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TOPIC PRONOUNS are the pronouns that can be substituted for the person
in focus or the topic.
NON-TOPIC ACTOR PRONOUNS are those that can substitute for the actor
that is not in focus or not the topic. There are two kinds of non-topic actor
the PRE-POSED Pronouns they are placed before the verb or before the
word they
the POST-POSED pronouns they are placed after the verb or
after the word they modify
Below is a chart of these pronouns: Inside the parentheses are the short
The following are topic pronouns with their corresponding non-topic actor
Pronouns) [no preposed pronouns][ I ] Ako (ko)Ko[ you ] Ikaw
(kaw)Mo[ he/she ] SiyaNiya[ we ] Kita (ta)Nato (ta)[ we ] KamiNamo[ you ( pl.
)] KamoNiyo[ they ] SilaNilaUSES AND EXAMPLES
TOPIC PRONOUNS They are used as topics of sentences. Whatever verb
affixes are used, they are in-focus.
Actor topic:
Object topic:

Mobasa siya hong libro.

Mokadto ko ngadto Cebu.
Sumbagon siya ni Benji.
Pukawon kaw ni Jo.

He will read a book.

I am going to Cebu.
Benji will box him.
Jo will wake you

Beneficiary topic: Bil-an kami ni Jo hong buwahan.
John will buy
lansones for us.
Tagan kita ni Cris hong buwahan.
Cris will give us
some lansones
Separation verb : Ibilin siya ni Katy ngadto Babag.
Katy will leave him
behind in Babag.
Isalikway siya hong ama niya.
His father will disown
Are the forms used when:
the pronoun is the doer of the action not in focus
With object topic: Post-post. Kaw-on ko ang libro. I will get the book.
Pre-posed. Akong kuhaon ang libro. (Cebuano)
With place topic: Post-post. Katogan niya ang katre mo. He will sleep on your
Pre-posed. Iyang katulgan ang imong katre. (Cebuano)
With beneficiary topic: Post-post. Hatagan ko si Jo hong libro. I will give Jo a
Pre-posed. Akong hatagan si Jo ug libro. (Cebuano)

With instrumental topic: Post-post. Utdon mo ba hong ludyo ang kahoy? Will
you cut the tree wit the bolo.
Pre-posed. Imo bang iputol ang sundang sa kahoy? (Cebuano)
With separation topic: Post-post. Ibaligya namo ang baay namo. We will sell
our house.
Pre-posed. Among ibaligya ang among balay. (Cebuano)
Note: Binutuanon does not have preposed pronouns common in other
Visayan languages. Thus the Cebuano or Ilonggo sentence Among ibaligya
ang among balay always takes the form Ibaligya namo ang baay namo in
The pronoun modifies a noun or expresses possession:
Post-posed - Mobalik sila ngadto lungsod nila. They will return to their
Pre-posed - Mobalik sila sa ilang lungsod. (Cebuano)
Post-posed - Bil-on ni Boyet ang awto ko. Boyet will buy my car.
Pre-posed - Paliton ni Boyet ang akong awto. (Cebuano)
Note: Binutuanon does not have preposed pronouns common in other
Visayan languages. Thus the Cebuano sentence Mobalik sila sa ilang
lungsod always takes the form Mobalik sila ngadto lungsod nila in

short forms usually come before long forms

pronouns usually come before nouns

more often, the non-topic actor pronouns come before the

topic pronouns.
Magdaa siya hong libro
Sumbagon ako ni Pedro.
Hatagan ko siya ug kwarta.
Bil-an ko siya hong libro.
Tagaan ta kaw hong libro.

He will bring a book.

Pedro will box me.
I will give him money.
I will buy him a book.
I will give you a book.


Substitute the cues given to the proper parts of the sentence. Follow the
same pattern for tape use as in the previous lessons.
Magbasa si Jo hong libro.

Jo will read a book.

siya . He will read a book,.
sila . They will read a book.
ako . I will read a book.
kita . We (incl.) will read a book.

Magbasa siya hong libro

Magbasa sila hong libro
Magbasa ako hong libro
Magbasa kita hong libro

kami . We (excl.) will read a book

siya . He will read a book.

Magbasa kami hong libro

Magbasa siya hong libro

Magbasa si Jo hong libro?
siya . Will he read a book?
kaw . Will you read a book?
sila . Will they read a book?
Mobili . Will they buy a book?
kita . Will we (incl.) buy a book?
kamo . Will you (pl.) buy a book?
Kaw . Will you (sing.) buy a book?
siya . Will he buy a book?

Will Jo read a book?

Magbasa siya hong libro?
Magbsa kaw hong libro?
Magbasa sila hong libro?
Mobili sila hong libro?
Mobili kita hong libro?
Mobili kamo hong libro?
Mobili kaw hong libro?
Mobili siya hong libro?

Ako toni ang magdaa saning saging?
Is it I who bring this banana?
Siya ? Is it he who will bring the banana? Siya ba ang magadaa hong saging?
Ikaw ? Is it you who will bring the banana? Ikaw ba ang magadaa hong
Sila ? Is it they who will bring the banana? Sila ba ang magadaa hong
Kamo ? Is it you (pl.) who will bring the banana? Kamo ba ang magadaa hong
Kita ? Is it we (incl.) who will bring the banana? Kita ba ang magadaa hong
Ako ? Is it I who will bring the banana? Ako ba ang magadaa hong saging?
Basahan ba ni Jo ang mga studyante hong libro? Will Jo read a book for the
__niya__? Will he read a book for the student? Gabasahan ba niya hong libro
ang estudyante?
__ko__? Will I read a book for the student? Gabasahan ko ba hong libro ang
__nila ? Will they read a book for the student? Gabasahan ba nila hong libro
ang estudyante?
__ang bata ? Will they read a book for the child? Gabasahan ba nila hong
libro ang bata?
__nato__? Will we (incl.) read a book for the child? Gabasahan ba nato hong
libro ang bata?
__namo__? Will we (excl.) read a bookfor the child? Gabasahan ba namo
hong libro ang bata?
__nimo __? Will you read a book for the child? Gabasahan ba nimo hong libro
ang bata?
__ninyo__? Will you (pl.) read a book for the child? Gabasahan ba niyo hong
libro ang bata?
__nila__? Will they read a book for the child? Gabasahan ba nila hong libro
ang bata?
Bil-an ni Cris si Jo hong libro . Cris will buy Jo a book.
niya .
He will buy Jo a book.
Gabil-an niya si Jo hong libro.
ko .
I will buy Jo a book.
Gabil-an ko hong libro si Jo.

mo .
siya .
ta .
namo .
niyo .
sila .
kami .
niya .
Tagaan .
nila .
kita .
kamo .
ikaw .
ako .
ko siya .
mo .
ako .
kami .

You will buy Jo a book.

Gabil-an mo si Jo hong libro.
You will buy him a book.
Gabil-an mo siya hong libro.
We (incl.) will buy him a book. Gabil-an ta siya hong libro.
We (excl.) will buy him a book. Gabil-an namo siya hong libro.
You (pl.) will buy him a book.
Gabil-an niyo siya hong libro.
You will buy them a book.
Gabil-an mo sila hong libro.
You will buy us (excl.) a book. Gabil-an mo kami hong libro.
He will give us a book.
Gatagan kita niya hong libro.
He will give us a book.
Tagan kita niya hong libro.
They will give us a book. Gatagan/tagan kita nila hong libro.
They will give us (incl.) a book.
Tagan kita nila hong libro.
They will give you (pl.) a book. Tagan kamo nila hong libro.
They will give you (sing.) a book. Tagan kaw nila hong libro.
They will give me a book.
Tagan ako nila hong libro.
I will give him a book.
Tagan ko siya hong libro.
You (sing.) will give him a book. Tagan mo siya hong libro.
You will give me a book.
Tagan mo ako hong libro.
You will give us (excl.) a book. Tagan mo kami hong libro.

Tubag/ Answer
Bil-an ko siya hong libro.
ta ikaw .
ko sila .
niya ako .
Ikaw niya .
niya kita .
nila kita .
nila kami .
ko siya .
ta ikaw .
ko sila .

I will buy him a book.

I will buy you a book.

Bil-an ta kaw hong libro.
I will buy them a book.
Bil-an ko sila hong libro.
He will buy me a book.
Bil-an niya ako hong libro.
He will buy you a book
Bil-an kaw niya hong libro.
He will buy us (incl.) a book.
Bil-an niya kita hong libro.
They will buy us (incl.) a book. Bil-an kita nila hong libro.
They will buy us (excl.) a book. Bil-an nila kami hong libro.
I will buy him a book.
Bil-an ko siya hong libro.
I will buy you (sing) a book.
Bil-an ta kaw hong libro.
I will buy them a book.
Bil-an ko sila hong libro.

Repeat: Tubag/ Answer

Ako ba ang magabili hong libro?

Is it I who will buy a book?

Ikaw ?
Is it you who will buy a book? Ikaw ba ang magabili hong libro?
Siya ?
Is it he who will buy a book?
Siya ba ang magabili hong libro?
Kita ? Is it we (incl.) who will buy a book? Kita ba ang magabili hong libro?
Kami ? Is it we (excl.) who will buy a book? Kami ba ang magabili hong libro?
Kamo ? Is it you (pl.) who will buy a book? Kamo ba ang magabili hong libro?
Sila ? Is it they who will buy a book? Sila ba ang magabili hong libro?
Repeat: Tubag/Answer
Ako ba ang bil-an mo hong libro? Is it me for whom you will buy a book?
Siya ?
Is it him for whom you will buy a book? Siya ba ang gabil-an mo
hong libro?
__ko__? Is it for him whom I will buy a book? Para kaniya ba ang gabil-on ko
nga libro?

Ikaw ko__? Is it you for whom I will buy a book? Ikaw ba ang pagabil-an ko
hong libro?
Sila ko __? Is it them for whom I will buy a book? Sila ba ang pagabil-an ko
hong libro?
Kamo __namo__? Is it you (pl.) for whom we (excl.) will buy a book? Kamo ba
ang pagabil-an namo hong libro?
Sila __nato__? Is it them for whom we (incl.) will buy a book? Sila ba ang
pagabil-an nato hong libro?
Answer the following questions with DII, at the same time change the names
to pronouns.
Follow the same patrtern for tape use as in the previous lessons.
Mokadto ba si Jo ngadto siyudad?
Is Jo going to the city?
Dii siya mokadto siyudad.
He is not going to the city.
Mobili kaw hong pinya?
Are you going to buy a pineapple?
Dii ako mobili hong pinya.
I wont buy some pineapple.
Magluto kaw hong isda?
Are you going to cook a fish?
Dii ako magluto hong isda.
I wont cook fish.
Mokaon ba sinda Jo katsaong Bobit hong isda? Do Jo and Bobit eat fish?
Dii sila mokaon hong isda.
They wont eat fish.
Magdaa kita hong libro?
Are we going to bring a book?
Dii kita magdaa hong libro.
We wont bring a book.
Kaw-on ba ni Sol ang libro?
Is Sol going to get the book?
Dii niya kaw-on ang libro.
He wont get the book.
Basahon mo ba ang libro?
Are you going to read the book?
Dii ko basahon hong libro.
I wont read the book.
Ibaligya ba ni Jo katsaong ni Sol ang mga bayabas? Will Jo and Sol going to
sell guava?
Dii nila ibaligya ang bayabas.
They wont sell guavas.
Silhigan ba nato ang kwarto?
Are we going to sweep the floor?
Dii nato silhigan ang kwarto.
We (incl.) wont sweep the room
Lampasohan mo ba ang opisina?
Will you scrub the office?
Dii ko lampasohan ang opisina.
I wont scrub the office.
Hugasan ba niyo ang awto?
Will you wash the car?
Dii namo hugasan ang awto.
We (excl.) wont wash the car.
Bil-an mo ba siya hong libro?
Are you going to buy him/her a book?
Dii ko siya bil-an hong libro.
I wont buy him a book.
Tagaan ba nimo siya hong kaymito? Are you going to give him/her a star
Dii ko siya tagaan hong kaymito.
I wont give him a star apple.
Dad-an mo ba sinda Jo katsaong Sol hong kan-on? Are you going to bring a
rice for Jo and Sol?
Dii ko sila dad-an hong kan-on. I wont bring them rice.
Kaw-an ba niya sinda Jo katsaong Sol hong pagkaon? Is he going to get a
food for Jo and Sol?
Dii siya mokawa hong pagkaon para kanila. He wont take food for
Ako ba ang bil-an mo hong libro? Is it me that you are going to buy a book?
Dii ikaw ang bil-an ko hong libro. Its not you for whom I will buy a book.
Ako ba ang tagan mo hong libro? Is it me that you are going to give a book
Dii ikaw ang tagan ko hong libro. Its not you to whom I will give a book.

Ako ba ang bil-an mo hong saging? Is it me that you are going to buy a
Dii ikaw ang bil-an ko hong saging. Its not you for whom I will buy a
Si Cory ba ang bil-an nato hong libro? Is it Cory that we are going to buy a
Dii siya ang bil-an nato hong libro. It is not her for whom we (incl.) will
buy a book.
Sinda Jo katsaong Sol ang tagan nato hong saging? Is it Jo and Sol that we
are going to give a banana
Dii kon sila ang pagatagan nato hong saging. Its not them to whom we
(incl.) will give a banana.
Ask questions with ba whose answer are the sentences given. Follow the
same pattern for tape use as in the previous lessons.
Mokadto siya ngadto siyudad.
Mokadto ba siya ngadto siyudad?
Is he going to the city?
Mokaon ako hong saging.
Mokaon ba kaw hong saging?
Are you gloing to eat a
Bil-on ko iyang libro.
Bil-on mo ba ang libro?
Will you buy the book?
Silhigan nako ang kwarto.
Silhigan mo ba ang kwarto?
Will you sweep the room?
Bil-an ko siya hong libro.
Bil-an mo ba siya hong libro?
Will you buy him a book?
Sila ang tagan nako hong saging.
Sila ba ang tagan mo hong saging? Is it them to whom you will give a
Sila ang hatdan nako hong libro.
Sila ba ang hatdan ko hong libro? Is it them to whom I will bring a book?
Ikaw ang tagan ko hong libro.
Ako ba ang tagan mo hong libro?
Is it me to whom you will give a
Kamo ang duhuwan namo hong mga lapis.
Kami ba ang duhuwan niyo hong mga lapis? Is it us (exc.) to whom you
(pl.) will hand over pencils?
Kamo ang tagan namo hong mga libro.
Kami ba ang pagatagan mo hong libro? Is it us (excl.) to whom you (pl.)
will give books?
Kamo ang pagadad-an namo hong mga isda.
Kami ba ang pagadad-an nyo hong isda? Is it us (excl.) to whom you
(pl.) will bring fishes?
Sila ang bil-an niyo hong libro.
Sila ba ang bil-an namo hong libro? Is it them for whom we (excl.) will
buy a book?
Siya ang pagadad-an niyo hong isda.
Siya ba ang pagadad-an namo hong isda? Is it her to whom we (excl.)
will bring fish?
Kami ang gadad-an niyo hong mga lapis.
Kamo ba ang gadad-an namo hong mga lapis? Is it you (pl.) to whom
we (excl.) will bring pencils?
Kami ang bil-an niyo hong mga libro.

Kamo ba ang pagabil-an namo hong mga libro? Is it you (pl.) for whom
we (excl.) will buy books.
Siya ang tagan ko hong lapis.
Siya ba ang pagatagan mo hong lapis? Is it her to whom you will give a
Ako ang bil-an mo hong libro.
Ikaw ba ang pagabil-an ko hong libro? Is it you for whom I will buy a
Ako ang pagadad-an mo hong saging.
Ikaw ba ang pagadad-an ko hong saging? Is it you to whom I will bring a
Sila ang duhuwan ko hong kawdaa.
Sila ba ang pagaduhowan mo hong kawdaa? Is it them to whom you will
hand over the money?
Sila ang tagan nyo hong sapi.
Sila ba ang pagatagan namo hong sapi? Is it them to whom we (incl.)
will give money?
Kita ang hatdan nila hong isda.
Kita ba ang hatdan nila hong isda? Is it us (incl.) to whom they will bring
Fill in the blanks with either kami, namo or kita, nato: WE
1. You and I Mokadto kita ngadto Babag.
2. You and I Magasimba kita ngadto Maug.
3. You and I Moatod kita hong sine?
4. You and I Magdaa ba kita hong radyo?
5. He and I Mokadto kami ngadto Butuan.
6. He and I Magaatod kami hong sine
7. He and I Magdaa ba kami hong radyo?
8. He and I Kami ba ang magdaa hong radyo?
9. You and I Silhigan nato ang kwarto.
10. You and I Limpyohan nato ang kwarto.
11. You and I Dad-on nato ang radyo.
12. You and I Tun-an nato ang leksiyon.
13. You and I Lampasohan ba nato ang sawog?
14. He and I Hugasan ba namo ang awto?
15. He and I Lutoon ba namo ang karne?
16. He and I Bisitahan ba namo si Cathy?
17. They and I Magaatod kami hong sine ngadto Butuan.
18. They and I Bisitahan ba namo si Cathy?
19. You and I Sa library ba kita mag-anad?
20. You and I Dyip ba ang pagadad-on nato?
Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the pronouns.
1. I Mokadto ako ngadto Butuan.
2. You (sing.) Magasimba kaw gaya?
3. He Mobili siya hong libro.
4. We (incl.) Kain ba kita mokadto?
5. We (excl.) Kain ba kami mobili hong libro?
6. You (pl.) Kain ba kamo mag-anad ?
7. They Mag-anad ba sila ngadto library?
8. I Libro ang pagabil-on ko ngadto Butuan.
9. You (sing.) Dad-on mo ang radyo?10. He Awto ba ang dad-on niya?
11. We (incl.) Radyo ang bil-on nato ngadto Babag?


We (excl.) Ngan ba ang bil-on namo ngadto Banza?

You (pl.) Ngan ba ang dad-on niyo ngadto piknik?
They Ngan ba ang dad-on nila ngadto Maug?
I Hinloan ko ba ang kwarto?
You (sing.) Ang mga dialogs ba ang gaandan mo?
He Ikaw ba ang hatagan niya hong libro?
We (incl.) Bil-an nato hong paan sila.
We (excl.) Tagan mo ba kami hong libro?
They Tagan ko sila hong pan.
She Tagan ko siya hong buwak.
They Basahan ko sila hong Binutuanon.
You (pl.) Basahan ta kamo hong komiks?
I Isalibay ko ang basura.
You (sing.) Ibaligya mo ba ang baboy?

Bring a picture of your family and introduce them to your classmate or

teacher, in Binutuanon.
Translate the following English sentences into Binutuanon:

I would like to accompany him to Maug tomorrow.

But its really uulucky because my father will arrive
He will come because he will buy tools for the farm.
He will also get the title of our land.
He will go home Tuesday afternoon
Ryan stop by for him.
Ryan has a jeepney and then they will go together in returning home.

Ibanan ko kunta siya ngadto Maug kunsuum.
Pero dimalas gid kay miabot ang tatay ko.
Mokani siya kay mobili hong mga gamitonon hong uma.
Kaw-on sab niya ang titulo hong lupa namo.
Mouli siya doon Martes hong hapon.
Hapiton siya ni Ryan
Yaoy dyip ni Ryan kaamo, mag-iban sila pag uli .
1) This afternoon, we will go home early because we will visit Cora in
Butuan Medical Center.
2) It is necessary that we ride a jeepney going there.
3) If it is already four oclock we will have a hard time riding a jeepney
because most of the jeepney are full.
4) Sometimes even, we have to wait for an hour to get a jeepney.
1) Ngaun hapon, mouli kami hong sayo kay mobisita kami kang Cora
ngadto Butuan Medical Center.
2) Kinahanglan nga mosakay pa kamo hong dyip paiyan hospital.
3) Kung alas kwatro na maglisud kami pagsakay hong dyip kay kasagaran
hong mga dyip kapn.

4) Usahay gani, magtagad kami hong dyip hong isa ka oras.

Translate the following English opinion essay into Butuanon:
The Visayan delegates in the 1935 Con-con naturally strenuously objected to
the moves of Tagalog nationalists (or Tagalistas) to make Tagalog the basis
for Filipino. They knew it would result in legalized discrimination against
non-Tagalogs, including their own peoples. If a national language was to be
legalized, these Con-con delegates specifically did not want it to be Tagalog.
Until today, there is no law at all that says that Tagalog is the national
language. Yet, why is it that, according to international linguistic standards,
what is being enforced in all Philippine schools as medium of instruction and
as an academic subject is a Tagalog dialect?
Dii katingad-an nga ang mga delegado nga tikan hong Kabisayaan sadtong
1935 nga Concon misupak saning lihok hong mga Tagalista nga hinangon
Tagalog ang basehan hong Filipino. Misayran nila nga magahinang ini legal
nga pagpaubos hong mga dii Tagalog, lakip na mga katawhan sab nila. Kun
yaon bay lin-guahe nasyonal nga pagahinangon, waa sila mikabaya nga
Tagalog ini.
Hantod doon, waay balaud ang galaong nga Tagalog ang lin-guahe nasyonal.
Ngansi ba nga laong hong mga lin-guis hong kalibutan, Tagalog ang
pigapugos ngadto tanan nga mga andanan hong Pilipinas?End of Lesson

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