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Bellis perennis (Daisy) Compositea, Cancer Miasm

Injury, shocked, Hurt or insulted, Burnt or

scalded, Fear to be touched

Passive: I feel no pain after injury
Active: I strike back
Compensation: I must be tough, Being tough
and taking all beatings, protecting others so they
dont get hurt
(Massimo: Group Compositea)
Being Stoic
Stoiceven of stupidity, if I keep going even if I
get sick
To demonstrate how tough I am, how strong I
DD: Arnicaeven more evident then arnica to negate their suffering
In arnica there is a progression in the difficulty with coping with suffering
They will be sore and keep suffering on superficial part of their body
As gets de-compensated, then can see how fragile inside
In Bellis: from a paradox of nothing at all to something that is a disaster
For Arnicaany elimination is amel, stool or perspiration, saliva, to spit, discharging is a good sensation, this means my body is a working machine
In Bellis, they talk about themselves as if they are talking about someone else (M has found)
In third person
Imaginary friends, in children, the one who has problems is my friendwho needs ot be cudddled, not

Perennial war attitude

Attitude of distressing over your body, over using your body and having a lot of problems
Competitivelike an Animal Remedy
God of WarMarsover this remedy
While Arnica has to do a lot in order to deserve its power
Arnica will dream to be a kind of Lion
The other people have to know that I am the boss, the strongest
I did whatever I needed to be esteemed, to be a general, to be the boss
Important to be Dictatorial
For Bellisthey feel not so strong inside
So they need to keep expressing how strong they are
Not a general but more like a surgeon
Not a soldier, but a chaplain in the army
Not just to compete, but to be USEFUL for others
Like Calen, I need to be referring point of people
Like Superman, not only strong, but doing something good to be admired by others

Bellis perennis (Daisy) Compositea, Cancer Miasm

Effecting Reproduction side (more so than Arnica)
Like all Compositaedifficult to become parent
For Bellis
Infection in ovaries, endometriosis, severe prostate
Leading to serious infertility
DD: Bellis from Arnica
Bellis is very chilly, like Agaricus (Arnica warmer)
When system is over chilly but does it best to not show
how chilly they are
They are in t-shirt, but have to move a lot to warm up
I am not affected by this cold
Tend to consume food with light taste and flavor
The food can be almost eaten cold
For them extremely pungent food have little taste
Increases the production of Oxytocin
Will repair injuries to womb
Also increases production of milk
(Bellis and Arnica are kinds of loners)

(Sank, Ins Plts)

Things done on time (Cancer)
I wanted to sit in the room and weep, but I put on a brave front
Inside I was completely broken down, I was shocked
I was the only one there (handling it by yourself, Cancer)
I worry, feel anything could happenlike an accident, someone can die, some major illness
I just want things to be normal (CM)
I need to maintain control for my brother and parents in this tough time
After accident on bike as kid, I was not crying, I was not affected by it until others looked at it and
started screaming (the numbness)
I like the cartoon about the strong guys who try to save the world
The Navy is really tough and they do not cry. They are not scared of sharks, they can hit them
If you are not tough, if someone wanted to hurt you, you could not hit him
Weak is if someone poked you, you would cry because it would hurt
You must control your feeling of hurt and not cry.
Control when you are hurt
Desire for a friend, for family, They feel weak, they feel better with someone there for them
Fear of impending Danger
Dreams of danger, violence, infectious deadly disease
Cheerful when it thunders and lightning
He is easily angered and ready for a fight, feels the need to hit others, to punch himself on chest
Likes to play videogames where bloodshed, hit him in the face, throw him down, kill them
The man is managing such a big problem

Bellis perennis (Daisy) Compositea, Cancer Miasm

Animals cannot oppose you and you hit them. You are hitting
someone weaker than you.
Like my hands are tied and someone is hitting me. I cannot
stop him. I just have to smile and say hit me once more. I can
not stop him and I am keeping quiet. I have to stand hitting.

(Morrison, Blue Book)

AFFINITY: Soft tissue
Injury in soft tissue, particularly to abdomen
Post-operative, for pain and speedy recovery
Injury to breast, after biopsy, breast cancer after injury
Contusion, sore bruised sensation
Trauma followed by lymph gland swelling, and coldness of limb
Sprains, bruises, contusion, w/stiffness & coldness
Aggr from cold, getting wet, when overheated.
Impulse to move
Lots of nose, catarrh, discharge, obstructions, sneezing

Case 2 (sankaran, Weds Lectures, T26)

Anxious, short-tempered
Always do well in exam
Never wanted easy way out
Very conscientious
(Everything is serious; a lot of effort has to be just right, just perfect) (Cancer miasm)
I put on a brave front
I want to sit and weep
Completely broken down when brother met with massive accident
I was shocked
In hospital wanted to faint
Whole time I was shaking, but stood with him
When clam, anything could happen, like an accident, someone could die
In bicycle accident
The flesh in my hand
A brave front in facing a major injury
Being in control when injured or hurt (Bell-p)

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