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Friendship Forever

Two inseparable friends, Sam and Jason, met with an accident on their
way to Boston City. The following morning, Jason woke up blind and
Sam was still unconscious. Dr. Berkeley was standing at his bedside
looking at his health chart and medications with a thoughtful
expression on his face. When he saw Sam awake, he beamed at him
and asked." How are you feeling today Sam?"

Sam tried to put up a brave face and smiled back saying, "absolutely
wonderful Doctor. I am very grateful for all that you have done for me.
"Dr Berkeley was moved at Sam's deed. All that he could say was,
"You are a very brave man Sam and God will make it up to you in one
way or another". While he was moving on to the next patient, Sam
called back at him almost pleading, "promise me you won't tell Jason

"You know I won't do that. Trust me." and walked away.

"Thank you "whispered Sam. He smiled and looked up in prayer " I
hope I live up to your ideas...please give me the strength to be able to
Months later when Jason had recuperated considerably, he stopped
hanging around with Sam. He felt discouraged and embarrassed to
Sam was lonely and disheartened, since he didn't have any body else
other than Jason to count on.

Things went from bad to worse. And one day Sam died in despair.
When Jason was called on his burial, he found a letter waiting for him.
Dr Berkeley gave it to him with an expressionless face and said" This is
for you Jason. Sam had asked me to give it to you when he was

In the letter he had said: "Dear Jason, I have kept my promise in the
end to lend you my eyes if anything had happened to them. Now there
is nothing more that I can ask from God, than the fact, that will see

the world through










When he had finished reading Dr. Berkeley said " I had promised Sam
to keep his sacrifice he made a secret from you. But now I wish I
didn't stick it Because I don't think It was worthy it".
All that was left for Jason while he stood there was tears of regret and
memories of Sam for the rest of his life.

Moral of the story:

Moral of the story


Friends are for cheering you up in your worst moments

A house


A sick boy and his friend

Once upon a time there was a little boy who became very ill. He had to spend
all day in bed, unable to move. Because other children weren't allowed to
come near him, he suffered greatly, and spent his days feeling sad and blue.

There wasn't much he could do except look out of the window. Time passed,
and his feeling of despair just grew. Until one day he saw a strange shape in
the window. It was a penguin eating a sausage sandwich. The penguin
squeezed in through the open window, said "good afternoon" to the boy,
turned around, and left again.

Of course, the boy was very surprised. He was still trying to work out what
had happened, when outside his window he saw a monkey in a nappy, busy
blowing up a balloon. At first the boy asked himself what that could possibly
be, but after a while, as more and more crazy-looking characters appeared
out the window, he burst out laughing and found it hard to stop.

Anyone wanting to stop laughing would never be helped by seeing a pig

playing a tambourine, an elephant jumping on a trampoline, or a dog wearin g

a pair of glasses and talking about nothing except politics. The little
boy didn't tell anyone about this because who would have believed
him? Even so, those strange characters ended up putting joy back in
his heart, and in his body. Before long, his health had improved so
much that he was able to go back to school again.

There he got to talk to his friends, and tell them all the strange things
he had seen. While he was talking to his best friend he saw something
sticking out of his friend's school bag. The boy asked his friend what it

was, and he was so insistent that finally his friend had to show him





There, inside, were all the fancy-dress suits and disguises that his best
friend had been using to try to cheer the little boy up!

And from that day on, the little boy always did his best to make sure
that no one felt sad and alone.

Moral of the story:


Reggie couldn't hear a thing. He was a normal boy, but he had been
born deaf. He was well known to everyone in town, and they were all
very fond of him. Unfortunately, though, he always seemed to end up
being treated differently from everyone else. Children worried that they

would hurt him, that maybe he wouldn't hear the ball being hit in his
direction. Adults acted like he was incapable of understanding them, as
though he was some kind of baby.

Reggie didn't like this very much. But the person who disliked it the
most was his friend Michael, who decided one day that things had to
change. Michael's father was the towns Mayor, and Michael managed
to convince him that this year, in honour of Reggie, they should
dedicate one day of the festival to deaf people. During that whole day
everyone in town would have to wear earplugs.

People liked the idea, because everyone loved Reggie. The day became
known as The Day of Silence, and when it arrived everyone stuck plugs
in their ears, in a spirit of great fun. That morning was filled with
practical jokes, mischief and laughter. But, as the hours passed, people
became more and more aware of how difficult life was when you
couldn't hear anything. However, learning about how life was more
difficult for the deaf was nothing compared to the greatest discovery of
the day: Reggie was amazing!

On that day no one was thinking of Reggie as just a deaf person. This
meant he could be treated just like any other little boy; and people saw
a whole new side of him. Not only that, but Reggie had a bright and
sharp mind. On that day, using his usual gestures, Reggie was the one
who could communicate best with everyone.

This meant that people paid more attention to what he was saying, and
they were surprised by his intelligence, his creativity, and his ability to
find solutions to almost any problem. They realised that he had always
been like that, and that in normal life all Reggie needed was a little
more time than others to communicate. That was the only difference.

So the Day of Silence was the day Reggies true nature became
known. And it was the day everyone realised you have to give people a
chance to show how valuable they are. People in town wanted to make
sure that others would learn this lesson. So, from that day on,
whenever a visitor came to town, they were welcomed joyfully and a
helmet was plonked on their head. A helmet with great thick ear flaps;
a helmet which meant you couldn't hear the slightest thing.

Moral of the story:

Moral of the story

We should give everyone with a disability a chance to
show their good qualities. We should treat them as
normally as possible.



A town during the

A deaf boy, his best friend, and

festival season

the townsfolk

Once upon a time there was a shy and quiet octopus. He nearly always
went about on his own because, although he wanted to have lots of
friends, he was too self-conscious.

One day, the octopus was trying to catch a very slippery oyster. Before
he knew it, he had tied himself into one massive knot, and he couldn't
move. He tried with all his strength to wriggle free, but it was no good.
In the end, despite the great embarrassment he felt at being seen in
such a tangle, he had to ask for help from the passing fish. Many fish
swam past, ignoring him, but one very kind little fish offered to help to
untie all those tentacles from all those suckers.

The octopus felt heartily relieved when he was finally set free, but he
was so shy that he didn't dare talk to the fish and make friends with
him. He simply thanked the fish, and quickly swam off. Later, the
octopus spent the whole night thinking that he had wasted a great
opportunity to make friends with that very kind little fish.

A couple of days later the octopus was resting between some rocks,
when he noticed that everyone around was hurriedly swimming past.
He looked into the distance and saw an enormous fish coming over to
feed in that area. The octopus quickly hid; then, peeping an eye out

from his hiding place, he saw that the huge fish was chasing the kind
little fish who had untied him.
That little fish really needed urgent help, but the big fish was so
dangerous-looking that no one dared to go near. The octopus,
remembering how the little fish had helped him, felt that he had to do
whatever he could to come to his aid.

Without hesitating, the octopus shot out from the rocks, like a ray. He
put himself right in the path of the giant fish, and before the fish could
do anything about it, the octopus had shot out the biggest jet of ink of
his life. He grabbed the little fish, and swam off back to hide in the
rocks. Everything happened so fast that the big fish had no time to
react. However, he soon recovered from the surprise. Off he went to
the rocks, looking for the octopus and the little fish. Now he really
wanted to gobble them down!

Soon, though, he began feeling a terrible itch; first in his gills, and then
in his fins, and then all over his body. It turned out that this giant fish
had a very artistic nature, he adored colours; and the octopus's dark
ink had given him a terrible allergy!! So the big fish swam away,
irritated all over.

As soon as he was gone, all the fish who had been hiding came and
congratulated the octopus for being so brave. Then the little fish told
them all how he had helped the octopus a few days earlier, but he had
never known anyone be so grateful that they would end up doing
something so dangerous. Hearing this, the other fish discovered how
nice the shy octopus was, and everyone around was keen to be the
friend of such a brave and honourable octopus.

Moral of the story:


Once upon a time there was a river. This river was rather unfriendly
and lonesome. The river could not remember how long ago he had
decided that he no longer wanted to put up with anything or anyone.
He lived alone, refusing to share his water with any fish, plant or

And so his life went on, sadly and filled with loneliness, for many
One day, a little girl with a goldfish bowl came to the bank of this river.
In the bowl lived Scamp, her favourite little fish. The girl was about to
move to another country, and she wouldn't be able to take Scamp with
her. So she had decided to give Scamp his freedom.

When Scamp fell into the river, he immediately felt the river's
loneliness. Scamp tried talking to the river, but the river told Scamp to
go away. Now, Scamp was a very happy little fish, and he wasn't going
to give up so easily. He asked and asked, swam and swam, and finally









The river, feeling all the jumping and splashing, started to laugh. It
After a while, this put the river in such a good mood that he started
talking to Scamp. Almost without knowing it, by the end of that day,
Scamp and the river had become very good friends.

The river spent that night thinking about how much fun it was to have
friends, and how much he had missed by not having them. He asked
himself why he had never had them, but he couldn't remember.

The next morning, Scamp woke the river with a few playful splashes...
and that was when the river remembered why he had decided to be
such an unfriendly river.

He remembered that he was very ticklish, and that he wouldn't have

been able to stand it! Now he remembered perfectly how he had told
everyone to scoot, that he wasn't going to put up with all that tickling.

But, remembering how sad and lonely he had felt for so many years,
the river realised that although it may sometimes be a bit inconvenient
or uncomfortable, it was always better to have friends and to try to be

Moral of the story:

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