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January 18, 2014 at 12:26am
(!) Protect yourselves, and others, from agents and trolls working against activists and
active movements on the following:
- Mind manipulation and emotional targeting
- Attempts to discredit an important info, or people
- Group control and its dismantling processes
- Postings of distorted stories, sick images, and other nuisance
- Attempts to delay dates of events, or sabotage them
- Attempts to divide like-minded and set them against each other

Have exposed many of them myself and often even not in their own gangs they can manage to
hold on for long and fail miserably, if pushed hard enough.. Do screenshots, or quote their
messages when replying!.. The whole group pages or just stories/posts disappear after exposure
and they start it all over again with different names
Don't be afraid of those miserable clowns! Stay strong and don't get emotionally involved; kick
their evil-minded ass... Expose them, release any negative emotions attached to the clash, feel
good and move on ;)


1. Pin this article on the top of your groups
2. Add Text Document in group files and copy article into your own Notes
3. Bookmark Article and Save yourself a hard Copy
4. Share further on and even copy-paste this description if you like!..

They are cracking and crumbling... Keep pushing! Namaste, sisters and brothers!

Oneness . Love . Peace . Well-Being

Learn how to recognise and expose the troll. Quoted article:

I would add to this training material that dedicated activists should always try to turn the tables
on trolls and government / corporate disinformation agents to convert or turn their attempts from
a potential negative or divisive tactic to our advantage that creates more solidarity and unity
within our movement.
This can easily be accomplished by continually stressing the observation that what they are doing
IS divisive and that true patriotic reformers / movement members would NOT use such tactics,
but would rather seek positive, productive, creative and constructive ways to build effectiveness,
solidarity and unity within the movement.
Limit the exchange to a minimum, use factual support info & links, request that group members;
"DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" (In other words, ignore them and don't give them more fodder
for their annoying propaganda), and If necessary, use troll images & ban them from the group.
Then make the necessary unity points with comments at the end of the exchange.
--------------------10 January 2014 at 11:13

Share for victory...

Fed fishing is the art of seeking out government agents who work the internet with a specific job
remit that once we understand and understand the techniques they use to carry out this job can
no longer operate effectively. In this part of the training manual we will discuss the tricks that
they use as well as some tricks we can use to dis-empower them. It is known that the number of
gov. agents working social networking sites is in the high tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of
thousands. The purpose of fed fishing is to wake other people up to the work of embedded
agents on the internet and within activist movements so that they have to throw their manual out
of the window. Many of the techniques described here are also used to manipulate real world
activist groups.

The Feds who work the internet use a specific set of psychological techniques against individuals
which works very effectively on groups. Here we will look at these techniques so you will learn
to spot them and gradually or straight away will reveal agents working groups. Feds routinely
work themselves into positions of respect and authority and will as a rule go after admin roles,
control of decision making, money etc. Often they will delete a group when discovered, they are
also known to delete productive members from groups and delete posts and comments.

Lets first explore their job remit. These embedded agents have a job description. This includes:
to debunk classified information, to attack the productivity of groups as a whole, to identify and

force out productive individuals, to get information they can use to prosecute, to stop any
effective organising or productive use of the group, to divide and conquer, to take control of the
group, to seek admin roles within the group, to establish influence of personality in the group, to
spread disinformation, to distract and divert attention away from the truth etc. They will also
establish groups for this purpose to channel people into positions where they think they are in
trusted company in an effort to entrap the individuals into prosecutable areas. A technique rolled
out across the board is to establish a group with a "name" suggesting a purpose which channels
supporters of that intention into the group which has the opposite purpose for the reason of
dividing and conquering and identifying supporters.

1 - Setting the hook - To do this you need to post information that is on the debunk list, this is
something that the powers that be are trying to keep out of the public awareness like ultra
classified projects. There has been a sustained campaign to separate truth from activism which is
done to put activist into areas where they can be manipulated and turned into controlled
opposition. So, you need a good hook. You can either start straight away with something ultra
top secret which is presented by a credible source or sometimes what I do is start with a source
that is easily debunked but then follow-up with the same information presented from a credible
source to set up the catch. This is to dis-empower many of the tactics that are used.

2 - Setting up the catch - So, you need a good hook. A good hook would be something ultra
top secret or something which points evidence at an individual who is being protected for their
involvement such as a world leader. This will, often without fail, hook a fish, but you still need
to make the catch. You can either start with information which is presented by a credible source
or sometimes what I do is start with a source that is easily debunked but then, once you get a
bite, follow up with the same information presented from a credible source to set up the catch.
This is to dis-empower many of the tactics that are used and also, once they know you are doing
it they become very clever about it so you need to be clever as well.

3 - Reeling in the Fish - Once you have presented the hook it is likely you will immediately
witness a sequence of events as the fish tries to debunk the information. Once you become a
seasoned fed fisher you will see the same techniques used over and over again, as if they are
coming from a textbook. Lets look at these techniques.

4 - The will try and attack the credibility of the information. Often this is done at the same
time as attacking the credibility of the poster. What they are trying to do is get as few people as
possible to look at the information as well as to tie people up in the process of debunking and
attacking the individual. They will say things like "its just a you tube video this is proof of
nothing", "can you provide any referenced source of this information" things of this nature.
Even when you are posting video of, one example, the history editor of the executive
intelligence review speaking at the executive intelligence review about Barack Obama and his
involvement in the genocide programme Agenda 21, they will say, "its just some guy in a
Youtube video".

5 - They will try to attack the credibility of the poster. Queue the tin foil hat reference.
There has been a sustained campaign for many years to separate the truth from activism. The
last thing they want is educated activists who are focused on the root of the problem instead of
the latest misdirection and distraction offering of the opponent. There will be an effort to destroy
your credibility with other people interacting with the post. Remember, on the internet help is
only a click away, so if you are any good you will be worked by more than one fed. This is a
good opportunity to expose more than one fed at the same time, and we get points. They will say
things like "here comes the tin foil hat brigade", "have you been taking your medication", "you
need help" etc. Remember there a file on you and they will have access to it. The truth is pretty
out there and the powers that be have worked for millennial to separate us so far from the truth
that it sounds like insanity to most. As well as this they have been putting disinformation out
there as well, the whole purpose is to put people into boxes and to set one group of people
against another to divide us and distract us from the actual matter at hand. Expect references to
aliens and shape shifting lizards and other crazy way out there stuff they expect you to bite on to
make it easier for them to attack your credibility.

6 - They will try to single you out to make you the focus of the thread and not the
information. This will be done using all of the techniques described to try and turn people
against you and away from the information being presented. They will highlight your grammar
and your spelling, say things like "Oh look, its the leader", "what have you done for the
movement", "can you provide proof of what you have done", they will mock you, of course it is
important to check your ego, they are fishing as well, trying to get you to admit to something
they can prosecute for. They will try and make out that you are not part of the group to turn the
group against you saying things like "no one has heard of you" or say that other people speak
badly about you. They may go as far as to accuse you of being the fed, that it is you that is
causing the division and things of this nature. Of course the reality that tens of thousands of
embedded government agents are working against us should make people a little untrustworthy
but better than not to be aware. Activists with no knowledge of these agents operating are as
dangerous as the enemy. I suggest routinely trusting no one and analysing every interaction,
every encounter you will quickly begin to see something does not add up when it doesn't. This
subject is covered more in the next training note, titled "Extreme Cluedo".

7 - The subtle manipulation of activist groups on social networks. This is something that
you will become very aware of over time. As soon as you post something of ultra top secret
nature in group they will quietly start work to make it disappear. I have come across this
process, you will often see immediately someone post straight after you and then go down the
wall interacting with other threads to make the important information disappear so far down the
wall it gets no interaction. This only becomes apparent if you refresh the page. Do the same
back, bump important posts to the top of the group, seriously peeps, if we all work together to
keep the important stuff at the top we win the game. Once interaction takes hold its there until
its been debunked, that's where these other techniques come into play. You will often see the
same name popping up time and time again.

8 - The overt manipulation of activist groups on social networks. This is something I saw
destroy thousands of productive groups. The embed will post something of a highly controversial

nature, something that will generate a shock effect, something that will get a high rate of
interaction. The purpose of this is so that people visiting the group are immediately presented
with this thread instead of the important information. They will start multiple threads of this
nature and engage in a process I call "flaming", which is to incite others in the group to interact
with the threads and divert their attention from the important information. Often they will start
an argument, you might see two feds fighting each other and creating a massive distraction as the
important information disappears and everyone watches the two feds fighting each other like its
the latest x factor episode.

9 - The use of shock psychology. Shock psychology is absolutely devastating and something I
have seen deployed so many times in online groups and in physical meetings. An example of
this I see more and more lately is the use of obscene pornography and often totally vile images
beyond anything you have ever seen. The purpose of this is to leave a scar in your mind
associated with the particular group, sometimes this is there for days, weeks even years. This is
to gradually to erode support and membership numbers, to attack the credibility of the group and
to stop new followers from becoming engaged in the targeted group. If you point this out, you
will come under attack.

10 - They will "like" this. Embeds are invariably working in numbers and help is only a click
away. Expect that the techniques described here will be liked, often immediately by others either
who have been hypnotised into the process or who are working with the embeds. Your comments
will be shot down and others will like this. All this is going on while they profile you and other
supporters who will also be targeted by these techniques.

11 - They will maintain scripted versions of history. The way the powers that be have operated
for as long as to debunk classified information that has leaked into the public realm is to run
campaigns of disinformation and of course they have their own "experts" and work collectively
on, what I call, "the debunk campaign". They produce conflicting and contrary information as
well as different versions of the truth with varying degrees of disinformation with the purpose of
putting people into boxes even with the fore-thinking of later using the techniques described here
to attack individuals that have not bought the shit story and to use people in one box against
people in another box.

12 - They will go on the attack. This is done either overtly by using all of these techniques
which you will see time and time again deployed in sequence to divide the group and to fire
people at the targeted individuals. Remember, the embedded agent is also trying to protect
himself and so will try to get others to do the fighting for them where possible. This can be done
covertly by creating secret groups into which they invite supporters in an effort to turn them
against the targeted individual or by privately contacting supporters to turn them into weapons
against the targeted individual. Remember they have case files on all of us and are trained in
psychological manipulation so they know which individuals are most susceptible to their
manipulation. As an example, someone who dislikes a subject would be singled out as a weapon
to use against someone talking about the subject in question.

Once you are aware of these techniques and you start to practice Fed Fishing you will see them
so often that it becomes obvious you are being targeted by textbook techniques. Individuals will
start to stand out, the same names will crop up again and again. Begin an investigation of the
individual, look at their profile, their photos, their activity, what they post, what they like, what
groups they are in, watch their behavioural patterns. It is known that embeds call themselves
"supporters" when in fact they are doing the exact opposite and you will be able to make a
judgment based on the activity they are involved in simply by observing what they do it becomes
totally obvious who they are.

Remember to take screenshots of the interaction or any evidence you can get. Congratulations
you have caught a fish. 1 point per fish, Ill see you in the game. Be aware, you are now on their
list also. We will discuss more about dis-empowering these techniques in the next party of the
Reoccupy24 training manual "Extreme Cluedo".


SHARE!... Spread awareness for victory. Bump this thread back to the top of the group...

Article and image taken from: Curtis Occupy Globally Bard's page.

You may want to use this image of a troll when exposing one ;)







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