National Games

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What purpose the National games serve ? Rs 620 crores spend on them by Kerala govt with Rs.

121 crores central assistance. It has become a

contractor driven exercise. In the name of promoting sports we are building new infrastructure which becomes a big liability the day games are
over. When the existing SAI infrastructure is crumbling and players are suffering from lack of equipments this can only be termed as serious flaw of
approach and directionless exercise.
I wish the money was actually spend on players ,maintenance of existing facilities ,new facilities of sports science and sports medicine (in which
we are almost nowhere) ,instead of constructing new buildings and infrastructure (which will remains utilised subsequently).
There is a misconception that National Games promote Sports in the country. They are actually harming Indian sports as they digress from the policies and plans. Sports
is a state subject in our constitution ,therefore ,the geographical spread and broad basing of sports within the state should be the prime focus of a state. Further the
charter of International Olympic Committee (IOC) mandates the IOC the task of at National level . In India these efforts are supplemented by Central Govt. The National
Games are also not part of any tournaments.They are not part of any Annual Calendar of Training and Coaching(ACTC). Interesting the 35th games at Kerala were
rescheduled thrice , they were originally scheduled in Dec'2012. These games often do not promote geographical spread.They mainly focus on civil construction and
equipment purchase which would benefit players in longer run remains a non priority (many equipments are often taken on loan from Federations and SAI..). Since the
targets are to be adhered therefore quality of construction of facilities is poor, this point was also raised by many federations including by Mr. Narinder Batra ,President of
Hockey India. Interestingly the state Govts. Do not create institutional and staff set up to maintain the new facilities rather often request SAI to take that over these facilities
, which is often regretted. They do not take into account the fact that sports promotion is no more only the creation of infrastructure it rather involves hiring of better
coaches, masseurs, sports psychologists, Food supplements, sports science and sports medicine, trained groundsmen, and other supporting staff. The new approach
should have been to set up new Academies for medal winning at National and International level and more play grounds and equipments , coaches.. for fitness sports... It
is sad that India has only one sports injury centre till date ( at Safderjung hospital ,Delhi) .There is no professional Organising Committee for holding sports events in
India ,therefore there is utter confusion. SAI has a well maintained centre located in a sprawling area of 50 acres, which boasts of almost every facility which where some
of the events are being held. We could rather have held the National Games in this centre with little expenditure . It is worth mentioning that only temporary make shift
structures are being constructed for such events word wide . The Glasgo Commonwealth games were organised in just one tenth of the money we spend in CWG in India.
The bigger events are once in a blue moon therefore permanent infrastructure for them becomes a liability . States should rather supplement the Panchayat Yuwa Kreeda
Abhiyan (RGKA) where primary facilities are being created in every Block Panchayat in India. Create new playgrounds in every two miles, schools, small towns
panchayats...should be the focus of State govts and the National Level left to SAI, IOA and Federations ( more professionalism in these bodies is required which actually is
in place in a number of Federations like National Rifle Association of India (NRAI), Hockey India and so on. The initiatives by Private sectors is bringing overall quality is
praiseworthy . Gopichand Academyat Hyderabad, Babu Banarasi Das Badminton Academy at lucknow , wrestling Akharas in Haryana, National Sports Academy, for
gymnastics in Allahabad ,Shri Ramachandra Arthroscopy & Sports Sciences Centre at Chennai are the few examples.

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