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Jennifer Coggins

Spring 2015
Book Trailer Storyboard
Book: The Sweetest Fig
Author: Chris Van Allsburg
Title Slide:
Composition: Black background with white lettering (Lucinda Grande)- The Sweetest
Fig By Chris Van Allsburg
Time- 9 seconds
Transition: Fade into black to scene 1
Audio: Background Music- 9 seconds of Lazy Day (music fades out at the end of
Narration: None

Scene 1: Introduction

Composition: Narrator (Jennifer) sitting in chair holding the book. Narrator looks straight
into the camera. The background is a taupe colored wall.
Type of Shot: Medium
Framing: Narrator is in the middle of the frame, looking directly at the camera
Time: 30-35 seconds
Transition: Fade into the next image
Audio: Narrator (Jennifer) speaking

Narration: Do you treat people kindly or are you unkind and grumpy to others? What
would you do if after treating someone very unkind, you faced a major consequence for
your actions?
The Sweetest Fig is one of my all time favorite books. Not only does it contain a
valuable life lesson, it is full of magic that will keep you on your toes! Its a book about
always treating others kindly. The Sweetest Fig is written by Chris Van Allsburg, who
also wrote, The Polar Express.

Scene 2:

Composition: Picture of Dr. Monsieur Bibot and Marcel

Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Dr. Bibot is towards the left of the frame, while Marcel is towards the right of
the frame.
Time: approx. 20 seconds
Transition: Cross Dissolve into next image
Audio: Narration and soft instrumental music in background
Narration: Monsieur Bibot is an extremely grumpy man. He lives alone in his small
apartment with his dog, Marcel. You would think that he would at least be kind to his
dog, but hes not. If Marcel even jumps on the furniture, Bibot will teach him a lesson!

Scene 3:

Composition: Picture of Dr. Bibot and the old woman

Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Both subjects are in the middle of the frame
Time: 20-25 seconds
Transition: Fade to next image
Audio: Narration and soft instrumental music in background
Narration: Bibot holds a job as a dentist. Do you think he is kind to his patients? No! All
Bibot is concerned with is making money. One day a very old woman comes into his
office with a terrible toothache. Bibot was angry that she hadnt even made an
appointment, but being the greedy man that he is, he figured he could make extra money
if he went ahead and tended to her.

Scene 4:

Composition: Picture of Dr. Bibot and old woman holding the figs
Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Bibot is to the left of the frame and the old woman is on the right side of the
Time: 20-25 seconds
Transition: Fade to the next image
Audio: Narration and soft instrumental music in background
Narration: The old woman was thankful that Bibot had helped her, but when it came time
to pay she told him that she didnt have any money. The only thing she had to offer in
exchange was two figs. These figs are very special, she whispered. They can make
your dreams come true. Bibot accepted the figs, but as usual, he was not happy.

Scene 5:

Composition: Picture of Bibot sitting at the table with his fig

Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Bibot is on the left side of the frame, while Marcel is at the bottom right of the
Time: 20-25 seconds
Transition: Fade to the next image
Audio: Narration and soft instrumental music in background
Narration: When Bibot arrived home that evening he sat down at the table to eat one of
his figs. He was pleasantly surprised when he bit into the juiciest, sweetest, most
delicious fig hed ever tasted. What would happen? The old woman said that these figs
would make his dreams come true, but just what did she mean?

Scene 6:

Composition: Picture of Bibot and his dog

Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Bibot is to the right of the frame, while Marcel is at the bottom left of the frame
Time: 25 seconds
Transition: Fade to next slide
Audio: Narration with soft instrumental music in background
Narration: The following day, Bibot is walking Marcel when he realizes that he is dressed
in his underwear. Bibot then remembers that he had a dream the night before that was
exactly like what was happening. The old woman did say that his dreams would come
true if he ate the fig. Bibot couldnt believe what was happening and now understood
what the old woman had meant. He knew that he could not waste his final fig.

Scene 7:

Composition: Picture of Bibot holding the last fig on a plate

Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Bibot is center of frame holding fig on plate
Time: 20-25 seconds
Transition: Fade to next slide
Narration: Bibot has one fig left, what will he do with it? What would you do if you had a
fig that would make your dreams come true? Would you try to make yourself dream a
certain dream when you went to sleep? Would you be too afraid to eat it? Check out,
The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsburg to find out what Bibot does with the final fig.
You wont believe what happens in the end!
End Slides
Composition: Black background with white lettering (Lucinda Grande)
Type of shot: Slides
Transition: Fade into slides, then fade to black
Audio: Soft Instrumental music
Slide 1: The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsburg
Slide 2: Published by Houghton Mifflin Company in 1993
Slide 3: Narration by Jennifer Coggins
Slide 4: Music Lazy Days courtesy of Imovie
Slide 5: Images found at (insert image credits)
Slide 6: Jennifer Coggins Georgia Southern University FRIT 7233 Spring 2015

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