Q3 Summary Tables

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End of Quimester 3 Summary Tables



Dance Gymnastics
Japanese Ink Drawing
Working with the Elderly
InterCAS Ambato

of total

x x

x 8
x x x 15

Total hours this term:


Complete the following table summarizing your progress towards achieving the 8
learning outcomes. Explain in what way the activity helped you achieve the
learning outcome.
Learning Outcome
Dance Gymnastics: showed me that I am more
capable than I thought. I had always thought myself to
be fairly perseverant, but this tested that trait and
expanded it as I had to overcome my physical
obstacles and also deal with some of the stigma that is
attached to this sport/dance.
Working with the elderly: I was in a position of
leadership for this project, and being in these kinds of
positions has never been easy for me, because most of
the time I am very soft-spoken and dont feel
comfortable telling people what to do. However,
Increased awareness of working on this project I found that I can be a leader if
your own strengths and
I wish to, but that I need to accept that not everything
areas for growth
is going to be perfect and go as planned, and that I
need to delegate jobs to prevent me from taking on
unnecessary work and responsibility.
Japanese Ink Drawing: Beyond the obvious
strengthening of my creative and drawing skills, this
activity made me aware that I am more of a
perfectionist than I had thought before. Many times, I
would scrap a piece and start it again because I didnt
like the way it was turning out. I think I learned to be
more patient with myself, and also to not be so
demanding of myself if things are not turning out as I
want them to.

Undertaken new

Planned and initiated


Worked collaboratively
with others

Shown perseverance and

commitment in your

Engaged with issues of

global importance

InterCAS Ambato: This was a very interesting

experience for all of us that went. The whole trip was
designed to be a constant challenge and full-on CAS
for three days. Some of the challenges included a
hike, handing out fliers in an unfamiliar city (which
sounds easy on paper, but was a bit of a nerve-racking
experience), and interacting with autistic children in
less than favorable conditions (overcrowding,
scorching sun).
Working with the Elderly: As project manager, I
oversaw most of what happened. The management
team for this project had to come up with fundraisers,
plan them, organize them, and then oversee how they
were carried out. We also had to plan what we would
do in each visit to ensure than the time spent there
was not wasted
Working with the Elderly: The Management team for
this project was made up of several of Y13s and Y12s,
so for each activity we planned, tasks and
responsibilities were delegated.
Dance Gymnastics: Here the collaboration came
when we had to do new inversions and spotted each
other to make sure no one fell on their heads. We had
to trust that our spotting partner would be quick and
strong enough to catch us if anything happened, and it
was also a very comforting feeling to know that even if
the teacher was doing something else, you had
someone looking out for you.
InterCAS Ambato: Students from IB schools all over
Ecuador came to this trip, and a lot of the activities
involved mixing school groups up. This not only
helped us work collaboratively with others, it pushed
us out of our social comfort zones and helped us meet
new people.
Japanese Ink Drawing & Dance Gymnastics: There
came a period in the term where I considered
dropping all CAS activities because I was swamped in
homework and tests, and balancing schoolwork with
extracurricular activities was starting to become very
overwhelming. However, I worked through that (and
thankfully got a rest during the Christmas Holidays)
and was able to come out of it better prepared to deal
with stress than before.
InterCAS Ambato: The theme of the InterCAS was
autism in Ecuador. Autism is a disorder that takes on a
number of appearances and symptoms, and the
objective of the InterCAS was to raise awareness here
in Ecuador about its importance, but this is something
that is also being worked towards all over the world.

Considered the ethical

implications of your

Developed new skills

Working with the Elderly: Care for elders is a matter

of discussion worldwide, and a lot of medical research
is going into it (Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer
research). Interacting with the elderly people at the
home we visited put a personal spin on a subject
which I was already intellectually interested in.
InterCAS Ambato: Most of the issues concerning this
learning outcome came on the third day of the
InterCAS, when we were supposed to have a day
together with the autistic children of a specialist
school near Ambato. The first instance of actions that
were not well thought out came when seven autistic
children were brought before an audience of more
than 100 IB students. Later on in the day, one of the
children had a meltdown in front of a crowd of
onlookers with one of the supervising adults
restraining him. The crowd just surged forward with
cameras and took photos and videos of the child while
he cried. Though neither of the actions were my
actions, they did make me reflect on how I should
have acted (maybe stop the people, speak out against
their actions?).
Working with the Elderly: During the visits, we got
to interact with the elderly people at the home. We
had to plan for activities for each visit, and we had to
consider the fact that a lot of the people there were too
sick or weak to do a lot of physical activities. In
planning, we had to consider what kind of impact our
activities would have on the peoples health and
Working with the Elderly: I feel like I grew in terms
of leadership skills, which I had never thought of
developing before now. I started to learn how to
delegate, how to motivate people, and how to
organize fundraisers properly.
Dance Gymnastics: On top of improving my physical
fitness, I had to incorporate grace into my movements.
I found that this was an area I was really lacking in, but
I feel like I have come a long way.
Japanese Ink Drawing: I learned a new art technique
and built up a drawing portfolio. This technique
included a different way of holding the brush, a new
way of moving my wrists, even a new way of holding
myself while I drew.

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