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my future

My Audience
My audience will probably
be my friends and family,
because I would like them
to know what will happen
when I grow up.

My best friend

My Point of View
I will say what I would like
to be when I grow up and
what I would like to happen
to me.

My audience will
be my friends and
my best friend
because they are
who i am talking
about so think it
will please them to
know what I am
thinking about

Style and Tone

Im going to be happy since
I am talking about my
future and in my future I
want to be happy ;I also
want to be nice in my
writing because Im talking
to my friends and family.

Point of view
I am going to say
why he is my best
friend and how
happy he makes
me and how good
a friend he is.

I am going to be
completely honest
since my best
friend and friends
will be reading this.

(I dont have a locker so Ill be talking about my old locker)

My locker

My audience will
be the staff of the
school because I
will be complaining
about my locker.

Point of view
I will be talking
about how small
my locker is and
why the school
should change it.

I will try to be
polite in
complaining about
my locker because
I will be talking to
the staff of the

auonest ounest ughnest oghnest oughnest

ughnest awnest awghnest oughnest oughnest
aughnest oughenst aujnest oughnest honest

My best friend

My audience will
be my friends and
my best friend
because they are
who i am talking
about so think t
will please them to
know what I will
about them.

Point of view
Im going to say
why he is my best
friend and how
happy he makes
me and how good
of a friend he is.

Im going be nice
and kind since my
best friend and
friends will be
reading this.

(I dont have a locker so Ill be talking about my old locker)

My locker

My audience will
be the staff of the
school because i
will be complaining
about my locker.

Point of view
I will be talking
about how small
my locker is and
why the school
should change it.

I will be aggressive
because I am
complaining about
how small my
locker is and how
much hate it.

We the sovereign Filipino people imploring the aid of almighty God , in order to
Im stuck I dont know what to write

computers used in school

computers are supposed to be used in school because they are
educational. im stuck and I dont know what to writeim stuck I dont know what
to writeim stuck I dontknow wha to writecompeters are used for research im
stuck and indont now what to write and im stuck again because it so hard to right
knowit is hard to think whil typing competers I school should be used only for
educationalnal stuff not for for checking the students social websites
coputer must be used in dismissal for the students homeworks only im
stuck and I dont know what to write im stuck and dont know what to write oh m
gosh this is so hard .

my bestfried
I dont know if I really have a bestfriend. I actually lost all of them since I devoted
my time to my twkids. its hard to be a solo parent to raise children and so I lose
time to spend wit h my friend.s there are some point that I am wanting that there is
a friend to lean on and so I dream of kepping at least one best friend to whom I can
share all my feelings, sentiments, and happiness or success. but its okay I guess if
I wont be able to find one anymore. I am a parent now and I should focus more on
my children. they have now become my only best friends and Im fine with that.

Where do I use my money for if I am a successful/rich businesswoman

I dont know what to right at this point but I guess If I o h Im stuck. If I become a
successful and rich businesswoman, I probably would share a big part of
my money to charity. I wanted to be a pHilatrophist eversince I was a kid
and so I could give scholarship to poor but deserving students. Studying

for me was never easy. I was very poor myself but because a lot believed
in me, I pursued my dreams of earning a degree no matter what it took.
Im stuck I dont know what else to write but I guess its just but right for any
rich or successful person to share his or her blessings to those in need. Im
stuck and I dont know what to write but Im stuck ad I dont kbow hat to write. Im
stuck and I dont know what to write.

a. ghost b. forewarning

c. insights

d. knowledge about

Word Study- figuring out the meaning of a word thru parts of the word
rootword, prefix, suffix
context clues
lookin up in the dictionary
May 22, 2014
Today was a fruitful one. I started my day tutoring two students; grades three
and four. Amongst the lesson we had today in Math were the different
concepts on multiplication, the parts of a multiplication sentence, memorizing
multiplication table. We only started with the easy ones: the identity property
of zero and one, skip counting by twos and threes. I came home at 12:30
pm to cook lunch for Val and Erl. Suddenly, there is the migraine attack
again, maybe, due to very hot weather. So, I notified Manang Ellen about that
I would see Piolo at a later time.
With Piolo, we continued our lessons about pre-writing. It was a nice
experience to share with him my personal journal on Facebook. Imagine, I
got to share my life story to him? I just hope with all the sharing and
motivation that I use to arouse his interest in writing and inspire him with its
benefit, things will eventually work. I hope soon! Hes not getting any
younger. It would be my pride and honor to learn someday that Piolo ended
up to be a good writer or blogger of some sort.

Reasons Why Students Would Not Do Their Homework

are the usual reasons why students would miss doing their

should homeworks be done? Should students start doing their
homework during homerooms or start it only at home?
When do students usually not do their homework? Daily, on special
occasions such first day of the week?
why student forget or excuse themselves for not doing their
homework? Are these just escapes?
Who are greatly affected and concerned regarding this issue
teachers, students themselves or the parents?
Environmental issues
what do they do to the environment? What are the different
environmental issues our society is faced with? How about the community to be
more specific?

where do they come from? Where do these all root from?

when do they usually happen? When did each of these start? When
will each end?
who causes environmental issues? Who can it affect? Who are the
responsible to act on it?
why are they being done? Why are these happening? Why are these
environmental issues? Why are these so critical to be immediately addressed or
The major environmental issues we are faced with here in the community are the air
pollution and heavy flooding. Air pollution is high here because we are very close to
the city and there are a lot ofcommercial areas nearby just like the malls causing
heavy traffic which are of course great contributors to air pollution. Heavy flooding
is another problem as every time it rains, streets easily get flooded maybe because
of poor sewerage system and the overflowing of almost dead river bank in Marikina
during heavy downpours. Air pollution started when our place got highly populated,
numerous business establishment rose, poor regulations of the use of public utility

and private vehicles. While heavy flooding became frequent as people have
become neglectful of observing proper waste managementgarbages thrown
anywhere: along the streets, into the river, etc. Unless the municipality through the
national government does something about these two, these problems would
continue ruining our and the future generation for a safe and bright future.t All the
households, municipal and government officials, business/ commercial owners,
experts should take active role and articipation in coming up with the fastest, most
effective and cost efficient solution as everyone is responsible and contributor to
these problems and the very same people who will continue to suffer greater
consequences when these are not stopped. These things happen because of our
own doing, and so it is only through our hands that we can get the cure.

because Im close to the city; it floods a lot here because it always rains;

Freewriting (Journaling)
What happened to me today?
What are the good things that happened?
What happened today
What are the bad things that happened? Why did they happen? How can I prevent
from them happening again? Who are the people involved? When did they

Earlier lunch time, temperature was too hot! Summer is of course the culprit!
There was nothing that I could do but just to stay at home, reason why I was late in
seeing Piolo for todays tutorial. But, of course I notified Manang Ellen about it so
PIolo wont be waiting for me that early as usual.

-Households, municipal and government officials, business/ commercial owners,


Which Kind of Recycling is More UsefulBottles or Cans

Three Creative Ideas in Doing Research about Who is doing the most to promote


Today, I just stayed at home

Thesis statements of Piolo

1.uniforms should be used for identity so that people will know what school you are
2.uniforms should also be used in events so that other scools who are joining the
event will know what school yuo are competing for is important to have uniforms worn in school because some people

1.coeducation should be used in all schools to prevent homosexualism

2.coeducation is also dangerous because people can also get to early relationships
Difference between hyphen (-) and dash (--)
kkdfdkfdkdjfkjfkd kdfkdfjk beau-

tiful kdsfdfjakl

I was targeting Quirexthe team I hate the most.

when c and g are followed by e i or y, then they most likely sound soft; otherwise,
they may sound hard.
The girl said, I was so surprised when my boyfriend asked Will you marry me? and so I
answered Yes!

The Use of Uniform in School

Did you ever have problem choosing what to wear for school? Does it bother your
parents a lot about you asking for money to shop for new clothes since you feel you
have worn your old ones a lot of times already? How do you manage to focus on your
studies when you see your classmates dressing unconventionallysome tempting,
some irritating.

Let me tell you a story about two different students. One comes from a private, while
the other, from a public.
I remember when I was studying in college, I would always have problem about what to
wear going to school. We actually had uniform that even looked like I was taking up
Medicine coursethe typical whit uniformBut since I was a working student, I often
would come to school in civilian which didnt concern at all my Professors, maybe
because I was a working student. Personally, if only I had the choice, I would always
wear my uniform because But, for convenience since I could not wash my uniform on
a regular basis, I resorted to whatever was practical to use .

Would you rather be intelligent or a good mannered person?

Do you know that studies show a kid is more likely to become successful in life if with
higher emotional quotient that someone with high intelligence quotient? Wou
in High Intelligence or Good Character

This day I drank water with salt on it then I didnt have

L.B.M anymore more. Then at 2:30 I had my tutor. What I
learned during my tutor was about how to use punctuations
correctly. Then after my tutor I read a book called
"Black Pearl". Then I just watched.

Today mommy told me we were going to have a family meeting

somewhere. I was curious why we were going to have a meeting.
So after I ate lunch I was waiting for my tutor, I thought
she was not coming again, but she came. Then after my tutor
I read a book "Black Pearl" again. Then we had the meeting
at a restaurant in White Plains. Then mommy told us why we
met. Then we went home.
Today I didn't have soccer because mommy didn't want to jog.
SO we just went to "Greenhills" and had injection, I was
scared at first but when I had it I didn't hurt that much.
So after we had injection we went to Ayala to have badminton,
it was hard to play badminton because my left arm was still
painful. So after badminton my parents and sister had massage
Then we bought waffles in pancake house then we went home.




This day I had soccer, and it was so hot I felt like I wanted sleep on the ground (I felt
like fainting).It was so muddy on the field my ball, shirt, shoes, shorts, and socks got
so dirty . After soccer we went home then we repaired to go to church and mall.
After church we went to "Rockwell" to watch"Maleficent",it was a pretty good movie,
the movie was based on the story sleeping beauty. Then we went home and slept.
This day I had soccer, and it was so hot I felt like fainting and collapsing to the
ground. It was so muddy on the field that my ball, shirt, shoes, shorts, and socks got
so dirty. After soccer, we went home to prepare for church and mall in the afternoon.
Later after church, we went straight to Rockwell to watch "Maleficent", which was a
pretty good movie based from the story Sleeping Beauty.
I went to school to tutor two high school students who happened to be siblings too,
in English; came there on time only to find out that they wouldnt come. Since I had
nothing to do and did not want to waste my time going there, I asked for materials
that I am going to use for teaching English this coming school year. Anyway,
classes is about to start on the 16th, so I have to be a little ready at least. The
directress later said Id rather take Elaine, Anjo and Eron so my time going there
wont be futile.
I dont know what the other H.W. is because I cant find my journal

Thesis Statement Practice 1: Evaluating Thesis Statement

Educators believe and put good value on sports play as part in school life towards a
more holistic development of the students.
Recent studies show that kids in the US have an average of 4 hours tv viewing a day;
the major reason of why they skip meals, their stunted growth and less time for school
The parents who nag their kids too much about homework is one effective way of
parenting and nurturing their kids maximum potential.

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