Green Field - Mailer 1

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Living In New York

Has Never Been This Tough

David Greenfield is the leading candidate for City Council because he’s worked for
years – starting well before this recession - to make New York more affordable.

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December 19, 2007

Community Leaders Support Greenfield For City Council
“Greenfield played an integral role last year in securing a perpetual $600
million tax credit for parents of school-age children, as well as obtaining
$45 million in new funding this year for private schools.”

December 9, 2009

Definitely Not Politics As Usual

David Greenfield Takes on Tuition
Last week, the New York State legislature voted on a
multi-billion dollar deficit reduction plan that will spare David Greenfield went on national television
our yeshivos significant angst in these troubled times. to fight for an increase in Social Security
Much of the behind-the-scene lobbying behind that payments on Friday, October 16, 2009.
vote was orchestrated by David Greenfield.

for New York City Council
Making New York More Affordable.
5 Ideas for a More Affordable New York
David Greenfield is a leading
education advocate. Five
years ago David created Greenfield’s Affordable
Tuition the renowned TEACH NYS Education Plan:
coalition of Jewish, Catholic
Relief & and Independent schools
to make education more
• $2,500 per child education tax
credit for private and public
Education affordable. Thanks to David’s
school parents to spend on tuition,
tutoring and laptop computers.
Funding leadership, 600 million dollars
goes back into the pockets of • Increase government funding
parents of private and public for after-school programs
school children in the form of tax credits each like Priority 7 vouchers and
and every year. For the average family, that’s community athletic programs.
over $1,000 per year in tax relief – and more • Free busing for students that
for larger families! would allow parents to select the
Also, thanks to David’s leadership, thousands bus company that best suits the
of yeshiva children in 50 schools receive free
parents’ schedule and needs.
tutoring services from the federal government. • Ensure that special-needs children
As our Councilman, David Greenfield will receive quality therapeutic services
continue fighting to reduce your tuition bill and in a timely manner and parents
increase funding for schools and educational are reimbursed quickly for their
services. David will ensure that every child educational costs.
receives the best possible education, regardless
of where he or she goes to school.

David Greenfield is not a politician.

He is a Husband, Father, Lawyer & Community Advocate.
Jewish and Catholic leaders negotiate a $600,000,000 tax credit with then Governor George Pataki in 2006.
R- L – Rabbi Tzvi H. Weinreb, Executive VP - Orthodox Union; Governor George E. Pataki; David G. Greenfield, Executive Director – Sephardic Community Federation,
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Cardinal Edward Egan, Rabbi David Zweibel, Executive VP – Agudath Israel, Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, Edmond J. Safra Synagogue.

Too many people are out of work or underemployed. That’s why David
worked closely with top elected officials and community organizations
like Agudath Israel, Sephardic Community Federation and the Diocese of
Brooklyn to create over 100 well-paying jobs in the community through the
Good Jobs federal Title I program. At City Hall, David will work hard to create more
employment opportunities for our community.

Funding for
Seniors are our most valuable resource. David opposed recent cuts to senior
centers and spoke out on national television against the lack of a cost of living
increase for social security. David will bring more money to our community’s
seniors, creating low-cost senior housing and fixing Access-a-Ride.
our Seniors

Property taxes, water rates and parking fines have sky-rocketed, and ticket
blitzes are far too common. How is the average New Yorker supposed to make
ends meet when the government pushes up the cost of living through taxes
Lowering and fines? David will work to prevent increases in taxes and water rates and
Taxes & Fines to lower parking fines and arbitrary enforcement. You shouldn’t have to pay a
days’ wages for a parking ticket!

Saving Student
First came the fare hikes, then the increase in tolls and even more service cuts.
And now the MTA wants to take away our children’s free metrocards! Had
enough? So has David. He’ll fight to restore our children’s free metrocards and to
increase regular bus and train services including an express F train to Manhattan.
& Improving
Transportation David
for New York City Council
Making New York More Affordable.
Team Greenfield
1011 East 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230
(347) 985-1135
Paid for by Team Greenfield

Voices of
for New York City Council
Making New York More Affordable.

Senator Carl Kruger:

“David Greenfield is a fighter for education and for all the people of our communities. He knows
how to successfully cut through red tape to achieve results. I know he will bring a steadfast
dedication and vision to the job of City Councilman. I need him in the City Council. So do you.”

Senator Diane J. Savino:

“David has a proven track record of delivering for our community, whether it be his work
as an attorney or community activist. I believe that with his record and his passion he
is the best qualified person to represent the 44th Council District.”

Senator Marty Golden:

“David Greenfield has proven to be a leader for education innovation in our state.
His vision and energy will be a welcome addition to the City Council.”

NYC Council Member Domenic M. Recchia, Jr:

“It’s rare to see such passion for public service in a person, but I see that in David Greenfield.
David has a record of delivering for the community, and I believe he would be a major addition
to both the City Council and the entire district, from Midwood to Bensonhurst to Boro Park.”

NYC Council Member Michael C. Nelson:

“David Greenfield is a tireless fighter for the community. He possesses extraordinary
character and ethics and I am proud to support him for the City Council.”

NYC Council Member Vincent J. Gentile:

“As long as I have known David Greenfield, he has had a ‘can-do’ attitude. He will take that
approach as a City Councilman and he will do a great job for the district that he represents
and the entire city of New York.”

Join David’s team. Visit us at

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