Moral Values

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Speak Nothing but Truth

Satyameva jayate Yes, truth alone will endure, all the rest will
be swept away before the tide of the time. Truth stands for the
conformity between the word and the deed. It plays a great role
in the lives of both the individual and the community. Truth is
the beauty of speech and ground of success.
It goes without saying that the tongue is the instrument of
mutual understanding and the translation of various concepts
that save in peoples mind. If tongue is truthful in interpreting
the emotions, it will fulfil the mission of communication. If, on
the other hand the same is characterised by mistranslation, it
will be the guide to evil and means of social destruction.
Hence truth whose effects and reflection play the greatest role
in the life of an individual is a social necessity.
Hence truth never dies
Thank you

Never should we steal

Good morning,
This week we have been focusing on qualities needed to build
character and today I will be talking about why should we
never steal.
Ill start by asking a simple question why should we steal?
..........Why should we take something that is not rightly ours.
Maybe the idea of getting something for free might be
excitement but the price we pay later is much greater. Also
when we steal we never think about the person we steal from.
Stealing is wrong for a lot of reasons. All religions consider that
stealing is a sin and immortal. Also the consequences we face
after stealing may ruin our lives altogether
Thank you

Eschew anger
We all know what anger is and we have all felt it: whether as a
fleeting annoyance or a full fledged rage. It is completely
normal. Remember, when it gets out of control and turns
destructive, it can lead to problems.
The following are the few methods to control anger:
Relaxation: Simple relaxation tools, such as deep breathing can
help us to calm down angry feelings.
Cognitive restructure: We have to change the way we think.
When we are angry, our thinking can get much exaggerated
and overly dramatic. We should replace these thoughts with
positive thinking. We should understand that getting angry
does not make us feel better.
Problem solving: Sometimes, our anger and frustration are
caused by very real and inescapable problems in our lives.
There is also a cultural belief that every problem has a solution.
So we must spend time in finding out the solution to the
Better communication: Angry people tend to jump to act on and
some of those can be inaccurate. The first thing to do when we
are in heated discussion is to slow down and think about our
responses. We should not say the first thing that comes into our
head, but slow down and think carefully about what we want to
say. And at the same time, we should listen carefully what other
people are saying and respond to them carefully.
Last but not the least

Changing our environment: sometimes it is our immediate

surroundings that paves way for irritation and fury. Problems
and responsibilities can weigh on us and make us feel angry. So
we should go out of that place.
Here I would like to quote from thirukkural
iniya ulavag innadha kooral
Kaniyiruppa kaai kavandhatru

Yes aisii bhanii bholiye man ka aapa koy

Auran ko sheethal karem aap bhii sheethal hoy

Thank you

Learn to forgive
Good morning, the famous saying goes the err is human, to
forgive is divine. What makes the power of forgiveness
comparable to god? The nature of human is to get angry and
feel resentful towards those who have hurt us or did some harm
to us in anyway. Forgiveness is the act of over becoming the
feeling of resentment or revenge for the person who has done
wrong actions.
Forgiveness is a virtue by the way people perceive, it is quite
relative. Some people think that certain actions are forgivable
while others are not. Some people think that forgiveness
encourages the wrong doer to prefer ill deeds repeatedly.
Forgiveness is subjective and the act of forgiveness can have
many meanings. Acceptance or apology may be forgiveness for
some, while helping the other who hurt you to get out of the
habit of ill-treatment maybe a way for others. We all make
mistakes, so when we learn to forgive others we become better
Forgiveness helps us to feel light and get rid of hard feelings
that occupy our mind and heart. It is a way to self fulfilment.

Those who forgive, help create positive energy on this planet.

The ability to forgives gives us a sense of freedom and make us
suffer less and feel lesser misery and pain
Thank you

Be unselfish
-Aro Immaculate
Unselfishness is defined as the abnormal attachment to hte
physical/mental/emotional/etheric/vehicle or self.This may
sound rather esotheric, but it is the truth. For example, animals
and even plants tend to be rather selfish, thinking mainly of
their own survival. If you think only about yourself, you cannot
develop, which is spiritual expansion through tought of other. If
you are worried that you are too selfish and want to be on the
path to gratitude and humanity then follow the three parts. First
one is changing your perspective like practising putting yourself
last; dont let your part dictate your future; ask yourself about
what you want vs what you need. Help people you know during
their times of need; learn to share stop talking about yourself.
3rd one is being considerate, like learning to compromise;
thanking people; spending time with people who are not selfish;
do not interrupt people ; be punctual.

I like to conclude my speech by saying Dont be selfish,even

nature knows how to share its treasure.
Thank you

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