We The State - Vol 3 Issue 17

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Merger of Janata

3 Pariwar
parties: UP CM
says ask Mulayam

Raman seeks
4 Central aid, spl
status for Cgarh
Discontent in Delhi
BJP over Bedis
7 nomination as
CM candidate


I don't have to
answer questions
about my
retirement: MS


he State

reveals she
was under 11

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Vol-03. Issue-17. Bhopal. Monday Page-12 Price-5/Online edition available at wethestate.com and wethestate.blogspot.in

Maoists issue
opposing 12
Obama's India visit

POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15

Development breaks new

grounds in rural MP

No Hindu refugee from

Pak would be asked to
leave MP: Chauhan


housands of villages in MP
are now witnessing new
dimensions of development. As a
result to efforts aiming at ensuring
progress of common people in the
state, villagers are marching on the
path of progress joining the mainstream of development. The novel
welfare schemes launched by CM
Shivraj Singh Chauhan and their successful implementation have brought
about progress and prosperity in villages of the state. For bringing remote
village to the mainstream of development, they are being connected with
all-weather roads under Pradhan
Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana and
Mukhyamantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
Now, to and fro traffic in villages has
become smooth in every weather.
Roads are being constructed at a
rapid pace to connect inaccessible villages in the state to ensure their

progress and development. Internal

roads with drains are also being constructed in villages to ensure sanitation and environmental improvement.

Panch Parmeshwar
Apart from connecting village with
all-weather roads, internal CC roads
are also being constructed in villages.
Every villages roads and lanes are
being turned into CC roads. Drains
are also being constructed for outflow
of polluted water. Panch Parmeshwar
Yojana to rid villages of filth and mud
and create atmosphere of sanitation.
Under the scheme, lump sum
amounts are being given to Gram
Panchayats on the basis of population
for this purpose. Funds under various
schemes are unified and then transferred in lump sum in the bank
accounts of Gram Panchayats.
Earlier, these funds used to be provided to Gram Panchayats in piecemeal

due to which development of villages

were also undertaken in parts. This
novel scheme has removed this shortcoming. As a result of receipt of unified amount, internal roads are being
constructed in village at a rapid pace.
A sum of Rs. 4309.82 crore has been
made available to Gram Panchayats
under this scheme during last 3 years.
Rs. 5 to 15 lakh is given to Gram
Panchayats in proportion to their population. As a result, internal road construction and development works are
being undertaken at a rapid pace create widespread basic amenities in villages. Through merger of these funds
with MNREGA, CC roads and drains
are being constructed in villages. So
far, 5574.76 km internal roads have
been completed under the scheme. All
23 thousand 6 panchayats have been
provided Rs. 4309.82 crore during previous years. So far, 76 thousand works
have been sanctioned of which 46
thousand 645 works have been completed.

Indore: CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has assured Hindus refugees

from Pakistan in the state that the Narendra Modi government
will complete all the formalities to ensure that they continue to
live legally in India. "As long as Shivraj is in MP, no Pakistani
Hindu will be asked to leave the state. Modi's government has
decided that Hindu refugees will continue to stay permanently in
India and for the purpose all necessary legal formalities will be
done," Chauhan said at a programme here. The Centre would
organise a camp on February 19-20 for Indore-based Pakistani
Hindus to complete the necessary formalities, he said. "These
refugees left Pakistan as it became difficult for them to live in the
neighbouring country with their honour intact," he said. Chauhan
alleged that the UPA government had ordered them to leave the
country, but the BJP government in the state provided them shelter. Earlier in the day, Chauhan, BJP's mayoral candidate for
Indore Malini Gaud and other party candidates in civic election
campaigned and conducted a road show across the city.

Chhtissgarh Explore


(MP & CG)

Animal husbandry, fishery become

source of income for Cgarh farmers
Animal husbandry and fishery have
become the additional source of income for





Government has included animal husbandry and fishery under its all-round agricultural development policy. With the help of
Government schemes, large numbers of
farmers have taken up employment-oriented activities to march ahead on the path of
progress. Besides, several schemes have





Chhattisgarh has become self-dependent in

supply of fish seeds. In year 2013-14, fish
seeds worth Rs 1.22 crore were produced.
More than two lakh fishermen have been
provided employment opportunities through
development of 94 per cent of the total area
of 1.635 lakh hectares is available in the
State for fishery. The State Government's
Kisaan Samriddhi Yojana has proved to be
a boon for farmers. Under this scheme,
farmers are provided with section-wise

the scheme. State Government is operating

agricultural loans worth nearly Rs 1,339

requirement of farmers for cultivation.

grant for tube-well digging, officials of the

number of other schemes, which have

crore were distributed to farmers.

Chhattisgarh has become the first State of

state Agriculture Department stated. To

proved extremely beneficial for the farmers.

Large number of small farmers and the

the country to facilitate 24x7 electricity sup-

encourage farmers practicing traditional

Farmers need cash for various agricultural

ones living in border areas were relieved,

ply to agricultural fields of farmers.

animal husbandry, the State Government

activities right from sowing to reaping.

when the State Government waived off their

Irrigation pumps of nearly 3 lakh farmers

started the scheme of providing loan up to

Earlier, farmers had to pay 14 per cent

expired loans. The State Government last

have been provided electricity connection.

Rs1 lakh at one per cent interest, from pre-

interest on agricultural loans. But consider-

year also commenced weather-based crop

Grant of Rs75,000 is provided for electrifica-

vious year. The Agriculture Service Centres

ing the problems faced by farmers, the State

insurance scheme to support farmers. Seven

tion of pumps. Farmer-oriented schemes of

established in every development block by

Government gradually reduced the rate of

major crops were included in this scheme

State Government have relieved the farmers

Chhattisgarh Government are providing

interest on agricultural loans from 14 per

namely paddy, corn, arhar, soyabean,

of the expenses like meter fare, fixed charge

agricultural equipments on rent to the farm-

cent to only 3 per cent. Later, the interest

peanut, moong and urad. Other than

and electricity sub tax, officials stated. For

ers, officials stated. The move has benefitted

rate on agricultural loans was further

addressing the need of cash and multi-crop

agricultural pumps of capacity up to 5 horse-

many farmers who cannot afford costly agri-

reduced to one per cent. And since last two

arrangements, State Government has also

power, State Government provides free elec-

cultural equipments, they stated. Over

years, farmers are availing interest-free

taken significant decisions to ensure regular

tricity supply of upto 7,500 unit to the farm-

75,000 farmers have been benefited under

short term agricultural loans. Last year,

supply of electricity, which is another major

ers, officials stated.

Govt aids tribal youths to re-start business


35 crore each budget for the current

Shops will be allocated to 600 tribal

financial year. The CM asked the mem-

youths under the Bastar and the Surguja

bers to prepare and submit proposal for

tribal development authorities as a part

further construction works immediately.

of Amar Shaheed Veer Narayansingh

The CM instructed the collectors to

Swavalamban Yojana, during the current

complete all under construction works by

financial year. While reviewing the works

December. He told the members that Rs

of both- Bastar Development Authority as

50,000 to Rs 1 lakh would be given to the

well Surguja Development Authorityin

power company for the electrification of

separate meetings held here, CM Raman

irretrievable irrigation pumps of farmers.

Singh has immediately sanctioned Rs 9

The amount will be in addition to the Rs

crore for allotting shops to the tribal

75,000 being given by the power compa-

youths. A target of 300 shops has been set

nies to the farmers.

for each authority. After discussing with

In the meeting, Rs 5.53 crore has

the peoples representatives of Surguja

immediately been sanctioned for power

Development Authority, the CM declared

connection to irretrievable irrigation

compensation from the Campa Fund of

pumps of total 785 farmers of both the

ernment seriously for the assistance of

about 300 security guards from outside

forest department to the families, whose

authorities. In the meeting of Bastar

families affected by NMDCs project in

the state. The CM reviewed the construc-

crops and houses were destroyed by wild

Development Authority, the CM instruct-

Nagarnar under Bastar district. The CM

tion of bypass road from village Marenga-

elephants in the districts. He asked the

ed the public sector major, National

expressed displeasure against the NMDC

Aadawal from the area development fund

officers to prepare action plan for it. In



management over the complaints of peo-

sanctioned by NMDC for Jagadalpur city

the meeting, the Authority members said

(NMDC), to comply with the model reha-

ples representatives that the Nagarnar

development and the bypass road con-

that both the authorities have received Rs

bilitation policy of the Chhattisgarh gov-

Plant management has been appointing

struction from Jagadalpur to Bhejapadar.




(MP & CG)

Merger of Janata Pariwar parties:

UP CM says ask Mulayam

Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh
Yadav remained noncommittal on
the delay in formalisation of muchtalked-about merger of Janata
Pariwar parties. "Ask this question
to netaji (SP chief and his father
Mulayam Singh Yadav)," he told
reporters here recently when asked
about whether any headway is
made in this regard. "I can't comment on it," Akhilesh said responding to a query on the merger of
JD(U), SP, RJD and other parties.
He was here to attend wedding of
the grandson of Home Minister
Babulal Gaur. In a move aimed at
consolidation of opposition forces,
six constituents of the erstwhile
'Janata Party' decided to merge on
December 4 last year at a meeting
in New Delhi and had authorised
SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav to
work out the modalities in that



National General Secretary Ram

the process. About Samajwadi

his party will be everywhere in

Centre saying it's the Union gov-

should also know why is it so,"

Gopal Yadav said in Lucknow that

Party's subdued presence in poll-

Delhi after some time. About prob-

ernment which releases quotas for

Akhilesh said, adding that he and

complex formalities of the Election

bound Delhi, the Uttar Pradesh

lems faced by farmers in procuring

states. "When you know there is a

his MP counterpart Shivraj Singh

Commission will take some time in

CM parried the query, saying only

urea manure, Akhilesh blamed the

shortage of urea in UP then you

Chauhan discussed this issue.

AIIMS should become a guiding force for

medical sector in country and abroad
countries will also come here for treatment.

CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said
that Bhopals All India Institute of Medical
Science (AIIMS) should become a guiding
force for medical sector and milestone in
country and abroad in future. Chauhan
was addressing AIIMS foundation day
function here recently. He also gave away
prizes to institutes talented students in

Referring to importance of research in

medical sector, he said that students
should work with dedication and devotion.
Swami Vivekananda used to say that nothing is impossible in the world. Getting
treatment facility is peoples fundamental
For this, the state government has
implemented a number of health schemes.

academic and sports fields.

The CM said that medical practice is

Facility of free medicines and pathological

not a profession, but a mission to save life.

tests has been provided in government hos-

No service is greater than medical practice,

pitals. Institutes Director Prof. Sandeep

which should be done in right earnest. He

Kumar presented its annual report and

said that Bhopals AIIMS was a dream of

informed about available facilities. State











Vajpayee, which is being realised. AIIMS

Chauhan, MP Alok Sanjar, Director of

commands considerable credibility in med-

AIIMS Patna Prof. Girish Kumar Singh

ical sector. Remaining works of AIIMS will


be completed soon. The institute will

Sanjeev Mishra were also present on the

become pride of Bhopal. People from other

occasion. The CM also inspected AIIMS.






(MP & CG)

Raman Singh seeks additional

Central aid, spl status for Cgarh
CM Raman Singh has
sought an additional fund from
Centre for modernisation of
police in the naxal-hit state and
also demanded a special category status for the state.
According to an official statement, CM Singh had urged
upon the need of special assistance from Centre to take on
the Maoist problem during the
meeting of Central Regional
Council at Lucknow recently.
Sixteen out of 27 districts in
Chhattisgarh are affected by
the left wing extremism (LWE)
and seven of them are worsthit. With the support of Centre,
the state government is making
all efforts for the social and economic betterment of people in
these districts but there is a need to
boost the resources for peaceful development keeping in view the security
and law and order situation in the
region, the CM said in the meeting.
Chhattisgarh should be accorded special A category status like that of J &

K and north-eastern states so that it

would receive 90 per cent of assistance from Centre and arrange abundant resources to combat menace of
Naxalism, he said.
Till June 30, 2014, Chhattisgarh
had spent 3,500 crore on the deploy-

ment of central paramilitary

forces in the state. Centre
should bear this cost henceforth
so that the state would get rid
of the burden, he said.
Emphasising on the need to
ensure security to infrastructure projects like roads,
bridges, railway track and
other mega projects in Maoist
zone, Singh also urged to
include expenditure on deployment of security personnel for
such development works in the
project cost. The strength of the
police personnel in the state
has reached to 68,354 which
was 22,549 in 2000 when
Chhattisgarh was founded, he
said briefing about the status of
police department. The number
of police station has jumped to
424 from 298 while police outposts
have increased from 57 to 107 during
this period, he said. In past 11 years,
eleven new districts have been
formed while as many armed forces
battalions have been sanctioned, he

Will try to get full fund allocation

for MNREGA: Raman Singh
CM Raman Singh will meet



Minister Nitin Gadkari and convince him to release the entire





Chhattisgarh under MNREGA.

The Central Government had
reduced the States MNREGA
budget to Rs 1600 crore making a
deficit of about Rs 900 crores for
payment of wages under the
scheme. While talking to media
persons in the Assembly premises

more than Rs 2700 crore under

GA in the State and these work-

on Monday, Singh expressed seri-

MNREGA. However, the Central

ers get payment from the Central

ous concern over the matter and

Government had approved the

government at the rate of Rs 146

said that he will discuss the issue

budget of Rs 1600 crore only. The

per day. Chhattsigarh has been

with Gadkari.

reduction of Rs 900 crore in the

performing better than many

He said that he will try to get

proposed budget will create prob-

states in providing employment

released the entire amount for the

lems for the State to pay the

under MNREGA and it has also

State under MNREGA. It is perti-

wages for 100 employment days

received awards in past few

nent to mention that the State

under MNREGA. According to

years. But the reduction in budg-

Government had sent a proposal

sources there are about 42 lakh

et this year will be a dent in the

to the Central Government of

registered workers under MNRE-

scheme in the State.

C'garh govt to penalise

public smokers
Chhattisgarh government has decided to take stringent legal action against
those found smoking at
public places in the state.
State Additional Chief
Secretary Ajay Singh has
directed officials to initiate
strict action against persons found smoking at public places. The decision has been taken for the effective
implementation of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco
Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation
of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and
Distribution) Act, 2003. Singh issued the directions
during a meeting of the state-level coordination committee. The ACS also asked the officials to take action
against those who install hoardings and billboards
depicting tobacco products at public places. Penalty of
Rs 200 will be imposed on those who are found smoking
at public places, whereas penalty of Rs 1,000 or a jail
term of two years will be imposed on those, who violate
the prohibition on advertising cigarette or other tobacco products for the first time and penalty of Rs 5,000
and imprisonment of five years will be imposed on
those who repeat the offence, he said. Singh also asked
the officials to put signboards at public places and government offices prohibiting smoking and warning of
punishment under the rules.

Cgarh govt to form

Animal Welfare Board
Government has decided to establish Animal Welfare Board as per
the orders of the Supreme Court,
officials stated. The board will
work for the welfare of animals
and issue guidelines on the matter
to the State. A working committee
will be constituted in this regard.
The board will start functioning
from the current financial year
itself. Agriculture and Livestock
Development Minister Brijmohan
Agrawal will be the chairman of
the working committee and
Commissioner will be the Vice
Chairman of the panel. CM
Raman Singh approved the panel
and the Finance Ministry had
sanctioned 10 posts. Director of
Veterinary services, Registrar
Chhattisgarh State Go-Seva Ayog,
Registrar, Chhattisgarh State
Veterinary Parishad and Registrar
Chhattisgarh Animal Welfare
Board, will be members of the

Department officers said to prevent cruelty of animals and to
make a deeper study the Board
will provide guidelines to the
authorities. The animals are tortured to provide entertainment to
the masses, caged and transported
in unhygienic conditions. The
board will keep a close watch on
these activities and establish sanctuaries. The old and disabled animals and birds will be protected by
the board. Animal welfare institutions will be established all over
the State and the organisations
working for animals will be given
NonGovernmental Organisations will
be given suggestions in the financial matters and their functioning
will be monitored.



(MP & CG)

MP takes lead in creating

Global Talent Pool


The state government has

taken lead in creating Global
Talent Pool to actively associate
NRIs and well wishers of MP in
different countries and outside MP
with process of states development
and progress. Friends of MP website has been developed as part of
this endeavour. During his
America visit, CM Shivraj Singh
Chauhan will launch this website
at Friends of MP Convention at
New Yorks is most prominent
Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center
Plaza on February 1. The function
will be held from 10 am to 1 pm.
All friends and well wishers of MP
will be invited to the function. It is
noteworthy that Prime Minister
Narendra Modi has suggested
states at Global Investors Summit,
Indore to create Global Talent Pool
to associate NRIs in development process. MP has taken initiative for this first of all. Objective of
the website is to associate those
passionate citizens who can contribute to the development of MP
aligned to the vision of the Prime
Minister. CM Chauhan has called
upon MPs people and well wishers
living in other countries and outside MP to come forward and contribute to MPs growth and
Who can be MPs friends:
Well wishers and friends across
generations and all walks of life can

become Friends of MP including

Indian citizens, people of Indian origin who are citizens of other countries, citizens of any country who
are well wishers of MP, NGOs, civil
society groups, industry associations and companies.

What can they do: Members

of Friends of MP can share an idea,
sponsor a project, volunteer work
and make investments. Member
friends can contribute and collaborate for social initiatives and community development on the basis

of their interest and expertise.

How can they contribute:
Presently, 5 sectors have been prescribed for collaboration by
Friends of MP. These focus areas
include education, healthcare, skill
development and rural employ-

ment and tourism. More sectors

will be opened up in future.
For becoming friend of MP
one can register by visiting:
w w w. f r i e n d s o f m p . c o m .
Memberships can also be obtained
through Twitter : friendsOfMP.

Critically endangered vulture

species sited in Shivpuri
billed vultures have been wiped

ground to vultures," he said.

out from the wild in last 15-20

Veterinary doctor of Madhav

Environmentalists and bird

years and the bird is on the verge

National Park, Dr Jitendra Jatav,

lovers have a reason to rejoice as a

of extinction. International Union

said number of critically endan-

colony of critically endangered



gered bird has increased in last

long-billed vulture has been spot-

(IUCN) has ranked it in the list of

two years. "It seems that the ban



threatened species. "Efforts are

on veterinary diclofenac is show-

Sanctuary in Shivpuri district of

being made to save the bird from

ing positive signs in reversing

MP. Around 50 critically endan-

extinction. Four artificial breeding

decline of long-billed vulture pop-

gered birds were sighted at two

centres have also been set up for

ulation," said Gadikar, adding

adjoining cliffs, 4km from Karera

the purpose," said ornithologist

that there is a need for a pro-

village of the district. Five live

Ajay Gadikar. Gadikar said the

gramme to monitor vulture sites,

vulture nests were also spotted in

place where vultures were spotted

assess changes in bird population,

the area where females were seen

is close to Madhav National Park.

and track threats to ensure bird

incubating. At least 97% of long-

"Forest provides a good breeding









(MP & CG)

MP worst in
reading levels

MP again earned the dubious distinction of the lowest learning levels not just in the country, but also among BIMARU states like
Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. Even neighbouring Chhattisgarh
which is tribal-dominated and Naxal infested fares better. Barely 9.6%
class V children can read simple English sentences, the lowest in the
country while even in class VII level, though reading levels are better, it is still worst among other states at 18.3%.

arely 40% students of Classes IV can read a Class I text while a measly 22.8% of
them can do basic subtraction. More than 30% of students in classes I-VIII cannot
even read capital letters of English. The state also lags far behind the national
average where 48.1% Class V students can read Class II text and 50.5% can do
basic arithmetic, according to the tenth annual status of education report (ASER) 2014
released by NGO Pratham. This figure slides further when it comes to Class VII student's
reading and arithmetic levels. Compared to all-India average, arithmetic proficiency levels
are also low more than 13% below the national average. Barely 24.1% Class VII students do basic mathematics like division, which is far behind the national average of
37.8%. Here again, the state fares worse than neighbouring Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Students poor in Hindi too

It is not just English proficiency that is dismal, but students of the state are poor and cannot even read or write their own mother tongue- Hindi. Barely 18.2% students in Class V
can read Class I level Hindi text while just 12.8% of students between classes I-VIII can do
so. Shockingly, almost one-fifth of all students in classes I-VIII cannot even read simple
Hindi letters. Only one-third students of Class II can at least read letters, down from 71%
last year while there is steady decline in the trend among Class III students where just
42% can read at least Hindi words. This too is down from 46.2% in 2013. Also, 4 out of 10
students of Class IV can read at least Class I Hindi text and this declines to one in three
children of Class V who can read Class II level Hindi. However, both these are up from last
year's figures. The survey also pointed that even though the enrolment in the 6-14 age-

group was high in the state with more than 96% enrolled in schools, actual attendance on
the day of the visit in schools in the state was just 57.6%, much low in comparison to the
national average. ASER 2014 visited 15,206 government schools with primary sections. Of
these 8,844 were primary schools and 6,362 were upper primary schools which also had
primary sections. In MP, 896 primary schools and 343 upper primary schools were visited
in 45 districts of the state.

10 things Barack and Modi said in joint press meet

J There is friendship between Barack and me. We

J "You were received like a Bollywood star at

have personal

Madison Square Garden,"

chemistry. We talk on the phone, laugh and chat: PM

President Obama tells PM Modi


J We continue to go after high-value terror targets

J I can tell you one thing, PM Modi is getting even

inside Yemen: President Obama

less sleep than me: President Obama

J Obama spoke in Hindi:

J PM Modi caused great excitement when he visit-

"Mera pyar bhara namaskar."

ed US. Part of the reason we are natural partners is

"Thank you for chai pe charcha, we need more of

because we share values: President Obama

those in the White House."

"In the end, I would like to say chalein saath saath."

We reflect the warm friendship between the

Indian people and the

J We have no interest in seeing Russia weakened or

American: President Obama

its economy in

J Climate change is a huge pressure, global warming

shambles: President Obama

is a huge pressure. There is pressure on all countries,

J We will also work closely to help Afghanistan to

all governments and all people: PM Modi

grow in its transition: PM Modi



(MP & CG)

EU lifts ban on import PM launches

of India mangoes

New Delhi

A ban on Indian mango imports into the

European Union is to be lifted, clearing
the way for them to return to the UK and
other member states. However, other
foodstuffs such as Indian aubergines, two
types of squash, and a type of leaf used
in cooking will remain restricted. Indian
mango shipments to the EU were suspended in May after fruit flies were
found in consignments. A European
Commission committee voted to lift the
ban recently. There had been significant
improvements in India's mango export
system, the European Commission said
after the unanimous vote. The UK government previously said it was working
towards the ban being lifted and was one
of the member states that participated in
the vote to lift the ban. We have been
working closely with our Indian and
European counterparts to resolve the
issue as quickly as possible and I am
pleased that trade in mangoes will
resume," said the British minister for the
natural environment, Lord de Mauley.

"Today's decision demonstrates the
marked improvements India has made to
its export system and it is important that
these standards are maintained so that
trade can continue and UK plant health

remains protected," he said. Imports will

start again in about a month's time, once
new EU legislation has been formally
adopted and published by the European

McDonalds arrogance in Pune:

But people must also share blame
McDonalds is facing a
crisis of sorts in India. The
reason: McDonalds staff in
Pune threw out a destitute
kid. According to the story,
which was widely shared on
Reddit as well other social
media and mainstream
media sites, Good Samaritan
Shaheena Attarwala, spotted
the boy standing outside the
restaurant and offered to buy
him a Fanta float. She also
did something that very people in India rarely do. She
took the boy with herself into
the restaurant. However,
things didnt go well in there
and a member of the staff
pushed and threw the kid
out. When Attarwala protested saying that the boy was
with her, he replied, "These
kinds of people are not
allowed inside". Such is the

to get

impact of the outrage

sparked by the incident on
social media that the company has called for an internal
probe and has suspended the
concerned security personnel
involved in the incident till
the enquiry is complete. The
question on everyones mind:
How dare McDonalds throw
out a poor kid? Its the perfect
story of how big bad corpo-

rate America treats poor

Indians in their own country.
In a country where children
beg on the streets, at traffic
lights, and under flyovers,
most of us try to ignore them
and hardly ever feel love or
sympathy for them. We are
quick to ignore the beggar
women or the children, who
will often bang at car windows at traffic signals or wait

outside restaurants asking

for food or money. Most of us
are quick to dismiss these
people, with
a wave of hand or a nod of
the head. So when a
McDonalds security guard or
employee decides to remove a
destitute child from the
restaurant, it is a by-product
of this general middle-class
attitude to the poor. Frankly,
its not hard to imagine customers in India throwing a fit
if McDonalds were to allow
the poorest of the poor from
India to enter, even if accompanied by a good samaritan.
So be it McDonald's or a
fancy five-star, the truth is
that in India we don't want to
see the homeless, the poor,
even the ones who work for
us, share any space with us
as equals, be it restaurant
tables or apartment lifts.

LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh may soon get its fourth tiger reserve, thanks to big cats strolling into the state from
MP's Panna reserve. The state government has proposed to develop Ranipur Wildlife Sanctuary in Chitrakoot
(Bundelkhand region) into tiger reserve given its proximity to Panna. The two reserves are located at a distance of
150 km along the UP-MP border. Ranipur doesn't have any tiger, but the ones from Panna keep frequenting the sanctuary. Tiger pugmarks are regularly found at Ranipur. "If the place is developed as a separate tiger reserve, it might
get some of these stray tigers finding their territories at Ranipur," said sources in UP forest department, adding that
the final decision would be taken by the National Tiger Conservation Authority and the National Board of Wildlife.
Presently, UP has 100-odd tigers in three tiger reserves at Lakhimpur (884 sqkm Dudhwa reserve), Pilibhit (720
sqkm) and Bijnor (80 sqkm Amangarh reserve). While these reserves are tiger-dominant areas, 250 sqkm Ranipur
sanctuary has no resident tigers. The sanctuary, though, has large antelope population comprising chausinghas,
chinkara, sloth bear, blackbucks and leopards. Ranipur is not a popular wildlife sanctuary.

New Delhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has

launched Small Savings Instrument for
Girl Child Sukanya Samriddhi Account
recently. Sukanya Samriddhi Account can
be opened in the name of a girl child any
time from her birth till she attains the age
of 10 years with a minimum deposit of Rs.
1000 and thereafter any amount in multiple of Rs. 100 can be deposited. However,
presently all girls including those above
10 are eligible to open account under the
scheme as according to government rules
for one time, a girl child who has attained
the age of 10 years prior to one year from
the date of introduction of this scheme, is
also eligible under the scheme. Thus
account of girls above 10 must be opened
within one year of launch of the scheme. A
maximum of Rs. 1,50,000 can be deposited
in a financial year. The account can be
opened in any post office or authorized
branches of commercial banks across the
country by producing birth certificate of
the girl child. The account holder girl child
will be able to operate the account herself
on attaining the age of 10 years. The
account will remain operative for 21 years
from the date of opening of account or
marriage of the girl child after attaining
18 years of age whichever is earlier. To
meet the requirement of higher education
expenses of the account holder girl child,
partial withdrawal of 50 % of the balance
would be allowed after the girl child has
attained the age of 18 years. The provision
of not allowing withdrawal from the
account till the girl child attains the age of
18 years has been kept to prevent early
age marriage of girls. To motivate parents
to open an account in the name of girl
child and for her welfare to deposit maximum of their savings upto the prescribed
limits, higher rate of interest @ 9.1 % is
proposed to be given on the deposits on
annually compounded basis with income
tax concessions in this financial year.



(MP & CG)

India, US announce steps to promote clean energy

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has dismissed that there was any pressure to ink a pact
similar to US-China agreement on emission cuts
as India and the US announced important steps
to promote clean energy and confront climate
change. Speaking after talks with Barack
Obama here, Modi said "President and I
expressed hope for a successful Paris Conference
on climate change this year". Obama said that
the two countries have agreed to make concrete
progress in phasing out major greenhouse gases
apart from expanding solar energy initiatives
and launching joint projects to improve air quality in Indian cities. Both the countries agreed to
pursue for a strong global climate pact on emis-

sion cuts in the forthcoming UN climate conference to be held in Paris in December this year.
"India's voice is very important on this issue.
Perhaps no country could potentially be more
affected by the impacts of climate change and no
country is going to be more important in moving
forward a strong agreement than India," Obama
said in a joint press meet while referring to Paris
climate talks. Noting that both countries have
agreed to a number of important steps to promote clean energy and confront climate change,
he said the US supports India's goal for solar
energy and it stands to speed this expansion
with additional financing. "We are also launching new joint projects to improve air quality in
Indian cities. The US will share more data and
develop tools to help India assess and adapt to

the impact of climate change and help vulnerable communities become more resilient," he
said. On a query whether there was pressure on
India to ink a pact similar to the one signed
between the US and China on emission cuts,
Modi said, "India is an independent country.
Pressure of any country or a person does not
affect India. There is a pressure on this issue
that what kind of environment we wish to provide for future generation. Modi further said:
"Climate change is itself a pressure. Global
warming is itself a pressure. It is the responsibility of those, who are concerned about future
generation, to become conscious about climate
change and adopt policies so that we are able to
give good future and good environment to next

Breakthrough: India-US end six-yearold logjam over civil nuclear deal

PM Jan Dhan
Yojana: Scheme
exceeds target

New Delhi
Narendra Modi and Barack Obama
ended the six-year-old deadlock over
operationalising the landmark civil
nuclear deal signed in 2008. "The civil
nuclear agreement was the centrepiece
of our transformed relationship. It
demonstrated new trust. It also created
new economic opportunities and expanded our option for clean energy. In the
course of the past four months, we have
worked with a sense of purpose to take it
forward," the PM Modi said in a joint
address at Hyderabad House. India and
the United States had signed the civilian
nuclear deal in 2008, during the UPA
government's first term, but differences
remained over an Indian nuclear liability law that makes equipment suppliers
ultimately responsible for an accident.
Countries like France and the US had
been asking India to follow global norms
under which the primary liability lies
with the operator. "I am pleased that six
years after we signed our bilateral agreement, we are moving towards commercial cooperation, consistent with our law,
our international legal obligations, and
technical and commercial viability," said
Modi. In his address during the joint
press conference Obama said, Today we
achieved a breakthrough understanding
on two issues that were holding up our
ability to advance our civil nuclear cooperation and we are committed to moving
towards full implementation. Added
Obama, This is an important step that
shows how we can work together to elevate our relationship.
During his visit to the US in
September 2014, Modi and Obama had
decided to set up a high-level Contact
Group on civil nuclear cooperation.
Earlier, the US had demanded that it be
allowed to track nuclear material supplied to India. According to a highly
placed source, the US has agreed to
withdraw the tracking clause in IndiaUS Nuclear Deal. We have decided to
give this critical partnership a new
thrust and sustained attention. For this,
we have agreed that India and the
United States must have regular summits at greater frequency. And, we will

New Delhi

also establish hotlines between myself

and Barack and our National Security
Advisors, added Modi. The issue of
nuclear liability had been a bone of contention on reaching an agreement. As per
the international norms, in case of any
accident, the Indian government would
have to pay heavy damages because all
the nuclear plants in the country are run
by the state-owned Nuclear Power
Corporation of India (NPCIL).
India had ruled out changes in its
2010 liability legislation but offered to
set up an insurance pool to indemnify
companies that build reactors in the
country against liability in case of a
nuclear accident. The deadlock over the
nuclear deal has been done away with
during a one-on-one talk between PM
Modi and President Obama, the source
added. As per a new plan, those companies engaged in building nuclear reactors
in India would buy insurance from the
state-run reinsurer GIC Re. The compa-

nies would then recoup the cost by charging more for their services. Alternatively,
the NPCIL would take out insurance on
behalf of these companies.
The 2008 deal exempted India from
an international sanctions regime that
disallowed India from importing fuel or
civilian nuclear technology unless it gave
up its nuclear weapons. The US persuaded the international community to
end this policy. Though never officially
promised, Washington expected India
would buy three or four US reactors as a
partial reward. The primary opposition
to the nuclear deal in India, however,
came from the Communist Party of India
(Marxist) and its parliamentary allies.
They had alleged that the deal would
undermine the sovereignty of India and
compromise foreign policy and also
claimed that the Indian government was
hiding certain clauses of the deal, which
would harm India's indigenous nuclear

As many as 11.5 crore bank accounts have been opened

under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, exceeding the
enhanced target of 10 crore and covering 99.74 percent of
households, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said recently.
"Most of India today is included in the banking system," he
said, adding that more than Rs 9,000 crore has been deposited in the Jan Dhan accounts. Prime Minister Narendra
Modi announced the financial inclusion scheme in his first
Independence Day speech last year. It was launched in
August with a target to open bank accounts for 7.5 crore
poor persons by January 26, 2015. The target was later
increased to 10 crore accounts. Addressing a press conference in New Delhi, Jaitley said the government would use
these bank accounts to pass on benefits to individuals under
its various social security schemes. Financial Services
Secretary Hasmukh Adhia said that even Guinness Book of
World Records has recognised the achievements made under
PMJDY. In its citation, the Guinness Book said: "Most bank
accounts opened in one week as part of the Financial
Inclusion Campaign is 18,096,130 and was achieved by the
Department of Financial Services, Government of India
from August 23 to 29, 2014." The government was is in dialogues with the Guinness World Records team to bag a
record for the government for opening maximum number
of bank accounts in minimum number of days. A global
consulting firm is assisting the committee and the government to verify the claim and that once the claim is verified
the scheme would enter the Guinness Book of World
Records. According to data available on the PMJDY website, of the total 11.50 crore accounts opened, 8.27 crore or
72 percent of the accounts are zero balance. These accounts
are likely to become active only once the government starts
distributing the direct benefits or subsidies through these
accounts. However, the record has comes even as there are
doubts about the veracity of the accounts opened as banks
in their account opening spree may have overlooked the
know your customer norms.




(MP & CG)

Our bowling needs to be better so we

can defend totals of 240 too: Raina
series 0-2 but earned appreciation for
fighting draws in the last two matches.
"In Sydney (fourth Test) I played my
first Test after more than two years
and didn't score a run. That hit me real
bad. Everyone in the team tried to
cheer me up saying 'it's okay, it was
hard luck'. But I was really disappointed. I was just stunned. It felt like
a bad dream. I had worked so hard for
this opportunity and earned it after so
long," Raina told bcci.tv. "It happened
to me in England in 2011. I got a pair
in the Oval Test and then did well in
the ODIs.
So, I had been in that situation
before. But this time it was tougher
because of how long I had waited for
this chance. What helped me get over
it was that we drew the Test. Had we
lost it, it would have been devastating
for me," he said. Raina said the drawn
matches were a huge factor in helping
elieved to be in good ODI form

Australia had his side failed to draw

him reboot himself and be prepared for

ahead of next month's World

the last two matches. Raina scored a

the ODI tri-series, which also features

Cup, Indian batsman Suresh

half-century in the tri-series ODI

England. "I learned a lot in the next

Raina said he would have been left

against Australia after having bagged

two days after that Test, gathered

devastated after his dismal failure in

a 'pair' in his return to Test cricket

myself and practised really hard with


after two years. India lost the Test

the white ball.





New fielding restrictions will make World Cup

more exciting: Rahul Dravid
New Delhi: Former India captain
Rahul Dravid is expecting next
month's cricket World Cup to be an
aggressive affair as he feels the
revamped ODI rules will push
teams into selecting attacking
Dravid said new rules, which mandate five fielders inside the 30yard circle at all times in an
innings, will have a huge impact
on how the teams work out their
strategies at the showpiece event
starting February 14. "With the

two new balls, the fast bowlers will

get that level of assistance up
front. The grounds are bigger too
so it won't be that easy to clear the
ropes. I think it will be a challenge
for the captains. For example,
when you have five fielders in the
ring, it's very hard to play a parttime bowler," Dravid said. "You are
almost being forced to play five
specialist bowlers. That is a real
positive. You are going to be forced
to attack and look for wickets
rather than see part-timers bowl
for a large period of play," he said.

I don't have to answer questions

about my retirement: MS Dhoni

gnoring persistent queries on his shock Test retirement, Indian ODI captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni

today sought to focus on the ongoing cricket tri-series

against Australia and England, saying that his team
would look to try different combinations keeping in mind
next month's World Cup here. Dhoni stone-walled questions on his Test retirement in the build-up to India's first
ODI against Australia in the ongoing tri-series tomorrow.
Returning to the scene of his last Test, the Melbourne
Cricket Ground, the Indian ODI skipper stayed mum on
his exit from the five-day arena. "The BCCI press release
(about my retirement) explained everything. You can ask
questions, but it is my decision (not to answer them). I will
answer if I want to," he said, with a straight-face. Dhoni
also didn't answer one other question. When asked who out
of Ajinkya Rahane and Rohit Sharma will open the
innings with Shikhar Dhawan, he replied, "You will have
to wait and watch." He was quite keen to talk about other
things though, primarily the tri-series as a build-up to the
World Cup. "We will look to try out different things in this
tournament," Dhoni said in the pre-match press conference. "We have four games at least and five if we make the
final. It is important for us to get the playing combination
right. But at the same time we won't push players who
have a few niggles that can transform into major injuries.
We will give them that extra time if needed. We will manage the workload accordingly."

Relief for Butt, Asif and Aamer? Pakistan spot-fixing convictions to be rexamined, claims report
Prosecutors are re-examining the criminal
convictions of three Pakistan players jailed
in 2011 over spot-fixing allegations, according to a report in Britain's Guardian newspaper, The Guardian said the convictions in a
London court of then Pakistan captain
Salman Butt, paceman Mohammad Asif and
swing bowler Mohammad Aamer, were
among 25 cases called into question by the
methods of 'Fake Sheikh' undercover
reporter Mazher Mahmood. Prosecutors
dropped on Wednesday a case of alleged
match-fixing involving 13 footballers in
England because of doubts about the reliability of Mahmood's evidence. After the now
defunct News of the World revealed the the
three Pakistan cricketers had conspired to
bowl no-balls during a Test match at Lord's

in 2010 in return for a share of 150,000

($228,207), the trio and their agent Mazher
Majeed were arrested. Following the 'sting'
operation, the three players were banned for
a minimum of five years each by the
International Cricket Council. At a subsequent separate court hearing in London, they

were all given prison sentences. Aamer's ICC

ban is set to expire in August and he could
return to international cricket soon afterwards. The case made headlines around the
world, appearing to shed light on the contentious issue of illegal and unregulated betting markets in Asia and the Far East.

However, there were those who regarded the

jail terms as severe given it appeared no
actual bet had been placed. Betting expert
Ed Hawkins, the author of 'Bookie Gambler
Fixer Spy: A Journey to the Heart of
Cricket's Underworld', was among those to
say no Asian syndicate would ever accept a
wager on when a specific no-ball would be
bowled because it was too easy to manipulate
the outcome. The Crown Prosecution Service
(CPS) announced this week there was "insufficient evidence to provide a realistic
prospect of conviction" in the footballers' case
following the collapse of pop singer Tulisa
Contostavlos's trial.
She was cleared of helping arrange a cocaine
deal in July last year after a newspaper sting
led by Mahmood, famed for going undercover
in traditional Arab dress, hence his 'Fake
Sheikh' nickname.




(MP & CG)

Listen up 'macho' Indian star, you aren't above law:

What SC decision in the Salman black buck case says
Of Salman Khan's many achievements was giving Indians a
real life equivalent of 'macho'. But for Salman introducing
the concept of Subway sandwich biceps to Indian men they
would have otherwise elevated another Khan's stammering
to the pedestal of ultimate coolness in the 90s. Given that in
India, masculinity is synonymous with courage and everything from politics to popular culture works to endorse that
idea, Salman Khan cut a picture of 'macho' that a large
chunk of Indian men strove to emulate.
Salman Khan's evolution as an actor
with average success in the 90s to a
box office darling worth crores, is also
the story of the evolution of the common Indian man. The same man, who
is bred in a society that is largely
patriarchal by default and attributes
the man with courage, power, responsibility and even heroism as opposed
to the woman and secretly relishes
the idea of an unbridled, often violent
machismo as the answer to all his
life's problems, and as the means to

Deepika battling depression

Actress reveals
she was under

It will be a simple wedding at home: Soha

ctress Soha Ali Khan says her upcom-

thoroughly confused about which colour I should wear.

ing wedding to actor fiance Kunal

"But I have finally decided on my look. It's a simple wed-

Khemu will be a simple and intimate

ding at home. But I think it should be memorable and spe-

wedding at home. The low-key wedding on January 25

cial. And I will be dressed for the occasion," Soha said.

will be a departure from the grand celebration that hap-

When asked why she is not donning her family's tradition-

pened during Soha's brother Saif Ali Khan's wedding to

al dress, which was worn by Kareena at her wedding, Soha

actress Kareena Kapoor two years back. The 36-year-old

said, "That was the tradition in our family. The gharara

actress said she is yet to decide on her wed-

belong to my Badi Ammi (my father's mother) and it was

ding dress. "There are just few days left

passed down to her daughter-in-law (my mother) and then

for my wedding. I am very grateful that I

it was given to my sister-in-law in law Kareena." Soha got

have my mother, my sister and friends,

engaged to Kunal, 31, in Paris last year. The couple have

eepika Padukone is at the top

of her game at this point of
time. The actress has a string
of Rs 100 crore films to boast about
and several awards that she won in
last two years. Deepika Padukone
is also suffering from depression
and anxiety. While the news may
shock many, the actress points out
that depression has nothing to do
with what people have and what
they don't. Padukone knows that
this will be the most common reaction to her being depressed. In an
exclusive interview to Hindustan
Times she points out, "People often
think How can you be depressed?
You have everything going for you.
You are the supposed number one
heroine and have a plush home,
car, movies What else do you
want? "
The actress spoke candidly
about how she has been depressed
for a while now and how she is coping with it. Padukone revealed that
she tried to deal with the problem
for a long time by engaging herself
in work, but stress and extreme
long hours of work kept weighing
down on her. It was only after she
broke down in front of her mother,
Ujjala Padukone, that the actress
took professional help. Padukone
confesses that she consulted two
psychologists during this phrase
and also took medication. She also
revealed that thanks to the treatment she feels much better now.
"There were days when I would feel
okay, but at times, within a day,
there was a roller-coaster of feelings. Finally, I accepted my condition." said . The actress recalled
that a friend's suicide made her
seek professional help. -"My personal experience as well as my friends
death urged me to take up this
issue, which isnt usually talked
about. " said Padukone.

the label of a 'hero'. Apart from physically fitting into the character to a T,
Salman Khan's life was stuff an aam
aadmi's fairytale would look like.
Women swooning over him despite
several reports of him being physically aggressive in his youth, Khan rocking his aviators and stubble as he
walks into a courtroom to appear in
cases of hit and run and killing
endangered animals, Khan packing
court appearances, press conferences
and fan-meets all in a day.

who are telling me what I should wear. I am

worked together in 2009 film '99'.

What horror movie? Bipasha, Karan Grover

bring you the best comedy of the year

Basu) is hot and
unemployed - the first
is a fact, the latter an
assumption given how frequently she irons her hair in
a day so that her hair
remains poker straight and
silky even when she wakes
up in the middle of the night
to fetch water. She has
perennially red cheekbones
and is married. A few minutes into Alone, Sanjana's
husband Kabir (Karan Singh
Grover) has sung her a song,
fed her a cake in colours
matching her white dress
and red lips and we realise
why Sanjana's standard
expression is so, well, constipated. The woman misses
her husband, who is obviously working hard to pay for
rent, cake et al. A potentially
relationship-changing conversation between the couple
is cut short when a phone
call informs them that
Sanjana's mother has had a
bimaari that has left her

speechless and paralysed

neck down. The couple hurry
to Sanjana's hometown in
Kerala's backwaters. It's at
this point that the film
decides to share that
Sanjana had a conjoined
twin named Anjana who has
died. Anjana was a true
match to Sanjana, saying
things like 'hum kabhi juda
nahi honge' as a ten-yearold. The two were nearly on
the track of snatching the
title of creepiest kids ever
from the wingwoman-cumdaughter in Karan Johar's
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The
girls listened to a musical
box which plays a tune fit for
a Ram Gopal Verma film,
drew the infinity sign in
sand like lovestruck teens
and so on. When teenaged
Sanjana developed a crush
for Kabir, now her husband
and back then a chubby boy
who saves the twins from
bullies in school, things start
souring. Anjana too has a
crush on Kabir.




(MP & CG)

Government ordered to
unfreeze Greenpeace funds
New Delhi

hwe Delhi High Court has ordered the government

to release thousands of dollars in funds belonging to the

environmental pressure group Greenpeace. The funds,
which had been sent from abroad, were frozen amid
accusations that campaign groups were hurting India's
economy. The money, totalling more than $2,72,000
(about Rs 1.5 crore) was frozen

in June 2014.

Greenpeace has called the ruling a victory of democracy and free speech. Greenpeace India said the government had arbitrarily barred it from receiving foreign
funds from Greenpeace International and Climate
Works Foundation in June 2014. This is a strong signal
from the judiciary that the government must cease its
campaign of harassment of civil society, the NGO said.
The Delhi High Court directed the home ministry to
unblock the funds in September 2014 but Greenpeace
India said it did not receive the money. The recent ruling means the funds will be released with immediate
effect, the group said. "This is a vindication of our work
and the role that credible NGOs (non-governmental
organisations) play in support of India's development,"
Samit Aich, Greenpeace India's executive director said.
"This is a strong signal from the judiciary that the government must cease its campaign of harassment of civil
society" he said.

Doubts continue
However, the government can appeal against the decision in Supreme Court. The ruling only pertains to the specific funds frozen in June and does not affect the order the government has in place to prevent Greenpeace and some
other NGOs from getting other funds from abroad without the clearance of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The order
came after an Indian intelligence report last year accused several campaign groups of stalling development projects
by carrying out protests against their environmental impact.

Maoists issue pamphlets

opposing Obama's India visit
Maoists in Chhattisgarh
have dropped pamphlets in
several areas of Bastar
President Barack Obama's
upcoming visit to India.
According to police, the
rebels have called for boycott
of Obama's visit and a
January 26. "The pamphlets
in which the outlawed CPI
(Maoist) have opposed the
visit of US President Obama
to India have been recovered
from the restive places of
Narayanpur and Kanker districts," Deputy Inspector
General of Police (state's
Deepanshu Kabra told.
Central security agencies

have been informed about it

while police have been put
on alert in the insurgencyaffected region, Kabra said.
The pamphlets released in
Dandakaranya Special Zonal
Gudsa Usendi with heading
'Obama Wapas Jao' (Obama
go back) carry several antinational messages and contents.
In the pamphlets, the
ultras have also said that
they will burn effigies of
Obama and Prime Minister
Narendra Modi during the
US President's visit to the
country. Obama will be on
three-day visit to India from
January 25 during which he
will also attend the 'Republic
Day' parade in New Delhi.

Owned Printed and Puplished byM.M. Baig. Printed at lucky, 267, Pragati Nagar, Shahanshah garden, Bhopal (MP) and published from H.No. 101, A Sector Indrapuri BHEL, Ward No. 63, Dist. Bhopal- 462021, M.P.
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