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Steps to Writing a Summary

Learning the steps to writing a summary, or practicing good journal writing techniques, are
some of the best stages of writing development you can practice.
In writing nonfiction, ideas come from your life, from something that affects you personally,
emotionally. Otherwise, why would you care to voice an opinion about certain topics?
Writing nonfiction is a good place to learn writing a character sketch, or
writing a character analysis. If your story is about a person in real life, you
will want to describe that person accurately. Develop what it is about that person or event
that adds impetus to your topic.
Learn the steps to writing a summary about people, places, events, and just about anything
that you need to fully remember when fleshing out your story later.
When an event occurs that you wish to record, take notes, summarize, and then build
your story or article. Steps to writing a summary will be discussed, as well as journal
writing techniques.
The stories well examine here are meant as examples of how to write about specific real
occurrences in forms shorter than book length. However, most of the rules apply also to
book length nonfiction.
When you wish to write for the purpose of first seeking publication acceptance before
writing the piece, then different rules apply. Those will also be covered here.
That is not to suggest that you must first get approval for all nonfiction you write. Short
nonfiction pieces such as essays, narrations, and stories can be written and then submitted
to magazines, anthologies, and others.
A word of caution, however, is that every publication has a unique set of submission
guidelines to which you must adhere. Some will want to know the topic before you write the
story or article. They must determine if the information is timely or stale, or whether it can fit
into an upcoming issue.
Many publications list calls for nonfiction pieces in different themes. Then your writing can be
completed ahead of time.
When you submit a query about writing nonfiction pieces, if your project is accepted, the
editor will, most likely, give you a deadline to finish the writing. Stick to it. Dont back out.
Write it and submit, but know your market particulars and the publication with which you are
dealing. They will provide tips for writing a story. Follow their guidelines.
If you have practiced good journal writing techniques covering stories youd like to develop,
and learned the steps to writing a summary, most likely, youve already been writing a
character sketch or two.
Draw heavily on your notes. The first impressions youve captured are important.

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