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Sir John Templeton's 5-Step Strategy

For Financial Success: How to Build
Wealth With Risks, Bargains and Tax
by Mark Skousen (
Monday, October 31, 2005

Sir John Templeton's 5-Step Strategy For Financial Success:

How to Build Wealth With Risks, Bargains and

Tax Deferral
By Dr. Mark Skousen, Chairman, Investment U
I've been a long-time fan of billionaire mutual fund magnate Sir John Templeton, a man I met several
times, including when I lived in the Bahamas in the 1980s.
Years ago, I saw Sir John (he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1992) on video at the London Money
Show. He was 93 years old, but looked very alert, and although he was spending more time on his
religious and charitable work, he remained an avid investor.
I must admit, I was shocked by his answers to a series of questions
Terrorism? "Not a serious threat it's unimportant."
Wall Street scandals and Sarbanes-Oxley? "Not a major problem for business."
Inflation? "Not to worry." (And gold? "Not a bull market!")
Future dollar crisis? "No way."


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Economic growth? "I see no interruption in our standard of living, which could be 100 times
better by the end of this century."
The only concern he expressed was about "creeping socialism" and government regulation of business
around the world.

The Outlook Is Rosy from Sir John

Templeton's Vantage Point
As long as I've knew John Templeton, he was an incurable optimist - 9/11, the burgeoning deficits, and
the latest inflation scares never deterred him from a rosy future.
I tend to be an optimist myself, and I'm naturally bullish on America. (As J.P. Morgan always said, "The
man who is a bear on the United States will eventually go bankrupt.")
Still, we live in a series of short-term events that make up the long term. And it's hard to ignore the
recent problems we've faced as investors:
A stock market that has gone nowhere in the past five years
Record trade and spending deficits
Rising inflation and Fed rate hikes
Terrorist attacks and natural disasters
When will the sun come out again on Wall Street? While we wait patiently, here's what Sir John
Templeton can teach us from his vault of financial expertise and know-how

Sir John Templeton's 5-Step Strategy: How to

Build Wealth With Risks, Bargains and Tax
Here is Templeton's five-step formula for financial independence, based on almost a century of
Strategy # 1: Take Calculated Risks. John Templeton started off by taking significant risks in his
business and investments. He was a serious poker player in college, and in 1939, he borrowed $10,000
from his boss to bet on 100 stocks listed on the NYSE selling for under a buck. A high percentage of
these companies were close to bankruptcy, but Templeton reasoned that they would recover during a
wartime economy. (It pays to have a correct "macro" view of the world.) In four years, he sold all the
stocks, paid off the debt, and pocketed $40,000 in profit. He was on his way to success.
Strategy # 2: Save, Don't Spend. Templeton started out poor, but through the principles of thrift and
hard work, he was able to get ahead. When he married, he and his wife set a goal of saving 50% of their
income. He avoided consumer debt - in fact, Templeton bought his first home with cash. He carried
his "cheap" approach into later life. I met Sir John once in the Bahamas in his Rolls Royce, but he was
quick to tell me that he bought it used!


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He always works hard, putting in 60 hours a week. He would agree with J. Paul Getty
(, whose motto was, "Make your
money first then think about spending it."
Strategy # 3: Shop for Value Investments. Templeton followed the fundamental "bargain-hunting"
approach to investing. "The long-range view requires patience." His Templeton Growth Fund, which
he ran for 50 years before turning it over to the Franklin Group, held stocks for an average six to seven
years. He always searched for companies around the world that offered low prices and an excellent
long-term outlook. "It's not easy," he stated, "but if you're going to buy the best bargains, look in more
than one industry, and look in more than one nation."
Under Templeton's managing skills, the Templeton Growth Fund averaged a 14% annualized return
over 50 years, far outperforming the stock market indexes.
Templeton rejected the "technical (" method of trading stocks.
"You must be a fundamentalist to be really successful in the market," he said. I agree. The best
technicians make the most profitable trades in companies with sound fundamentals in sales and
Strategy # 4: Take advantage of international free markets. Templeton believes a "free enterprise"
approach is mandatory when investing overseas. "Avoid investing in those countries with a high level
of socialism or government regulation of business," he said. "Business growth depends on a strong
free-enterprise system." He told me that he is a follower of free-market economists Ludwig von Mises,
Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman. "Governments should stop interfering with what people want to
Templeton took a 'round-the-world tour in 1936, and he was stuck by the poverty in India and Hong
Kong. When he returned 40 years later, he noted a sharp contrast. "The standard of living in Hong
Kong has multiplied more than tenfold in 40 years," he said, "while the standard of living in Calcutta
has improved hardly at all. The major difference is between free enterprise and socialism. The Indian
government regulates nearly everything, so there's very little progress; whereas in Hong Kong, the
government keeps its hands off."
Note: Since Templeton wrote this in 1976, things are changing rapidly. India is finally pursuing
market-friendly policies; consequently, those investing in India (
p=700) are seeing one of the hottest stock markets around these days.
Strategy # 5: Minimize your taxes. In the 1960s, John Templeton made a controversial decision. He
decided to renounce his U.S. citizenship and move to the Bahamas, where there is no income tax or
investment tax. He became a British citizen, and now a Bahamian citizen, and lives tax-free (the
Bahamas gets its revenue from high import duties and corporate/trust fees).
Interestingly, his investment record improved markedly after he stopped worrying about the tax
consequences of his investment decisions. As a result of tax-free compounding, Sir John Templeton
was worth several billion dollars when he passed.
However, Templeton didn't recommend that American investors follow his lead and switch allegiance
to a tax haven such as the Bahamas (it's almost impossible for an American to become a Bahamian
citizen today). But, Templeton strongly recommended that you should take full advantage of taxdeferral vehicles such as a corporate pension plan or an IRA, and incorporate your business.
Good trading, AEIOU,


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America Is Not Going Broke

Makes Zero sense. If I

had a 100,000 in assets and owed 100,000 but
no job, how would I pay

Squeezing Nickel Till It Screams

Considering nickel prices, it seems that

hoarding nickels considering Value of nickel
(per coin must be worth

S&P 500 1,856.06 +0.71%

From the Mailbag: Silver in the High $50s?

Nasdaq 4,070.73 +0.91%

I would also like to note the

ongoing gold/silver manipulation happening in
the paper

The Best Income Investment for the Next

Five Years

Will the gov. nationalize EC similar to

Brazil and PBR?

10-Year Bond 2.64 +0.42%

Russell 2000 1,125.56

Keywords or Symbols




Between 2011 and 2012, the natural gas market
grew an eye-popping 72%. Now, one company is


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planning to increase production 30% to 50% in

2014... Get the details here.

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