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Resolution 1-2010

Commending the Boy Scouts of America

on its 100th Anniversary

Be it RESOLVED, that in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the founding of

the Boy Scouts of America in February 1910, the 106th Annual Council of the
Episcopal Diocese of West Texas commends the Boy Scouts of America for its
efforts in teaching boys and girls to be reverent to God Almighty, to fulfill one’s
duty to our country, to act in the service of others at all times, to live one’s life
with honesty and integrity, and to be good stewards of all of nature.

EXPLANATION: The Boy Scouts of America has consistently

provided strong programming for American’s youth, both boys (in
all programs) and girls (in the Venturing Program), for 100 years
and today is one of the few remaining organizations that maintains
as its ideals: duty to God, duty to help others at all times, duty to
oneself in developing a moral lifestyle, and leadership in using and
conserving the riches of God’s creation. It is important that this
Council commend this organization, which has partnered with many
congregations in our diocese over the last century, on achieving
this milestone.

Submitted by: Fred Goodwin, St. Thomas Church, San Antonio

The Rev. Jim Sproat, Trinity Church, Junction
& Calvary Church Menard
Resolution 2-2010
Proposed Amendments To The Canons
of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

I. Amendment to Canon 6

Be it RESOLVED, Canon 6, Section 5 is hereby amended by the addition of the

following sentence as the last sentence in Section 5:

"Said corporation may also enter into an agreement with The Episcopal Church
Foundation in West Texas to invest its permanent funds, and other funds, and to
have custody thereof."

Be it RESOLVED, Canon 6, Section 7 is hereby amended by the addition of the

following sentence as the last sentence in Section 7:

"Pursuant to Chapter 163 of the Texas Property Code, as it may be amended

from time to time, the Trustees may appropriate for expenditure, for the uses and
purposes for which said funds were established, the net appreciation, realized
and unrealized, in the fair market value of the assets of said funds over the
historic dollar value of said funds to the extent prudent."

Explanation: Canons 6 and 7 are the Canons pursuant to which

The Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas manages
endowment and other funds for the Diocese and parishes within the
Diocese. The two amendments to Canon 6 confirm the role of The
Episcopal Foundation of West Texas and incorporate provisions
from the Texas Property Code regarding expenditure of endowment
Resolution 2-2010 (continued)

II. Amendment to Canon 7

Be it RESOLVED, Canon 7, Section 1 is hereby amended by the addition of the

following sentence as the last sentence in Section 1:

"Pursuant to Chapter 163 of the Texas Property Code, as it may be amended

from time to time, the Trustees may appropriate for expenditure, for the uses and
purposes for which said fund was established, the net appreciation, realized and
unrealized, in the fair market value of the assets of said fund over the historic
dollar value of said funds to the extent prudent."

Be it RESOLVED, Canon 7, Section 3 is hereby amended by the insertion of the

words "or The Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas" after the words
"trust company".

Explanation: Canons 6 and 7 are the Canons pursuant to which

The Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas manages
endowment and other funds for the Diocese and parishes within the
Diocese. The two amendments to Canon 7 confirm the role of The
Episcopal Foundation of West Texas and incorporate provisions
from the Texas Property Code regarding expenditure of endowment

III. Amendment to Canon 8

Be it RESOLVED, Canon 8 is deleted in its entirety.

Explanation: Canon 8 is no longer needed because the Nancy

Brooke Sanford Fund has been incorporated into general
endowment funds and is no longer managed separately.
Resolution 2-2010 (continued)

IV. Amendment to Canon 23

Be it RESOLVED, Canon 23, Section 1 is hereby amended in its entirety to read

as follows:

"Section 1. Title IV of General Canons. Those provisions of Title IV of the

General Canons of The Episcopal Church which are applicable to the Diocese,
as they may change from time to time, are hereby incorporated as part of the
Canons of the Diocese of West Texas. To the extent, if any, that any of the
provisions of the Canons of the Diocese of West Texas are in conflict or
inconsistent with the provisions of Title IV applicable to the Diocese, the
provisions of Title IV shall govern."

Be it RESOLVED, a new Section 3 is hereby added to Canon 23 to read as


"Section 3. Church Attorney. The Bishop, in consultation with the Disciplinary

Board, shall appoint an attorney or attorneys to serve as Church Attorney to
serve for the following calendar year. Each person so selected must be a
Member of the Church and a duly licensed attorney, but need not reside within
the Diocese."

Be it RESOLVED, a new Section 4 is hereby added to Canon 23 to read as


"Section 4. Disciplinary Board. There is hereby created a Disciplinary Board as

that term in used in Title IV consisting of no fewer than seven persons comprised
of lay persons, priests or deacons, the majority of which shall be priests or
deacons but by no more than one. The members thereof shall be elected by the
Diocesan Council on nomination of the Bishop, or Ecclesiastical Authority, for a
period of three years. Vacancies in the Disciplinary Board will be filled by the
Bishop, or the Ecclesiastical Authority if there is no Bishop. The vacancies shall
be filled with persons from the same order."

Explanation: The Episcopal Church, at General Convention 2009,

adopted a new Title IV for ecclesiastical discipline (applicable only
to members of the clergy). The three amendments above were
mandated by the adoption of the new Title IV, which becomes
effective July 1, 2011.

Submitted by: Committee on Constitution and Canons

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