Emerging Trends in Application of Mathematics in Current Engineering Field

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Emerging Trends in Application of Mathematics in Current Engineering


Mathematics expresses itself everywhere, in almost every field of life - in nature all around us,
and in the technologies in our hands. Mathematics is the language of science and Engineering
describing our understanding of all that we observe. This paper details about Emerging Trends
in Application of Mathematics in Current Engineering Field

Mathematics have come a great length. Mathematics are used everywhere; GPS, cellular phones,
computers, the weather, our television cable guide, sound waves (use a sinusoidal wave or sine
wave), clocks, speed limits, shopping, balancing our checkbooks, etc. Math is used in every
corner of the world.
Engineering is the practical application of science and math to solve problems, and it is
everywhere in the world around you. From the start to the end of each day, engineering
technologies improve the ways that we communicate, work, travel, stay healthy, and entertain
Indeed it was not a surprise that numbers flourished, man grew and an era modern technology
came. All thanks to engineering mathematics.
Indians invented the zero, Romans, Arabians, Egyptians They are all believed to be the
inventers of the number system. But, surely no record has ever been found who created the
These numbers are about 30,000 years old.
Then came the era of thinkers who created new mathematical operations and began to use them
for every kind of purposes purpose.
Mathematics is an important part of most branches of engineering. They need to have the skill of
solving mathematical models and interpreting the practical inferences. They can do this with the
help of a computer. It is really necessary to keep up the correct balance between logical solutions
and intuition, practice and theory, and analysis and synthesis.
Its required everywhere, anywhere and every time like in



Banking and Finance sector



And the most important use is definitely for Personal day to day work.
Mathematics in various university degrees
The students who ignore Mathematics at High School level may lose several job opportunities in
future. Most of the university degrees need mathematics. Listed below are a few areas that
include Mathematics.

Tech Sciences like Networking, Computer Science, Software Development, etc.

Physical Sciences including Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, etc.

Social Sciences like Communications, Linguistics, Anthropology, Economics,

Geography, Education, etc.


Life and Health Sciences including Pharmacy, Biology, Optometry, Psychology, Nursing,

Actuarial Science used by insurance companies

Business and Commerce

Mathematics in variety of career options

Mathematics is used in every area, has its own functions and has many career options.
Algebra is used in study of symmetry in Chemistry, Networking, Computer Science, Physics,
and Cryptology. Calculus is significant in Biology, Chemistry, the motion of water
(Hydrodynamics), Physics, Rocket Science, Engineering, option price modeling in Economics
and Business models, molecular structure, etc.
Significance of Mathematics in Engineering
Mathematics is considered to be the base of all sciences. It has application in almost all the
fields of scientific as well as non-scientific study. Mathematics is applied in elementary level
subjects like Chemistry, Physics, Biology, etc as well as in complex studies like genetic
analysis, cryogenics, etc. Both Mathematics and Applied Mathematics have a significant role
in the first two years of any engineering degree course.

The main topics in the first year are statics and dynamics of a particle, integration, and
differentiation. In the second year, the importance is on differential equations and linear
Engineering can be defined as a specialized branch of science which constantly monitors the
changing needs of the world. It also deals with the designing and manufacturing of the
products that could make life simpler, fast and efficient. From the definition itself it is clear
that the application of mathematics becomes indispensable for engineering. It is impossible
to engineer something without the help of mathematics. Since the applications of
mathematics in engineering are so vast and varied, it is not possible to summarize them.
The most important areas of Mathematics in Engineering are trigonometry, differential
equations, geometry, and integral mathematics. The Civil Engineering depends greatly on
the trigonometric and geometric logics.
The Computer Science Engineering is largely dependent on numeric analysis, combinatorics,
logic analysis, and algebra. Electrical Engineering entails a lot of critical analysis, crypto
analysis, operation research and management. This branch of engineering heavily utilizes
the mathematical principles, logic, formulae, and calculations.
Engineers are problem-solvers who want to make things work more efficiently and quickly
and less expensively. From computer chips and satellites to medical devices and renewable
energy technologies, engineering makes our modern life possible. In particular, electrical
engineers and computer engineers have a wide range of study options and career paths that
let them design, build, and manage those ideas into reality.
There is also the area of mechanical engineering, constructional engineering, electrical
engineering, and many other forms. All engineering requires physics, the application of
mathematics to describe the physical world, and constructional or schematic designing.
These forms of engineering create the common devices that we use everyday from simple
stairs, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Great Wall, and all of our automotive vehicles. For now I
will use construction of a free hanging balcony, just a balcony that is not directly supported
with columns. This Balcony has a maximum wait capacity due to the fact that torque (force
displaced away from a fulcrum) the non calculus formula for torque is
=F (force in Newtons)*X(meters)
. Now a structure can only endure so much stress, engineers design ways to eliminate such
problems in confined situation, such as a balcony without bottom support. Using physics
(with calculus) and material science, an engineer can design what needs to be done and
provide a structurally safe product. Engineering is expanding as we continue to advance in
technology. Our world is now and has always been linked with engineering. Its no wonder
that Archimedes once said, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place
it , and I shall move the world."

In architecture, trigonometry plays a massive role in the compilation of building plans.

For example, architects would have to calculate exact angles of intersection for
components of their structure to ensure stability and safety.
Some instances of trigonometric use in architecture include arches, domes, support
beams, and suspension bridges.
Architecture remains one of the most important sectors of our society as they plan the
design of buildings and ensure that they are able to withstand pressures from inside.

Astronomy has been studied for millennia by civilizations in all regions of the world.
In our modern age, being able to apply Astronomy helps us to calculate distances
between stars and learn more about the universe.
Astronomers use the method of parallax, or the movement of the star against the
background as we orbit the sun, to discover new information about galaxies.
Menelaus Theorem helps astronomers gather information by providing a backdrop in
spherical triangle calculation.


Trigonometry is used in geology to estimate the true dip of bedding angles. Calculating
the true dip allows geologists to determine the slope stability.
Although not often regarded as an integral profession, geologists contribute to the safety
of many building foundations.
Any adverse bedding conditions can result in slope failure and the entire collapse of a
Electrical Engineering (A.C. Circuits): Resistors, inductors, capacitors, power engineering,
analysis of electric & magnetic fields and their interactions with materials and structures
Electronics: Digital signal processing, image processing.

Our world is now and has always been linked with engineering. Its no wonder that Archimedes
once said, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it , and I shall move
the world."
Engineering + Maths = Everything

Enginnering Maths = Nothing

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