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Cambodian Mekong University

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Preparations General Computer Examination

Microsoft Office Excel 2003
I. Multiple Choice Questions. Please circle one of the best answers.
1. To use the fill handle, first select the cell, and
then position the pointer over the lower-right
corner of the cell until:
a. A white cross appears.
b. The black cross (+) appears.
c. A ScreenTip tells you to drag the fill
2. If you copy the formula =C4*$D$9 from cell
C4 to cell C5, what will the formula be in cell
a. =C5*$D$9
b. =C4*$D$9
c. =C5*$E$10
3. Which operator could be used to combine
text from multiple cells into one cell?
a. $
b. &
c. %
4. Which of these dates will Excel store as plain
text rather than as a serial number?
a. June 23, 2006
b. 23-Jun-06
c. June 23 2006
5. What character should you use at the start of
every function?
a. #
b. (
c. =
6. From "10249 Tofu $18.60", which function
would find and display "10249"?
7. Which function would you use to change text
to initial capital letters?
8. Which function would you use to compare cell
a. LEN

9. In the practice, you learned how to change

text to no capitals. To do that, you use the
_____ function.
a. TRIM.
10. When you enter arguments directly on your
worksheet, what do you type between
a. A space
b. A comma
c. Nothing. Just type the next argument.
11. Which of these is a formula in Excel?
b. =STDEV(A1:A33)
c. NaC
12. To calculate monthly payments in a formula,
how would you enter a 6.00 percent annual
interest rate?
a. 6%
b. 6%/4
c. 6%/12
13. You saw in the practice how to filter data to
see only sales above a certain amount. You
clicked the AutoFilter arrow, and then clicked
_____ in the list.
a. Sort Descending
b. Top 10
c. Custom
14. What do you type to display a function tip?
a. PMT
b. =PMT
c. =PMT(
15. Which of these is a valid formula in Excel?
b. =NORMSDIST(0.3)
c. =NORMSIDST(0.3)
16. To use statistical functions with Excel you
must have:
a. A statistical add-in package.
b. You can't do statistics in Excel.
c. A computer with Excel installed.

17. In the practice, you learned how to see time

as a decimal number by clicking _____ in the
Format Cells dialog box (Number tab).
a. General.
b. Time.
c. Custom.
18. To select different time formats, on the
Format menu, click Cells, and then click:
a. Font
b. Number
c. Patterns
19. Which function finds the length of text?
a. LEN
20. What is most important about a chart?
a. That it makes your point clearly.
b. That it has a lot of colors.
c. That it's the most sophisticated chart
21. What must you do to refresh a chart when
you revise the worksheet data it displays?
a. Press SHIFT+CTRL.
b. Nothing.
c. Press F6.
22. You learned in the practice that ######
a. You've entered a number wrong.
b. You've misspelled something.
c. The cell is not wide enough.
23. Suppose you want to find every mention of Sir
Rodney's Scones in your worksheet. Which
dialog box do you need?
a. Find and Replace.
b. Format Cells.
c. Define Name.
24. To fit all the columns on your worksheet on
one printed page, what's your first step?
a. Adjust a column.
b. Use the Fit to option.
c. Open the worksheet in print

25. On which menu is the List command?

a. On the Tools menu.
b. On the Data menu.
c. On the List menu.
26. This formula, =LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)-1),
separates the first name from the last name in
a cell and enters the first name into a cell of
its own. Which part of the formula looks for
the space between the first and last names?
a. LEFT.
b. FIND.
c. The space between the quotation
27. What is an absolute cell reference?
a. The cell reference automatically
changes when the formula is copied
down a column or across a row.
b. The cell reference is fixed.
c. The cell reference uses the A1
reference style.
28. Where is the Compare Side by Side command
a. On the Window menu.
b. On the Data menu.
c. On the View menu.
29. Which keyboard shortcut opens the Go To
dialog box?
a. CTRL+B.
b. F2.
c. F5.
30. You don't always have to type a formula to
use the SUM function. You can also use
AutoSum by:
a. Clicking AutoSum on the Insert menu.
b. Clicking the AutoSum button on the
Standard toolbar.
c. Right-clicking and then clicking

II. True / False Questions. Please circle one of the best answers.
1. The first conditional formatting step is to
select data before setting up your conditions.
a. True
b. False
2. The Name Box shows you the contents of the
active cell.
a. True
b. False
3. In the practice, you learned that if you
misspell SUM in this formula =SUME(B4:B7),
you'll get an error value of #NAME? To fix the
formula, you must delete it and start over
a. True
b. False
4. If you adjust column width in print preview,
the changes affect only the preview, not the
data on the worksheet.
a. True
b. False
5. If you create a chart the quick way, by clicking
Finish in the chart wizard as soon as you see
that button, the chart is atomically placed on
the same sheet with the worksheet data used
in creating it.
a. True
b. False
6. You cannot print column titles and column
headings at the time same.
a. True
b. False
7. In a new worksheet, you must start by typing
in cell A1.
a. True
b. False
8. Using the Zoom command will make your
worksheet print bigger or smaller.
a. True
b. False
9. A chart placed on the worksheet can be
printed along with the worksheet data.
a. True
b. False
10. A chart legend provides the data that appears
in row or column titles.
a. True
b. False
11. You want to use a nested formula to fix both
incorrect capitalization and extra spaces at
the same time in cell A2. This is how to type
a. True
b. False

12. After you enter the formula to find the

number of days between two dates, there's
another step to see the final result.
a. True
b. False
13. To start a formula in Excel, you must first type
an equal sign(=)
a. True
b. False
14. You can fill up or to the left as well as down or
to the right.
a. True
b. False
15. In the practices, you learned how to delete
formulas. You can delete formulas from more
than one column at a time.
a. True
b. False
16. You can use the fill handle to enter the exact
same text more than once.
a. True
b. False
17. A chart must always have a value (y) axis.
a. True
b. False
18. You can use the fill handle to enter the exact
same text more than once.
a. True
b. False
19. To combine the text from cell A2 (Nancy) and
cell B2 (Davolio), so that the name is
displayed in one cell as Nancy Davolio, you
would type this formula in another cell:
=A2&" "B2
a. True
b. False
20. In the practice, you learned how to reverse
name order, to combine text from cell A2
(Nancy) and cell B2 (Davolio), so that the
name is displayed in cell C2 as Davolio,Nancy.
You would type this formula: =B2&",&A2
a. True
b. False


WorkSheet (How to rename WorkSheet)?

WorkSheet (How to delete WorkSheet)?


(How to insert WorkSheet)?

WorkSheet (How to move WorkSheet)?

Category: General

Category: Text

Category: Custom

Category: Number


Ex1: #,###.00
Ex2: #,###.00 Riels
Ex3: #,###.00 Euro
Ex4: #,###.00 $
Ex5: dd/mm/yy
Ex6: ddd-mmm-yyyy
Ex7: dddd/ dd-mmmm-yyyy


Microsoft Excel











Fill Handle

Name Box

Formula Bar

Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel?

Number tab?
Number tab?
Number tab?
Number tab?

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