February 2015

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POB 326 Newark Valley, NY 13811-0326

Serving the Southern Tier


By Faye Crance
Spencer, NY

Dates to Remember

National Freedom Day

Groundhog Day
Boy Scouts Founded (1910)
Lincolns Birthday (1809)
Arbor Day in MS
Valentines Day
Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine (1898)
Washingtons Birthday (observed)
Presidents Day (observed)
Mardis Gras/Fat Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Chinese New Year
Arbor Day in GA
Washingtons Birthday (1732)
Arbor Day in AL (Feb. 22-28)
Orthodox Lent
Flag raised on Iwo Jima (1945)
Spay Day
Battle of Java Sea (1942)


February is: African-American History Month

Heart Month.
National Blood Donor Month


Faye Crance received her education from Famous Artist Illustration School,
Ithaca College, Tompkins Cortland Community College, and studied with
several area artists. She is a current member, and has served on the Board
of Directors for Tioga County Council on the Arts. She also is a member of
Community Arts of Elmira, NY and CAP of Ithaca, NY.
A large Triptych painting of Spencer was commissioned by The Tioga State
Bank and is displayed in their Spencer Branch Lobby. Their reference
photos were black/white, so it was Crances choice to paint an autumn
season. She painted Spencer as a lovely town, peaceful, nestled in a valley,
with great beauty in the surrounding area.
In the 90s, she experienced an accident resulting in a right shoulder
prosthesis and limited shoulder/arm movements. Reminding herself that she
was not her shoulder she turned to drawing with pen & inks, and graphites
in her lap and found that she could keep working. Adjustments were learned
with her limited recovery, and she was able to return to painting again, as
well, with a support under her elbow.
Crance has exhibited in International Juried Shows as well as Area,
Regional and Museum Shows, winning a Purchase Award by Chase
Manhattan Bank, N.A. as well as several other Awards. She has taught
drawing and painting to various groups, and her work is represented in
collections throughout the United States. Her work is available at the Black
Cat Gallery, Owego, NY.
(Artist bio continued on page 4.)
~ The Voice of Thunder (John 12:27-33) February ~

If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didnt love others, I would only be a noisy
gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of Gods secret plans and
possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didnt love others, I would
be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed m y body, I could boast about it; but if
I didnt love others, I would have gained nothing. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or
proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never
loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will
last forever! Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part
of the whole picture! But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless.
W hen I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish
things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything
with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely,
just as God now knows me completely. Three things will last foreverfaith, hope, and loveand the
greatest of these is love. [I Corinthians, Chapter 13, NLT]
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. For information, contact office@fbcowego.org

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


The Moonlighter press

P.O. Box 326
Newark Valley, NY 1 381 1

February 2015

VOL. 14, No.6

( 607) 642-3393 ( phone/fax)

www.Moonli ghterpress.com


Eileen Morock & Elayne Dudek

Distribution Areas:
Newark Valley, Berkshire, Richford, Lisle,
Whitney Point, Glen Aubrey, Maine, Owego,
Apalachin, Johnson City, Endicott, Vestal,
Union Center, Endwell, Binghamton, Nichols,
Tioga Center, Barton, Waverly, Candor,
Spencer, Van Etten, Ithaca (NY) & Sayre (PA)
FOR INQUIRIES or to place an ad
CALL PUBLISHERS @ 607-642-3393.

Thought for the Month

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more
when you can share it with someone Special.


Cover Design/About the Artist ................ 2

Memories of Catatonk In the 1930s & 40s ............ 4
Kiribati Diary (chapter 18) ............ 5
Senior Scene ..................... 6
Writing From My Rocker ................ 7
Owegos Indian Maiden Sa-Sa-Na Loft (part 4) . 8
Around Town . 9
First Nation ... 9
Back On Broad Street - Down Waverly Way ......... 14
Our Daily Bread ................... 16
Mindclips ..................... 17
Not-So-Gourmet Recipes .................. 18
Our World, Our Home .................. 19
Animal Heart Tugs .................. 20
Legendarium A Screenplay (Episode 5) ... 24
Essential Oils - Then and Now (part 130) ........... 25
Annies Corner ... 26
Finding Home (Part 4) ... 27
Health & Fitness ..................... 30
Word Search Puzzle / Maze .................... 32
A Laughing Matter ..................... 34
Whats Happening ..................... 36
Poetic License ............................ 38


Home Improvement .............................

Dining Guide to Area Restaurants ......................
Car Care ..................................
Businesses & Services Directory ......................


Copyright 2015 by The Moonlighter Press. All rights reserved.

The Moonlighter reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason.
Camera-ready advertising is preferred. We cannot guarantee avoidance
of errors or omissions resulting from non-camera-ready ads. Opinions
expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the publishers.

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter

(Artist bio from page 2 continued)

She is also Facilitator/Teacher for an Art Group at the
Chemung County Van Etten Library, Van Etten, NY. This
Group meets 2 times a month on Wednesday afternoons
and all interested are welcome for more information call
Michelle Erickson, CCLD at the Van Etten Library,
607 589 4755.

I N THE 1 930s & 40s

By Dick Anderson

In the 1930s and 1940s, Catatonk

enjoyed a limited, but acceptable,
social life. The Community Hall was
at the center of activity. Built in 1922, it was the site of many
functions over the years. Round and square dances were
held nearly every Saturday night during the winter months
and attracted persons from near and far. It has special
meanings for me, as I met my wife at one of the square
dances. A friend introduced us, I liked what I saw, and
chased her until she caught me. Been married nearly 58
years and think it may last.
During Christmas and Easter seasons, churches used the
facility to present religious programs for the enjoyment of
members and the community, along with gifts and candy. On
Halloween, local businesses funded parties, with everyone
invited, for a night of fun, including ducking for the apple
(where you tried to pick an apple out of a tub of water with
your teeth), and other games related to Halloween. A room
representing a haunted house was set up for scary
amusement, and different classes of costumes were judged
with prizes for the winners. These festivities were well
received, and nearly the whole community joined in the fun.
Looking back, maybe it was a way to give the local boys
treats, so they wouldnt do the tricks. Didnt work.

Roller skating was another very popular event for young

people. If you had no skates, rentals were available. We even
played basketball in the hall, although not exactly designed
for this type activity, with its low ceilings and hanging lights. It
was a great place for wedding receptions, private parties, and
showing movies while local businesses used it for conducting
If parents havent learned something from experience, meetings and/or conferences. A very prominent group of
local women, called the Ladies Aid Society, used the hall on
they can always learn it from their children.
a regular basis. I am not sure of their mission, but those were
the days when women stayed at home, kept house and
HATE tax time?
Remember, tax
raised families. It appears to be one of the beginnings of the
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omens Rights Movement.
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There IS no filing
~ Continued next month
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February 201 5

Winston Churchill failed sixth grade. He was subsequently defeated in every
election for public office until he became Prime Minister at the age of 62.
He later wrote, Never give in, never give in, never, never,
never, never in nothing, great or small, large or petty
never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
Never, never, never, never give up.
The Moonli ghter

cant remember anything else that I wouldnt want everyone

to know about.

Ki ri bati Di ary

Submitted by and in memory of Kay Perkins

In 1997 Kay Perkins began a 2-year

stint in Kiribati as a member of the Peace Corps. While there,
she kept a diary of her experiences. She graciously shared this
diary with us, so that we can share it with our readers.
Kiribati is an island nation located in the central tropical Pacific
Ocean. The name Kiribati is the local pronunciation of
"Gilberts", derived from the main island chain, the Gilbert
Islands, which in turn were named after the British explorer
Thomas Gilbert, who discovered the islands. The capital,
South Tarawa, consists of a number of islets connected
through a series of causeways, located in the Tarawa
archipelago. Kiribati is a member of the Commonwealth of
Nations, the IMF and the World Bank, and became a full
member of the United Nations in 1999.


1 /2 7 /9 8
Arose early, went for a walk along the beach path and on the
beach, said mauri to everyone I saw, came back, ate, went to
the council offices at 8:30. No one there. A man came along on
his motorcycle and I introduced myself to him. They were
having a meeting about me at 9:00. I couldnt have started until
11:00lasted until 1:30. I went back to the council office then.
No one there. I met Tebwaki and he gave me envelopes to
mail letters to all the ministries where I asked for health ed
material. All pm I sorted out and read all our handouts. Did go
to the post office. Met the postman. By dinner time I felt very
lonely and alone. Wept over my dinner. Im out of bread. Ill
have to find out where I can buy some bread. I walked over to
my house. It is all cleaned up, just needs a toilet. 9:00lights
will go out soon so will get my nightgown on.
1 /2 8 /9 8
What a lot Ive learned today! I got up early as usual. Took a
walk, looking for a store and bread. Im getting pretty short on
food. Found out bread is at the other end of the village and the
woman said I should have a bike so I didnt go further. It
seems like everyone here speaks English and no one
understands my Kiribati! I went to the post office to mail two
postcards and a package. I didnt know how much I should put
on the postcards, and I thought the package would have to be
weighed. There were about six people in the post office. They
were all thrilled with my postcards. One was of a man dancer
on one of the postcards and all agreed he was from Makin,
and the other was a Makin sunset. I learned a big lesson,
though! All turned the card over and read it! I know I told about
the rat that lives in my refrigerator (that doesnt work) and I
February 201 5

Raieta met me there and we went to the council offices

where I met and interviewed several of the officers. Rosita
also took me to a store for bread and I found powdered milk
there also. I asked her where I could buy a fillet of fish and
eggs. This pm she came to the Bua with a flying fish and
three eggs. She even cleaned the fish for me and it looks like
her mother is going to bake bread for me. She also asked me
Where was --------, didnt she come to clean and cook for
me? So I guess the Treasurer or Clerk didnt just dump me
here. There is some miscommunication along the way. It
looks like someone was supposed to help me out. I guess I
proved I could tend to myself, but it would have been nice to
have had the offer of help! Marina, the assistant Treasurer,
said to ask for electricity, the council would probably give it to
m e.
The men are all working on the desks for the school and I
havent seen any of them at my house today. I took a picture
of it and sent the film to Karen. Mail doesnt go out until
Friday, anyway. When Raieta came with the fish she said the
youth have not been coming to the meetings she has set up
and the ministry said to have meetings and find out why they
dont come. She has one set up for everyday next week and
the following Monday. She will introduce me and follow her
agenda. I can say what I want to. Ive been pouring over the
books and havent come up with a good idea as yet. Its such
a beautiful day here! Hot, yes, but not too muggy and a nice
~ To be continued

Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the

attitude of gratitude is the most important and
by far the most life changing.
~ Zig Ziglar

The Moonli ghter

February 9 -14
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 10am-3pm

Get 7 back
on your

Need a Sunday appointment? Call Shelly at 607-972-5398.



The older we get, the more vulnerable we are to food
poisoning. Outbreaks of Salmonella and E. coli are much
more dangerous to seniors than younger people. The
following foods have been identified as prime culprits for
potential food poisoning for seniors:

Tioga Opportunities
Dept of Aging

Countryside Community Center

9 Sheldon Guile Blvd, Owego

Contact info: 607-687-4120 or 1-866-352-3680
Nutrition Coordinator (Kristin Sherman) ext. 324
Owego Site Manager (Bonnie-Lee Kyle) ext. 320

Thurs, Feb 12 Night Dining (4:30-6pm)
Chicken & Biscuits Dinner
Entertainment: Ryan Wilson
Mon, Feb 16 CLOSED (Presidents Day)
Thurs, Feb 26 Night Dining (4:30-6pm)
Swedish Meatballs Dinner
Entertainment: (TBD)
Suggested contribution:
Lunch: 11:30am-12:30pm Mon-Fri
$4 age 60+ ~ $6 under age 60
Night Dining: $5 age 60+
$7 under age 60


Nearly 90 million Americans aged 50 and older struggle

to put food on the table each day.
February 201 5

Winter classes are starting. Come in for a

schedule or check out our website.

17 Lake St., Owego, NY 13827

(607) 687-1511
quilteTrusehsa-veSanto1w0eagmo@tog5mpamil.com qCulailstserhsohuarvseansoswchegeod.ucloemd

Fresh bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts

Raw shellfish (usually oysters)
Raw fish (such as tuna tartare and some sushi)
Raw meat or poultry (like steak tartare)
Raw or unpasteurized milk or cheese
Soft cheeses like feta, brie, and bleu cheese served at
room temperature
Very lightly cooked eggs, raw eggs in unbaked cookie
dough or cake batter, or homemade eggnog or mayo
Unpasteurized fruit or vegetable juice
These foods are the exceptions to most natural foods being
incredibly healthful.
On Friday, February 20 from 10:00-11:00am Christian
Sezenias from Commonfund Mortgage Corp. will be at the
Tioga Opportunities Countryside Community Center to
provide a history of reverse mortgages and explain the
effectiveness of using a reverse mortgage as a financial
planning and retirement tool. Free program, but registration
required. Call 607-687-4120 ext. 331 by February 17th to
reserve your seat.
Save the dateMarch 6th. This is an annual fund raiser,
and a fun evening of raffles, drawings and food. Please
consider donating unwanted items, Christmas gifts you
cant use, etc. to this good cause. Donations of items is
appreciated, and can be dropped off at the Countryside
Community Center Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm.
Questions, call Anne, Bonnie or Kristin at 687-4120.

The Moonli ghter

Writing From My Rocker


Australia &
New Zealand!

By Hazel Goodrich

February 5th was my mothers birthday.

I try to call up as many memories as I can
on that day and for this year the one that
grabbed my attention was the hand pump in the kitchen.
My earliest memories start at the farm in Pennsylvania.
No electric, no running water, and woodstove heat. Our
kitchen was unique in the fact there was a small hand
pump mounted on the sink. Next to the pump stood a
mason jar full of clean, fresh water. When I was old
enough to start getting up and into things, I accidentally
dumped the jar. I had a hard time understanding why
Momma got so upset and that led to a "hands on"
lessona clean jar and a trip down to the pump at the
barn to get more water by which stood a bucket of clean
water. Momma explained, the water was called primer.
Without it, the pump wouldn't work. Pushing the handle
up and down while pouring in the water somehow
brought the water up into the spout on the pump.
Eureka! Fresh water in the jar or bucket.

September 1 0-30, 201 5

For info and reservations call Shirley Christoff
at 607-648-6871.
Hurry! Cutoff date for $400 bonus is March 3rd!

What's your "primer?" Mine is prayer and coffee, starts

my day, helps me focus, keeps me centered. Bad days
are when I "dump my jar of clean water." Thank you
Mom for lesson learned.

And in the end, its not the years in your life that count.
Its the life in your years.
~ Abraham Lincoln

Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but

rather openings where our loved ones
shine down to let us know they are
happy. - unknown

Donations have been received in loving memory of:

Lou Buiocchi
from: Annette Hansen
Darryl White
Edna Babcock
Vi Nickels
from: Carol and Merlin Hoke
February 201 5

Chinese New Year Tradition:

Bringing In the New Year and Expelling the Old

Shooting off firecrackers on New

Year's Eve is the Chinese way of
sending out the old year and
welcoming in the New Year. On the
stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve,
every door in the house, and even
windows, have to be open to allow
the old year to go out.

The Moonli ghter

Straits Corners Country


Produce Meats Groceries

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Owego, NY 13827
Phone 607-687-6836

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Thanks from Louise & Sue


erect a monument to the Indian girl. They did not

accomplish anything. In the fall of the same year the
ladies of Auburn, Albany, Binghamton and Oxford
raised $109.75. Two years later, March 24, 1854,
Judge Avery, at the request of a committee of
gentlemen, delivered a lecture at the courthouse on
Tioga County and its Early History, to raise funds to
finish paying for the monument. The amount realized
from the lecture was $34.27.

Owegos Indian Maiden Sa-Sa-Na Loft

Compiled and submitted by, and
in loving memory of Marilyn T. Searles

These amounts with interest, in May 1855, amounted to

$165.61. The monument was erected that month at a
cost of $201.58, the difference being afterward paid by
the ladies of Owego. The monument, which was worth
at ordinary prices from $350 to $400, was furnished at
cost. It is a pure white marble obelisk, standing 17 feet
above the surface of the ground with bases of veined
marble, on a sub-base of blue granite 14 inches thick
and 3 feet square, resting on a pier of solid masonry,
carried up 5 feet from a rock foundation and laid in
cement. It overlooks the Susquehanna Valley, standing
in full view of the village on the highest point in
Evergreen cemetery. On the front or obverse side are
the words: In memory of Sa-sa-na Loft, an Indian
Maiden of the Mohawk Woods, Canada West, who lost
her life in the Railroad Disaster at Deposit, NY, Feb. 18,
1852, aged 21 years.

We ran the story of Sa-Sa-Na Loft, Owegos Indian Maiden,

in 39 parts, from March 2005 through May 2008. Due to
requests to repeat the story, and for the benefit of new
readers who missed it the first time, we are re-running the
story over the next several months. The story was lovingly
compiled by Marilyn Searles, who passed away as we were
going to print with the first chapter. We hope she enjoyed
reading it in heaven, and will enjoy this encore!

(Part 4)
The Sa-sa-na Loft Monument
(by LeRoy Wilson Kingman):
Two days before the funeral in Owego the coroners jury
at Deposit found a verdict censuring the NY and Erie
railroad company for the accident. The following April,
Judge Avery took out letters of administration from the
Broome County court in the estate of the deceased, his
object in this proceeding being to obtain in behalf of the
next of kin the amount of damage which the statute
authorized and the circumstances of the case rendered
equitable. Judge Avery gave his services free, as he
had previously given his hospitality. The railroad
compromised suit September 20, 1852 by paying to the
Indian family $2,000, all of which amount was afterward
religiously expended in the publication of useful books
in the Mohawk language for the education and
Christianization of the Mohawk people on the Canada
In May 1852, some of the ladies of Owego originated a
movement to obtain funds by subscription with which to
February 201 5

On the reverse is a handsomely executed device a

single wild rose with stem broken and a leaf gone. On
the west side is this inscription: by birth a daughter of
the Forest; by adoption a child of God. The body of the
Indian girl is buried at the foot of the monument on the
east side. The wake was held in the living room of the
Avery home.
~ To be continued

The Moonli ghter

Around Town
By Marnie Schrader


Way before Tioga Trails, there was another hot

spot for a Saturday night dance. Anyone
remember the Optimo/Grovers Barn? Built
sometime in the late 1920s or early 1930s (my
mom remembers it being built and she is 92!),
Albert Wilkins on Day Hollow Road opened an ice
cream parlor. He had excellent producing Jersey
cows and had a lot of extra milk. Sunday
afternoons he served homemade ice cream. I think
my dad was one of his best customers! As time
went on, Albert expanded and opened a dance
hall. Then the fun really stepped up! Round and
Square dancing lit up the Saturday nights. Pretty
soon another addition had to be made to hold the
crowds that came. Bobby Grovers band was a
popular band among others. The only problem
was that the Optimo was a dry establishment! So
there would be a mass exodus at the intermission
and a string of vehicles would bee line it over
Tilbury Road to Topkes in Campville. Once
everyone got their energy boozester, back to the
Optimo they went.
The middle 1950s brought a change of hands. Bob
and Ann Grover became the new owners. Not only
did the dancing continue but she offered special
dinners. She had spaghetti night and oh, her
chicken dinners! Homemade pies became an
instant hit. Sometimes when Dad and I would stop
in, Ann would be in the kitchen rolling out pie
dough on her large wooden work table. Each pie
was lovingly made for her customers. Not only did
Dad enjoy the lemon pie, but Im sure the coconut
cream and any other pie that was offered!
Time marches on and so does age. The building has
been sold at least twice since Bob & Ann sold. The
dance hall now stands vacant waiting for a revival.
If the dance hall could talk, what stories it could

All my life I thought air was freeuntil I bought a

bag of chips.
February 201 5

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Indigenous People of the land
who never became citizens


All our dreams can come true if we have the courage

to pursue them.
~ Chief David Eagle
Susquehannock Nation of Indigenous People

The Moonli ghter

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fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a
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Ti p s

Install a regular coat

rack low down the
wall to store shoes
safely off the floor.

When hanging a picture frame, put a

dab of toothpaste on the frame
where you need the nails to be.
Then simply press against the wall
to leave marks (which can later be
wiped) as guides for hammering in.

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February 201 5


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The Moonli ghter


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Thanks to Sandy Gumble and Fred Battey for these funnies...
Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out
wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!
Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change
the things I can & the friends to post my bail when I finally snap!
I don't need anger management. I need people to stop ----ing me off!
February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


Feb 18, 1943

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Seventy-two years ago,

Sophie Scholl and her
brother Hans were
arrested at the University
of Munich for dropping
leaflets protesting the
evils of the Third Reich.
Sophie, Hans, their friend Christoph Probst, and several
others were members of the White Rose, a group Hans
and three fellow medical students founded to declare
opposition to the Hitler regime and rally the resistance
Sophie, Hans, and Christoph knew they faced certain
death if they were discovered. The story of these
incredible young people (Sophie was only 21 at the
time of her death) is not widely known in the United
States, but in Germany their contribution to the cause
of freedom is recognized and respected.
Sophie and Hans Scholl were born into a liberal,
religious Lutheran family. After Hitler took power and
proclaimed the Thousand-year Reich, Sophies family
began to attract unfavorable attention from the
authorities for their anti-Nazi views. At one time
Sophies father was arrested and imprisoned for
speaking against the regime at his place of work.
As they grew up both Hans and Sophie became
disillusioned with the Nazi regime and horrified by its
crimes. At the University of Munich, Sophie, Hans, and
other members of the White Rose began to print
leaflets and distribute them all over Germany by
mailing them from different towns. Although Sophie
did not write the leaflets, she helped distribute them.
On 18 February 1943 Hans and Sophie took a suitcase
to the University of Munich and dropped leaflets there
but were caught and arrested.


Submitted by
and in memory of C. Loudenslager

Left Bank: What the robber did after his bag
was full of cash.
Eclipse: What a cockney barber does for a living.
Rubberneck: What you do to relax your wife.
Heroes: What a guy in a boat does.
February 201 5

The film Sophie Scholl: The Final Days shows what

happened to Sophie, Hans, and their friend Christoph
Probst in the four days between their arrest on
February 18TH and their subsequent imprisonment,
trial, and execution on February 22, 1943. Although the
film is in German, the English subtitles and superb
performances make it easy to follow the action. And
although powerful and compelling, it is not a tearjerker.

The Moonli ghter


Keep the acronym SHRED in mind to

help prevent identity theft:
S: Strengthen privacy settings and
passwords. Always use eight
characters, upper and lower
cases, and at least one number or
H: Handle personal information with
R: Read your credit reports annually.
A free one can be ordered by
E: Empty your purse or wallet. Dont
carry around personal
D: Discuss tips with family and
Next month: One womans real-life
February 201 5

Call for
Competitive Prices


WOOD PELLETS AND COAL by the bag or the ton
for all makes and models
20 lb propane refill

$10 (incl tax)

Thru February

20lb refills
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WHO, WHAT, WHY? (A memory test for the over-50 crowd)

Who was this beloved late night

TV host and what was he doing?
The Moonli ghter

Who was this entertainer

and what was he doing?

Answers on page 24.

Criminals are now getting craftier.

They used to steal credit cards and
max them out. Now they use your
identity to get tax refunds, medical
procedures or government services
(unemployment benefits). And the
chances of them getting caught are
s l i m!


Its important to remember that public

Wi-Fi connections (coffee shops,
hotels, airports) are even less secure.
As soon as you open your bank
account, check your email or shop
online, you could be revealing
information to a hacker.



Since 2010, identity theft has gone
from affecting 10.2 million people to
13.1 million people annually. Todays
thieves can learn a lot about you by
visiting your social media pages
especially if your settings are public.
They piece together bits of information
you share on various websites,
including date of birth, your city, your
mothers maiden name, what bank you
like, etc. All this information helps
them decode your passwords and
access your personal accounts.


Hours: Mon, Wed & Fri 8-5 Tues & Thurs 8-8
Sat 8-Noon Closed Sunday

Back On Broad Street

Down Waverly Way
Crooked River Artisan
& Antique Co-Op
358 Broad Street, Waverly, NY
Co-op Member
of the Month:

The Crooked River Co-op

would like to introduce their
newest members,
Pat and Bill Evans.

Your Neighborhood Pharmacy
Don Sassman



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fax (607) 565-2393

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Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-2pm
Free Delivery Mon-Fri until 4:00pm

Pat and Bill have been

involved in dealing antiques
for over 35 years and bring
their own eclectic mix to the
Co-op to include tramp art,
antique toys and primitives.
The couple claim that they
joined the Co-op because
they wanted to sell and deal
more locally and that helping
Waverly was also a draw for
th e m .

With this coupon: Buy 1 slice of homemade pie,

get the 2nd slice FREE! expires Feb 28, 2015

222 Broad St,


your own
or let us
create one
for you!

With this coupon, 15% off

Cannot be combined with other coupons/discounts - Expires 2/28/15

February 201 5

The Evans are also the first

dealer to take part in the Coop's new opportunity to rent a
ten-by-ten space on a
monthly basis instead of
using the commission sales
membership. Co-op owner,
Deb Twigg added, "We just
added the space rental option
for Co-op members and we
are very happy to have Pat
and Bill and their experience
in the antique business as
our members. Their inventory
adds nicely to our shop."
The Moonli ghter

224 Broad Street

Waverly, NY 14892


Color Cut Pedicure Manicure

This Valentines Day treat your sweetheart
to a relaxing massage, facial or maybe
our signature chocolate pedicure!
Welcome back April! Offering many different facial
services along with microdermabrasion!
150 Broad Street Waverly, NY 607-565-2360


John Tryon, Owner

(607) 565-7430

402 Broad Street

Waverly, NY 14892

FEBRUARY 1 , 1 980
By Chris Marion III


First African-American Superintendent of a National Park

January 31, 1980 was a bitterly cold and

miserable night. Snow was falling heavily, and my wife was
about to have our first child. I went to bed praying that the
baby would wait for morning when the roads had been
cleared, but that was not to be. She shook me awake at about
3am. Its time. I looked at her belly and said, Cant you give
your daddy a few more hours sleep? I need to go to work
Its time, Chris.
I knowIm just saying.

Born in Kentucky during the Civil

War, Charles Young had early set
himself a course that took him to
places where a black man was not
often welcome. He was the first
black to graduate from the white
high school in Ripley, Ohio, and
through competitive examination
he won an appointment to the US
Military Academy at West Point
in 1884. He went on to graduate with his commission, only
the third black man to do so. Later he would remark that the
worst he could wish for an enemy would be to make him a
black man and send him to West Point.

Everything was already packed and we were off. The roads

were terrible, but we got to the hospital safely, and she was
rushed to the delivery room. I was ushered into the daddys
ready room, but didnt know what to do as wed foolishly not
taken any birthing classes. I took too long, so a nurse entered
and helped me into my scrubs.
Terri was already on the table pushing with all her might. All I
could do was stroke her hair with my free hand while she
nearly crushed my other in agony. I thought her screams
could be heard two states over, so I tried to diffuse the tension
with humor Its like takin a difficult poop. That broke her
concentration, and everyone gave me a dirty look, so I
returned to PUSH!
Then I heard a wail. Its a boy, said Dr. Nowiki. I was glad he
told me the gender because I couldnt focus through my tears
of joy! Terri said, I hope you really wanted a boy, cause Im
never goin through THAT again! I was taken somewhere,
and she went to the recovery room.
A nurse put me in a room that held a wooden rocking chair
and asked me to sit. I like rocking chairs and that one was
quite comfortable, so I started rocking gently.
A few minutes later another nurse handed me the most
beautiful baby Id ever seen. Sir, say hello to your son, she
said. I asked her to repeat that, as those were the most
wonderful words Id ever heard. I held him in my arms for the
first time, and I knew that would be the happiest moment of
my life. I couldnt take my eyes off him, but I remembered my
own childhood and teen years when I was teased mercilessly
by the neighbors for being scrawny and not having a girlfriend.
Not man enough to get a girl, eh, beanpole? they taunted.
Well see what they think NOW, eh, little Mr. Marion? I asked
my newborn. He was peacefully sleeping with a smile on his
face, content in his daddys arms.
All my subsequent accomplishments and successes put
together have never come close to that momentthe birth of
my only child!
February 201 5

His military career progressed in the cavalry. In 1903, he

was serving as a Captain in the Cavalry commanding a
segregated black company at the Presidio of San Francisco
when he received orders to take his troops to Sequoia
National Park for the summer.
Since 1891, the management and development of the park
had been the responsibility of the US Army, but owing to a
lack of Congressional funding almost nothing had been
done. The biggest lack in the park was an adequate wagon
road to the Giant Forest, the home of the world's largest
trees. Army work on a road had begun in the summer of
1900, but progress had lagged. In three summers barely five
miles of road had been constructed.
Young and his troopers arrived in Sequoia after a 16-day
ride to find that their major assignment would be the
extension of the wagon road. Hoping to break the sluggish
pattern of previous military administrations, Young poured
his considerable energies into the project, and dirt and rock
began to fly. By mid-August wagons were entering the
mountain-top forest for the first time. Still not content, Young
kept his crews working and soon extended the road to the
base of the famous Moro Rock. During the summer of 1903,
Young and his troops built as much road as the combined
results of the three previous summers.
Although Colonel Charles Young only served one season as
Acting Superintendent of Sequoia National Park, he has not
been forgotten. The energy and dignity he brought to his
national park assignment left a strong imprint. His roads,
much improved in later times, are still in use today, having
served millions of park visitors for more than eighty years.
And the example he set - a determined black man
overcoming the prejudices of society - remains an
inspiration to anyone who faces life's challenges head-on.

The Moonli ghter


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Owego, NY

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Hrs: Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat 8-1

An Angel Thought
Angels come in different
shapes and sizes. The next
time you are missing an
Angel, look for the light in your
childrens eyes.

Our Daily Bread

Heart To Heart

By Rev. G. Terry Steenburg

Thoughts I Share With Couples At Weddings.
1 - Love is a language you must walk - not just talk.
Get your daily exercise walk with God. Get your daily
relationship exercise walk with one another in love!
2 - Anger does not accomplish the righteous desires of God
nor the hoped-for changes in others. Stifle yourselves!
3 - The relationship loses when someone wins an argument.
Arguments are rarely win/win situations for the relationship.
Avoid them if at all possible.
4 - Its amazing how much communication improves when you
speak more softly and listen more loudly. Larger ears and
smaller mouths make for a happier marriage.
5 - Dont react - respond. To do this, you will need love & patience
& love & wisdom & love & humility before God & love &
humility before one another & love.
6 - The most important things in life are not things.
The most important thing in each of your lives is your
relationship with God. The next most important thing is your
relationship with each other.
7 {my favorite . . .} It doesnt matter whos right. If you focus on
whos right, eventually someone will be left.
8 {my wifes favorite . . .} Hugs & kisses are free - and fun.
No further comment.
~ Rev. G. Terry Steenburg

A Hand In Deed, Serving the Need

143 North Ave Owego, NY 13827

A huge thanks to the
Moose, Ki wani s, Rotary
and Li ons Clubs
for sponsori ng our
February 1 st
Pancake Breakfast
at the Moose L odge.
We are sooooo thankful
for your support!

February 201 5

Contact Pastor Terry via one of his websites

www.HesAliveWorld.org /

Seen on a sign outside a local church

god loves you whether you like it or not.

An open heart that will win

Is one that releases all sin!
~ Marg Scott
The Moonli ghter



The presentation was tender, poignant, and yes, even fun.

As for the part Doris had in making it so, I know she would
say of her gifting, Its my pleasure.

Clearly, Christmas 2014 has exited,

carol books and tinsel are tucked
away for several upcoming seasons,
but here in this month of February, which speaks of love in all
its forms, I did want to share this vignette with you.

Such a pleasure, at heart, finds its root in love.

It was mid-December, that time of year when many churches

search for shepherds and wise men and all things necessary
to the Christmas presentation proclaiming the story of the birth
of Christ. In the Saturday rehearsal at the little Richford
church, just one day before its presentation, the characters
Mary and Joseph were missing; two shepherds and one wise
man were involved elsewhere is some sports event, and if it
wasnt for the choir director, the choir, and the two narrators
stationed in their proper places, we could have all gone home
and prayed for a Sunday morning miracle, where coordination
of words, action and music would just occurno further effort

bible story for children

By Ann Lowdermilk

In the back of the small sanctuary lay the costumes, spread

out on the backs of the last few pews, tassels and hats
dangling here and there, and several copies of the script,
complete with narrations and music. Doris, the woman who
would guide the dressed characters at the proper time in the
story to the front of the sanctuary, took inventory of what she
had to work with on that Saturday, dressed one young girl who
had volunteered to be a shepherd, and Dave, my husband, as
another shepherd, and with that and nothing else, the
rehearsal carried on.
I had watched Doris from my place at the piano, observing how
smoothly she worked with such a scant but willing crew, paying
attention to the script, gathering in her mind how all the pieces
fit together, and so afterwards I thanked her sincerely for her
time on such a busy weekend, and for all of her efforts in
rounding up the kids who had assured her that they would
participate the next morning.
It was what she said after my expressing thankfulness that has
resonated with me. She simply said, Its my pleasure. The
tone of those words matched the kindness in her eyes, and for
a moment, I could have believed that she had nothing else in
the whole world to do but to give herself entirely to this
Christmas drama offering, dedicating all her passion to its
The next morning, when the Sunday service began, there in
the back of the sanctuary stood the promised children, in
costume and ready to be a part of the grand story, with Doris
among them, keeping them calm and at the same time,
inspiring them with gladness of heartjust by being herself.
February 201 5

The Healing of Naaman (Part 1 of 2)

In the days of the great prophets Elijah
and Elisha, the Syrians and the Israelites
of the Northern Kingdom made attacks on one another even
when the two were not openly at war. Since the land of the
two joined, the towns along the border were often the
scenes of these raids. Bands of warriors would destroy the
villages, rob the people of grain and cattle, and take away
captives to be sold as slaves. During one raid, a little
Israelite girl was taken from her family by the Syrian
soldiers. She was carried back with them to their homeland,
and she became a servant in the house of a great Syrian
captain, Naaman. She was probably sad and lonely away
from her family, but God always lets things happen for
good, and she was able to do great good in this strange
l and.
Naaman, the servant girls master, had won many battles,
and he was a favorite of the king of Syria. But this brave
and strong soldier became ill with a terrible disease called
leprosy. Naaman and his family were distressed and the
king was worried because there was no way to cure
leprosy. A person who had leprosy would get terrible sores
on his body and would eventually die. No one wanted to
come near a leper for fear he would become infected with
the disease. Even though Naaman was a great man, he
was sure to die.
The little Israelite girl that lived in Naamans house had not
forgotten about God and the prophets of her own land. She
felt sorry for her master, but she was too timid to go to him.
Instead, she went to Naamans wife, her mistress, and told
her that in Israel there was a prophet of God who could cure
When Naaman heard of this prophet, he went straight to his
king and reported it. The king was interested and gave
Naaman a letter to take to the king of Israel, asking that he
try to heal the captain. Besides the letter, Naaman took
along on his trip many servants and gifts.

The Moonli ghter

Continued next month




By Pat FitzGerald

By Michele L. Moelder

1 beaten egg
1 cup coarsely crushed crackers
1/4 cup milk
2 Tbs. finely chopped onion
1 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 pound lean ground beef
2 Tbs. olive oil

2 cups fresh string beans

1/2 head cauliflower, broken into flowerettes
1 medium carrot, sliced
Bring 1 cup spring water to a boil; add string beans and
steam for 2-3 minutes. Add sliced carrots and steam for
2 minutes longer. Add cauliflower and steam for 2 more
minutes. Remove from heat.

Combine egg, 1/2 cup cracker crumbs, milk, onion, chili

powder, salt and Worcestershire sauce. Add ground beef
and mix well. Shape into 6 patties, 1/2-inch thick. Coat
with remaining cracker crumbs. Fry in hot olive oil over
medium-high heat about 3 minutes on each side.
Serve with milk gravy.

Pat FitzGeralds recipes are available in

Makes a great gift!
Also available on CD Rom.
Stop and see Pat at 841 Owego Road, Candor
or call 607-659-5739.


3 Tbs. tahini 2 Tbs. soy sauce
Blend well. Add to vegetables; stir and serve.

Recipe printed with permission

from Michele Moelder, from her cookbook
Available for purchase at
Health Beat Natural Foods & Deli
214 Main St, Johnson City, NY



In a study of postmenopausal women, doctors were

shocked to discover that a daily 1/2 tablespoon of
safflower oil reduced abdominal fat, lowered blood
sugar, and increased muscle tissue with no other
changes in diet or exercise.

Charoset is a sweet dessert dating back to Biblical times,

but is a modern marvel when it comes to health benefits.
This recipe is loaded with ingredients that lower blood
sugar, improve cholesterol, fight infection, and aid
1 cups peeled, cored, and chopped apples
(preferably MacIntosh)
3/4 cup finely chopped walnuts
2 Tbs. sweet red wine
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 Tbs. honey
Mix together and refrigerate overnight for best flavor.
After its chilled, adjust seasoning if necessary.

Kitchen Tip
Tough meat may be made tender by laying it a few
minutes in vinegar water.

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter



OUR world,
Our home

The gross overuse of antibiotics on factory farms has

led to the development of antibiotic-resistant
"superbugs," sickening millions and even killing many
Americans every year.
80% of all antibiotics in the United States are used to
raise meat for human consumption, which has led to
the rise of so-called "superbugs" -- human diseases
that are resistant to antibiotic treatment. This is one
of the most serious public health issues facing our
country today. Each year, 2 million Americans are
infected and more than 23,000 die from antibioticresistant bacteria.
Antibiotic treatments are becoming less and less
effective. In fact, nearly every major medical
organization has called for ending the use of
antibiotics in large-scale livestock production.
Two important bills to protect Americans from this
public health catastrophe have been introduced in
Congress, but Republican members of the US House,
beholden to the most powerful food lobbyists and
corporations like Monsanto, Tyson, Dow Chemical,
and the Grocery Manufacturers Association, won't
allow a vote on these critical bills.
These two pieces of legislation -- The Preservation of
Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMPTA) and
the Preventing Antibiotic Resistance Act (PARA) -would stem the use of antibiotic treatment in factory
farms and help prevent the problem from getting
even worse.


A Fire Rainbow is the rarest of all naturally occurring

atmospheric phenomena. This picture was captured on
the Idaho/Washington border. The event lasted about
1 hour.
Clouds have to be cirrus, at least 20k feet in the air,
with just the right amount of ice crystals and the sun has
to hit the clouds at precisely 58 degrees.

Foie Gras I ndulgent Dish or

Animal Cruelty?

Foie gras is made by force-feeding geese and ducks

through tubes shoved down their throats to make their
livers fatty and engorged. The process of making foie
gras causes immense suffering to the point where ducks
can no longer walk or breathe normally. This is cruel
and inhumane treatment of animals for the purpose of
an indulgent dish.


At the current rate of tropical forest loss, 5-10 percent

of tropical rain forest species will be lost per decade.

Congress must take meaningful action now to stop

the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria before it's too

Animal Reiki Therapy

Specializing in Reiki for pets

& their person, in your home
or distance healing


As the second largest ivory market in the

world, the U.S. has a pivotal role to play in
protecting African elephants. In 2012, more
than 30,000 were poached for their tusks,
and scientists fear the forest elephant could
become extinct within a decade.

February 201 5

Classes offered
YL Therapeutic
Grade Oils
The Moonli ghter

Debbie Bush
Reiki Master Teacher
607- 754- 2988
607- 429- 8835
b o u d ic a 1 1 0 @ m s n .c o m

Kitty Quote
Of all Gods creatures there is only one that cannot be
made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man
could be crossed with the cat, it would improve man,
but it would deteriorate the cat.
~ Mark Twain

pet remembrance
Author unknown

noble friend
(A list poem as I remember our
neighbors golden retriever, Shelby)
By Karen Warfle
Autumn fur
Belly rubs
Convenient loss of hearing
Greying face
Galloping across the road
Happy to see us
Best keep away player I EVER saw!
Even into old age
Friend to all.

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.

I could see that you were crying; you found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you. I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."
I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels; I wished I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.
I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you. I smiled and said "It's me."
You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."
You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening I was very close to you.
The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning
and say "Good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."
And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.
I have many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out...then come home to be with me.



Owego, NY

Berkshire, NY


Feeds for Other Livestock

A Wide Selection of Premium Dog & Cat Foods
Quality Tack & Pet Supplies Animal Health Aids
Fun Animal

1320 Campville Road (Rt 17C) Endicott, NY


February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


DINING GUIDE To area restaurants

Make Your Reservations Today!

Valentines Day

Friday, Feb 13th and Saturday, Feb 14th

Special Menu Includes:

Scallops, Crab Cakes, Steak & Shrimp,

Chicken Oscar, Cordon Bleu, Chicken & Biscuits,
Filet Madeira, Prime Rib, Beef Tips,
Red Velvet Cake, Chocolate Lava Cake, & More!

Serving Breakfast & Lunch

Open 7 Days a Week
Breakfast available all day

904 State Route 17C
Owego, NY 13827

Across from Scoville

The winner from the November

Dining Guide drawing was

Call 786-9712 x2
Or Email Jason@OurCountryHearts.com

R.T. Holobusky of Barton, NY.

Congratulations R.T. Enjoy!

(The winner from Dec/Jan will be
published in the March issue).
Happy dining!

Love comes to those who still hope

although they've been disappointed,
to those who still believe although
they've been betrayed, and to those
who still love although they've been
hurt before.

Enter to win a $10 certificate to use at any

one of the area restaurants featured here.

Clip and mail this entry to:

The Moonlighter

P.O. Box 326

Newark Valley, NY 13811-0326
Entry must be received by February 28th

Winner will be notified by phone and

will be announced in the April issue
of The Moonlighter. Enjoy!
Name: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________



Phone #: ______________________________
Now offering fresh, hand-cut French Fries with sandwiches!

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter



Jackie Robinson is one of the most

admired people in sports. But unlike
most sports heroes, his battles did
not take place only on the athletic
field, but also against the pervasive
national racism that not only
excluded blacks from participation
in major league baseball, but from
economic opportunities in fields of
all kinds. Robinson led the Dodgers
to four National League pennants
and one World Series championship in 1955. And, in the process,
he led his nation in a struggle for
civil rights that continues today
but he didnt do it alone.

Choice of Dessert
145 Front St Owego, NY




Submitted by and in loving memory of Betty Martin

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take the chance?
A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
Is better to lose one minute in life, than to lose life in a minute.
While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.
The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the
morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter

Rachel Isum was Robinsons

fiancee. They had met in 1940
when she was a first-year nursing
student at UCLA and he was
already an accomplished athlete.
They were married on February 10,
1946. After the wedding, they left
for spring training, for the minor
league Montreal Royals, in Daytona
Beach, Florida the deep south, a
bastion of hard-core racism. In an
interview with the Houston
Chronicle, Rachel Robinson later
recalled, That first spring training
was like a nightmare. There was so
much degradation. There was
bigotry like we had never
encountered. But Jackie, with
Rachel at his side, endured the
indignities of the training trip and a
season filled with countless insults,
threats, and bean balls on his way
to leading the league in batting,
runs scored, and fielding.
Major league first baseman Mo
Vaughn, once told the Boston
Globe, Jackie Robinson couldnt
have been Jackie Robinson if it
wasnt for Rachel Robinson. Its
another case of the fact that behind
every good man is a good woman.
Study your history. He wanted to
quit. She wouldnt let him.

1551 Upper North Ave Owego, NY

687-PIZA (687-7492)
Pizza Chicken Wings Calzones
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Fresh dough made daily
100% real cheese
Only the finest ingredients
Breakfast Mon-Fri 7am

We hope youll patronize these local establishments

when you dine out, and please tell them that
you saw their ad in The Moonlighter.
Home Cooking Daily Specials
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


Laura Vattiato

2640 Main St, Maine, NY

Vincent Vattiato

Open 7 days / week
Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs-Sat 6:30am-2pm
Fri 6:30am-8pm; Sun 7am-1pm


35 River St.
Nichols, NY


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Apalachin, NY 13732
(607) 625-9918
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February 201 5


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Tues - Sun
Never on Monday


Love the one who cares for you, not the one who
ignores you. Love the one who makes you smile, not
the one who makes your cry. Love the one who your
heart seeks, not the one who makes you weep.

The Moonli ghter


Legendarium -A Screenplay
By Mackenzie E. Anders

Episode 5 Part 1:
The Truth Behind The Two Books
(The Principal walks into her office and
sees Kylie.)
Principal - What are you doing here?
(Kylie starts to panic and the only thing she can think of is to
do a spell.)
Kylie - This Principal is an evil witch with a broom; now send
me back to when I exited her secret room.
(The whole room becomes blurry and the next thing Kylie
knows, she is back in the secret room about to exit, but
before she does she stops.)
Kylie - I went back in time cool, I could go back before the
Venus flytrap became what it is now.
(Kylie waves her finger around, but the second spell does not
Kylie - My powers must be weak.
(The next thing she knows she hears the Principals door
open and she hears the Principal walk in and sit down at her
desk. Kylie puts her ear to the door. She then starts to back
away and knocks over a vase. It falls to the ground and
shatters. The Principal gets up from her desk and looks
around her office and shrugs her shoulders. She then grabs
her folder and leaves her office.)
Kylie That was close!
(Kylie opens the secret door and walks into the Principals
office. She grabs the secret book she found before she went
back in time; she then runs back into the science room where
the Venus flytrap now has Ethan.)
Kylie - I told you to talk to it, not let it take you.
Ethan - You talk to it and see how that works.
Eli - If you two are done arguing, help us.
Kylie - Yea, yea!
Coupon expires 2/28/15

(Kylie pulls out a bottle of shrinking potion.)

Kylie - Venus flytrap, over here, you ugly little plant.
(The Venus flytrap turns to Kylie and goes to eat her. When it
opens its mouth, Kylie takes the bottle of potion and pours
the potion into its mouth. Its arms start to shrink and all the
guys fall to the ground. Then the rest of the Venus flytraps
body shrinks. Kylie walks over and helps the guys up.)
Kylie - You guys okay?
Eli - Ya, you took your time!
Kylie - The Principal caught me.
Ethan What, how did you get away?
Kylie I did a spell and went back in time.
Ethan - Thats impossible, time travel hasnt been invented
y e t.
Max - Man, apparently it has!
(They hear a strange noise and they all turn around and the
Venus flytrap throws up the Legendarium. Kylie runs over to
it and picks it up. It is covered with goo.)
Kylie Gross!
(Ethan puts the Venus flytrap back on the stand and they
leave Mr. Berks room. Next Kylie is up in her tree house
doing spells, but none of them are working.)
Kylie - This is useless.
(Kylie pulls out the Legendarium and calls forth the
Kylie Guardian, I need you.
(The book opens and the Guardian comes out.)
Guardian - You called Protector Kylie, whats wrong?
Kylie - My powers - whats wrong with them?
Guardian - After doing such a powerful spell as going back in
time, your powers take time to recover. Give it time and you
will soon have them back.
Kylie Thanks!
(The Guardian looks towards Kylies bag and sees the book
that Kylie took from the Principals office.)
Guardian - What is that?
(The Guardian points at the book. Kylie takes it out of her
b a g .)
Kylie - I found it in the Principals office; it looks exactly like
the Legendarium. Do you know what it is?
Guardian - Yes, the Principal trapped my brother in there 5
years ago.
~ To be continued
Quiz on page 13

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February 201 5

Johnny Carson, doing a skit as Carnac, The

Milton Berle (Uncle Milty), singing Yes, We Have No

The Moonli ghter


upbringings and experiences, thus every class is


essential oils - then & now

(Part 130)

Although I set goals and plan for the future
somewhat, I am glad I dont tend to see the big picture.
(It can be scary.) Eleven years ago when I was first
introduced to Young Living Essential oils, I never
envisioned teaching especially as far north as Prince
Edward Island and as far south as South Carolina and
west to Salt Lake City, Missouri and Kentucky. We met
and worked with a lot of amazing people. I just walked
through the doors God opened for us. Now a decade
later, we enter the new challenges of the Academy of
Integrative Therapies.

Time for an oil change. Envision is an oil blend that

renews faith in the future, stimulates creative and
intuitive abilities, and amplifies the emotional
fortitude to achieve goals and dreams. It helps
reawaken internal drive and independence and
overcome the fear of experiencing new dimensions.
Sounds good to me, but thenI still love my old
May God be glorified through us in 2015!

It was John Gilbert, legal advisor of the Natural

Therapies Certification Board, who said to a colleague of
ours that there needs to be a new academy Mer and
Jo would be good to head that up. What? I took an online aromatherapy class from John but never met him
and how did he hear of us? And to call me by my
nickname? So Mer called him up. Unknown to me, Mer
had been thinking of that need. We met John in
Ashville, NC over lunch and the ball began rolling. I
didnt know how the Academy would become viable.
Would it support us? Yet instinctively I knew it was
where we were to go.
We drove to Missouri and met with our dear friend
David Stewart, the founder of CARE (Center of
Aromatherapy, Research and Education) and told him
we were resigning from CARE and it was our intention
to start the Academy. He thanked us for all the work we
did for him and for CARE. He said he would miss us and
then blessed us. He publically endorsed our venture
with the Academy and said we could even use his
material. I was glad to hear that, as there is no better
chemistry book and no other source so clearly showing
the oils of the Bible. We learned so much from him. We
left with hugs and the knowledge we will run into him
and his wife at common future events.
I was born to be a nurse, wife, and mother, and to walk
with the God Im glad to call my own. I can teach,
though teaching to a class is not my natural bent. It was
incredibly difficult for me to write up course notes and
an exam. I am right-brained and love teaching
emotional release but how do you put in left brain
logical linear from Emotions? There are no cookie
cutter people and people come from various
February 201 5

The Moonli ghter

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Promoting Health, Naturally
20B S. Main Street
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Annies Corner

Happy Me Year To All My Readers

By Anne O. Stout

Every morning I listen to the news while getting ready for work, and spend a lot of
time shaking my head in disbelief over the insanity of things happening in the
world. I dont understand a lot of the news, but still feel compelled to keep up.
Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.
I decided to start off the New Year with some positive thoughts, as I want my
readers to have a positive year. I recently read an article about anxiety and worry
causing folks to be more susceptible to illnesses. One suggestion the article had is
to take time for me. Seriously, when was the last time you did something just
because you wanted to, because you like it?
Worry is a total waste of time. It doesnt change anything. All it does is steal your
joy and keep you very busy doing nothing.
Everyone has different things that help them relax. I like taking a walk in the
country or at a park; of course this time of year, I bundle up and watch for ice, but
it helps me to clear my head. Ever try snow shoes or cross country skiing?
I will not stress myself out about things I cant control or change.
Maybe curling up under a heavy quilt and reading a good book is more your thing,
especially while the winter air is upon us; then take time and do it.
A good book makes you want to live in the story. A great book gives you no

meditation until calmness is restored.

The year 2014 ended with some losses
of people in my life and some others
dealing with health issues. I want to be
strong and supportive for my friends
and family but also have to remember
to not let it take me under. By taking
time for yourself you keep strong; it is
also a good way to pay attention to
your needs.
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a
365-page book, write a good one.
Balance in your life is very important;
take time to find some.
Besides my words, I am filling the
column with quotes that Ive found
online. I receive a lot of positive
postings from friends and family on
Facebook. I dont write a lot on
Facebook, but I do enjoy hearing from
folks I dont often see, and all the
positivity from them is great.
Always look on the bright side of life;
otherwise, it will be too dark to read.
Im going to end this positive, feel-good
column with another posting the 5
Ws of Life. Who you are is what
makes you special; do not change for
anyone. What lies ahead will always be
a mystery; do not be afraid to explore.
When life pushes you over, push back
harder. Where there are choices to
make, make the one you wont regret.
Why things happen will never be
certain; take it in stride and move
Happy 2015!

Sewing, quilting, crocheting, knitting - all good winter past times and can be very
The moment I am restless or disturbed in mind, I will retire to silence and
February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


Finding Home (Part 4)

By Leanne Riegel

By Heather Beck, L.M.T.

Day 22, Appalachian Trail, 240 miles

The more I trek through these
forests, the more I feel at home.
My feet were blistered and aching for the first week,
but now theyre sure and nimble. The clean air feels
bright and cold to lungs that no longer gasp at every
rise in the terrain. And theres something more than
this physical acclimatization. Somewhere deep
inside, I remember this place. Ill come around a
corner and see the sunlight catch a pine just so and
feel a perplexing sense of dj vu. I feel like I belong
here, like Im returning to a place I once loved.
The trail is like that. It deserves the adjectives from
the CPS websitesafe, permanent, nurturing. It
teaches you, one step at a time, how to take care of
yourself, and if you have a bad day, its still there the
next. Its rocky faces force you to be strong, its
blowing rains show you to appreciate a simple
poncho, its silence lets you enjoy your own company.
I wonder now and then what Im missing in school
now. Its May 7th; Kelsey probably took over the
Young Life tutoring program, Bri would be sole
president of the skiing club nowI hope she can get
the end-of-season banquet together okay. They
might be missing me in SGA, but Im not the only one
who can arrange events for our tiny college. And the
newspaperoh boy, theyre probably going crazy
with the issue-every-two-weeks thing I instituted.
I stop, rotating slowly. Green leaves flutter on their
twigs, a sparrow twitters to another, a breeze lifts
my cropped hair. The world goes on without me.
Wow. Even crazier to realize that the stress that was
always around me isnt actually a required part of
lifeits something people choose. And as I turn,
taking in the timeless peace of growing things, I
wonder. They choose it. But why?
~ to be continued

If flying is so safe, why do they
call the airport the terminal?
February 201 5

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Curious Origin

Both these nicknames for policemen come from Sir

Robert Peel who founded the first modern police
force in 1829.

The Moonli ghter


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There's an old story of a King in Africa that had a
best friend since childhood. No matter what
happened... good or bad... the friend would always
say... 'This is good!'
One day the King and his friend went hunting. The
friend loaded the King's rifles. After a few shots...
the King got another rifle. The friend did
something wrong and when the King pulled the
trigger... it blew off his thumb!
The King was furious when his friend replied... 'This
i s g o o d!'
The King said...'No, this is NOT good!'... and sent
his friend to jail.
About a year later the King went hunting again. He
was captured by some Cannibals and they gathered
some wood and tied him to a stake. Just as they
were about to light the fire they noticed he was
missing his thumb. Being superstitious... they let the
King go because they did not like to eat anyone that
was not whole.

Terenzis Body Shop

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February 201 5

O wn e r
Jim Terenzi

The King remembered why his thumb was missing

and felt bad that he had jailed his friend. He
immediately went to the jail and told his friend what
happened and apologized for putting him in jail.
The friend said... 'No, this is good!'
The King asked How could this be good? I put
you in jail for such a long time.
The friend replied... 'If I hadn't been in jail, I would
have been with you!'

The Moonli ghter


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The Fox and the Bird...

There was a fox that lived in the woods and there was a
bird that lived at the top of a tall tree in the center of a
clearing next to the woods. Each day the fox would go
see the bird and ask to talk. The bird knew that all the
fox wanted was to lure him into the woods and
eventually turn him into a meal... so he ignored the fox.
One day the fox came to the tree and said...I know you
won't talk, but I want you to know that I collect feathers
and yours are very beautiful. I know you like grub worms
and there are some of the juiciest grub worms in the
woods that you have ever seen. My proposal is this...
I will bring a grub worm to you and put it at the base
of your tree, and then I will return to the woods. In
return, all I ask is that you leave me one of your beautiful
feathers in its place. You have your juicy worm and I

have my feather. No one gets hurt and we both get

what we want.
The bird ignored the fox... day after day... until one
day in a weak moment, the bird agreed... after all, no
harm would come to him.
As agreed... the fox brought the worm and left. The
bird flew down from the top of the tree, ate the
delicious worm, pulled out one feather and left it on
the ground... then flew back to the top of the tree.
The next day the fox came to collect the feather and
offered the same proposal. The bird reasoned... why
not? Those worms are delicious and the fox can't get
m e.
Eventually... the bird gave up so many feathers...he
could no longer fly to the top of the tree...and the sly
old fox finally had his meal!

have my feather. No one gets hurt and we both get what

we want.
The bird ignored the fox... day after day... until one day in a
weak moment, the bird agreed... after all, no harm would
come to him.
As agreed... the fox brought the worm and left. The bird
flew down from the top of the tree, ate the delicious
worm, pulled out one feather and left it on the ground...
then flew back to the top of the tree.
The next day the fox came to collect the feather and
offered the same proposal. The bird reasoned... why
not? Those worms are delicious and the fox can't get me.
Eventually... the bird gave up so many feathers...he
could no longer fly to the top of the tree...and the sly old
fox finally had his meal!
February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


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Black Tea Bags:

If you brush up against some poison ivy, throw 3-5
black tea bags into the bathtub and then take a
good soak. The tannic acids in the tea help to relieve
inflammation and stop the itching. Tannic acid also
helps toughen skin and prevent and heal blisters.
Cayenne Pepper:
This hot red pepper promotes blood clotting and
numbs pain, making it one of the best remedies for
stopping bleeding. Sprinkle some on after cutting
yourself. Also, to stop a nosebleed, put a tiny pinch
of cayenne pepper on your palm and sniff it into
your nostril.
Arnica Cream:
If you bang your shin, reach for arnica, which heals
bruises fast. It has also been recommended that it
be used to prevent bruising after face-lift surgery.
Lemon Balm Essential Oil:
Apply a drop or two of lemon balm essential oil as
soon as you feel the first twinge or tingle of a cold
sore coming on. Lemon balm kills the herpes virus
that causes cold sores.
Clove Oil:
For generations, clove oil was the go-to remedy for
toothaches. It is still used in root canals and
temporary fillings. Clove oil contains a powerful
nerve-numbing agent called eugenol. Put a few
drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and place it
against your tooth. Be careful to avoid sensitive gum
tissue or your tongue.

Website: www.herillafingerhydration.com

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter

~ More next month



On the way to clearer nails today

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My practice is the first in the region to introduce
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The treatment is performed in the comfort of our office, does not require
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treatment modality for the majority of the population.

PinPointe FootLaser
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Before & after view of nail treated

with the PinPointe Footlaser

with toenail fungus.

SOME CANCER SCOOP ( from Johns Hopkins)

Every person has cancer cells in the body. They

dont show up in the standard tests until they have
multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer
patients that there are no more cancer cells in their
bodies after treatment, it means the tests are not
able to detect any cancer cells because they havent
reached the detectable size.
When someone has cancer it is an indication that
they have multiple nutritional deficiencies. These
could be due to genetic, environmental, food and
lifestyle factors. To overcome the deficiencies,
changing diet and adding supplements to your daily
diet will strengthen the immune system.
Even though chemotherapy poisons the rapidlygrowing cancer cells, it also destroys the rapidlygrowing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, etc. and can cause organ damage.
Radiation destroys cancer cells, but it also burns,
scars, and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation
will often reduce tumor size, but prolonged use
does not result in more tumor destruction.
~ more next month
February 201 5

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or to make an appointment


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Visit us online at www.georgetrachtenberg.com


Your risk of getting Lyme disease is

higher than you might think. Until
recently, it was estimated that about
30,000 new cases occurred in the U.S.
each year. A new report, released by
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) in 2013, stated that the number of
Lyme cases is roughly 10 times higherabout 300,000
per year.
If you assume that youre safe from Lyme, consider
this: Although many people think that this disease
occurs in isolated pockets around the country, its
actually now been reported in most parts of the US.
The great imitator: Lyme, the most common disease
thats spread by ticks, causes dozens of symptoms that
can easily be mistaken for other conditions, such as
chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and
autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis.
Many patients with Lyme suffer unnecessarily because
they never even know that they have the diseaseand
those who are diagnosed often are not given the best
~ more next month

The Moonli ghter


Find the words in the word list.

Words can be forward, backward, vertical, and diagonal.



Help Mr.
fi nd hi s
way thru
the maze
to deli ver
flowers to
hi s
Valenti ne

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


love means showing up and

being lovingly present
It takes great spiritual muscle and God Presence
to be able to "show up".
Means being fully conscious and present
with whatever is happening at any given moment
Means seeing beyond the drama and carrying
God Consciousness everywhere you go
Means not being seduced by the illusion, but
having compassion and full awareness of the Big
Picture in each moment
Means embracing your ego and the others' ego
Means not being in reaction to anything or anyone
Means accepting Divine Order and releasing your
personal agenda
Means accepting your humanity and the other's
Means accepting your Divinity and the other's
Is the state of Being
Is to be Love
Is to open the door to the Divine so that others
may walk through
Is to not create separation between what is going
on inside you and what is going on outside you
Is full awareness of God within
Is "holding the space" so that others may
experience themselves in loving acceptance
Is the breath of God flowing through all of life
Is to allow Soul to guide you unceasingly
Is working the energy around our unfinished
mommy/daddy business
Is the Continuum of Consciousness
Is taking spontaneous action with Soul guidance
Is standing in the longest line at the supermarket
Means being in a state of acceptance
Means living in a state of gratitude
Means not having a personal agenda
Means living from Soul Awareness
Means expressing the Love in your Heart
Means being focused in the Now
Is our natural state of Being
Is setting aside the ego
Is living from your Truth
Is not taking things personally
Is seeing the Big Picture
Is being Love
February 201 5

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Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a

difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you,
the giver.
~ Barbara De Angelis
The Moonli ghter




(For Marty and Roseanne)

(because we all need to lighten up a little)


Maude runs a red traffic light and crashes into a
man's car. Both their cars are demolished, but,
amazingly, neither of them is hurt. After they crawl
out of their cars, Maude says: Wow, just look at our
cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are
unhurt. This must be a sign that we should meet and
be friends and live together in peace for the rest of
our days.
The man replies, I agree with you completely. This
must be a sign from God!
Maude continues: And look at this, here's another
miracle. My car is completely demolished, but my
bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to
drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune. She
then hands the bottle to the man.
The man nods his head in agreement, opens it,
drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to
Maude. She takes the bottle, immediately puts the
cap back on, and hands it back to the man.
The man asks: Aren't you having any?
Maude replies: Nah! I think I'll just wait for the

An older couple is lying in bed one morning.

They had just awakened from a good night's sleep.
He takes her hand and she responds, 'Don't touch
'Why not?' he asked.
She answered, 'Because I'm dead.'
The husband asked...'What are you talking about?
We're both lying here in bed together and talking to
one another!'
She said, 'No, I'm definitely dead.'
He insisted, 'You are not dead. What in the world
makes you think you're dead?'
'Because I woke up this morning and nothing hurts.'

There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose
job was to process all the mail that had illegible
addresses. One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky
handwriting to God with no actual address. He thought
he should open it to see what it was about.
The letter read:
Dear God,
I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small
pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had
$100 in it, which was all the money I had until my next
pension payment. Next Sunday is Christmas, and I had
invited two of my friends over for dinner. Without that
money, I have nothing to buy food with, have no family
to turn to, and you are my only hope. Can you please
help me? Sincerely, Edna
The postal worker was touched. He showed the letter
to all the other workers. Each one dug into his or her
wallet and came up with a few dollars. By the time he
made the rounds, he had collected $96, which they put
into an envelope and sent to the woman. The rest of
the day, all the workers felt a warm glow thinking of
Edna and the dinner she would be able to share with
her friends.
Christmas came and went. A few days later, another
letter came from the same old lady to God. All the
workers gathered around while the letter was opened.
It read:
Dear God,
How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for
me? Because of your gift of love, I was able to fix a
glorious dinner for my friends. We had a very nice day
and I told my friends of your wonderful gift. By the way,
there was $4 missing. I think it might have been those
bums at the post office. Sincerely, Edna

People Who Didnt Proofread

What an interesting
sales promotion!

Dont steal unless you want

a pimp for a boss.


There's so little money in my bank account, my

scenic checks show a ghetto.
February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


Businesses & Services


Book store

Bulk food store

596 Fifth Ave
Owego, NY 13827
(607) 689-3090

Italian Steaks
Chops Seafood

4740 Rt. 434

Apalachin, NY 13732

(607) 625-9918, (607) 625-5817

Dining Tues Sun 4-10
Never on Monday


Soda Snack Mixes

Dried Fruits Spice Rubs
Local eggs, honey, maple
syrup gluten free
and much more!

Buying & Selling

Vintage, Rare, New & Used Books
Open Tues-Fri 12N-5:30; Sat 9am-2pm

105 S. Duane Ave,

Endicott, NY 13760 2nd floor

Buy a little or Buy a lot!!!

Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat 9-4

Visit our booth at Early Owego Antique Center





Medicinal cream


Your Local Dealer



New product in cracked skin care!
For Fingers, Heels, Elbows, Knees
oz. tube $10.59
See ad on page 30 for local stores
carrying this product
or order online or by phone.

The Country Store

3106 Rt 11 Lisle, NY 13797


Pantry Cabinets Gazebos

Furniture Chicken Coops
Sheds Picnic Tables Gifts

151 Central Ave., Owego, NY
199 Stage Rd., Vestal, NY
7 Rich St., Candor, NY

Mon-Sat 9-5, Closed Sunday

Evenings by appointment



health care

Music For All Occasions


105 S. Duane Ave.

Endicott, NY 13760
Lamps x Parts x Repairs
x Restorations x Bulbs
Glass & Fabric Shades
Outdoor Lighting & Fans

toll free 1-877-506-7678



qUIlt shop

Michele L. Moelder


Certified Nutritionist

131 Center St.,

Sayre, PA

FirstLine Therapy
Ondamed Technology
Personalized Diet Programs
Zyto Testing Hair Analysis
Ionic Foot Spa
Cooking Classes


214 Main St Johnson City, NY

607-798-1630 or 607-797-1001

Mon-Wed 10-5
Thurs & Fri 10-6
Sat 10-4


Quilting Classes
Over 2000 fabrics in stock

Travel agency
Travelers Corner
A full service agency
that you can trust

2911 Watson Blvd

Endwell, NY 13760


For details & other group

call or visit our website at
or email us at

Come see the world with us!

Please patronize the businesses that advertise with us. Their advertising support enables
us to publish each issue. And sincere Thanks to those who sent donations this month
toward our expenses! God bless you!
February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


Whats happening

Every Tuesday from 10:15-11:15am

Candor Free Library (2 Bank St, Candor)
Info, call 659-7258.




Every Tuesday from 5-7pm

St. Marks Episcopal Church (17 Main St, Candor)
Meal includes choice of soup or chili, rolls, crackers,
dessert. Good will donation.


Every Wednesday from 5-6:30pm

McKendree United Methodist Church
(224 Owego St, Candor) Fun, fellowship, good food
Contact Denice Peckins at denicepeckins@hotmail.com


Wednesdays, 10-11am (Berkshire Free Library)

Fridays, 10-11am (Richford Congregational Church)
Program cancelled on school snow days.
Free for ages 2-5 and their parent or caregiver.


Meet every Thursday at 6pm

St. Marks Episcopal Church (17 Main St, Candor)
Contact Jean Dewey at 659-9969 or email



Members meeting third Thursday each month at 7pm

Stoll Building (200 Lake Rd, Towanda, PA)
Monthly tractor pulls April thru October.
Any questions, call Bob or Joan Ely at 570-746-1794
or email jdfluffy50@yahoo.com

American Legion Auxiliary

2nd & 4th Friday ea. month (until April) from 6-8pm
Candor American Legion (90 Spencer Rd, Candor)
$10/dinner includes fish, mac n cheese, coleslaw


Tuesdays @ 7 PM - Campville United Methodist, 17C, East

of Owego, in Campville
Wednesdays @ 5:45 PM - First Baptist Church, Owego
Wednesdays @ 7 PM - Spencer Federated Church,
February 201 5


3rd Saturday of ea. Month - Location to be determined
for now, just pray where you are. Please pray for all of
America and Africa to come to Christ. This is promoted by
Dr. Nicku Mordi & her Ministry.

Feb 5 & 19 from 7-9pm

Berkshire Free Library (Rt. 38, Berkshire)
Share & learn knitting, crochet, felting, & other fun textile
crafts - All are welcome!


The local VMW - Veterans of Modern Warfare - meet on

the first Saturday of the month at Owego's Historic First
Baptist Church, Church & Main Streets, @ 11am.
Use the back ramp entrance. All Vets are welcome ...
especially those from Desert Storm and subsequent
conflicts. See YOU on February7th!
Call Bill Reynolds @ (607) 644-5690 with



Fri & Sat, Feb 6 & 7 from 9am-4pm

Berkshire Community Hall
(Jewett Hill Rd, Berkshire, behind library)
Home baked treats Valentines romance book sale
To donate items, call Sandy at 657-8272.


Next meeting Thurs, Feb 12 at 7pm

Dunkin Donuts (216 Reynolds Rd, Johnson City)
Open to the public.
For info, call Daryall Sprague at 775-2146 after 4pm daily,
or email s.tierchapter@gmail.com


Sun, Feb 15 from 8-11am at Glen Aubrey Fire Dept, Rt 26

All-you-can-eat pancakes, french toast, sausage, eggs,
hash browns, orange juice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate
Adults $5.50, children 5-12 $2.50, under 5 free
For info call Ronnie @ 607-862-3055.



Next meeting Mon, Feb 16 at 7pm

American Legion Post #1305 - Open to the public.
(820 Lower Stella Ireland Rd, Binghamton)
For info, call Daryall Sprague at 775-2146 after 4pm,
or Bill Holmes at 797-6670.

The Moonli ghter



Free Computer Classes

Mon & Thurs, Feb 2 & 5
Basics of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
Mon, Feb 9
Basics of Microsoft Publisher 2010
Tues, Feb 24 E-mail Basics
Tues, Mar 10 Internet Made Easy
Owego Free Academy, Room 248 (Sheldon Guile Blvd,
All classes meet 6-8pm. Must pre-register; call 778-6406.


Route 38 17 No. Main St

Newark Valley, NY

Hours: Monday through Friday 6am-8pm
Saturday 6am-6pm, Sunday 9am-5pm


Annual Hunter Heritage Banquet


Sat, Mar 7 doors open 5pm; Social hr. 5-6pm, dinner 6pm
Treadway Inn (Rt. 17C, Owego)
$60 single membership/meal; $90 couple; $35 J.A.K.E.S.;
$280 sponsor membership/meal
Ticket deadline: Sat, Feb 28
For info, call Larry Shutts (642-8609), email
shuttsbird@gmail.com, Paul Litynski (754-5058), Andrew
Munson (722-0572), Daryall Sprague (775-2146) after


Sun, Mar 8 from 1-4pm at Candor American Legion

To sign up to be a shavee or to donate to a shavee or to
the event, visit
Any questions, contact Kelly Starkweather at 659-5450,
972-4395, or email krstarkwe@gmail.com


SAVE THE DATE: Fri, March 27 at 7:00pm, Owego

Middle School Auditorium ... the Youth Ministry of Saint
Margaret-Mary's in Apalachin will be making their annual
presentation of 'Living Stations Of The Cross.' Be thinking
now who you can be praying for and inviting to this
POWERFUL PRESENTATION. The event is being hosted
by The Church of Owego. There is no admission fee, but an
offering will be received.


Sun, April 5 at 2 pm
First United Methodist Church of Newark Valley in
cooperation with Blessed Trinity/St. Patrick Parish and
Newark Valley United Church of Christ, will be serving a
family style Ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner for
individuals and families who want to share a meal as a
community on Easter Day.
We will also be delivering Easter dinners to anyone in the
area who is homebound and needs a meal.
through Friday BEFORE Friday, March 30th.
February 201 5

Mon-Fri 9-5; Sat 9-3

Wise Co. Emergency Food Supply Available


14 Main St.
Newark Valley, NY

The Moonli ghter

Homeowners & Renters

Mobile Homeowners
Farm Owners
Workers Compensation
Auto Bonds

2640 Rte. 26
Maine, NY


Poetic License

heaven must be beautiful

By Dick Anderson

always the wolf

Bill Smith,
To my angel up above
I send this message
With all my love.
My heart still skips a beat.
Love, Gloria

a little mixed up
By Edgar W. Lewis

Just a line to say Im living

That Im not among the dead
Though Im getting more forgetful
And more mixed up in the head
For, sometimes I cant remember
When I stand at foot of stair
If I must go up for something
Or Ive just come down from there

By Katharyn Howd Machan

His paw upon the new

red wall, his tongue
already tasting: no matter
the moon wears a bright
copper mask and blows jasmine
against summer night.
To hunger is to reach
the furthest star. Burn
sharp; feel winters fangs
gobble the shadow of bread.
three little pigs kept houses
of hope, but only

And theres times when it is dark out

With my night cap on my head
I dont know if Im retiring
Or just getting out of bed
So, if its my turn to write you
Theres no need in getting sore
I may think that I have written
And dont want to be a bore
So, remember I DO LOVE YOU
And I wish that you were here
But its nearly mail time
So I must say Goodbye, dear
There I stood beside the mailbox
With a face so very red
Instead of mailing you my letter
I opened it instead

February 201 5

I am sure I will meet those I knew

Who have gone on before
I look forward to that reunion
And we will separate no more
There will be no pain in heaven
Anger will never raise its ugly head
We know Jesus will be there
Offering heavenly love instead

the brick survived. Such

golden eyes in the cold
of love, such a black snout
panting! Food is all
his dark heart calls for.
He stews our breath for his blood.

And before the fridge so often

My poor mind is filled with doubt
Have I just put food away or
Have I come to take some out

If God created such beauty

As we have on earth here below
I wonder what heaven is like
It is even more beautiful I know

The deaf will hear sounds around

Blind persons will clearly see
The cripple will walk without help
And from all pain we will be free
Heaven is where I want to go
When Jesus calls me home
No anger no pain no sorrow up there
Just more love than we have known


By Lois Yeagle

Your smile
and heart
shine. I
wish you a

Crosswords, word jumbles, word searches galore

Plus cryptoquotes, now add Sudoku for more
To keep your brain agile, your logic sense keen
Will they stave off dementia? That remains to be seen.
So I do them all daily: Those in the Review
Plus USA Today, Sayre Morning Times, too
Some magazines have them Im delighted to find
Books of puzzles at Christmas three new ones, all mine.
No amateur here, I do them with pen
Crossing out hasty entries sometimes, now and then
Consuming my time; its become an addiction
Neglecting to vacuum write letters read fiction.
The popular Sudoku with numbers is new
Theres a process of logic Ive learned how to do
And when ones completed and I know its all right
A big 100% A in the margin I write.
Using logic and memory with that which Im dealing
Finished puzzles give an accomplishment feeling
My minds exercised, placing numbers and words
Will it stave off dementia? Well, so far its worked!

The Moonli ghter


my favorite valentine,
my dad
By Nancy J. Ball

Dad, I love you

With all my heart
I hope you know that
Although we are apart
You raised me to womanhood
Saw me leave home
Saw me marry
And have children of my own
I hope that I raise
My children the same
Because as you know
I cant give them your name
Ill give them the love
I got from you
And hope that they pass it
To their children, too!

the maple tree

I miss you all the time
Wont you be my
Love, Gloria

194 Front St Owego, NY 13827


Painted & Shabby Chic Furniture

Vintage Lamps & Chandeliers
Old Lace & Linens
Many Paris-Themed Items
Estate, Costume & Artisan Jewelry

work and pray

for souls to be saved

By Rev. Stanley L. Moody, Sr.

If we fail to win a soul for God

As through this world we swiftly trod
Our life has been of no account
If we brought no one to the blood-filled fount!
Oh how can we set and idly croon
While the world rushes on to certain doom
For life goes on and soon is oer
And the soul goes to Hell for evermore!
Oh we have work, my friends, to do
So let us be steadfast, loyal and true
And when we stand before the Son
We will hear Him say, My friend, well done!

By John Gardner Hazard

How beautiful the maple tree
as autumn nestles in,
how truly good it must feel
to shed its rusty skin
as the bounty of summer wears thin.
The trunk is shrouded in warmth and love
the winter sky shines on above
the wide-eyed children of the day
whirl and hide and laugh and play.
How good is it, this quilted sea,
can we measure its revelry?
One can only hope and pray
it lasts forever and a day.


By Kyerria Haggerty, age 11

Noise and strength
Tough and rough
I am colorful
I can rumble and roar
I have trees
My strength is never-ending
I have a rough touch
I am a home of many animals
I am noisy, strong, tough and rough
I am ferocious.
I am a Forest


By: Kathy Ostrander Nov. 13, 2014

God created snowflakes individually like me and you
Some he created extremely frilly and beautiful
But then some seem to be simple and quite plain
But to Him each one is beautiful just the same
As they float in the air they are a glorious sight
Then they gather together on the ground in a pile pure and white
Until things in the world cause them to discolor and stain
Then they melt, evaporate into the air, cleanse and float to the ground again
What a perfect system God has created for them
Just as mankind can be forgiven by Him after we sin
He makes us and we enter the world sin free
Only to be influenced and tainted by sin and greed
Because He gave His Son to the world to save us from sin
All we need to do is accept Him and He will cleanse us again
We are like snowflakes gathering together in a blanket of white snow
When we are saved by Jesus we float carefree in our faith and grow

February 201 5

The Moonli ghter


Simply AMAZING!!!
Wood stove and
coal stove glass
in stock and
ready to cut
same day



Wi nter may have us i n

her gri p, but you can
keep your Valenti ne
warm and toasty
i f you replace broken
glass i n your wood
and coal stoves.
Go on, call NOW,
you heard me!
Do i t whi le i ts on
your mi nd.
Dont make me have to
get angry wi th you!

Happy Groundhog Day! Happy Valentines Day!

And stop in to wish Shelly a Happy Birthday this month!
19 East Ave, Owego, ny Fax 607-687-0796
Taking reservations for your 2015 parties, reunions, weddings,
company picnics, events, etc. Reserve now and you wont have
to settle for those other portable toilets
(you know - the cramped, ugly, dirty, stinky ones).

February 201 5

We flushed
the notion
that portable
have to be
stinky or


Well tell you where to Go!

The Moonli ghter


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