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Monthly Embellishment & Training for

the Sorors of New Jersey

Building on the Principles of Zeta

February 2015
Volume 4 Issue 9

While Blazing New Paths!

Soror Mary B. Wright, Interna tional Presi dent

Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., Atlantic Regi onal Director
Soror Gina Merritt -Epps, Esq., New Jersey State Dir ector
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
State of New Jersey
Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq.
New Jersey State Director
325 East Jimmie Leeds Road
Suite 7 PMB 144
Galloway, NJ 08205
(609) 748-1470

Message from the State Director:

reetings and welcome to February,

which is Heart Healthy Month! Thanks
to everyone who supported our Founders Day events as we kicked-off the countdown
to Centennial. To continue the celebration of our
history and our growth, this newsletter highlights
NJ history and provides tips to be used as we intake new members and present our chapters to
the community.

First, we are honored to highlight Soror Geraldine Johnson, the 8 th State Director. Soror Johnson has a wealth of knowledge about Zeta and it is an honor to include her in this newsletter
through the work of State Historian Mecca Brown.
Next, we have the privilege of including an excerpt of the report submitted to the National
Executive Board by Soror Valerie Hollingsworth, National First Vice President. Please see
her tips for ensuring approval of your intake packets.
Finally, please review the tips for successful events. Remember that your events are a form
of recruitment and branding, and it is important that everything is done in excellence.
Please remember to plan for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day on March 3, the State Executive Board meeting in the April, and March for Babies in April. Thanks to all that supported
Epsilon Xi Zeta on January 31. Please support Rho Tau Zeta on February 28!

Page 2


Parliamentary Corner: Processes for laying and removing an item from the table.
By Soror Titessa Smith, State Parliamentarian

Table/To Lay on the Table is setting a main motion aside temporarily without setting a time for resuming its
consideration, but with the provision that the motion can be taken up again whenever the majority so decides.
This motion has the effect of delaying action on a main motion. If the question is not lifted from the table, the
effect of the motion to table will prevent action from being taken on the main motion, which often results in
either passing or defeating a motion and it becomes buried by tabling it. The motion to lay on the table:

It cannot be interrupted
Requires a second
It is not debatable
Cannot be amended
Requires a majority vote

To Remove/Take from the Table is the desire to resume consideration of a main motion. Before considering a
matter that has been tabled, a member must move: That the question concerning _______ be taken from the
table. The motion to remove from the table:

It cannot be interrupted
Requires a second
It is not debatable
Cannot be amended
Cannot be reconsidered
Requires a majority vote

RONR In Brief: p. 119, 127, 132

If a motion to take from the tables passes, the meeting resumes debate on the original question (or on any
amendments to it). If a considerable period of time has elapsed since the matter was tabled, the first speaker
should review the previous debate before proceeding to make any new points.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has officially launched the Get Engaged Social Action
page on the National website. This page houses the necessary tools to execute the Sororitys
"Global Day of Service" and "Get Engaged" initiatives.
Visit for more information.
Thank you, and let us all Get Engaged and be the change in the communities we serve.

Page 3


Z-Lesson - MIP Tips

With the permission of Soror Valerie Hollingsworth, First Vice President, below
please find her list of the top issues encountered that delay processing of membership packets. Please review the list below and the MIP Manual to ensure approval
of the new member applications.
Most common missing materials:
Quick Reference Cards
Chapter Contract - all 3 pages and sometimes just 1 out of 3
Personal Statements
Certificate Order Form
Request for Membership Materials Order Form
Most common incomplete items:
Aspirant's initials are missing from the first 2 pages of Application Form 1
Quick Reference Cards have not been initialed by the aspirant
Additional issues:
Financial Forms A and B, along with MIP fees, are sent directly to TD bank,
bypassing the National First Vice President
Missing information on money orders - IE: missing purchaser address and/ or
not signed
Money orders made out to the National First Vice President (returned to chapter
and reissued properly)
MIP Packets sent directly to National Headquarters
MIP Packets sent directly to the Past National First Vice President
Undergraduate transcript not enclosed when aspirant has earned a higher degree,
IE: Master's, Ph.D. (only the graduate degree is sent)
Undergraduate transcripts do not reflect the current semester courses in progress
and course hours
Undergraduate Advisor's signature is missing from the Advisor's Certification
Including chapter reactivation / chapter charter /chapter tax fees with MIP

Page 4


Z-Lesson - Tips for hosting events in Zeta Excellence

The tips provided below are based on the wonderful chapter events held during the 2013-2014 fiscal
year and comments from Sorors and Amicae. All chapters did an excellent job! As we approach the
2015 events, please implement the tips and ideas that will help to ensure that your event is presented
in a manner befitting Zeta Phi Beta Sorority! Please also consult your Protocol Manual for other directives.
1. Start on time. Get your guests to return year after year by starting your events on time. This will
also help you avoid extra fees charged by the venue. Avoid having a large gap between the start
time of the event and serving of the meal.
2. Streamline the activities. Avoid having too many features and ensure that the extras, such as
vendors and raffle/silent auctions, are presented in an organized fashion. Events with honorees, a
50/50 raffle, silent auction, fashion show, ticket auction, etc. can be overwhelming. Sometimes
less is more! Please be considerate of the amount of money youre asking your guests to spend.
3. Contract carefully and ensure you have enough room. Make sure there is plenty of room for the
vendors and that the layout ensures that guests will be comfortable.
4. Be cognizant of the audience. When giving greetings/introductory remarks, keep in mind that not
all members of the audience are member of Greek lettered organizations. A great alternative to
the standard Greek roll call is a joint acknowledgment of all Greeks, with the exception of Sigmas
and Zetas, of course!
5. Proof journals/Consider Going Green. Errors in the journals (bios of honorees, ads, Zeta history) leave a bad impression. Assess whether the work required to produce a quality journal is a
worthwhile endeavor.
6. Use vendors wisely. Ensure that your vendors have varied items and prices.
7. Remember Zeta Protocol. Do not use Greek terms in a public setting and remember to
acknowledge Zeta and Sigma dignitaries in an organized fashion. Remember to acknowledge our
8. Do not read the entire bio of any honorees. Consider using a PowerPoint or video to highlight an
honorees accomplishments, and with or without a journal, do not read the entire bio.
9. Keep it moving. By doing the verbal presentations in one session, you allow your guests to dance,
shop and/or eat without interruption. An alternative is to do some of the presentations before the
meal and some immediately after. Consider eliminating or limiting presentations by family and/or
friends. Target luncheon length = 3 hours. Be sure to select an experienced, well-spoken MC.
10. Highlight Zeta initiatives or a charitable organization. Demonstrate your chapter and the Sororitys commitment to helping the community by presenting a donation to a local charity.
11. Highlight the Zeta Sigma Relationship, Affiliates and Undergraduates. Highlight the ZetaSigma bond by honoring one of our brothers. The Youth can be uniformly dressed, and sitting
together. Graduate chapters should consider giving awards to undergraduates.

Page 5


A History Lesson
By Soror Mecca K. Brown, State Historian

A Conversation with

8th State Director

Serving from 1987 - 1992
(Soror Brown) When did you become a member of the Sorority?
(Soror Johnson) I became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
August 1965 through Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter.

(Soror Brown) What is your current chapter?

(Soror Johnson) My current chapter is Chi Rho Zeta.
(Soror Brown) Do you have any family members that are

members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. or Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.?
(Soror Johnson) Yes. My sister and niece are members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. My brother, brother-inlaw, and nephew are members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

(Soror Brown) Can you describe your first business meeting as a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
(Soror Johnson) My first business meeting was my chapter meeting. At my first meeting I was instructed to say
our sorority prayer. Sorors wanted to ensure that you knew your information. I was shocked that I was singled
out, but not afraid because I was proud to know and understand our sorority prayer.

(Soror Brown) What are some of the position you have held in the sorority?
(Soror Johnson) I have held all chapter e-board positions except for the position of 3rd Vice President. The only
reason I did not hold this position is because at the time we had no undergraduate chapters to oversee. I also held
positions on a state level. These include: Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and State Director.

(Soror Brown) Can you describe your experience as the 8th State Director (serving from 1987-1992)?
(Soror Johnson) I enjoyed being State Director. As State Director I had some good times and bad times but overall it was a good experience. One thing I remember is having opposition. However, I had to remember that not all
people are open and susceptible to change. Therefore, I turned that opposition into motivation. I did not allow it
to stop me from doing the work of Zeta.

(Soror Brown) What advice would you give a Soror who plans to or currently holds an e-board position?
(Soror Johnson) In order for a chapter to be successful Sorors must understand that sisterhood is essential. No
matter what ups and downs occur, Sorors must be sisterly to each other. Also, what one person do can effect

another. Basically, we need to be conscience of our actions and how they can affect others.
Continuation on next page

Page 6


A History Lesson - Contd

(Soror Brown) How has things changed in the sorority from 1965 to present?
(Soror Johnson) There has been several changes. One thing I noticed is that we as Sorors must be better prepared,
organized, and finer. For example, when I became a Zeta everything had to be done in order. Older Sorors
groomed and prepared younger Sorors in chapters meetings and through embellishment so that when they were in
public they were in alignment with Zeta. You could not do anything in the sorority unless you were prepared. In
reference to meetings and conferences, we had to be dressed at all times in business attire. In fact, we rarely wore
Zeta paraphernalia as we see today. We may have worn a pin but no t-shirts, cardigans, etc. We were in business
suits as though we were going to a job interview. I feel that Zeta as a whole should get back to where we used to
be. This is what sets us apart from other Greek letter organizations.

(Soror Brown) After all these years you are active in your chapter, attend conferences, community services,

and chapter events. What motivates you to continue to do the work of Zeta?
(Soror Johnson) I love Zeta. I love what Zeta stands for. I love the programs and organizations that Zeta supports.
Lastly, I love my Sorors.

(Soror Brown) Our sorority stands on the principles of scholarship, service, sisterhood, and finer woman

hood. Of those principles, which is dearest to you?

(Soror Johnson) Although I love all our principles, finer womanhood sticks out the most to me. We should exemplify finer womanhood and stick out from others. In incorporating finer womanhood in our chapter events, we
should not rush through it but take our time so the public can understand its importance. In essence, finer womanhood should stand alone.

(Soror Brown) Soror Johnson, thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. I appreciate the

knowledge you shared with me today.

(Soror Johnson) Soror Brown, anything for Zeta. If you ever want to talk or need advice I am here.

Before and After the Interview

As State Historian I was charged by Madame State Director Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq. to speak with Soror Geraldine
Johnson about her experience as a Zeta. Initially I was
nervous about the task. However, Soror Johnson made the
conversation very comfortable. It was a great experience
learning about the business of Zeta in the 1960's to present
and how Zeta has changed and evolved. The interview allowed me to do some self-reflection on how I can become a better me and essentially a better Zeta. I hope that each Soror take away something from our

Page 7


Moments in the Sisterhood with the State Director

Page 8


Zealous-Engaged-Talented-Awesome Youth Corner

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.
-Nelson Mandela
Congratulations to the Archonettes & Amicettes of Omicron Omicron
Zeta Chapter who made Honor Roll for the First Marking Period.
Job Well Done!
Archonette Morgen Backus
Amicettes: ENajah Barnes, Jordyn Smith, Annaya Baynes, Destiny
Harper, Ashley Clark and Justice Livingstone


Gamma Nu Zeta Archonette, Camrah Carter,
performed with Training Company of Grace.

Youth Spreading Holiday Cheers

On Sunday, December 14th the

Archonettes and Amicettes of
Omicron Omicron Zeta Chapter
conducted a community service
project. The Gloucester County
Chamber of Commerce along with Aulettos Caterers sponsored a Special Breakfast with Santa. Families
from non-profit organizations in the county were invited to come for a fun morning of games, food and pictures with Santa.

Page 9


Zealous-Engaged-Talented-Awesome Youth Corner - contd

The Holiday Season is a perfect time to reflect on our Blessings and seek out
ways to make life better make life better for those around us.
Dannie Napolean, Wilimine Barreau, Shatiara
Bessellieu, Heavon Clark, Kellisha Benjamin,
Rachel Nyarko, Rachel Estinphil, Marguerite

Gamma Omicron Zeta

Archonettes sort clothing for
women and girls, while
Pearlettes & Amicettes help
sort Babies & Men's clothing on Christmas morning to
give out to the community at
South 17th Street School in
Amicettes: Breanna Little, Tavia White, Jumai Boxton, Hasinah Ree &
Pearlettes: Ajaya Johnson, Suliah Boxton,
Sani Thomas, SaNayah Alexanders

Gamma Nu Zeta
Archonettes participated
in the Teach a Girl to
Lead, Center for American Women in Politics
Inaugural Workshop,
Gender Lens 101 at
Rutgers Camden,
New Jersey

Page 10


Zealous-Engaged-Talented-Awesome Youth Corner - contd


Gamma Nu Zeta Youth Participated in the Selma Peaceful Rally at AMC Theater, Hamilton, NJ

Archonette President, Jonette Miller did a phenomenal job with her Black Lives
Matter Speech with the support of her Archonette Sisters

A Nations Greatest Asset is its Youth!

Gamma Nu Zeta Youth at Selma Rally on January 10, 2015

Archonettes: Alexandria Burton,

Breanna Grant, Sasha Rayne,
Naiya Martin, Leia Kay, Amari
Stewart Amicette Kariana James
& Pearlette Jazmen Marrero

Page 11

NJ Scholarship Information


Page 12

NJ Scholarship Information


Page 13



1. February is Black History Month, Heart Healthy Month, the beginning

of Finer Womanhood Observance and the March for Babies Kick-off.
2. Since many chapter and auxiliaries have Black History Programs, see
what elements of your program pertains to Z-Hope and report it.
3. For heart health month, participate and follow the Zeta's Have Heart
4. As chapters prepare for Finer Womanhood, see if you can add a Z-hope
element to your Finer Womanhood Program for Z-Hope points.
5. The March for Babies kicks off in February and chapters and auxiliaries
can start their fundraising efforts. For details specific to the March of
Dimes or March for Babies contact the State March of Dimes Representative, Soror Sarecia Johnson at
6. For details specific to Z-Hope or Z-hope Reporting contact the State ZHope Coordinators, Sorors Kimberly Tetterton and Damali Stansbury
at and, respectively.

Undergraduate Acknowledgement
On January 16, 2015, as Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., was celebrating
our 95 years nationwide and internationally, the Psi Pi Chapter at Seton
Hall University was additionally celebrating another amazing award!
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Association held a Sapphire
Anniversary Birthday Bash where the chapter was invited to attend to
receive the "Spirit of Martin Luther King" Award. This was to commemorate the chapter for not only the hard work and dedication exemplified on campus, but also to acknowledge the many hours of service
and programming amongst the Seton Hall Community.

Page 14


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. NJ Chapters at Work

The ladies of Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter
participated in the peaceful Die-In and Protest
in Hamilton, NJ on 1/10/2015. Afterwards they
joined other Blue and White family members
and friends for the showing of the movie, Selma. A good time was had by all.

The Sorors of Gamma Nu Zeta Chapter spent

their Christmas morning serving those less
fortunate at Chestnut Street UAME Church in
Camden, NJ. Coats, clothing and toiletries
were also donated for those who needed
We want to thank Sorors Arayna
Spratley (Alpha Chapter) and Diana James for
joining us on this initiative!

CongratulationsOmega Mu Zeta Sorors

Andrea Booth
Jessica Edwards
Tears Hall
Monica Townsend

Page 15


This Thanksgiving Chi Rho Zeta participated in two community service events. We participated in preparing
meals for the homeless families in Camden and Gloucester Counties. We also conducted our first eldercare
event and spent the day at Senior Care for Camden on November 29th, 2014. We had a great time playing
Household Bingo and the seniors loved it and are excited to have us back next month. We want to thank Soror
Makeesa Johnson orchestrating our eldercare project and look forward to next month's BINGO outing.

Christmas 2014 - Chi Rho Zeta with the assistance of the DOT Organization was able to assist 3 families in the
Sicklerville area by providing gift cards to local shopping stores in order to make their Christmas a little brighter.

Chi Rho Zeta's Elder Care Chair, Soror Makeesa Johnson hosted Part 1 of a two Part series Knowing the
Difference between Assisted Living and Nursing Homes. Part 2 of this seminar will take place on February
19th, 2015 at The Winslow Township Family Success Center 416 Sicklerville Road Sicklerville, NJ

Page 16


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. NJ Chapters at Work - Contd

Zeta Delta Zeta on the move taking care of the Elderly
Sweet Z-Memories
Zeta Delta Zeta Chapter had the pleasure of
sharing hundreds of pairs of socks/footies to
nursing homes in the Burlington County area. The success of this project was made
possible by friends, family, co-workers and
faith base friends of the chapter. These
events always create lasting impressions in
our hearts and minds, but this year there was
a moment that will be indelibly etched in the
sorors minds.
On Tuesday, January 13th, we visited our beloved Soror Evelyn White who resides at the
Virtua Rehabilitation Center & Nursing Home Facility at Mt. Holly. During this visit,
we were able to present the gift of socks and non-skid footies to the residents on Soror
Whites behalf. Soror White is supported by the love of her life, Mr. Claude White, who
was at her bedside sharing with us that they have been married for over fifty three (53)
years! Although Soror White resides in the nursing home, the two look great, theyre both
still very sharp and are still VERY much in love.
During our special fellowship with her, Soror Deidre West asked her if she remembered the
significance of January 16th and she responded, Yes. Of course the Sorors assumed that
she was simply responding to please them. She then proceeded to say on January 16 th my
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was founded. Needless to say, blue and white tears were flowing.
Our beloved Soror may have forgotten a few things, important dates, people and places, yet
her love and sweet memories of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority are so etched in her brain that this
darling Soror who once worked as an educator and served her sorority with honor and distinction, will always hold on to her great sorority and that we will never forget. Suffice it to
say, our love for her is equally strong and she created Sweet Z Memories for us that will last
a lifetime.
Over one hundred pairs of socks will also be donated on Thursday, January 15th to the Burlington Woods Convalescent Center.

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Page 18


Zeta Legacies
By Soror Pauline E. Gibson, NJ State Legacy Coordinator
We are Zeta Legacies with a love that is never broken,
sharing an everlasting relationship that is past on and on
in an amazing fellowship together, through a continuous
bond of having something in common ..Yes we are Zeta
Legacies, thats right.
Congratulations to Omega Mu Zeta Chapter for having
the most legacy members thus far in their chapter.


On Sunday December 21, 2014 Zeta Delta Zeta
Chapter welcomed 4 new Sorors. Included in
the new membership was Soror Shyla Daniels,
sister of Soror Kecia Taylor. The two shared a
loving exchange remembering their deceased
parents by recognizing how proud they would
have been at their accomplishments.


Omicron Omicron Zeta Chapter has several active Sorors that are legacies: Soror Myra
Bryant-Woods and her mother, Soror Rev. Mildred L. Stanford; Soror Regina AndrewsCollette, her daughter, Shalonna Murray and niece, Denise Wright; Soror JoAnn Miller
and her niece, Aris Miller; Soror Michelle Baynes and her sister Soror Sharon Suber.
Other chapter legacies are: Soror Lisa Pierce, her daughter and sister Stacey; Soror Deidre
Montgomery and her grandmother Soror Victoria Rogers; Soror Mikala Allen-Greene and
her aunt; Soror Judith Washington and her cousins.

Page 19


Zeta Legacies - contd

Soror Adrienne Goldsboro &
Soror Aubrey Goldsboro

Soror Wilmer Nell King with

her legacy daughters, Soror
Nicole King and Soror
Sherrie King


Sorors Trina Goodwin and Tiffany Goodwin-Millican (Twins), Sorors Ruby Cockett and
Kerriann Mersola (Sisters), Sorors Linda Robinson and Yolanda Bagley (1st Cousins),
Sorors Pamela Felder and Delphine N. Felder (Cousins), Sorors Janelle Williams and
Shanea Harris, Sorors Jorelle Green and Ivy Green-Blue (Sisters)

Page 20


Zeta Legacies - contd

Soror Mutahannah Peacock & Soror Sonya Peacock
shares a special mother daughter blue and white relationship.

The 2015 Reclamation Campaign of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

officially launched on January 16, 2015.

Soror Valerie M.C. Hollingsworth

National First Vice President

Page 21


Social Action Updates

"The Selma movie #ZetasGetEngaged
and #MarchOn social media discussion
is on-going and details can be found
here along with photos, videos and the
scholarship contest details: https://
ref_dashboard_filter=past. The postFerguson statement of partnered action steps are on our website for review and were a part of the postSelma film discussion. Thanks to
Chi Rho Zeta, Epsilon Xi Zeta,
Eta Omicron Zeta, Gamma Nu
Zeta and Gamma Omicron Zeta
for joining. We had 77 participants including visiting Sorors
from VA & MD! This Selma
related NAACP The Law and
Campus_Police/docs/lawyou.pdf tool link is helpful for your
NAACP/NOBLE/Zeta workshops.

Search #SOTU #ZetasGetEngaged for our 2015 President's State of the Union discourse. Contact
ZPhiBNJSocialAction@gmail for general inquiries, Black history month curriculum, etc. &
Madam State Director's words of encouragement around why Zetas Get Engaged.

Page 22


Page 23

Support Sister Events


Page 24


Upcoming Chapter Events

Rho Tau Zeta

Scholarship Event


Zeta Delta Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon & Fashion Show


Eta Omicron Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon


Gamma Nu Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon


Gamma Omicron Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon


Chi Rho Zeta

Scholarship Luncheon


Sigma Zeta Zeta

Finer Woman Scholarship Dinner & Dance


Xi Tau Zeta

25th Chapter Anniversary


Rho Rho Zeta

Marlene Kelly Finer Womanhood Scholarship Breakfast


Omicron Omicron Zeta

Scholarship Awards Brunch


Omega Mu Zeta

All White Party Finer Womanhood Event


Key Dates and Deadlines

St. Jude Sunday of Hope Kickoff Webinar


American Heart Association Webinar








New Jersey State Executive Board Meeting

04/24 25/15

ZOL - Washington, DC

07/09 - 11/15

Regional Conference, Philadelphia

10/08 11/15

We hope youve enjoyed this months edition! Please submit articles by the 15th of every month. Use the newsletters as
tools to educate and advise your members. Your feedback and suggestions for future topics are welcomed!

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