called user manager in windows NT).

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 12:

ID# 641885

Category: Hardware

A 2xx POST error code indicates a problem with:

B. Hard Drive
C. System Board
D. Second Adapter Card
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


A post error code beginning with 2 (2xx) relates to memory issues on the motherboard.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 13:

ID# 417149

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following files is responsible for loading the pre-windows device
A. autoexec.bat
B. config.sys
C. setver.exe
D. win386.exe
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The devices that need to be recognized before the loading of Windows or the devices that have their
driver written in pre-windows format will have to have their respective entries in the Config.sys file.

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Question 14:

Pgina 5 de 25

ID# 071784

Category: Hardware

How would one determine the manufacturer's description of the modem?

A. AT H1
B. AT M2
C. AT I3
D. AT F0
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The AT I3 command fetches the product information of the modem.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 15:

ID# 791070

Category: Hardware

You want to upgrade from your current SCSI technology to one with a higher
throughput and longer bus length. Which is the fastest technology with the longest
B. Ultra-2 SCSI
C. Ultra-3 SCSI
E. Ultra 320
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Ultra-320 SCSI has a max speed of 320 Mbps and is able to support 16 devices.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 16:

ID# 293226

Category: Hardware

You are unable to download the desired software from the Internet and suspect
your network connection. Which of the following will
help you to ascertain the problem?
A. Check the power cord.
B. Check the NIC card for link light activity.
C. Replace the network cable with a new one.
D. Reboot the system.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The link and activity light on a NIC card can be visually examined to determine proper network
connectivity. The light usually flashes to indicate network data being sent and received from the card.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 17:

ID# 598295

Category: Hardware

Maria is having a problem with the network. She cannot log on from her computer

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although the computer is fine. You log on from her workstation using her username
and password. Everything works fine. What is most likely the problem?
A. Server is down.
B. Defect patch cable used at her computer.
C. She does not have sufficient user rights.
D. She is entering the username or password incorrectly.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Since you have established that everything is working fine when you logged in, it is obvious that Maria
was using the wrong login credentials.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 18:

ID# 870220

Category: Hardware

You have an 8 Megapixel digital camera. What might you want to do before you send
a photograph to a recepient, using a dial-up modem? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Resize the picture.
B. Burn the picture to a CD.
C. Configure your firewall to "Allow All Traffic".
D. Delete the picture from the memory card.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


An 8 Megapixel picture will be an enormous file, which might be a 10 to 20 minute download. By reducing
the size of the picture you are reducing the upload and download time involved.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 19:

ID# 411711

Category: Operating Systems

You want to convert the FAT16 drives on 20 different computers to FAT32 using
batch files. Which of the following command-line utilities can help you to achieve
A. Cvt1.exe
B. Convert.exe
C. Chkdsk.exe
D. Smartdrv.exe
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Cvt1.exe is included in Windows 98 and ME. This utility converts a hard drive from FAT16 to FAT32.
Cannot be used to convert back to FAT16.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 20:

ID# 511308

Category: Operating Systems

Assuming you have a dual boot between a Windows 2000 OS and Win 95, and you
have selected Win 95 in the OS Selection screen which of the following files will be
responsible for transferring control to the OS finally?

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You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


If a computer has a dual boot option between Win 2000 and Win 95, and the selected OS is Win 95, then
the BOOTSECT.DOS file is responsible for transferring control from Boot.ini file to the selected OS.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 21:

ID# 681050

Category: Hardware

What is the maximum number of devices supported ona single IDE controller?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


There is usually one controller, two channels with a possible two devices on each. Therefore: 1 controller
X 2 channels X 2 devices = 4 devices.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 22:

ID# 291391

Category: Hardware

The fan on the power supply has stopped. Everything else seems to be working.
What is the likely cause for this problem?
A. 12 volt failure.
B. 5 volt failure.
C. fan motor failure.
D. the fan running only when needed.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The fan on the power supply should always run if the power is on and if other devices work fine. If this
doesn't happen when the rest of the devices are fine, then the only suspect is the fan. (12 volt required
for running any motors in a PC and because hard disk motor is running so ther is no problem with it ,5
volts required for operating motherboard and it also do run good.)

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 23:

ID# 721804

Category: Hardware

Your workstation has a Modem on COM1, a Mouse on COM2 and a printer on LPT1
and a scanner on LPT2. Why can't you use IRQ5 for your NIC?
A. Conflict with the scanner
B. Conflict with the printer
C. Conflict with the mouse
D. Conflict with the modem
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


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Using IRQ5 will create a conflict between NIC and scanner, because LPT2 has IRQ5 as the default IRQ.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 24:

ID# 441351

Category: Operating Systems

In order to delete shared subfolders and files, in Windows 2000 what is the lowest
permission you must have ?
A. Read
B. Change
C. Full Control
D. Write
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


In order to delete shared subfolders and files, in Windows 2000 you must have the change
permission ,but it doesn't allow you to change permissions and so you need full control for this.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 25:

ID# 664934

Category: Hardware

Given two ATAPI devices, what determines which device will be the master drive?
A. Jumpers
B. Twist in cable
D. Terminators
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


ATAPI devices can be set as master or slave drives through jumpers.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 26:

ID# 888234

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following Operating Systems provides support for HPFS (High
Performance File System)?
A. Windows NT 3.51
B. Windows 98
C. Windows NT 4.0
D. Windows 2000
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


HPFS was designed originally for operating system called OS/2, but windows NT 4 supports read only
purposes for HPFS.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 27:

ID# 961330

Category: Hardware

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B. Serial
C. Parallel
D. UTP/RJ 45
F. Clustering
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):




Using cross cable of Serial, Parallel or UTP cable will all allow two computerstalk one-to-one
formingasmall network.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 28:

ID# 925555

Category: Operating Systems

The first physical sector in any bootable hard disk contains which of the following?
A. Directory Area
B. Data Area
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The first physical sector on any bootable hard disk contains Master Boot Record, MBR.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 29:

ID# 145685

Category: Hardware

Which of the following AT commands can cause a modem to hang up manually?

You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Under the AT commands available H- instructs 'hang up' to the modem.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 30:

ID# 081110

Category: Hardware

How many devices can you connect to the typical USB port?
A. 127
B. 8
C. 255

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D. 1
E. 32
F. 16
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Using USB hubs you can "daisy-chain" up to 127 USB devices! (Note : this isn't practicaly applicable)

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 31:

ID# 831235

Category: Hardware

A POST error code of 6xx indicates a problem with the:

A. Floppy Drive
B. Hard Drive
C. Memory
D. Mother Board
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Floppy drive issues during a boot up are highlighted with error codes 6xx (beginning with 6).

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 32:

ID# 251514

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following utilities can be used to set permissions on individual registry
keys on a Windows NT/2000 computer?
A. Regedit.exe
B. Regedt32.exe
C. Sysedit.exe
D. MSconfig.exe
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Regedt32.exe is used in windows 2000/NT , Regedit.exe is used in windows 9x,XP

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 33:

ID# 974895

Category: Operating Systems

Which command prompt utility allows you to display the versions of the current OS
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The internal command VER displays the OS version.

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Question 34:

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ID# 641739

Category: Hardware

During POST you hear one short beep. What does this signify?
A. Bad RAM
B. A defective system board
C. Post completed successfully
D. Bad video
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


One short beep is generated when there is bad memory installed or incorectly installed and 1 long beep
determine successful post.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 35:

ID# 157397

Category: Hardware

A 1xx POST error code indicates a problem with the:

A. Video
C. Hard Drive
D. System Board
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The code beginning with 1XX relates to the system board.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 36:

ID# 651828

Category: Operating Systems

You suspect that a Windows 98 system file got damaged during a system crash this
morning. What is the best way to replace this file?
A. Re-install Windows 98
B. Restore the file from the most recent backup.
C. Use EXTRACT.EXE to restore the file from the Windows installation CD.
D. Copy the from the Windows installation CD using the SYS.EXE command.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The Windows installation CD contains .cab (cabinet) files, which are compressed files. The contents of
these .cab files can be extracted using the EXTRACT.EXE command-line utility. You can also use the
System File Checker tool to extract files from cabinets or use Windows Explorer.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 37:

ID# 421448

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following can help you solve a problem in your Windows 2000
computer that you are not very confident about solving?

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B. All of the above

C. Remote assistance
D. Windows 2000 Help and Support
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):



Explanation: Windows 2000 help can help you with all configurations related to Windows 2000 computer
and also with basic troubleshooting. For Advanced troubleshooting you may connect to the Internet or
seek remote assistance from your friends or trusted colleagues. MSDN offers help more accurately related
to development using Windows based RAD tools.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 38:

ID# 791777

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following files contains content similar to this:

[boot loader]timeout=30default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS
[operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft
Windows XP Professional" /fastdetectmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)
\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
B. Ntbootdd.sys
C. Boot.ini
D. NTDetect.com
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The Boot.ini file, which is in the system root partition, contains information such as the path to the boot
partition, that Ntldr uses to display the startup menu on NT/2000/XP systems.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 39:

ID# 811208

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following Operating systems does not include a generic CD-ROM driver
on its start up disk?
A. Windows 95
B. Windows 98
C. Win NT
D. Win 2000
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


All operating System starting from Windows 98 and above will include a generic CD ROM driver in their
startup disk.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 40:

ID# 090595

Category: Hardware

A single speed CD-ROM drive transfers data at:

A. 1 MB per second

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B. 100 bytes per second

C. 20 million bits per second
D. 186,282 bits per second
E. 150 KBps per second
F. 650 KBps per second
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


150 KBps per second is the correct answer.(1x = 150 KBbs)

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 41:

ID# 376849

Category: Operating Systems

FAT32 Supports drives of up to 4 terabytes in size.

A. True
B. False
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


FAT32 only supports drives of up to 2 terabytes

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 42:

ID# 771591

Category: Hardware

Your external modem is not functioning properly and you suspect that a
malfunctioning serial port is the problem. Which tool should
you use to test the serial port?
A. Multimeter.
B. Post card.
C. Loopback plug.
D. Null modem cable.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


A loopback plug can be used to test the serial port ( and also parallel port ).

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 43:

ID# 824568

Category: Hardware

What is the command to reset a modem?

You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


ATZ is the AT command that resets the modem.

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Question 44:

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ID# 631412

Category: Operating Systems

For security reasons, Windows 2000 does not allow compression.

A. True
B. False
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Windows 2000 ,NT,XP do support compression with NTFS.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 45:

ID# 491427

Category: Hardware

In the event of a power outage, what is an UPS designed to do?

A. Generate power.
B. Power notebook computer.
C. Allows the computer to shut down safely.
D. Keeps computer running until power is restored.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Allows computer to shut down safely.

An UPS device allows the computer to run long enough to shut it down safely and avoid data loss.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 46:

ID# 711902

Category: Operating Systems

The command to convert 'C' drive to a NTFS partition is _________?

A. convert c: ntfs
B. cnv c ntfs
C. convert c:/fs:ntfs
D. cnv c: fs:ntfs
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The command syntax to convert 'C' drive to NTFS would be : convert c:/fs:ntfs ,remember also that there
is no turn back.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 47:

ID# 974333

Category: Operating Systems

In win NT what is the graphical tool for managing disks and volumes ?
A. Fdisk
B. Drive Console
C. Disk Administrator
D. Disk Management
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


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Disk Administrator, is a graphical tool for managing disks and volumes. It supports partitions, logical
drives, new dynamic volumes, and remote disk management.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 48:

ID# 168129

Category: Hardware

Your monitor screen dispalys pictures mixed with a light green color, what could be
the problem?
A. A pin is bent on the video cable connector
B. The cable has been attached upside down
C. The cable is reversed
D. The cable is missing.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


A light green color on your monitor is usually a symptom of a bent pin on the 15 pin video connector.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 49:

ID# 103104

Category: Operating Systems

To delete a partition or logical drive, what command could you use?

A. format
B. fdisk
C. deltree
D. scandisk
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


With Fdisk You can do the following: Create a partition or logical drive. Set the active partition. Delete a
partition or logical drive. Display partition information.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 50:

ID# 180148

Category: Operating Systems

You updated the video drivers on your Windows 98 computer and now windows will
not start. What should you do to resolve the problem?
A. Start Windows using the Last Known Good Configuration.
B. Start Windows in Safe mode.
C. Start the computer in DOS and remove delete the drivers.
D. Replace the video adapter.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


When you start Windows in Safe mode the Standard VGA driver will be used.so you can uninstall or
reconfigure your video settings.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 51:

ID# 949816

Category: Operating Systems

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Which of the following would allow a user who has logged on to the Win 2000
environment to use an encrypted file?
A. Do nothing; the file will be automatically decrypted
B. Enter the files decryption password, before the file will open.
C. The user must have administrator rights in order to decrypt files.
D. Type cipher.exe /d (filename)
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


When a user is logged on, they don't have to decrypt files to use them. EFS automatically detects an
encrypted file, locates the users private key and decrypts the file.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 52:

ID# 745216

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following can be edited using the MSCONFIG utility in Windows 98?
A. Autoexec.bat
B. Boot.ini
C. Config.sys
D. Win.ini
E. A selection of files that should be loaded including autoexec.bat, config.sys, win.ini,
system.ini and dosstart.bat
F. A selection of files that should be loaded including autoexec.bat, config.sys, win.ini,
system.ini and winstart.bat
G. The list of programs that are loaded during Startup, loaded from the Startup folder or
H. System.ini
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):







You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 53:

ID# 651035

Category: Operating Systems

In win 2000 you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the

Administrators group to configure a device using the Add/Remove Hardware wizard
in Control Panel or Device Manager.
A. True
B. False
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Any hardware or software installation requires administrative privileges on that local computer. You need
to be an administrator or equivalent to perform these tasks.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 54:

ID# 096634

Category: Hardware

You want to wirelessly share a broadband internet connection in your home. You

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subscribe to a service, purchase a cable modem and put wireless adapters into all
the machines in your house. What do you still need?
A. An access point
B. A receiver
C. Nothing
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Your cable modem will be connected to the access point (in most cases a wireless router) which will
broadcast the signal to computers with wireless adapters.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 55:

ID# 761352

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following keys when pressed will ensure that file is permanently
deleted from your computer without being stored in the Recycle bin?
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Keeping the SHIFT key pressed while deleting a file, will ensure the file is purged from the Recycle bin as

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 56:

ID# 091617

Category: Hardware

What type of CRT is 1024 x 768 in 8-bit (256-color) mode?

You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


XGA provides 1024 x 768 resolution,VGA 640 x 480,SVGA 800 x 600,SXGA 1280 x 1024,UXGA 1600 x

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 57:

ID# 191582

Category: Operating Systems

What key combination in Windows 2000 brings up a menu where you can change
your password ?
A. Press CTRL+ALT+P and then click Change Password
B. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click Change Password
C. Press SHIFT+ALT+P and then click Change Password

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D. Press SHIFT+ALT+DELETE and then click Change Password

You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The CTRL+ALT+DEL combination brings up a screen that allows you to change password, shut down the
computer, lock your computer, run the task manager etc.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 58:

ID# 296460

Category: Hardware

What kind of connector does an analog modem use?

A. RJ-45
D. RJ-11
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


RJ-11 is similar to the RJ-45 but smaller. It is the connector a telephone uses to plug into the wall jack.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 59:

ID# 491355

Category: Hardware

Which cable type supports high-speed (66 Mbps or 100 Mbps) ATAs?
A. 40-conductor cable
B. 20-conductor cable
C. 80-conductor cable
D. 60-conductor cable
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


An 80-conductor cable is required for high speed ATAs. A 40-conductor cable is used for slower data
transfer (33 Mbps or less). Note that we are referring to the cable. The connector has still 40-pin female
connectors for both speeds.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 60:

ID# 294514

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following files contain the path to exact location of the OS files from
the bootable partition?
B. NTLDR.exe
D. BOOT.ini
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The Boot.ini file contains the path to the OS files from various disk interfaces or partitions. Incase of
multiple or Dual boot options, the Boot.ini file will contain that many entries more to accommodate all

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these boot options.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 61:

ID# 971494

Category: Hardware

User Jack calls you to complain that her system is totally dead today. It was working
fine when she left the last evening. Which of the following must you check first?
A. Check the AC outlet
B. Reseat the hard drive controller cable
C. Test the power supply
D. Replace the CMOS battery
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The ideal way to troubleshoot this issue is to begin troubleshooting from the AC power outlet and
progress towards the computer's inlet for AC power. Also check the intermediate connectivity, which is
the power cord.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 62:

ID# 321779

Category: Operating Systems

At the end of a workday, you install an unsigned driver for a mass storage device on
a Windows XP client. When the computer restarts you get a blue screen with Stop
0xc0000218 (0xe11a30e8, 0x00000000, 0x000000000, 0x00000000)
UNKNOWN_HARD_ERROR. What should you do?
A. Start Windows in Safe mode and reinstall the driver.
B. Boot the computer from the Windows XP Professional installation CD and run
Automated System Recovery.
C. Start Windows using the Load Last Known Good configuration.
D. Start Windows using the Recovery Console and restore the most recent full backup.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Although answer d. restoring a full backup (including the registry) by using the Recovery Console,
answer c. loading the Last Known Good configuration is much quicker, hence the best answer. The Last
Known Good configuration contains registry information that was saved the previous time someone
successfully logged on, the drivers probably corrupted a registry hive. You can load the Last Known Good
configuration as long as you did not log on. When you do successfully logon, Windows XP will overwrite
the Last Known Good configuration with a copy of the Current configuration.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 63:

ID# 081871

Category: Hardware

On a laser printer, the primary corona places:

A. a uniform, positive charge on the photosensitive drum.
B. a reversed image on the photosensitive drum.
C. a uniform, negative charge on the photosensitive drum.
D. toner on the photosensitive drum.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


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You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 64:

ID# 255652

Category: Hardware

ISDN stands for:

A. internal select data nulls
B. integrated services digital network
C. interval set down next
D. interior sector direct none
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Integrated services digital network.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 65:

ID# 136465

Category: Hardware

A 4xx, 5xx POST error code indicates a problem with:

A. Hard Drive
B. IRQ Controller
C. Video Adapter
D. Keyboard
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Video Adapter is the correct answer.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 66:

ID# 981053

Category: Operating Systems

Which TCP/IP utility included in Windows 9x and ME is displayed below:

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A. tcpipcfg.exe
B. winipconfig.exe
C. ipconfig.exe
D. winipcfg.exe
E. tcpconfig.exe
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Winipconfig is a GUI version of the command line utility IPCONFIG.EXE.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 67:

ID# 424951

Category: Hardware

What is the main difference between an ATA/33 and ATA/66 cable?

A. Cable color
B. Twists in cables
C. Prong layout
D. Prong layout
E. Cable pin out
F. Speed
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The ATA/66 has double the speed of ATA/33.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 68:

ID# 241483

Category: Operating Systems

Which utility allows you to view the Application, Security and System log on a
Windows NT 4 Workstation?
A. Computer Manager
B. Event Viewer
D. Dr. Watson
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Event viewer is a utility of Win NT 4 that allows you to view the App, System and Sec logs.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 69:

ID# 831353

Category: Hardware

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The flow of operations in a laser printer can be summarized as:

A. condition, clean, transfer, fuse
B. condition, transfer, fuse
C. clean, condition, transfer, fuse
D. clean, charge, write, develop, transfer, fuse
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


clean, charge, write, develop, transfer, fuse is the right order of printing process with laser printers.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 70:

ID# 530749

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following file systems are supported by Win 2000?

A. FAT 16
C. FAT 32
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):




Windows 2000 supports the FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS file systems

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 71:

ID# 225265

Category: Hardware

A RAID is a ___________________________________.
A. Redundant Array of Independent disks
B. Redundant Array of Irreparable Drives
C. Redundant Array of Intermediate Drives
D. Redundant Array of Illegal Drives
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


A RAID (Redundant Array of Independent disks) is a function for accessing data in case of hard disks

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 72:

ID# 021168

Category: Hardware

A customer has complained that during a certain time of day, a user's client PC
cannot connect to or log in to the server. No one else seems to be experiencing
difficulty. What is the first step in troubleshooting the problem?
A. Examine the back-up logs.
B. Examine the user's PC
C. Examine network server for network problems.
D. Run an anti-virus scan on the PC
You Chose:

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Since no one else is experiencing the problem, it is most likely a problem with the client PC rather than
the server or any other network problem.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 73:

ID# 606610

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following networking utilities sends out an echo message to a remote
host and waits for a response confirming the remote host is reachable?
A. ipconfig.exe
B. ping.exe
C. netstat.exe
D. nslookup.exe
E. arp.exe
F. echo.exe
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The ping utility is a diagnostic tool that you can use to test TCP/IP configurations and connections. Use
the ping utility to determine whether a particular TCP/IP host is reachable and/or available, or confirm
the local IP configuration is working by pinging the loopback address or the local IP address.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 74:

ID# 051800

Category: Hardware

You add a SCSI tape drive to a computer already having a few SCSI devices. You
assign it a unique ID and then bring up the system. You notice the tape device does
not function. What is the likely cause for this problem.
A. The SCSI chain was not terminated.
B. The BIOS settings were not modified.
C. There is a SCSI ID conflict.
D. The tape drive should not be the last peripheral on a SCSI bus chain.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Because the you assigned a unique SCSI ID to the tape drive, the most probable reason for the problem
could be that the SCSI connector was not terminated.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 75:

ID# 691342

Category: Operating Systems

_____________ command is used to execute the Registry Checker program.

You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


SCANREG checks the registry for errors and replaces it with a backup if necessary.

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You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 76:

ID# 489490

Category: Operating Systems

You have installed a device recently that is stopping your windows from starting up.
You fail to startup the system in spite of using the last know good configuration
option. Trying various options you are able to access the system partition from
through the command prompt mode. Which of the following will use to stop that
problematic device from loading?
A. Device Checker
B. Automatic Skip Driver
C. System File Checker
D. Diagnostic Tool
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


ASD.EXE (Automatic Skip Driver) Detects devices that prevent Windows from starting. Located at
c:\windows It will automatically disable device drivers or operations that fail during startup. You can
start the Automatic Skip Driver Agent using Run dialog box.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 77:

ID# 379238

Category: Operating Systems

Where is the HKEY_CURRENT_USER portion of the Windows 95 registry stored?

You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


The Windows 95 registry is a hierarchically-structured data store of system, user, and policy information
organized into two .DAT files. USER.DAT stores user-specific information and SYSTEM.DAT stores PCspecific information.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 78:

ID# 582207

Category: Hardware

When replacing a fuser assembly in a laser printer, you need to be careful because:
A. it could be electrically charged.
B. it could be very hot.
C. the roller could have sharp edges.
D. the toner could leak out.
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


When working with laser printers, the device most likely to cause injury is the fuser. The fuser is used to
melt the toner onto the paper and gets quite hot in the process. Touching this will certainly give you a

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Question 79:

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ID# 151974

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following versions of Windows introduced Internet Connection

A. Windows 95
B. Windows 98
C. Windows 98 SE
D. Windows 2000
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) allows you to share a single internet connection to provide internet
access to several clients and it has been introduced the first time in windows 98 second edition.

You answered the following question Incorrectly

Question 80:

ID# 781442

Category: Operating Systems

Which of the following diagnoses application error and writes the result to log files?
A. Dr. Watson
B. Scandisk
C. Norton Disk Doctor
D. Symantec redirector
You Chose:

Correct Answer(s):


Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 is a program error debugger. The information obtained and logged by Dr.
Watson is to diagnose a program error for a computer running Windows 2000 (Dr.Watson available on
win 95 and above). A text file (Drwtsn32.log) is created whenever an error is detected. You also have the
option of creating a crash dump file, which is a binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger.

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