Chemistry Project Class 12

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1) NCERT Class XII Text Book for Chemistry

2) Chemistry Laboratory Manual Class XII, APC Publications


I would like to thank my teacher

for her
valuable guidance .I would also like to thank my parents for their
support and patience, also I am indebted to my friend and
classmates for helping me out in the preparation of the project
.Once again my sincere thanks to everyone involved as this
project would not have been possible without their contribution.

To determine glucose content in different biscuits (preferably of
different brands).

Sample of biscuit, Pestle and mortar, Test tube, Tripod stand,
Benedicts reagent, Fehlings reagent

When we think of sugar we probably picture the white granules
you put in cookies, that your parents put in coffee, or that you put
on your cereal. Actually this is just one kind of sugar, called
sucrose, which is extracted from sugar cane or sugar beets.
Technically sugar is a carbohydrate that occurs naturally in every
fruit and vegetables. It is the major product of photosynthesis, the
process by which plant transform suns energy into food.
Glucose is another type of sugar and is very important
biochemical. For one thing glucose is the only fuel used by brain
cells. Glucose is also an important source of energy for muscle
and other tissue in the body.
The glucose in your blood comes from food you eat. Complex
carbohydrates found in pasta or cereals, for example are long
chains of sugar molecules that are broken down by enzymes to
simple sugars, such as glucose. Sucrose or table sugar is also
broken down to form glucose. Because carbohydrates and sucrose
in food are broken down to form glucose, the level of glucose in
our blood goes up after you eat.
Like most of the chemicals in your blood, the level of glucose
must be tightly controlled .The level of glucose in your blood is
controlled by insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas. Too little
glucose and your brain and other organs will not have the energy
they need to function .too much glucose in the blood can cause
diabetes, which is a serious and growing health problem in world.
Food product can be tested to determine whether they contain
reducing sugars through test known as Benedicts test or
Fehlings test .these test can also be used to determine if sugar is
present in certain bodily fluids, such as urine, which is important
for diagnostic testing.


Any sugar that forms an aldehyde or ketone in the presence of an
alkaline solution is a reducing sugar.
Types of reducing sugars include glucose, fructose,
glyceraldehydes, lactose, arabinose and maltose.

To test the presence of reducing sugars, a food sample is
dissolved in boiling water. Next a small amount of Benedicts
reagent is added and the solution begins to cool. During next 4-10
minutes the solution should begin to change color. If the color
changes to blue ,then no glucose is present .If a high amount of
glucose is present, then color change will progress to green,
yellow, orange, red and then a dark red or brown.

To carry Fehlings test, the solution is diluted in water and warmed
until fully dissolved .Next, Fehlings solution is added while
stirring. If reducing sugars are present, the solution should begin
to change color as rust or red colored precipitate forms. If
reducing sugars are not present, the solution will remain blue or

Reducing sugar test such as Benedicts test and Fehlings test can
be used to determine whether sugars are present in urine, which
can be indicative of diabetes mellitus they can also be used in a
qualitative manner such as in titration experiment, to determine
the amount of reducing sugar in solution .

1. Take sample of biscuit and crush it
2. Take 5ml of solution of Fehlings reagent in a test tube.
3. Add 2-3 grams of the crushed sample of biscuits and add to the
4. Put the test tube in water bath
5. Repeat this for Benedicts test.



Happy Happy
Dark Mustard
Mustard Brown

Brownish red
Dark brown

Britania contain the maximum amount of glucose followed by
Mcvities, Britania contains the least glucose of all the three

1. Weighing of the sample and reagents should be accurately
2. Rinse the test tube properly
3. Test tube should not be disturbed till the color changes
4. Take down the color readings from the sample carefully from
the color scale provided on the reagent bottle.

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