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1 February 2015

Livestock export industry responds to latest campaign to ban live export
Australias livestock exporters have responded to an animal rights campaign saying that not only is it
a legal and legitimate industry, it is also acting responsibly by striving to meet community animal
welfare expectations.
A campaign to ban the live animal export industry has been launched with bus and billboard
advertisements by Animals Australia suggesting the trade is a crime against animals.
Alison Penfold, CEO of the Australian Livestock Exporters Council said: We have heard loud and
clear that we must show Australia that we are improving the welfare of Australian exported
livestock, but suggesting the trade is criminal by nature is simply wrong.
Australian exporters have always respected the laws governing the trade but clearly the way
animals were being treated in the footage of 2011 fell well below Australian community standards.
Since that time industry has come a long way with reforms, new regulatory parameters extending
exporter responsibility onto foreign soil, investment in new and improved infrastructure and the
training of over 7,500 workers overseas in animal handling, husbandry and slaughter which has seen
Australia lead animal welfare standards among about 100 livestock exporting nations.
We all want the humane treatment of livestock but we do not accept that banning the Australian
live trade is the way to achieve it.
Rather than spending money on billboards and buses as a means to improve animal welfare,
Australian live exporters and their customers are investing in people and livestock facilities around
the world to ensure the welfare of livestock in our charge through practical on-the-ground training
and improvements in handling, husbandry and slaughter practices.
Significant improvements have already been made as demonstrated in the ESCAS Report released
by the Government last week, including the increased use of pre-slaughter stunning and
modernisation of restraint and slaughter equipment.
We know we are not done yet and will continue to implement improvements to our practices and
infrastructure by working constructively with our customers and facility operators that handle
Australian livestock.
Industry has also been upfront in acknowledging that despite the significant improvements made in
the welfare of exported livestock, there has been a number of serious incidents of mistreatment that
have caused pain and suffering to the animals involved and that we must do better to prevent
further incidents.
Brutal treatment of livestock like the tying up of the bull pictured in the current advertising
campaign - has no place in the Australian live trade and will not be tolerated. Industry has taken
action including the sacking of staff, removing facilities access to further consignments of Australian
livestock and suspending whole markets where appropriate in response to cruel and improper
handling and slaughter. This is over and above the numerous sanctions that have been placed on
exporters by the Australian Government.

Animals Australias call to ban the live trade as the only solution fails to take account of the real
consequences a ban would impose that is obliterating a billion dollar plus industry and the
livelihood of thousands of people.
Their approach also fails to address the other real dilemma that a ban of the trade would not
improve animal welfare.
Australian markets would go to exporters who dont invest in welfare, dont train staff in livestock
humane handling, dont consider the health and welfare needs of livestock on trucks and vessels,
dont work to any welfare standards and who dont strive for continuous improvement.
We could see significant negative welfare consequences for cattle, sheep and goats left here at
home without viable markets.
And without our influence in markets which the international animal health and welfare body (OIE)
recognises as world leading, animal welfare outcomes would deteriorate.
Ms Penfold said that there is no question that Australian exporters will continue to improve the
welfare of exported livestock, and indeed local livestock in markets as well.
Getting better welfare is not just about compliance for industry. We are striving for zero harm, and
while we are not perfect in the face of significant challenges we do accept responsibility to improve.
We are also investing in a wide range of animal welfare related research including independent
research into welfare indictors along the entire live export supply chain to objectively monitor and
report on industry welfare performance, and utilise the data to help guide further change.
Our message to Australians who might see this latest Animals Australia campaign is that the live
trade has made positive progress in the treatment of exported livestock, the industrys focus and
effort is on continuous improvement but a ban would turn back the clock on animal welfare and
have serious negative consequences for Australia, Australians and global standards.
For more information on the changes to animal welfare implemented by Australian exporters in
export markets, please visit and watch the video in the Animal
Welfare Quick Links section.
Media contact: Alison Penfold, CEO, Australian Livestock Exporters Council or 0408 633 026.

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