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Admin w/ gonadotropin-releasing hormone

Propanolol: decrease in cravings

Abciximab (ReoPro)
Acamprostate (Campral)
Acarbose (Precose)
Acetazolamide (Diamox)
Albuterol (Preventil, Ventolin)_x000D_
Salmeterol (Serevent)
Aloe, Aloe Vera (Aloe Gel and Aloe Latex)
Alosetron (Lotronex)
Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel)
Amantadine (Symmetrel)
Amiodarone (Cardarone, Pacerone)
Amitriptyline (Elavil)
Amitriptyline (Elavil)
Tetracycline (Achromycin V)
Anastrozole (Arimidex)
Apreptitant (Emend)
Asparaginase (Elspar)
Aspirin (Ecotrin)
Atomoxetine (Strattera)
Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
Beclomethasone Dipropionate (QVAR)
Beclomethasone Dipropionate (QVAR)
Benztropine (Cogentin)
Bethanechol (Urecholine)
Bevacizumab (Avastin)
Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
Black Cohosh
Brimonidine (Alphagan)
Buprenorphine (Subutex);
Bupropion HCL (Wellbutrin)
Buproprion (Zyban)
Buspirone (BuSpar)
Buspirone (BuSpar)
Captopril (Capoten)
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Carmustine (BiCNU)
Diazepam (Valium)_x000D_
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Ciprofloxacin + Dexamethasone (Cipro HC) ot
Cisplatin (Platinol-AQ)
Clonidine (Catapres)
Clonidine (Catapres)
Clonidine (Catapres)
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
Colesevelam (WelChol)
Cromolyn Sodium (Intal)
Cromolyn Sodium (Intal)
Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar)
Cytarabine (Cytosar-U)
Dactinomycin (Actinomycin D)
Dantrolene (Dantrium)
Dexamethasone (Decadron)
Diazepam (Valium)
Diazepam (Valium)
Diazepam (Valium)
Diazepam (Valium)
Digoxin (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps, Digitek)
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
Diphenoxylate plus Atropine (Lomotil)
Disulfiram (Antabuse)
Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
Docusate Sodium (Colace)
Dopamine (Intropin)
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
Dronabinol (Marinol)
Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
Epoetin alfa (Epogen, Procit)
Ethosuximide (Zarontin)
Exenatide (Byetta)
Ezetimibe (Zetia)
Ferrous Sulfate (Feosol)
Filgrastim (Neupogen)
Fluoxetine (Prozac)

Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Flutamide (Eulexin)
Folic Acid
Fondaparinux Sodium (Arixtra)
Fresh Frozen Plasma
Furosemide (Lasix)
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Gemfibrozil (Lopid)
Ginger Root
Ginkgo Biloba
Glipizide (Glucotrol)
Glyburide (Diabeta)
Heparin Sodium
Herbs Supplements
Hydroxyurea (Hydrea, Mylocel)
Hyrdochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril)
Imatinib (Gleevec)
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
Interferon Alfa-2a, Interferon Al-fa-2b
Ipratropium (Atrovent)
Ipratropium (Atrovent)
Kava (Kava Kava)
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
Latanoprost (Xalatan)
Leuprolide (Eligard, Lupron)
Levodopa (Dopar, Larodopa)
Levodopa w/ carbidopa (Sinemet)
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
Lispro Insulin (Humalog)
Lithium Carbonate (Lithane, Eskalith, Lithobid
Losartan (Cozaar)
Lubiprostone (Amitiza)
Ma Huang (Ephedra Sinica)
Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)
Magnesium Sulfate; Oral - Magnesium Gluco
Mannitol (Osmitrol)
Mannitol (Osmitrol)
Mercaptopurine (Purinethol)
Metformin HCl (Glucophage)
Methadone (Dolophine)
Amphetamine Mix (Adderall)

Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Metoprolol (Lopressor)
Misoprostol (Cytotec)
Montelukast (Singulair)
Montelukast (Singulair)
Naltrexone (Revia)
Nicotine Gum(Prostigmin)
Nicotine Patch (Nicotrol)
Nicotinic Acid, Niacin (Niacor, Niaspan)
Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
Nitroprusside Sodium (Nitropress)
NPH insulin (Humulin N)
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Ondansetron (Zofran)
Oprelvekin (Interleukin-11, Neumega)
Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
Packed Red Blood Cells
Paclitaxel (Taxol, Onxol)
Pancuronium (Pavulon)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Pentoxifylline (Trental)
Phenelzine (Nardil)
Phenobarbital (Luminal)
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Pheresed Granulocytes
Platelet Concentrate
Potassium chloride (K-Dur)
Pramipexole (Mirapex)
Pramlintide (Symlin)
Prazosin (Minipress)
Prednisone (Deltasone)
Prednisone (Deltasone)
Procainamide (Pronestyl, Procanbid)
Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Propafenone (Rythmol)
Propanolol (Inderal)
Propranolol (Inderal)
Propranolol Hydrochloride (Inderal)
Psyllium (Metamucil)
Ramelteon (Rozerem)
Ranitidine Hydrochloride (Zantac)
Ranolazine (Ranexa)
Regular insulin (Humulin R)

Repaglinide (Prandin)
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Rituximab (Rituxan)
Rosiglitazone (Avandia)
Salmeterol (Serevent)
Sargramostim (Leukine)
Saw Palmetto
Scopolamine (Transderm Scop)
See Depression
Sitagliptin (Januvia)
Spironolactone (Aldactone)
St. Johns Wort
Streptokinase (Streptase)
Succinylcholine (Anectine)
Sucralfate (Carafate)
Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
Theophylline (Theolair, Theo-24)
(Theolair, Theo-24)
Diazepam (Valium)_x000D_
Fentanyl (Sublimaze)
Timolol (Timoptic, Betimol)
Topotecan (Hycamtin)
Trastuzumab (Herceptin)
Valproic Acid (Depakote)
Valproic Acid (Depakote)
Verapamil (Calan)
Diltiazem (Cardizem)
Vincristine (Oncovin, Vincasar)
Vitamin B12
Warfarin (Coumadin)
Whole Blood
Zolpidem (Ambien)

Antiplatelets / Glycoprotein inhibitor:

prevent platelets from clumping together by inhibiting enzymes &
factors that normally lead to clotting;
inhibit aggregation at onset of clotting process;
T: esp acute coronary syndromes
IV; hypotension, bradycardia, pro
Decreases unpleasant effects resulting from abstinence anxiety, resDiarrhea, adequate fluid intake, a
Oral Hypoglycemic, Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitor: slows carbohydrate ab
Intestinal abdominal distention
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor (systemic): Reduces production of aqueou
Anaphylaxis (allergy); N/V; Na &
Class IV: \/ electrical conduction through AV node
blood bradycardia (decreased co
Expands circulating blood volume by exerting oncotic pressure; T: hy products
Beta2-Adrenergic Agonist: selectively activates Beta2-receptors in th Tachycardia & angina b/c activat
Beta2-Adrenergic Agonist: selectively activates Beta2-receptors in th Tachycardia & angina b/c activat
Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic topically; cathartic prop Possible hypersensitivity, fluid &
Med for Irritable Bowel Syndrome w/ Diarrhea (IBS-D): Selective blocka
Constipation may result w/ GI t
Antacid: Neutralize gastric acid & inactive pepsin; protection may occConstipation; diarrhea (Mg); fluid
Antiviral: stimulate DA release, prevent dopamine reuptake, may blocCNS confusion, dizziness, restle
Class III Potassium Channel Blocker: \/ rate of repolarization, electricalPulmonary toxicity, sinus bradyc
TCA - Tricyclic Antidepressant block reuptake of norepinephrine and depressio
Orthostatic hypotension, anticho
TCA - Tricyclic Antidepressant block reuptake of norepinephrine and n
Antimicrobial: eradication of infection; T: otitis media & bacterial infe Possible allergy, GI upset, suprai
Antibiotics: Eradication of H. pylori; T: Combination of 2 or 3 antibioti See Antibiotics
Non-cytotoxic, Hormonal Agent, Aromatase Inhibitor: stops growth of Oral; muscle & joint pain, headac
Substance P/Neurokinin1 Antagonist: inhibits Substance P/Neurokinin1
Fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, poss
Other Antineoplastic Agents: G1-specific cell cycle phase, kills cance IV, IM; N/V, hypersensitivity reac
Antiplatelets / Salicylic: prevent platelets from clumping together by Oral; GI N/V, dyspepsia (ab pain
Norepinephrine Selective Reuptake Inhibitor: block reuptake of NE, n Tolerated well, minimal side-effe
HMG COA Reductase Inhibitors: \/ manufacture of LDL cholesterol, very
Hepatotoxicity (increase in serum
Glucocorticoids: Inhalation, prevent inflammation, suppress airway mDifficulty speaking, hoarseness,
Glucocorticoids: Inhalation, prevent inflammation, suppress airway mDifficulty speaking, hoarseness,
Central Acting Cholinergic: block acetylcholine at muscarinic recepto N/V; atropine-like effects dry m
Muscarinic Agonist: stimulation of muscarinic receptors of GU tract = Extreme stimulation sweating,
Targeted Angiogenesis Inhibitor: Antibody that stops cancer cell growtIV; N/V, alopecia, mucositis (GI tr
Stimulant Laxative: stimulation of intestinal peristalsis; T: treat sho GI irritation, rectal burning sensa
Acts as estrogen substitute, mechanism unknown; T: symptoms of m GI distress, lightheadedness, hea
Alpha2 Adrenergic Agonists decrease production & outflow of aqueoLocal stinging, blurred vision, he
Agonist-Antagonist Opioids: decrease feelings of craving and adherence
Atypical Antidepressant: inhibiting dopamine uptake; T: Depression, aiHeadache, dry mouth, GI distress
Decreases nicotine craving and symptoms of withdrawal
Anticholinergic affects dry mou
Nonbarbiturate Atypical anxiolytic: Unknown binds to serotonin a See
Dizziness, nausea, headache, lig
Nonbarbiturate Atypical anxiolytic: Unknown binds to serotonin a anxiety
ACEI: block the production of angiotensin II = vasodialation (mostly aFirst-dose orthostatic hypotensio
AED Mood-Stabilizing Antiepileptic Drug: slows entrance of Na & Ca CNS
b minimal, nystagmus* doub

Detox: Alcohol Adjunct Withdrawal Meds:

Carbamazepine: AED
AED - Benzodiazepines: slows entrance of Na & Ca back into neuron (slo
CNS nystagmus, double vision,
Alkylating Agent, Nitrosoureas: Nonspecific cell cycle phase, kills r
IV, Topical; bone marrow suppres
Targeted, EGRF-tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor: Antibody that stops cancer cIV; Infusion reaction, rash, hypot
Detox: Alcohol Withdrawal; Benzodiazepines: maintenance of clientsSee Benzodiazepines
Antipsychotic Conventional: Block dopamine (D2), acetylcholine, hist
Acute dystonia* Parkinsonism* A
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic + Steriod: decrease pain, edema, and erythe
CNS dizziness, lightheadedness
Alkylating Agent, Platinum Compounds: Nonspecific cell cycle phase, IV;
ki bone marrow suppression, N/
Carbamazepine: decrease in seizures
Clonidine: 2 adrenergic agonist
Centrally Acting Alpha2 Agonist: within CNS, \/ sympathetic outflow =Drowsiness, sedation, dry mouth
Suppresses autonomic hyperactivity, does not reduce cravings
Drowsiness, anticholinergic affec
Antiplatelet / Adp inhibitor: prevent platelets from clumping together Oral; prolonged bleeding time, g
Bile-Acid Sequestrants: \/ LDL cholesterol; T: adjunct w/ HMG CoA red Cholestyramine & colestipol (oth
Mast Cell Stabilizer (Anti-Inflammatory): stabilize mast cells, inhib P-B; Contra coronary artery dise
Mast Cell Stabilizer (Anti-Inflammatory): stabilize mast cells, inhib P-B; Contra coronary artery dise
Alkylating Agent, Nitrogen Mustard: Nonspecific cell cycle phase, ki Oral, IV; bone marrow suppressio
Antimetabolites, Pyrimidine Analog: S-phase specific, inhibits RNA & Subcut, IV, IM, intrathcal; bone m
Antitumor Antibiotics, Nonanthracycline: Nonspecific cell cycle phas IV; Bone marrow suppression, N/
Peripherally Acting Muscle Relaxant: acts directly on spastic muscles a
CNS sleepiness, lightheadedne
Glucocorticoid: Unknown; T: combo w/ other antiemetics for chemothPO, IV; None noted; DI: CNS depr
Centrally Acting Muscle Relaxants: acts in CNS to enhance GABA & pro
CNS sleepiness, lightheadedne
AED - Benzodiazepines: Sedative hypnotic anxiolytic: enhance inhibito
Respiratory depression, anterogr
Benzodiazepine: enhance action of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)CNS
i depression, antegrade amne
Benzodiazepine Sedative hypnotic anxiolytic: enhance inhibitory ef CNS depression, antegrade amne
Class IV:\/ electrical conduction through AV node, /\ myocardial contraBradycardia, hypotension, toxicit
Cardiac Glycoside: increased force of myocardial contraction (inotropiDysrhythmias, cardiotoxicity (mo
Antihistamine: blocks muscarinic & histaminergic receptors in nerve PO, IM, IV; DI: w/ anticholinergics
Antidiarrheal: activate opioid receptors in GI tact to \/ intestinal mot Recommended doses do not affe
Maintenance: Alcohol Abstinenc: daily oral med, aversion (behavioralW/ alcohol causes acetaldehyde
Catecholamine: Beta 1 - /\ heart rate, myocardial contractility, rate /\ heart rate; P-B; DI: , phentolam
Surfactant Laxative: lower surface tension of stool to allow water pene
GI irritation, rectal burning sensa
Catecholamine: Low Dose Dopamine receptors renal blood vessel Dysrhythmias,
angina, necrosis f
Antitumor Antibiotics, Anthracycline: Nonspecific cell cycle phase, b IV; Bone marrow suppression, N/
Cannabinoid: Unknown; T: controls CINV & /\ appetite in clients who PO; potential for dissociation & d
Stimulates immune system, \/ inflammation, /\ phagocytosis; /\ T-lympMild GI symptoms & fever, allerg
Low Molecular Weight Heparin Anticoagulants/ Parental: prevent bleedin
SubQ every 12 hr for 2-8 days; h
Catecholamine: Alpha 1 receptor vasocontriction (slows abs. Of localHypertensive crisis, dysrhythmia
Erythropoietic Growth Factor: acts on bone marrow to /\ production ofSubQ or bolus 3x/week; hyperten
AED - Benzodiazepines: suppresses neurons in thalamus responsible fN/V; sleepiness, lightheadedness
Incretin Mimetic: mimics glucagon-like peptide-1, promotes release ofGI N/V/D; pancreatitis severe
Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor: inhibits absorp. Of cholesterol secre Hepatitis, avoid alcohol, myopath
Iron Preparations: provide iron needed for RBC development & O2 trans
Ferrous Oral; Dextran Parente
Possibly blocks factor necessary to cause migraine, stops release of aMild GI symptoms, Post-feverfew
Leukeopoietic Growth Factor: stimulates bone marrow to increase produc
pain, leukocytosis, decreas
SSRI: - selectively block reuptake of monoamine neurotransmitter sern

SSRI: - selectively block reuptake of monoamine neurotransmitter serSexual dysfunction, CNS stimulat
Non-cytotoxic, Hormonal Agent, Androgen Receptor Blocker: blocks teOral; thrombocytopenia, leukope
Essential in production of DNA & erythropoiesis (RBC, WBC, & platele DI: \/ levels w/ sulfonamides, sulf
Activated factor X (Xa) inhibitory - Anticoagulants/ Parental: prevent SubQ every 12 hr for 5-9 days: h
Replaces coagulation factors; T: active bleeding, massive hemorrage,Reactions:
Acute Hemolytic, febr
High Ceiling Loop Diuretic: block reabsorption of Na & Cl & prevents Dehydration, hyponatremia, hyp
AED Unknown, analog of GABA, but does not directly affect GABA rece
Drowsiness, nystagus
Crushed garlic cells = enzyme allicin = blocks cholesterol synthesis inGI symptoms; DI: risk of bleeding
Fibrates: \/ triglyceride levels (/\ in VLDL secretion), /\ HDL levels by GI distress; gallbladder stones, m
Unknown mechanism, acts on areas of brain that cause Nausea, /\ intest
High doses uterine spasms; DI:
Promotes vasodialation, suppresses platelet aggregation & bronchospas
Mild GI upset, headache, lighthea
Oral Hypoglycemic, Sulfonylurea: insulin release from pancrease; T: cHypoglycemia SNS symptoms (
Hyperglycemic Agent: /\ blood glucose levels by increasing breakdown
GI distress (N/V); P-B
Oral Hypoglycemic, Sulfonylurea: Insulin release from the pancreas; Hypoglycemia SNS symptoms (
Antiseptic, suppresses inflammation, may stimulate immune system, High
/\ b doses CNS = respiratory f
Anticoagulants/Parental: prevent bleeding by interaction of thrombin SubQ
every 12 hr for 2-8 days; h
See Addendum Below
Other Antineoplastic Agents: S-specific cell cycle phase; kills cance Oral; N/V, bone marrow suppress
Thiazide Diuretic: in early distal convoluted tubule, blocks reabsorpt Dehydration, hypokalemia, hype
BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor: stops cancer growth by inOral; N/V, flu-like symptoms (fev
diabetes mellitus_x000D_
O: 1hr; P: none; D: 10.4-24hrs
Hypoglycemia, lipohypertrophy;
Biological Response Modifier: /\ immune response & \/ production of IV, IM, SubQ; Flu-like symptoms (
Inhaled Anticholinergics: block muscarinic receptors of bronchi = br Local anticholinergic effects (dry
Inhaled Anticholinergics: block muscarinic receptors of bronchi = br Local anticholinergic effects (dry
Unknown; possibly acts on GABA receptors in CNS; T: insomnia, anxieChronic use dry, flaky skin & ja
AED: slows entrance of Na & Ca back into neuron (slows return to actio
Common double or blurred visi
Prostaglandin Analog: increases aqueous humor outflow through relaxa
Stinging, red conjunctiva, blurred
Non-cytotoxic, Hormonal Agent, Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agoni
SubQ, IM; Hot flushes, \/ libido, \/
Dopaminergic: precursor crosses b-b barrier & taken up by dopaminerg
N/V/D; Dyskinesias (head bobbin
Dopaminergic Augment decreases amount of levodopa converted toAbnormal
movements, psychiatr

altered menta
diabetes mellitus;_x000D_
O: <15 min; P: 0.5-1hrs; D: 3-4hrs
doses b/c
Mood Stabilizer: neurochemical changes, serotonin receptor blockade,
ARB: block angiotensin II in body = vasodialation, excretion of Na & HNO cough, NO hyperkalemia; ang
Med for Irritable Bowel Syndrome w/ Constipation (IBS-C): /\ fluid secre
Diarrhea, nausea; P-C; DI: none;
May activate alpha & beta adrenergic receptors to constrict arterioles,Contains Ephedrine, stimulate ca
Osmotic Laxative: draw water into intestine to /\ mass of stool stre Toxic levels of magnesium; DI: m
Activates many intracellular enzymes & helps regulating skeletal musNueromuscular blockade & respi
Osmotic Diuretics: reduce intracranial pressure & intraocular pressur Heart failure, pulmonary edema,
Osmotic Agent: Decrease intraocular pressure rapidly drawing fluid frNone
Antimetabolites, Purine Analog: S-phase specific, interrupts RNA & D Oral, IV; bone marrow suppressio
Oral Hypoglycemic, Biguanide: Reduces production of glucose w/in livGI anorexia, N/V wt loss (6-8
Substition Oral Opioid Agonist: replaces opioid addiction, prevent Taper slowly, 12-step program
Antimetabolites, Folic Acid Analog: S-phase specific, stops cell repr Oral, IV, IM, intrathecal; bone ma
CNS Stimulants: Raise the levels of NE, serotonin, & dopamine in CN CNS Stimulations insomnia, res

Prokinetic Agent: controls N/V by blocking dopamine & serotonin recep

PO, IV; Extrapyramidal symptom
Beta Adrenergic Blockers (Sympatholytics): selective B1-adrenergic blo
Bradycardia, \/ cardiac output, AV
Prostaglandin E Analog: acts as an endogenous prostaglandin in GI traDiarrhea & abdominal pain; dysm
Leukotriene Modifier: prevent effects of leukotrienes suppressing Contra liver dysfunction; DI: no
Leukotriene Modifier: prevent effects of leukotrienes suppressing Contra liver dysfunction; DI: no
Pure Opioid Antagonist: suppresses craving and pleasurable effects ofWithdrawal symptoms; monthly
Cholinesterase Inhibitor: prevents cholinesterase (ChE) from inactivatExcessive muscarine stimulation
Nicotine replacements are substitutes for cigarettes or chewing toba Avoid while pregnant, breastfeed
Decrease LDL cholesterol & triglyceride levels; T: For pts w/ risk for paGI distress, facial flushing, hyper
Calcium Channel Blocker: Blocking of calcium channels in blood vessels
Reflex tachycardia, peripheral ed
Organic Nitrates: dilates veins & decreases venous return (preload), Headache, orthostatic hypotensi
Med: direct vasodilation of arteries and veins res Excessive hypotension, cyanide
control of diabetes
O: 1-2hr; P: 4-12hrs; D: 18-24hrs
Hypoglycemia, lipohypertrophy;
Proton Pump Inhibitor: reduce gastric acid secretion by irreversibly i None noted; N/V/D (low); P-C; co
Serotonin Antagonist: prevents emesis by blocking serotonin receptorPO, IV; headache, diarrhea, dizzi
Thrombopoietic Growth Factors: /\ production of platelets; T: \/ thro Fluid retention (peripheral edem
Muscarinic Antagonist (M3 receptor selective): inhibiting muscarinic rAnticholinergic effects constipa
Increases number of RBCs; T: severe symptomatic anemia, hemoglobin
Reactions: Acute hemolytic, febr
Antimitotics, Taxanes: Stop cell division during mitosis; T: ovarian, n IV;
anaphylaxis (hypotension, dy
Nondepolarzing Neuromuscular Blocker: Block ACh from binding w/ chol
SSRI Antidepressant: selectively inhibits serotonin reuptake; T: Ge Early nausea, diaphoresis, trem
Antiplatelet / Aterial vasodilator: prevent platelets from clumping tog Oral: dyspepsia, N/V; P-C; DI: w/
MAOI Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor: block MAO-A in brain = increaseCNS stimulation, Orthostatic hyp
Barbiturates: suppresses seizures by potentiating the effects of GAB CNS drowsiness, sedation, conf
Antiepileptic Drugs (AED) - Hydantoins: slows entrance of Na & Ca back
CNS nystagmus, sedation, atax
Replaces neutrophils/ granulocytes; T: Severe neutropenia, life-threatReactions: Acute Hemolytic, febr
Increases platelet counts; T: thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, ch Reactions: Febrile nonhemolytic,
Potassium Supplements: essential for conducting nerve impulses, mainta
GI distress & ulceration, hyperka
Dopamine Agonist: Act directly on DA receptors; T: PD for early onse Sudden inability to stay awake; d
Amylin Mimetic: reduction of postprandial glucose levels from \/ gastriNausea, reaction at injection site
Alpha Adrenergic Blockers (Sympatholytics): selective alpha-1 block First-dose hypertension, P-C; DI:
Glucocorticoids: Oral, prevent inflammation, suppress airway mucus pSuppression of adrenal function (
Glucocorticoids: Oral, prevent inflammation, suppress airway mucus pSuppression of adrenal function (
Class IA Sodium Channel Blocker: \/ electrical conduction, rate of polari
Systemic lupus syndrome (inflam
Other Antineoplastic Agents: Non-specific cell cycle phase, kills can Oral; N/V, peripheral neuropathy
Dopamine Antagonist (subset of phenothiazine): blockade of dopamine
PO, IV; Extrapyramidal symptom
Class IC Sodium Channel Blocker: \/ electrical conduction & excitabilitBradycardia, heart failure, dizzin
Beta Adrenergic Blockers (Sympatholytics): B1 & B2-adrenergic block Bradycardia,
\/ cardiac output, AV
Clonidine & Propanolol: depression of autonomic response (BP, HR, diPropranolol: Nonselective B Block
Class II Beta-Adrenergic Blocker: \/ heart rate, slow conduction rate thHypotension, bradycardia, heart
Bulk-forming Laxative: Softens fecal mass & increases bulk (just like di
GI irritation, rectal burning sensa
Melatonin Agonist: activation of melatonin receptors; T: managemen Sleepiness, dizziness, fatigue; ho
Histamine2-Receptor Antagonist: Suppress secretion of gastric acid by
noted; older adults impot
Agent: lowers cardiac oxygen demand improves exercise
QT prolongation, elevated blood
diabetes mellitus_x000D_
O: 0.5-1hr; P: 2-3hrs; D: 5-7hrs
Hypoglycemia, lipohypertrophy;

Oral Hypoglycemic, Meglitinide: Insulin release from the pancreas; T: Hypoglycemia SNS symptoms (
Antipsychotic Atypical: works by blocking serotonin & some dopamine
Onset of DM, wt gain, hyperchole
Antipsychotic Atypical: works by blocking serotonin & some dopamine
Targeted CD20-Directed Antibodies: Antibody that stops cancer cell gIV; infusion reaction, rash, hypot
Oral Hypoglycemic, Thiazolidinedione: /\ cellular response to insulin bFluid retention, /\ LDL cholestero

Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor: acts on bone mar

IV; Diarrhea, weakness, rash, ma
Unknown, may \/ conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosteroneMild GI effects; Can decrease PSA
Anticholinergic: Interferes w/ transmission of nerve impulses travelin Topical, PO, SubQ; sedation & an

Oral Hypoglycemic, Gliptin: Augments naturally occurring incretin horNone; P-B; DI: none
Potassium-Sparing Diuretic: block action of aldosterone (sodium & wat
Hyperkalemia, endocrine impot
Affects serotonin, NE, dopamine, & GABA uptake to produce antidepres
Dry mouth, lightheadedness, con
Thrombolytic: dissolve clots already formed, converts plasminogen tose
IV or intracoronary; serious risk o
Depolarzing Neuromuscular Blocker: mimics ACh, binds to cholinergicenzyme
Mucosal Protectant: Acid changes sucralfate into thick substance thatP-B;
s drink 1500mL/day; DI: May i
5-Aminosalicylates: decrease inflammation by inhibiting prostaglandin
disorders including agranu
Non-cytotoxic, Hormonal Agent, Estrogen Receptor Blocker: stops grow
Oral; endometrial cancer, hyperc
Methylxanthine: causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle; T: OralMild toxicity reaction GI distres
Methylxanthine: causes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle; T: OralMild toxicity reaction GI distres
Intravenous Anesthetics: Barbituate, Benzodiazepine 2x, Opioid; loss Hypotension, bacterial infection
Beta Adrenergic Blockers decrease intra-ocular pressure by decrea Stinging discomfort after drop ad
Topoisomerase Inhibitors, : S-specific cell cycle phase, kills cancer ce IV; Bone marrow suppression (m
Non-cytotoxic, Hormonal Agent, Monoclonal Antibody: targets breast ca
IV; cardiac toxicity, tachycardia,
/\ GABA to prevent insomnia; may be similar to benzodiazepines; T: prDrowsiness, lightheadedness, de
AED: slows entrance of Na & Ca back into neuron (slows return to actio
GI effects, hepatoxicity (anorexia
AED Suppression of high-frequency neuronal firing by blocking Na cN/V, indigestion, hepatotoxicity,
Class IV Calcium Channel Blocker: \/ force of contraction, heart rate Bradycardia & hypotension & he
Calcium Channel Blocker: Blocking of calcium channels in blood vessels
Orthostatic & peripheral edema,
Antimitotics, Vinca Alkaloid: M-Phase specific; useful in combo trea IV; peripheral neuropathy weak
Vitamin B12-Cyanocobalamin: necessary to convert folic acid from inaHypokalemia b/c increased RBC p
Anticogulant/Oral: antagonizes vitamin K, thereby preventing synthesis
Hemorrhage; Hepatitis; Toxicity/o
Increases circulating volume; T: replacement therapy for acute blood Reactions: Acute hemolytic*, feb
Nonbenzodiazepine: enhance action of GABA in CNS prolonged sleep
Daytime sleepiness, lightheaded

sion, bradycardia, prolonged bleeding, gastric bleed, thrombocytopenia; P-C; DI: w/ NSAIDs, heparin, warfarin, th
equate fluid intake, avoid if pregnant
abdominal distention & cramping, hyperactive bowl sounds, diarrhea, excessive gas; risk for anemia (\/ iron abso
(allergy); N/V; Na & K depletion; flu-like symptoms, paresthesias, fatigue, sleepiness, rare seizures, glucose dis
cardia (decreased conduction through AV node, hypotension, dyspnea, flushing of face; P-C; contra - atrial flutte

& angina b/c activation of alpha1 receptors in heart; tremors in skeletal muscle; P-C; DI: beta blockers; MAOIs &
& angina b/c activation of alpha1 receptors in heart; tremors in skeletal muscle; P-C; DI: beta blockers; MAOIs &
ersensitivity, fluid & electrolyte imbalances
n may result w/ GI toxicity ischemic colitis, bowel obstruction, impaction or perforation; contra constipation
n; diarrhea (Mg); fluid retention, hypophosphatemia, Mg toxicity w/ renal impairment; P-C; DI: Aluminum binds
sion, dizziness, restlessness; atropine like effects; antihistamine effects sedation, drowsiness
oxicity, sinus bradycardia & AV block may heart failure, photophobia, blurred vision, may blind; phlebitius w/ IV
hypotension, anticholinergic effects* sedation, decreased seizure threshold, excessive diaphoresis, use cautious

rgy, GI upset, suprainfection w/ other microbes, oral candidiasis take w/ meals

e & joint pain, headache, nausea, vaginal bleeding, /\ risk for osteoporosis, hot flushes; P-D; DI: tamoxifen & estr
rhea, dizziness, possible liver damage;
hypersensitivity reaction, alopecia, liver & pancreas toxicity, renal toxicity; P-C; contra pancreatitis; DI: may \/ e
V, dyspepsia (ab pain/indigestion); hemorrhagic stroke; prolonged bleeding time, thrombocytopenia, tinnitus, he
ell, minimal side-effects wt loss, growth suppression, nausea, vomiting, suicidal ideation in children & teens, he
ity (increase in serum transaminase), myopathy muscles aches, pain, tenderness may lead to myositis*, or r
eaking, hoarseness, and candidiasis; P-C; contra systemic fungal infections, live virus vaccine,
eaking, hoarseness, and candidiasis; P-C; contra systemic fungal infections, live virus vaccine,
e-like effects dry mouth, blurred vision, mydriasis*, urinary retention, constipation, discoloration of skin (livido
mulation sweating, tearing, urinary urgency, bradycardia & hypotension; contra peptic ulcer disease, asthma
ecia, mucositis (GI tract), hypertension, gastric perforation; P-C; DI: may /\ Irinotecan level
rectal burning sensation proctitis; dehydration
ightheadedness, headache, rash, wt gain, not in 1st two trimesters, no longer than 6 month use; DI: /\ antihype
ng, blurred vision, headache, red sclera, hypotension, drowsiness

dry mouth, GI distress, constipation, /|\ heart rate, nausea, restlessness, insomnia, wt loss, seizures; DI: MAOIs /|
gic affects dry mouth, etc; avoid CNS stimulants
ausea, headache, light-headedness, agitation; DI: no MAOIs, use 14 days after, Erythromycin, ketoconazole, gra

thostatic hypotension, cough inhibition of kinase II = /\ in bradykinin, hyperkalemia, rash & dysgeusia (taste dis
mal, nystagmus* double vision, vertigo, staggering gait, headache; Blood dyscrasia, teratogenesis, hypo-osmolar

gmus, double vision, vertigo, staggering gait, headache; DI: \/ in effect of oral contraceptives & warfarin; grapef
bone marrow suppression, N/V, pulmonary fibrosis, liver & kidney toxicity, reproductive toxicity, P-D; DI: anticoag
reaction, rash, hypotension, wheezing, pulmonary emboli, skin toxicity, rash; P-C; DI: sun may /\ skin toxicity

nia* Parkinsonism* Akathisia* Late extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)*, tardive dyskinesia (TD)* Neuroleptic malig
ess, lightheadedness, tremors, restlessness, convulsions; rash warm container w/ hands so no dizziness; use f
rrow suppression, N/V, renal toxicity, hearing loss; P-D; DI: w/ aminoglycosides may /\ risk for renal toxicity; w/ c
2 adrenergic agonist
sedation, dry mouth, rebound hypertension, P-C; DI: antihypertensive meds, w/ prazosin, MAOIs, trycyclic antid
anticholinergic affects
ged bleeding time, gastric bleed, thrombocytopenia; P-B; DI: w/ NSAIDs, heparin, warfarin, thrombolytics, antipla
mine & colestipol (others) may cause GI distress & \/ absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, constipation; Cholesterya
coronary artery disease; dysrhythmias; status asthmaticus; 15 min before exercise or allergen exposure; not b
coronary artery disease; dysrhythmias; status asthmaticus; 15 min before exercise or allergen exposure; not b
e marrow suppression, N/V, acute hemorrhagic cystisis, alopecia; P-D; contra myelosuppression; DI: Barbitura
M, intrathcal; bone marrow suppression, N/V, liver disease, pulmonary edema, arachnoiditis* (nausea, headache
rrow suppression, N/V, extravasations of vesicants cause severe tissue damage; alopecia; P-D; contra active c
ness, lightheadedness, fatigue; hepatotoxicity anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice; muscle w
e noted; DI: CNS depressants may intensify antiemetic CNS depression; w/ antihypertensives = /\ hypotensive eff
ness, lightheadedness, fatigue, long-term use = dependency; DI: CNS depressants; no quick withdrawal; P-D
depression, anterograde amnesia; DI: None Listed
sion, antegrade amnesia, acute toxicity = oral - lethargy, confusion; IV resp depression, severe hypotension, p
sion, antegrade amnesia, acute toxicity = oral - lethargy, confusion; IV resp depression, severe hypotension, p
, hypotension, toxicity, N/V, dysrhythmias; 0.5 2 ng/mL; hold dose if HR < 60; P-C; DI: Amiodarone, diltiazem, n
as, cardiotoxicity (monitor drug & K levels;; GI N/V, anorexia, ab pain; CNS diplopia, blurred visio
I: w/ anticholinergics = /\ anticholinergic effects
ded doses do not affect CNS; high doses CNS depression, euphoria, typical opioid effect; atropine blurred visi
auses acetaldehyde syndrome*; nausea, vomiting, weakness, sweating, palpitations, and hypotension
; P-B; DI: , phentolamine blocks action on Alpha receptors, Beta-adrenergic blocking agents block effect
rectal burning sensation proctitis; dehydration, hypernatremia;
as, angina, necrosis from extravasation of high doses of dopamine; P-C; DI: , phentolamine blocks action on Alph
rrow suppression, N/V, extravasations of vesicants cause severe tissue damage; alopecia, acute cardiac toxicity
l for dissociation & dysphoria; hypotension, tachycardia,
ptoms & fever, allergic reactions; DI: chronic use may \/ effects of meds for tuberculosis, HIV, or cancer
12 hr for 2-8 days; hemorrhage; neurological damage; thrombocytopenia, toxicity; DI: antiplatelet agents; no m
e crisis, dysrhythmias, /\ oxygen demand = angina; P-C; DI: MAOIs prolong effects, Tricyclic antidepressants pro
us 3x/week; hypertension secondary to hematocrit levels, /\ risk of cardiovascular event w/ /\ in Hgb above 12g/
ess, lightheadedness, fatigue
pancreatitis severe & intolerable ab pain; P-C; contra renal failure, ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease; DI: oral
void alcohol, myopathy; P-X; DI: Bile acid sequestrants (cholestyramine) interfere w/ absorp.; Statins /\ risk of liv
al; Dextran Parenteral; GI distress, teeth staining (liquid form), staining of skin, etc; anaphylaxis risk; hypotens
ptoms, Post-feverfew syndrome agitation, tiredness, inability to sleep, headache, joint discomfort; allergic reac
eukocytosis, decrease or stop if > 100,000/mm3; Contra pts sensitive to Escherichia; Do not agititate, use vial

unction, CNS stimulation, wt loss, serotonin syndrome, withdrawal, hyponatremia, rash, sleepiness, GI bleeding,
bocytopenia, leukopenia (rare), gynecomastia, N/V/D, hepatitis; P-D; DI: w/ flutamide & warfarin may /\ anticoagu
w/ sulfonamides, sulfasalazine, or methotrexate; Goal = folate level 6-15 mcg/mL;
12 hr for 5-9 days: hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, toxicity; DI: antiplatelet agents; no monitoring required, sho
cute Hemolytic, febrile nonhemolytic, anaphylactic, mild allergic, circulatory overload, sepsis
, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypotension, ototoxicity (transient), hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricem
s; DI: risk of bleeding w/ anticoagulants; /\ hypoglycemic effects of diabetic meds; /\ levels of saquinavir
gallbladder stones, myopathy muscle tenderness, pain), hepatoxicity, P-C; DI: w/ warfarin = /\ risk of bleeding,
uterine spasms; DI: interfere w/ coagulation meds
t, headache, lightheadedness, risk for seizure; DI: may interact w/ meds that lower seizure threshold (Antihistam
ia SNS symptoms (tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, shakiness) gradual = PNS symptoms headache, tre

ia SNS symptoms (tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, shakiness) gradual = PNS symptoms headache, tre
CNS = respiratory failure & death; stimulates uterus (pregos); DI: none
12 hr for 2-8 days; hemorrage from overdose; thrombocytopenia; hypersensitivity reactions (chills, fever, urtica

one marrow suppression (may occur 4-6 wks after infusion); P-D; contra myelosuppression or anemia; DI: cytot
, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia; DI: Digoxin (b/c hypoK); antihypertensives = hypotensive; NSAIDs reduce diuret
u-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, headache, chills, myalgia), edema, hypokalemia, neutropenia, anemia; P-D; DI:
ia, lipohypertrophy; DI: Sulfonylureas, meglitinides, beta blockers, & ETOH have additive hypoglycemic effects,
; Flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, headache, chills, myalgia); bone marrow suppression, alopecia, cardiotoxicit
olinergic effects (dry mouth, hoarseness); P-B; contra peanut allergies (may contain soy lecithin)
olinergic effects (dry mouth, hoarseness); P-B; contra peanut allergies (may contain soy lecithin)
dry, flaky skin & jaundice; chronic use & large doses = liver damage/ failure; DI: sedation w/ CNS depressants
double or blurred vision, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting; skin rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, DI: Carba
d conjunctiva, blurred vision, migraine (rare)
ot flushes, \/ libido, \/ bone density, arrhythmias, pulmonary edema; P-X; DI: none noted; need to /\ Ca & vitamin
inesias (head bobbing, tics, grimacing, tremors); Ortho hypotension; Cardio tachycardia, palpitations, irregular
ovements, psychiatric disorders
iness, altered mental status, paresthesias, seizures; respiratory arrest; P-B; contra Stokes-Adams syndrome, W
ia, lipohypertrophy; DI: Sulfonylureas, meglitinides, beta blockers, & ETOH have additive hypoglycemic effects,

NO hyperkalemia; angioedema, fetal injury P-D; no 2nd & 3rd tri pregos; DI: antihypertensive meds /\ effect
usea; P-C; DI: none; oral dosage 2xs/day
hedrine, stimulate cardio system & may cause extreme hypertension dysrhythmias, & death; euphoria & psycho
of magnesium; DI: may destroy enteric coating of bisacodyl
ular blockade & respiratory depression, diarrhea; P-B; DI: \/ absorption of tetracyclines
e, pulmonary edema, renal failure, fluid & electrolyte imbalances; furosemide adds effect; use filter needle when

e marrow suppression, N/V, liver toxicity, mucositis (GI), gastric ulcers, perforation; P-D; DI: may \/ breakdown o
a, N/V wt loss (6-8 lbs); Vitamin B12 & folic acid deficiency from altered absorption; lactic acidosis (hyperventi
, 12-step program
intrathecal; bone marrow suppression, N/V, mucositis (GI), gastric ulcers, perforation, reproductive toxicity, hyp
tions insomnia, restlessness, wt loss; cardio dysrythmias, chest pain, high BP, sudden death w/ heart abnorm

apyramidal symptoms (antihistamine to stop); sedation, diarrhea; contra GI perforation, GI bleed, bowel obstru
, \/ cardiac output, AV block, orthostatic hypertension, rebound myocardium excitation; DI: CCBs intensify BBs, w
abdominal pain; dysmenorrhea & spotting; P-X drug; take w/ meals & at bedtime;
er dysfunction; DI: none listed take once daily before bed
er dysfunction; DI: none listed take once daily before bed
symptoms; monthly injections for trouble adhering
uscarine stimulation = GI motility, GI secretions, bradycardia, urinary urgency; Cholinergic crisis resp depress
pregnant, breastfeeding; gum not longer than 6 months; chew slowly over 30 min; avoid eat/drink 15 prior;
acial flushing, hyperglycemia, hepatotoxicity, hyperuricemia, 3x/ day w/ or after meals
cardia, peripheral edema, acute toxicity; DI: Beta blockers \/ reflex tachycardia, grapefruit juice = toxicity
orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia, tolerance (8hr free time), P-C, DI: Alcohol /\ hypotensive effect, antih
ypotension, cyanide poisoning headache, drowsiness, eventual cardiac arrest; thiocynate poisoning; P-C; Med
ia, lipohypertrophy; DI: Sulfonylureas, meglitinides, beta blockers, & ETOH have additive hypoglycemic effects,
N/V/D (low); P-C; contra hypersensitive to meds; long term use risk of gastric cancer & osteoporosis; DI: ma
ache, diarrhea, dizziness
on (peripheral edema, dyspnea on excertion); dysrhythmias tachycardia, atrial fib, atrial flutter; conjunctival in
gic effects constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, dry eyes; CNS hallucinations, confusion, inso
cute hemolytic, febrile nonhemolytic, anaphylactic, mild allergic, sepsis
xis (hypotension, dyspnea, rash), bone marrow suppression, bradycardia, heartblock, MI, alopecia, contra- hype

ea, diaphoresis, tremor, fatigue, drowsiness; Late sexual disfunction (5wks); wt gain, GI bleed, Serotonin synd
psia, N/V; P-C; DI: w/ NSAIDs, heparin, warfarin, thrombolytics, antiplatelets /\ bleeding; Pentoifylline may /\ level
tion, Orthostatic hypotension, hypertensive crisis (tyramine), local rash from admin; DI: indirect acting sympath
iness, sedation, confusion, anxiety; toxicity nystagmus, ataxia, respiratory depression, come, pinpoint puils, h
gmus, sedation, ataxia, double vision; Gingival hyperplasia*, skin rash, tetratogenic (cleft palate, heart defects)
cute Hemolytic, febrile nonhemolytic, anaphylactic, mild allergic, circulatory overload, sepsis
ebrile nonhemolytic, mild allergic, sepsis
& ulceration, hyperkalemia; contra severe renal disease, hypoaldosteronism; DI: w/ spironolactone & ACE inhib
bility to stay awake; daytime sleepiness, ortho hypotension; hallucinations, nightmares; dyskinesias, Can allow lo
ction at injection site; P-C; contra renal failure or dialysis; DI: insulin /\ risk for hypoglycemia; w/ pramlintide &
ypertension, P-C; DI: antihypertensive meds add effect, NSAIDs & clonidine \/ effects
of adrenal function (glucocorticoid production); bone loss; hyperglycemia and glucosuria; myopathy (weakness
of adrenal function (glucocorticoid production); bone loss; hyperglycemia and glucosuria; myopathy (weakness
pus syndrome (inflamed joints), blood dyscrasias, cardiotoxicity, hypotension; P-C; DI: antidysrhythmics /\ effect
eripheral neuropathy weakness & paresthesia; P-D; contra severe myelosuppression; DI: may /\ depressant e
apyramidal symptoms restlessness, anxiety, spasms of face & neck; hypotension, sedation, anticholinergic dr
, heart failure, dizziness, weakness; P-C; contra heart failure, bradycardia; DI: antidysrhythmics induce heart fa
, \/ cardiac output, AV block, orthostatic hypertension, rebound myocardium excitation & bronchoconstriction, gl
Nonselective B Blocker
n, bradycardia, heart failure, fatigue; P-C; contra heart failure, bradycardia; DI: Verapamil & diltiazem /\ effects;
rectal burning sensation proctitis; dehydration
dizziness, fatigue; hormonal amenorrhea, decreased libido, difficulty w/ fertility, galactorrhea; Contra pregos
older adults impotence, CNS effects; P-B; DI: w/ antacids \/ absorption; eat six small meals/ day; oral dose 2x/
tion, elevated blood pressure; DI: inhibitors of CYP3A4 /\ levels of ranolazine torsades de pointes* i.e. grapef
ia, lipohypertrophy; DI: Sulfonylureas, meglitinides, beta blockers, & ETOH have additive hypoglycemic effects,

ia SNS symptoms (tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, shakiness) gradual = PNS symptoms headache, tre
, wt gain, hypercholesterolemia, orthostatic hypertension, anticholinergic effects, agitation, dizziness, sedation,

reaction, rash, hypotension, wheezing, flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, headache, chills, myalgia), tumor lysis
on, /\ LDL cholesterol; P-C; DI: w/ gemfibrozil = inhibition of metabolism /\ risk of hypoglycemia

, weakness, rash, malaise, bone pain, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis; contra clients allergic to yeast; do not com
ts; Can decrease PSA marker to detect prostate cancer; DI: possible additive effects w/ finasteride (Proscar)
SubQ; sedation & anticholinergic dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation; DI: w/ anticholinergics = /\ antich

ia, endocrine impotence, irregularities of menstrual cycle; DI: ACEIs /\ risk of hyperK, w/ K supplements, /\ risk
ightheadedness, constipation, GI symptoms, skin rash w/ sunlight; DI: Serotonin Syndrome w/ antidepressants,
ronary; serious risk of bleeding from different sites (brain, needle puncture sites, wounds); hypotension, allergic

500mL/day; DI: May interfere w/ absorption of phenytoin, digoxin, warfarin, & ciprofloxacin; Antacids interfere w
ers including agranulocytosis, hemolytic, & macrocytic anemia; P-B; contra med sensitive; DI: none; 4 oral dos
etrial cancer, hypercalcemia, N/V, pulmonary embolus, hot flushes, vaginal discharge or bleeding; P-D; contra
reaction GI distress & restlessness; high tox dysrhythmias & seizures; (5-15mcg/mL) use charcoal, lidocain
reaction GI distress & restlessness; high tox dysrhythmias & seizures; (5-15mcg/mL) use charcoal, lidocain
n, bacterial infection w/ propofol; ketamine = hallucinations, confusion; CNS depressants increase depression, CN
comfort after drop administered; conjunctivitis, blurred vision, photophobia, dry eyes, - may have systemic effec
rrow suppression (may occur 4-6 wks after infusion), alopecia; P-D, may /\ myelosuppression
oxicity, tachycardia, heart failure; hypersensitivity reaction, N/V; P-B; DI: none listed
lightheadedness, depression; risk of physical dependence; avoid with mental health disorders & pregos / lactat
epatoxicity (anorexia, ab pain, jaundice), pancreatitis, thrombocytopenia, tetratogenesis, DI: Concurrent use in
tion, hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis, thrombocytopenia; concurrent use /|\ levels of phenytoin & phenobarbital
& hypotension & heart failure; P-C; contra- a fib/flutter, severe hypotension; DI: w/ beta blockers /\ effects; /\ eff
& peripheral edema, constipation, suppression of cardiac function (bradycardia, heart failure); dysrhythmias (QR
al neuropathy weakness & paresthesia, extravasations of vesicants cause severe tissue damage, alopecia; P-D
a b/c increased RBC production effects; DI: masking of signs beefy red tongue, pallor, neuropathy
; Hepatitis; Toxicity/overdose; P-X; Anti vitamin K (Mephyton); DI: w/ heparin, aspirin, acetaminophen, glucoco
cute hemolytic*, febrile nonhemolytic*, anaphylactic*, mild allergic*, circulatory overload*, sepsis*;
epiness, lightheadedness allow for 8 hours of sleep,

IDs, heparin, warfarin, thrombolytics, antiplatelets /\ bleeding

k for anemia (\/ iron absorption); hepatoxicity w/ long-term use; P-B; contra GI disorders DI: w/ sulfonylureas o
are seizures, glucose disturbances; DI: w/ aspirin metabolic acidosis, /\ quinidine, kidney stones, osteomalacia
P-C; contra - atrial flutter & fib; DI: methylxanthines (theophylline & caffeine) block receptors = \/ effect, /\ effec

: beta blockers; MAOIs & tricyclic antidepressants angina & tachycardia; use before glucocorticoids;
: beta blockers; MAOIs & tricyclic antidepressants angina & tachycardia; use before glucocorticoids;

on; contra constipation, hx of bowel obstruction, Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, impaired intestinal circulat
P-C; DI: Aluminum binds to warfarin & tetracycline & interferes w/ absorption; water or milk w/ admin; 7xs/ day

may blind; phlebitius w/ IV, hypotension, GI disturbances, thyroid dysfunction; P-D; contra newborns, infants, br
diaphoresis, use cautiously with HTN, DI: MAOIs & St. Johns wort = Serotonin Syndrome, Antihistamines & antich

P-D; DI: tamoxifen & estrogen-like meds may \/ effects; w/ anastrozole & anthracyclines may /\ risk for cardiac e

pancreatitis; DI: may \/ effects of methotrexate; predinsone & vincristine may /\ toxicity; give test dose w/ resu
mbocytopenia, tinnitus, hearing loss; P-D; DI: w/ NSAIDs, heparin, warfarin, thrombolytics, antiplatelets /\ bleedin
on in children & teens, hepatoxicity; DI: w/ MAOIs = hypertensive crisis; Paroxetine, fluoxetine, or quinidine gluc
ay lead to myositis*, or rhabdomyolysis*, peripheral neuropathy weakness, numbness, tingling, & pain in hand

scoloration of skin (livido reticularis*) DI: None noted

tic ulcer disease, asthma, coronary insufficiency, hyperthyroidism

month use; DI: /\ antihypertensive med effects, estrogen med effects, hypoglycemia

ss, seizures; DI: MAOIs /|\ risk of toxicity, P-B; use autumn to spring

mycin, ketoconazole, grapefruit juice increases effects, P-B,

sh & dysgeusia (taste distortion), angioedema (tongue, pharynx), neutropenia (rare); DI diuretics = 1st dose a
atogenesis, hypo-osmolarity, dermatitis, rash, Steven-Johnson Syndrome* DI: Carbamazepine \/ effect of warfari

ptives & warfarin; grapefruit /\ levels, phenytoin & Phenobarbital \/ effects

toxicity, P-D; DI: anticoagulants may /\ bleeding time; w/ carmustine & cimetidine may /\ bone marrow suppress
n may /\ skin toxicity

(TD)* Neuroleptic malignant syndrome* anticholinergic effects, orthostatic hypotension, sedation, neuroendocr
ds so no dizziness; use for 30-60 secs!
sk for renal toxicity; w/ cisplatin & furosemide may /\ hearing loss; may \/ levels of phenytoin

in, MAOIs, trycyclic antidepressants counter effect, CNS depressants

rin, thrombolytics, antiplatelets /\ bleeding

constipation; Cholesteryamine & colestipol from complexes w/ digoxin, warfarin, thiazides, and tetracyclines \/ a
allergen exposure; not bronchodialator
allergen exposure; not bronchodialator
uppression; DI: Barbiturates may /\ effect; may /\ cardiac toxicity or cardiotoxic agents; may /\ digoxin levels; w/
ditis* (nausea, headache, fever); P-D; DI: \/ digoxin level & gentamicin response to Klebsiella pneumoniae; watc
ia; P-D; contra active chicken pox or herpes zoster; DI: none
l pain, jaundice; muscle weakness; DI: CNS depressants
sives = /\ hypotensive effects; w/ anticholinergics = /\ anticholinergic effects
quick withdrawal; P-D

n, severe hypotension, paradoxical response insomnia, excitation; withdrawal symptoms; DI: CNS depressants
n, severe hypotension, paradoxical response insomnia, excitation; withdrawal symptoms; DI: CNS depressants
Amiodarone, diltiazem, nifedipine, quinidine, & verapamil /\ levels; Corticosteriods, diuretics, thiazides, & amph
S diplopia, blurred vision, yellow-green or white halos, fatigue, P-C; DI: Diuretics = low K, ACE & ARBs = hyper

ct; atropine blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, tachycardia; contra Inflammatory bowe
nd hypotension
ents block effect

ine blocks action on Alpha receptors, Beta-adrenergic blocking agents block effect; Diuretics /\ beneficial effects
ia, acute cardiac toxicity, dysrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, heart failure (may have delayed onset); P-D; contra

, HIV, or cancer
antiplatelet agents; no monitoring required, shot = two mins of pressure & rotate sites
yclic antidepressants prolong & intensify; general anesthetics = hypersensitivity, phentolamine blocks action on
t w/ /\ in Hgb above 12g/dL or more than 1 g in 2 weeks; Contra uncontrolled hypertension, cancer w/ tumor g

Crohns disease; DI: oral meds absorption delayed (esp. oral contras & antibiotics); admin before meal
sorp.; Statins /\ risk of liver dysfunction and/or myopathy; w/ fibrates /\ gallstone risk & myopathy; levels /\ w/ cy
naphylaxis risk; hypotension may circulatory collapse, iron toxicity; DI: w/ antacids or tetracyclines \/ absorp; v
discomfort; allergic reactions; DI: may /\ risk of bleeding
Do not agititate, use vial once, monitor CBC 2x/week; Goal - /\ 10,000/mm3

sleepiness, GI bleeding, Bruxism DI: MAOIs, TCAs, St. Johns wort = Serotonin Syndrome, displaces warfarin, inc
warfarin may /\ anticoagulation;
monitoring required, shot = two mins of pressure & rotate sites

erglycemia, hyperuricemia, \/ calcium & magnesium levels; P-C; avoid pregos unless absolutely necessary; DI: D

els of saquinavir
arin = /\ risk of bleeding, w/ statins = risk of myopathy, bile acid sequestrants interfere absorption, - take 30 mi

ure threshold (Antihistamines, antidepressants, & antipsychotics); interfere w/ coagulation meds

ymptoms headache, tremors, weakness; P-C; DI: ETOH = disulfiram-like reaction (N/V, flushing, palpitations);

ymptoms headache, tremors, weakness; DI: ETOH = disulfiram-like reaction (N/V, flushing, palpitations); ETOH

tions (chills, fever, urticaria {hives}); toxicity; Contra eye, brain, spinal cord surgery, lumbar puncture, regio

sion or anemia; DI: cytotoxic meds may /\ hydroxyurea (med); use w/ birth control
ve; NSAIDs reduce diuretic effect
openia, anemia; P-D; DI: acetaminophen may /\ liver failure, may /\ warfarin effect; clarithromycin, erythromycin
ve hypoglycemic effects, w/ thiazide diuretics & glucocorticoids may /\ blood glucose levels & counteract insulin;
on, alopecia, cardiotoxicity, & neurotoxicity (prolonged therapy); hypotension; P-C; contra liver, kidney failur, s
oy lecithin)
oy lecithin)
tion w/ CNS depressants
son syndrome, DI: Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital \/ effect, Valproic acid inhibits metabolism of lamo

d; need to /\ Ca & vitamin D to /\ bone mass, prostate symptoms may worsen at first
ia, palpitations, irregular heart beat, hallucinations, nightmares, discoloration of urine, activation of malignant m

okes-Adams syndrome, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, severe heart block; DI: cimetidine, beta blockers, & phe
ve hypoglycemic effects, w/ thiazide diuretics & glucocorticoids may /\ blood glucose levels & counteract insulin;

nsive meds /\ effect

death; euphoria & psychosis (high dose); DI: potentiates CNS stimulants; severe hypertension w/ MAOIs, \/ antih

ct; use filter needle when drawing from vile & filter in tube

; DI: may \/ breakdown of mercaptopurine & musclar relaxant effect of nondepolarizing neuromuscular meds (p
ctic acidosis (hyperventilation, myalgia, sluggishness, somnolence) 50% mortality; P-B; Contra severe infect

eproductive toxicity, hyperuricemia or /\ levels of uric acid = may cause renal damage; P-X, contra w/ psoriasis
en death w/ heart abnormalities; hallucinations, paranoia, withdrawal (depression, severe fatigue); drug abuse,

n, GI bleed, bowel obstruction, & hemorrhage, seizures; DI: w/ CNS depressants /\ seizure & sedation, opioids &
DI: CCBs intensify BBs, w/ antihypertensive meds intensify hypotension

ergic crisis resp depression; DI: Atropine counters, reverses nerve blocks, succinylcholine /\ neuromuscular bloc
d eat/drink 15 prior;

uit juice = toxicity

hypotensive effect, antihypertensive meds /\ hypotensive effects, sildenafil (Viagra) + nitroglycerin = life-threat
ate poisoning; P-C; Med color = light brown
ve hypoglycemic effects, w/ thiazide diuretics & glucocorticoids may /\ blood glucose levels & counteract insulin;
r & osteoporosis; DI: may /\ digoxin levels, extreme \/ of absorption of ketoconazole, itraconazole, & atazanavir;

rial flutter; conjunctival injection, transient blurring vision, papilledema; allergic reactions
cinations, confusion, insomnia, nervousness; contra glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, paralytic illeus, etc; DI: ant

MI, alopecia, contra- hypersensitive to castor oil; DI: cisplatin may /\ myelosuppression; cyclosporine, dexametha

GI bleed, Serotonin syndrome* Bruxism* withdrawal DI: MAOIs or TCAs = serotonin syndrome
Pentoifylline may /\ levels of theophylline;
indirect acting sympathomimetics & TCA & Tyramine= hypertensive, antihypertensive = hypotensive, Meperid
n, come, pinpoint puils, hypotension; DI: none listed
eft palate, heart defects), dysrhythmias, hypotension; coarsening of facial features, hirsutism DI: \/ warfarin, ora

ronolactone & ACE inhibitors (lisinopril) /\ risk of hyperkalemia NEVER bolus, no faster than 10mEq/hr; monito
dyskinesias, Can allow lower dosage of levodopa & w/ may = hypotension, dyskinesia, P-C
cemia; w/ pramlintide & meds that slow gastric emptying (opioids) or delay food absorption (acarbose) may fur

ia; myopathy (weakness); peptic ulcer disease; infection; disturb fluid & electrolytes; DI: K-depleting diuretics (h
ia; myopathy (weakness); peptic ulcer disease; infection; disturb fluid & electrolytes; DI: K-depleting diuretics (h
ntidysrhythmics /\ effect & toxicity, antihypertensives /\ hypotension; contra heart block, atypical v. tachycard
; DI: may /\ depressant effects of CNS depressants, may \/ digoxin levels, opioids may cause hypotension; watch
ation, anticholinergic dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation;
rhythmics induce heart failure, propafenone slow metabolism = /\ levels of digoxin, oral anticoagulants, & propa
& bronchoconstriction, glycogenolysis inhibited; DI: CCBs intensify BBs, w/ antihypertensive meds intensify hypo

mil & diltiazem /\ effects; may mask insulin effect hypoglycemia fat break down; w/ food to increase absorptio

torrhea; Contra pregos, lactation; DI: high fat foods \/ absorp.; w/ fluvoxamine /\ levels; CNS depressants = ad
meals/ day; oral dose 2x/day
de pointes* i.e. grapefruit juice, HIV protease inhibitors, macrolide antibiotics, azole antifungals, & verapamil;
ve hypoglycemic effects, w/ thiazide diuretics & glucocorticoids may /\ blood glucose levels & counteract insulin;

ymptoms headache, tremors, weakness; P-C; DI: w/ gemfibrozil = inhibition of metabolism /\ risk of hypoglyc
tion, dizziness, sedation, sleep disruption, mild EPS; DI: Immunosuppressive agents, CNS depressants; Barbitur

ls, myalgia), tumor lysis syndrome due to rapid cell death may kidney failure, hypocalcemia & hyperuricemia;

rgic to yeast; do not combine w/ other meds or agitate

w/ finasteride (Proscar)
ticholinergics = /\ anticholinergic effects

w/ K supplements, /\ risk of hyperK

ome w/ antidepressants, amphetamine, & cocaine; \/ effect of oral contraceptives, cyclosporine, warfarin, digoxi
ds); hypotension, allergic reaction (urticaria, itching, flushing) severe anaphylactic reaction; DI: w/ NSAIDs, hep

cin; Antacids interfere w/ absorption of sucralfate; 2hr interval for meds; 30 min for antacids
itive; DI: none; 4 oral doses/ day
or bleeding; P-D; contra pts on warfain & w/ hx of blood clots or pulmonary embolism; DI: may /\ action of warf
) use charcoal, lidocaine (dysrhythmias); diazepam (seizures) periodic blood draws P-C DI: Caffeine /\ cardiac
) use charcoal, lidocaine (dysrhythmias); diazepam (seizures) periodic blood draws P-C DI: Caffeine /\ cardiac
s increase depression, CNS stimulants increase, Opioids = cough suppression
may have systemic effects of BB; DI: oral forms = more system affects, may interfere w/ insulin

sorders & pregos / lactating pts

s, DI: Concurrent use increases phenytoin and Phenobarbital, P-D
oin & phenobarbital
a blockers /\ effects; /\ effects of carbamazepine & digoxin; BB = congestive heart failure; notify Dr if peripheral
ailure); dysrhythmias (QRS complex widened, QT interval prolonged); acute toxicity hypotension, bradycardia,
ue damage, alopecia; P-D; contra Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome; P-D; DI: Asparaginase may \/ clearance of vin
acetaminophen, glucocorticoids, sulfonamides, and parenteral cephalosporins /\ effects (bleeding); w/ Phenobar
ad*, sepsis*;

ers DI: w/ sulfonylureas or insulin /\ risk of hypoglycemia; w/ Metformin = additive effects & risk for hypoglycemi
ey stones, osteomalacia, decrease lithium levels
eptors = \/ effect, /\ effects of dipyridamole (Persantine); effects last for one minute


paired intestinal circulation; DI: meds that induce cytochrome P450 enzymes (Phenobarbital), may \/ levels of a
milk w/ admin; 7xs/ day 1 & 3 hrs after meals & before bed; take ALL meds 1 hr before or after antacids

ra newborns, infants, bradycardia, DI: /\ levels of quinidine, procainamide, digoxin, diltiazem, & warfarin; chole
, Antihistamines & anticholinergic additive, /|\ effect of sympathomimetics, TCAs decrease effect, avoid CNS d

may /\ risk for cardiac effects

y; give test dose w/ resuscitation equipment, use w/ birth control

s, antiplatelets /\ bleeding; urine acidifiers may /\ levels; may \/ hypertensive actions of Beta blockers; corticoste
xetine, or quinidine gluconate /\ atomoxetine
s, tingling, & pain in hands & feet; P-X; Asian decent = Rosuvastatin; DI: Fibrates & ezetimibe /\ risk of myopathy

diuretics = 1st dose additive hypotension; K supplements add hyperkalemia; ACEis /\ lithium levels; NSAIDs \
epine \/ effect of warfarin, grapefruit juice inhibits metabolism, phenytoin and Phenobarbital decrease effects o

/\ bone marrow suppression; w/ carmustine & mitomycin may /\ corneal dysfunction

n, sedation, neuroendocrine effects* Seizures, sexual dysfunction, photosensitivity, agranulocytosis* severe dys

es, and tetracyclines \/ absorption; 30 min before meal

may /\ digoxin levels; w/ succinylcholine may /\ neuromuscular blockage

bsiella pneumoniae; watch for neurotoxicity (nystagmus)

ms; DI: CNS depressants; Flumazenil (Romazicon) to counteract, P-D* S-IV*

ms; DI: CNS depressants; Flumazenil (Romazicon) to counteract, P-D* S-IV*
retics, thiazides, & amphotericin B \/ potassium; antacids & metoclopramide \/ digoxin absorption; eat lots of K
w K, ACE & ARBs = hyperkalemia, sympathomimetics \/ effects, Quinidine /\ risk of toxicity, Verapamil /\ plasma

ntra Inflammatory bowel disorders, no CNS depressants; Initial 4mg, w/ added w/ loose stool 2mg, no more th

retics /\ beneficial effects of dopamine

yed onset); P-D; contra severe myelosuppression, cumulative dose 550 mg/ m2; DI: Calcium channel blockers m

olamine blocks action on Alpha receptors, Beta-adrenergic blocking agents block effect
nsion, cancer w/ tumor growth; do not mix w/ other meds; do not agitate vial; use only for one dose;

min before meal

myopathy; levels /\ w/ cyclosporine
tetracyclines \/ absorp; vitamin C /\ absorp & GI complications; Goal = 2g/dL per month

e, displaces warfarin, increase levels of lithium TCAs, suppresses platelet aggregation, P-C

solutely necessary; DI: Digoxin (b/c hypoK); w/ antihypertensives = hypotensive; hyponatremia may \/ lithium e

absorption, - take 30 min prior to breakfast & dinner

tion meds
, flushing, palpitations); ETOH, NSAIDs, sulfonamide antibiotics, Ranitidine, & cimetidine = additive effects; Bet

hing, palpitations); ETOH, NSAIDs, sulfonamide antibiotics, Ranitidine, & cimetidine = additive effects; Beta bloc

, lumbar puncture, regional anesthesia; DI: antiplatelet agents; Monitor rate every 30-60 min; in ab 2 inches fro

thromycin, erythromycin, & ketoconazole may slow metabolism & cause toxicity, carbamezapine & phenytoin m
vels & counteract insulin; Beta blockers may mask SNS response to hyperglycemia; DO NOT MIX, CLEAR in COLO
ra liver, kidney failur, seizure, cardiac hx, or compromised immune system; DI: w/ = may lead to theophylline

ibits metabolism of lamotrigine, P-D

activation of malignant melanoma; DI: High protein meals & conventional pysch drugs & Pyridoxine = \/ effect;

ine, beta blockers, & phentytoin /\ levels (toxicity); IV start loading dose, then maintenance = 1- 4 mg/min; NO
vels & counteract insulin; Beta blockers may mask SNS response to hyperglycemia

ension w/ MAOIs, \/ antihypertensive med effects

neuromuscular meds (pancuronium) & effects of warfarin

B; Contra severe infection, shock, & hypoxic conditions; DI: w/ ETOH /\ risk of lactic acidosis; w/ iodine-containi

P-X, contra w/ psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, liver failure, immunodeficiencies, blood dyscriasis; DI: may \/ dig
re fatigue); drug abuse, severe anxiety, psychosis, CV disorders; DI: MAOIs hypertensive crisis, CNS stimulants

re & sedation, opioids & anticholinergics \/ effects

ine /\ neuromuscular blockade; P-C

nitroglycerin = life-threatening hypotension; IV start at 5 mcg/min & increase gradually

vels & counteract insulin; Beta blockers may mask SNS response to hyperglycemia;
aconazole, & atazanavir; may sprinkle tablet over food; active ulcer = 4-6 wks treatment;

ralytic illeus, etc; DI: antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines = extreme muscarinic blockage

cyclosporine, dexamethasone, diazepam, verapamil, quinidine, & vincristine may slow clearance; Phenobarbital

= hypotensive, Meperidine (Demerol) = hyperpyrexia* P-C

utism DI: \/ warfarin, oral contraceptives, & glucocorticoids; ETOH, diazepam, cimetidine, valproic acid /\ levels

r than 10mEq/hr; monitor urine output

ption (acarbose) may further slow gastric emptying; Oral med absorption delayed; take pramlintide subQ

I: K-depleting diuretics (hypokalemia); w/ NSAIDs (ulcer) hypoglycemic agents (counter effects)

I: K-depleting diuretics (hypokalemia); w/ NSAIDs (ulcer) hypoglycemic agents (counter effects)
ck, atypical v. tachycardia, myasthenia gravis, lupus, heart failure
ause hypotension; watch for neuro effects

anticoagulants, & propanolol

sive meds intensify hypotension & mask hypoglycemic effect of insulin & prevent fat breakdown

od to increase absorption

s; CNS depressants = additive

antifungals, & verapamil; Quinidine & sotalol /\ QT interval; w/ digoxin and simvastatin (Zocor) /\ serum levels
vels & counteract insulin; Beta blockers may mask SNS response to hyperglycemia

olism /\ risk of hypoglycemia

NS depressants; Barbiturates & phenytoin decrease levels; P-C

lcemia & hyperuricemia; P-C; DI: calcium channel blockers may alter effects

osporine, warfarin, digoxin, CCBs, steroids, HIV protease inhibitors, & some cancer chemotherapy meds
action; DI: w/ NSAIDs, heparin, warfarin, thrombolytics, antiplatelets /\ bleeding; must be used w/in 4-6 hrs of on

DI: may /\ action of warfarin; antacids may alter absorption

P-C DI: Caffeine /\ cardiac & CNS effects & /\ theophylline levels; Cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, fluoroquinolone antib
P-C DI: Caffeine /\ cardiac & CNS effects & /\ theophylline levels; Cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, fluoroquinolone antib

e; notify Dr if peripheral edema or shortness of breath

ypotension, bradycardia, AV block, ventricular tachydysrhythmias; P-C; DI: can /\ digoxin = intensify AV conducti
e may \/ clearance of vincristine; Calcium channel blockers may /\ accumulation; may \/ effects of digoxin; may /

(bleeding); w/ Phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin, oral contras, & vitamin K \/ effects foods (dark leafy

ts & risk for hypoglycemia

rbital), may \/ levels of absorption; 1-4 wk before resolves, symptoms return once off drug
e or after antacids

tiazem, & warfarin; cholestramine \/ levels; grapefruit juice = may toxicity

ease effect, avoid CNS depressants, P-C

Beta blockers; corticosteriods /\ aspirin excretions & \/ effects; caffeine may /\ absorption; 325 mg during initial

imibe /\ risk of myopathy; Meds that \/ CYP3A4 (erythromycin, ketoconazole, grapefruit) /\ levels, take in the eve

\ lithium levels; NSAIDs \/ antihypertensive effects

rbital decrease effects of carbamazepine, P-D

anulocytosis* severe dysrhythmias; DI: concurrent anticholinergics, CNS depressants, counteracts antipsych me

absorption; eat lots of K

ity, Verapamil /\ plasma levels; hold if heart rate less than 60/min

e stool 2mg, no more than 16mg/day drink lots of liquids; no caffeine, .45 NaCl IV may need

alcium channel blockers may /\ cardiotoxicity; may \/ digoxin levels; Phenobarbital may /\ metabolism of doxorub

for one dose;

natremia may \/ lithium excretion = toxicity; NSAIDs reduce diuretic effect; 20mg infusion or slower

e = additive effects; Beta blockers may mask SNS hypoglycemic response

dditive effects; Beta blockers may mask SNS hypoglycemic response

60 min; in ab 2 inches from umbilicus; aPTT 60-80 secs

mezapine & phenytoin may /\ metabolism

may lead to theophylline toxicity; Zidovudine may /\ risk of neutropenia; w/ antihypertensives = additive hypoten

& Pyridoxine = \/ effect; MAOIs = hypertensive crisis; Carbidopa, dopamine agonists, anticholinergics, COMT inh

nance = 1- 4 mg/min; NOT with epinephrine = severe hypotension or dysrhythmias

idosis; w/ iodine-containing contrast acute renal failure

dyscriasis; DI: may \/ digoxin levels; NSAIDs, salicylates, & sulfonamides = toxicity, may \/ phenytoin level; Proc
ive crisis, CNS stimulants, Methylphenidate inhibits metabolism of warfarin, phenobarbital take in morning

me muscarinic blockage

clearance; Phenobarbital & carbamazepine may /\ metabolism

e, valproic acid /\ levels; carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, \/ levels; Depressants = additive affect

pramlintide subQ


(Zocor) /\ serum levels

motherapy meds
e used w/in 4-6 hrs of onset; Use H2 antagonist no GI bleeding

in, fluoroquinolone antibiotics /\ levels

in, fluoroquinolone antibiotics /\ levels

n = intensify AV conduction suppression, w/ beta blockers = heart failure, AV block, bradycardia, grapefruit juice
effects of digoxin; may /\ risk of bronchospasm; may \/ level of phenytoin

ffects foods (dark leafy vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, mayo, canola, soybean oil may \/ effect

on; 325 mg during initial acute MI episode

) /\ levels, take in the evening before bed

ounteracts antipsych meds

/\ metabolism of doxorubicin; Paclitaxel may \/ metabolism of doxorubicin, may \/ phenytoin levels

on or slower

nsives = additive hypotensive effect; w/ vaccines w/ live virus may \/ antibody response; refrigerate med, do not

nticholinergics, COMT inhibitors* = /\ effect, P-C

y \/ phenytoin level; Procarbazine may /\ nephrotoxicity, food may \/ absorp., may \/ vaccine strength;
ital take in morning

ve affect

dycardia, grapefruit juice = toxicity

soybean oil may \/ effects; PT 18-24 secs, INR (levels 2-3) 2-3 & 3-4.5 levels

ytoin levels

; refrigerate med, do not freeze, do not shake vial

ccine strength;

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