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1. Cultured man-a person of refinement who has knowledge of great
books, art, drama, or music
2. Behavior- manner of acting or conducting self, action or reaction of
3. Instinct- inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific
4. Harness- exploiting brought under control and put into use
5. Cultural relativism- views culture as the result of people's attempt to
do what is good for them-each group's solutions to the task of survival
are as valid as those of others
6. Monogamy- having only one spouse at a time
7. Social growth- development and gradual change occuring in society
8. Implicit- not directly expressed or elaborated
9. Conviction- unshakable belief in something without need for proof or
10. Kin- group of people related by blood or marriage
11. Culture lag - term used to describe what happens in the social
system when the cultural ideas used to regulate social life do not keep
pace with other social changes
12. Retaliate- take revenge for a perceived wrong
13. Kith- friends, acquaintances
14. Physiological- organism's normal functioning
15. Anatomical- relating structure of the body
16. Explicit- peecisely and clearly expressed or readily observable
17. Euphemism- mild words replacing offensive ones
18. Polygamy- having more than one spouse at a time

19. Subculture- clusters of patterns which are both related to the

general culture of the society and yet distinguishable from it
20. Quell- suppressed or crushed completely
21. Cumulative- increasing by successive addition
22. Culture shock- condition or disorientation affecting someone who is
suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or ways of life or set of
23. Menace- something that is a source of danger
24. Campus mores- schools adopt a definitely different diction and
mannerisms of speech, or emphasize particular behavior patterns
25. Adaptive - ability to adapt, ways by which man acquires and adapts
culture to suit design and needs
26. Puberty - time of life when sex glands becomes functioning
27. Innate- Not established by conditioning or learning
28. Nullified - deprived of legal force
29. Sanction - formal and explicit approval
30. Polygyny - having more than one wife at a time
31. Abominable - exceptionally bad or displeasing
32. Conformity - correspondence in form or appearance
33. Man-made objects - not natural in origin, artificial
34. Culture change- constantly modifying and improving them
discarding what no longer seems useful and acceptable
35. Polyandry- having more than one husband at a time
36. Incest- allowing marriage between brothers and sisters
37. Subjugate-put down by force or intimidation

38. Cultural universal- aspect of human behavior wherein the same

pattern of culture is found among people as different as the mountain
tribes and the modern groups which we call "civilized people"
39. Sociobiology- focuses on the biological and evolutionary bases of
human behavior
40. Customs- are types of behavior which have become habitual and
repetitive to a number of individuals or a group

B. Personages
1. Brinkershoff- included material products in his definition of culture,
to him, culture is the total way of life shared by members of a society
2. Persell- described culture as "all the socially learned behaviors,
beliefs, feelings and values the members of a group or society
3. Horton and Hunt- stated that culture "is an elaborate system of
standardized expected ways of feeling and acting which the members
of society generally acknowledge and generally follow"
4. Edward Taylor- defined culture as that complex whole which
includes knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, customs, and other
capabilities acquired by man as a member of society

C. Enumeration
A.) 7 Practices shared by People in Society without Significance
(1) Rural Filipinos use the hands for eating
(2) Chinese wear white for mourning
(3) a bond of ring signifies marriage
(4) a red rose means love
(5) clapping of hands signifies approval
(6) dollar or stock of pesos may mean wealth, happiness, success,
greed or materialism
(7) long hair which used to identify a female person now is unisex so
are pants and jeans

B.) 5 Ways on How Culture Affects Man

(1) do


shapes our habits, behavior, language and impersonal style
affects how we talk, make love, build homes and die

C.) 5 Important Mores in Modern Society


respect for authority

sex and marriage behavior
private ownership of property
division of labor

D.) 5 Principal Characteristics of Culture


Culture is Learned
All People Have Varied Cultures
Culture is a Group Product
Culture is Transmitted from Generation to Generation
Culture is Adaptive

E.) 2 Important Functions of Ethnocentrism

(1) It develops nationalism
(2) It develops love of country

F.) 5 Basis of Culture


symbols and language

social control
folkways and mores

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