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Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology

1. Explain the Five Communication Media: Spheres of Invention.

New communication media are invented in five interrelated "spheres" of invention as
shown in Figure 1: mediators, characteristics, uses, effects, and practices. The
invention of a medium entails invention activity in all of these spheres, with
changes any one sphere provoking activity in others. The most common paths for
such provocations are shown as the Cycle of Media and Cycle of Genre in Figure 1.

Figure I. The Spheres

of Invention
Media and include (using the
Mediators are the fundamental
blocks ofin media,
telephone as an example) such things as telephones, telephone wires, telephone
switches, operators, and billing systems. All media entail mediators.
Characteristics are generic attributes of a medium that describe its essential
capabilities. The most obvious characteristics of media are the speed with which a
message travels, the size of the audience, the time a message persists, and the
production and sensory modalities it supports.
Uses are the things media are used for. Research traditions like uses and gratifications
have identified highly generic uses that are associated with various media, including
entertainment, gaining and sharing information, establishing personal identity,
integration and social interaction, and others
Use implies effect. As is the case in the other spheres, effects are social inventions
whose reality is in our belief. The perception that effects of media use are beneficial
will increase use of the medium.
Practices are formalized as mediators through which media continue to evolve after
the initial cycle of invention is complete.

2. How Communication Media: Spheres of Invention benefits learning?

Communication Media: Spheres of Invention enables all the learners to ease learning.
Those communication media helps achieve better learning and understanding.

One of the problems of public schools is the insufficient supply of ICT (5 computers
and 1 projector), as a future teacher how you will fully utilize the use of ICT thus the
school do not have sufficient ICT facilities.
Having an insufficient supply of ICT in a public school is not new to everyone. If
there is lack of ICT in a school, then the ICT teacher needs to divide the time of hours
to the students who will use the units. The teacher must have a scheduled time for the
students to have a chance to use those ICT materials.

Lesson 10: Computer as a Tutor

1. Enumerate the roles of the following in CAI integration:
o In Computer Assisted Instruction, the role of the teacher is the facilitator.
The teacher ensures the needed knowledge and skills for ay computer
activity, decide the appropriate learning objectives, plan the sequential and
structured activities to achieve the objectives and evaluate the students
achievement by ways that tests specific expected outcomes.
o Students play their own roles as learners. They are the ones who receive
information, understand the information for the computer activity,
retain/keep in mind the rules for the computer activity and apply the
knowledge and rules during the process of computer learning.
o The computer plays its roles. It acts as a sort of tutor) a role traditionally
played by the teachers), provides a learning environment, delivers learning
instruction, reinforces learning through drill and practice, and provides
2. How simulation software builds learners decision making?
This simulation software asks students to make decisions on models or scenarios.
It allows students to manipulate elements of a model and get the experience of the
effects of their decisions.
3. Give at least 8 features of tutorial software.
Teach new content/information to students
Provide comprehensive information on concepts in addition to practice
Can be effectively used for remediation
Can be effectively used for reviewing
Can be effectively used for enrichment
Allow the teacher to introduce follow-up questions to stimulate
students learning
Permits group activity for cooperative learning
Good for verbal and conceptual learning.

4. How Instructional games different from teacher centered instruction?

Instructional games let learners to actively participate in the learning process. The
students are the center of learning. It forms an interaction between the class. In
teacher centered instruction, the teacher only supplies and imparts the knowledge

to the learners. It is the process of dispensing knowledge to an empty vessel

which is the mind of the leaner.
5. Based on what you have learned in Lesson 10 make a conclusion on Computer as a Tutor.
In this lesson, the main focus is the integration of using computers in the
classroom. Instead of a teacher centered classroom, wherein the teacher is only
the one who impart knowledge, this Computer Assisted Instruction enables the
classroom discussion to be a student centered one.

Lesson 11: Computer as a Teachers Tool

The teacher can employ the computer as:

An information tool
o The computer can provide vast amounts of information in various forms,
such as text, graphics, sound and video. Along the constructivist point of
view, it is not enough for learners to download relevant information using
the computer as an information tool. Students can use gathered
information for composition or presentation projects as may be assigned
by the teacher. Given the fact that the internet can serve as a channel for
global communication, the computer can very well be the key tool for
video teleconferencing sessions.
o Examples are multimedia encyclopedia. Instead of searching for huge
encyclopedia books, just access the internet and one can find there
different encyclopedias with complete photos and explanation just like in a
A constructive tool
o The computer itself can be used for manipulating information, visualizing
ones understanding and building new knowledge. The Microsoft Word
computer program itself is a desktop publishing software that allows users
to organize and present their ideas in attractive formats.
o Having a report or a lesson in powerpoint presentation is one of the
examples of this constructive tool. Teachers prepare their lessons through
PowerPoint presentations to have a clear and attractive discussion.
A co-constructive tool
o Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a
shared understanding of new knowledge. On ways of co-constructive is
the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may post notices to a
shared document/whiteboard. Students may also co-edit the same
document from their homes.
o The Computer-Supported International Learning Environments (CSILE) is
an example of an integrated environment developed by the Ontario
Institute for studied in Education.
A situating tool
o By means of virtual reality (RS) extension systems, the computer can
create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated
in a virtual environment.
o A flight simulation program is an example of situating tool which places
the user in a simulated flying environment.

Lesson 12: IT Support of SCL

Direction: Using the table below suggest activities that focuses on traditional learning and SCL.


Traditional Learning


Students listen to lecture on

how to compute fractions.
Ex. Fraction

Science: Food Chain

English: Pronoun

Social Science: Life of Rizal

Values: Filipino Traditions

Math: Counting Odd and

Even Numbers

Students will show the

concept of fraction using a
piece of paper and how it can
be applied in other real
Students will listen to the
Students will observe the
discussion on how the food
surroundings and will try to
chain works.
observe on how animals eat,
what they eat and whi they
Students will listen to the
Students will try to guess what
discussion of the uses of
a pronoun is based on the drill
or short presentation of the
teacher about the lesson.
Students will give examples
and use it in a sentence.
The teacher will get
The teacher will conduct a
information from the book and film viewing about the life of
will discuss it to the class.
Rizal. After that, let the
students to re-enact or role
play it.
Students will listen to the
The teacher will let the
discussion made by the
students to ponder what they
teacher about the Filipino
remember or what they know
Traditions and will also read
about Filipino traditions. After
the lesson on their textbook.
that, the teacher will let the
students to role play it.
The teacher will teach the
Students will have a game
students to count the odd and
about counting odd and even
even numbers.
numbers facilitated by the

1. Why would you adopt a student-centered learning approach in your course?
Adopting student-centered learning approach will make the student more
participative and will make learning more fun for them. Instead of listening to
sometimes boring lecture of a teacher, let them discover and enjoy the subject
thus giving them a chance to create their own knowledge to their own
2. Can I cover the content in my syllabus using student-centered approach?

Yes, you can. Using the student centered approach, it is easy for a teacher to teach
the lesson because it was like every student are obliged to think and participate in
the discussion. When the students learn easily, then it is also easy to have a new

3. Can I use student-centered learning approaches when teaching large classes?

Yes, you can. Nothing is impossible if a teacher is creative enough to use SCL in a
large class. There are varied activities that can be made using large number of
4. Is it possible to move from teacher-centered to student-centered in stages? How?
Yes, it is possible. Moving from to TCL to SCL in stages will be easy if a teacher
knows varied strategies. For example, on this day youll start the SCL. In the
subject try to have a game first. And step by step, let the students discover their
own learning. In that game, it introduces your lesson that will be tackled.
5. How do I respond to student resistance when I start using student-centered learning
To know the students resistance, use SCL in stages. In that way, a teacher can
assess her students resistance or capacity in every stage and for her to know if the
students learn using the approach.
6. How do I respond to students who really like being entrusted with their own learning
when I start using student-centered learning approaches?

Lesson 13: Cooperative Learning with Computer

1. Give at least 5 definition of cooperative learning.
Cooperative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in
a common learning task.
Cooperative learning is a teaching method where students of mixed levels of
ability are arranged into groups, and rewarded according to the group's success,
not the success of an individual member.
Cooperative learning is an educational approach which aims to organize
classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. There is much
more to Cooperative Learning than merely arranging students into groups, and it
has been described as "structuring positive interdependence.
Cooperative Learning is a teaching approach that is unique in its own
way. Cooperative Learning is when individuals come together as a group to teach
each other what they know or understand of any given subject.
Cooperative Learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students
work together to maximize their own and each others learning.
Cooperative learning is an approach to groupwork that minimizes the occurrence
of those unpleasant situations and maximizes the learning and satisfaction that
result from working on a high-performance team.
2. What are the components of cooperative learning?

Positive interdependence: Team members are obliged to rely on one another to

achieve the goal. If any team members fail to do their part, everyone suffers
Individual accountability: All students in a group are held accountable for doing
their share of the work and for mastery of all of the material to be learned.
Face-to-face promotive interaction: Although some of the group work may be
parcelled out and done individually, some must be done interactively, with group
members providing one another with feedback, challenging reasoning and
conclusions, and perhaps most importantly, teaching and encouraging one another.
Appropriate use of collaborative skills: Students are encouraged and helped to
develop and practice trust-building, leadership, decision-making, communication,
and conflict management skills.
Group processing: Team members set group goals, periodically assess what they
are doing well as a team, and identify changes they will make to function more
effectively in the future.

3. Make an experiment or survey regarding the effect of grouping lower-ability students and
higher-ability students.
This is from experience and also with a little bit of experiments and surveys.
When the lower-ability students were grouped together, the tendency is they will
work for the task very hard because they cant depend with each other. They will
try to show that they can do it even without the help of the higher ability learners
making themselves discover their true ability. On the other hand, when you
grouped the high-ability learners, one factor is that they might rely on each other
thinking that their groupmate can do it by himself being confident that they can
still pass the task.
4. Explain how computer can be a natural vehicle for cooperative learning.
Using computers, learning takes place via social interaction using a computer or
through the Internet. This kind of learning is characterized by the sharing
and construction of knowledge among participants using technology as their
primary means of communication or as a common resource.

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