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BUS 102

Ethics and Law in

Business and Society
Winter 2015
Dr. Sean D. Jasso
Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to
aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at
which all things aim.
- Aristotle
Lecture: MWF 7:40-8:30am UV9
Office Hours: MWF 8:30-10:30 (Olmsted 2333)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SoBA Mission Statement

Our mission is to develop diverse leaders, propel research-based innovation and promote the
sustainable growth of Inland Southern California within the global economy. We harness the
powerful resources of the UC and our location at the nexus of commerce to create a laboratory for
education, research, and productive partnerships across economic enterprises.
The strategic activities that propel our mission include:
Conducting basic and applied research in management that explores and informs the creation,
development and management of growth
Providing degree programs that prepare our students to be effective managers and responsible
community leaders with a deep understanding of the dynamics of growth in both a regional
and global context
Partnering with business and community leaders through a shared commitment to exemplary
Delivering educational programs to executives and the public at large that respond to the
needs of our local, state, national, and international communities.

Undergraduate Program Learning Goals

Problem Solving Skills
Students will be able to use a variety of theoretical perspectives to identify and critically evaluate
implications of business decisions for organizational stakeholders (e.g., customers, colleagues,
employees, stockholders, suppliers, foreign governments, communities, cultures, regulatory

Professional Integrity / Ethical Reasoning Skills

Students will be able to recognize ethical issues, demonstrate familiarity with alternative frameworks for ethical reasoning, and discern trade-offs and implications of employing different ethical
frames of reference when making business decisions.
Global Context Skills
Students will be conversant with major economic, social, political, and technological trends and
conditions influencing foreign investment and development of the global economy demonstrating
an understanding of the cultural, interpersonal and analytical competencies required for global
Written Communication Skills
Students will demonstrate proficiency in written communications by creating written documents
that are clearly written, with appropriate content and conclusions.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction to 102
Welcome to the course! The business world of the 21 st Century is dynamically different
than the business world of the 1990s, the early 2000s and, even more certain, it is
different than the world of even one year ago. Much has changed, indeed, and much will
continue to change as we continue to move into 2015. So, what has changed?
Capitalism, that is the market-based, ownership and investment society, has not changed
it has only grown. Politics has not changed the struggle for power throughout the
world remains constant and thriving. What has changed is the rule book laws, rules,
regulations, guidelines, and, most importantly, the focus on ethics. The change is not the
newness of the rule book, but rather the approach societies have interpreted and
implemented the rules.
Learning Outcomes & Course Objectives
The overarching learning outcome of the course is to explore the ethics and public
policy domain of doing business in both U.S. and global markets and to prepare you
to be the most effective, competitive, and, ethical managers of tomorrow.
Let us also be mindful that you are studying ethics, law, and management during a unique
time in American and world history. The World is significantly challenged the political
economy is more dynamic than ever. Regardless of the current position of the nations
and global political and market economies, the fundamentals of law and ethics do not
change this will be the premise of the course.

Broad Course Objectives

Our broad objective is to examine how the dynamic, changing business environment
interacts within the complex political economy of the United States and abroad. We
study this dynamic environment by way of a governance approach rooted in moral
philosophy and public policy. To reach this objective, we examine the complex set of
interrelationships among business, government, interest groups, and the public and to
develop methods to aid in the management of those relationships. The emphasis is on
understanding the nature of those interrelationships, developing a framework for
analyzing, predicting, and anticipating changes in those relationships, and formulating
and implementing appropriate managerial policies for dealing with a
corporations/businesss many publics. The course is organized around a set of concepts
and a set of important current issues that are central to corporate and public policy
formulation and to a managers interaction with the external environment of business.
In a private enterprise society, business organizations operate within a set of explicit and
implicit constraints on the conduct of their activities, and in exchange for their license to
pursue economic objectives for their owners, they face demands for responsible behavior
toward their employees, their customers and suppliers, the communities in which they
operate, and society as a whole. Political pressures, interest groups, competitive
pressures, and changes in the economic environment continually act to redefine and
refocus those demands. In order to manage successfully in this environment, managers
must be able to respond in an effective manner to developments in that environment and
must become skillful in analyzing that environment in order to anticipate and influence
those changes. While the course is oriented to the United States economic, political, and
societal environment of business, the issues considered and the methods developed to
address those issues are relevant to most industrialized and developing countries.
De Kluyver, Cornelis A. A Primer on Corporate Governance, 2nd Ed. Business Expert
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781606496909
Sandel, Michael J. Justice: Whats the Right Thing to Do? Farrar, Straus and Giroux
2010 (paperback). ISBN: 978-0-374-53250-5
Suggested Supporting Articles Available in Course Materials:
Carroll, Archie B. (1991). The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility:
Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders. Business
Horizons (July-August), pp. 39-48.
Weber, James. (1991). Adapting Kohlberg to Enhance the Assessment of
Managers. Business Ethics Quarterly, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 293-318.

Responsibilities and Grading

The following are the deliverables for the course:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Policy Paper


Grading Scale
= 94% - 100%
A= 90% - 93%
= 87% - 89%
= 84% - 86%
B= 80% - 83%
= 77% - 79%
= 74% - 76%
C= 70% - 73%
= 67% - 69%
= 64% - 66%
D= 60% - 63%
= <59%
You are expected to come to lecture and your discussion as though you are coming to a
business meetingon time and prepared. Please note if you are not in class, you have
not contributed and this will impact your contribution grade. If you must miss a class,
you must advise me and your TA of your intended absence with as much notice as
possible. Your attendance in discussion will be accounted.
I expect you to have completed the various readings before our meeting and be ready to
engage in a conversation with your colleagues, with your TA and with me. Business
classes are meant to be interactive, lively, and participatory from the entire group. I
encourage you to ask questions, argue with me and your classmates, and to challenge
some of the theories and concepts we will explore. You will have many opportunities to
speak your mind and I will often assist you along with the process of communicating to
the group.
Essentially, your contribution grade is evaluated on attendance, participation,
reading notes and your three journal reviews. The review criteria will be discussed in
class. My recommendation is to manage your contribution grade regularly with your TA
and with me.

Reading Notes
The aim of reading notes is to help you read critically and actively to be engaged in the
work. You will find this tool essential in graduate school so it is here we begin the habit.
The reading notes will be measured using the level-five evaluation criteria and must
contain the following:
Two-page maximum, single space, business block, justified margins, 10-point
APA bibliographic citation of the work as your title
Your name, course, section number and date at the upper right
Central theme identify authors main lesson/argument what is the author(s)
teaching us
Critical analysis evaluate the lesson/argument strengths/weaknesses
considering pointing to a frame of reference in your own life or your training in
the subject
Main takeaways so what and now what? How do we best apply the knowledge
from this article?
Article Reviews
The academic journal articles available on blackboard:
Hartman, Edwin (2016). Can We Teach Character? An Aristotelian Answer.
Academy of Management Learning & Education, 5(1), 6881.
Rangan, K., Chase, L., & Karim, S. (2015). The Truth About CSR. Harvard
Business Review, 93(1/2), 40-49.
Porter, Michael and Kramer, Mark. (2011) Creating Shared Value: How to
Reinvent Capitalism and Unleash a Wave of Innovation and Growth. Harvard
Business Review, (Jan/Feb), 63-77.
Article Review Guidelines

o 3 typed pages, double spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman, standard
o Include the bibliographic information of the article
o Identify what your review intends to do
o Include the author & title again

o Include a very brief overview of the article, its purpose, & your
Background Information
o Place the article in context and discuss the criteria for judging the article
o Discuss the main points of the article, quoting & paraphrasing key ideas
from the author
o Your evaluation, consider the following
How well the article achieves its goal
What is the central lesson of the article
What are the articles strengths and shortcomings
What personal experiences have you related to the subject
o Provide a final overview
o Suggested recommendations for further research
o Why this study matters

You will take two blue-book, in-class essay exams. Generally, the exam will consist of
thematic questions from our studies and you will use the allotted time to write your
responses. The organization of your answers, the complexity of your analysis, and the
clarity of your critical thinking are the key elements of your evaluation. I will discuss the
exam details during week one. Please note, our unique three-day lecture schedule will
require us to allocate two days for each exam. See schedule.
Public Policy Analysis 1
Your capstone project in the course is an individual research assignment on a public
policy/federal law of your choice. We will call this project your Policy Paper which will
be a formal research paper aimed at introducing and/or polishing your skills in the

Public policy research policy design, implementation, evaluation

Understanding a federal law
Effectively exploring and utilizing the library system for research
Strengthening your academic and competitive writing skills
Enhance your critical thinking skills

Your Policy Paper is an independent project testing your discipline of self-directed study. You are
encouraged to start early and use your TAs office hours to gain feedback. Manage this time carefully as
your TA will need to balance his or her time as the term comes to an end. Consider this paper your final
exam and note that the paper will stand the test of safe assignment.

The Basic Structure of your Policy Analysis is the following (See Appendix One for
further detail: Policy Paper Checklist)

Description of the policy/law history and current situation

Rationale for public policy market or government failure
Analysis of policys efficacy

Additionally, your Policy Analysis will be required to have a minimum of ten quality
references (academic journal articles, leading books, relevant websites, etc.). The paper
will be a 12-15 page narrative/report with a traditional title page, appropriate
subheadings, standard formatting (double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman,
page numbers), parenthetical citations such as (Jasso, 2012, p. 35), a works cited page
(you may call it a reference page), and any necessary appendices. We will use APA
Ethics Handbook
This is a great tool for you to take with you after you complete the course. This is an
individual project that is evaluated, yet not part of your total score. The content of the
book you write should apply to you, your job, and your future. Your Handbook should
consist of 50 to 100 key takeaways that highlight your journey in ethics and law. Note:
the first page of your Handbook will include your personal code of ethics.
My Philosophy and a Word on Grading
A word on the course:
This is an upper-division course this is code for critical thinking is our motto. Also, this is a
lecture course that means, I teach you material in lecture hall. Each lecture is a major
component to your learning. I do not post prefabricated lecture notes or slides I lecture (teach)
and you take notes, we engage, we challenge the material. I will post my own lecture slides
which are simply meant to provide you with the general flow of my lecture. Additionally, this is
a reading course that means your success (your learning) requires you to read the texts,
supplemental journal articles I assign you, and the research material you build toward your final
policy paper. Lastly, I do not lecture from a book, but incorporate the readings in my lecture. It
is your responsibility and in your best interest to maximize your learning to read as rigorously
and independently as possible during our swift, ten-week program.
A word on grading:
Your final grade is your ultimate evaluation of your work in this course. Take a look at the
grading scale above and know that the average grade in this course falls within the range of 2.85,

a B-, to a 3.0, a B. This means most students perform above or at the passing level while a few
fall below and others excel above this level. Passing means you have performed all or most of
your deliverables. To pass this course means you have done the job and you are fulfilling the
requirements of the University and of the Business School.
It is understood that you are all working under different circumstances in which your personal
and professional interests and responsibilities require you to make tradeoffs while you are in
college. I understand this as I, too, was once in your shoes. Do your best this is all I expect.
Most of you, if not all of you will pass this course. This course, as you may expect, is designed
to challenge you and move your mind perhaps more than other courses you may have taken or
perhaps may ever take. The material is demanding as you will learn that ethics is everything
everything for the success of the business, for management, and for a sustainable and
competitive career. The top tier performers in the course who will reach beyond the average will
be those who make the tradeoffs, manage their time, communicate with me and with your TA,
and, most importantly, immerse themselves into their studies. I want all of you to pursue
excellence and I will give you the tools to move toward this goal.
How we will grade your work:
Most of your work will be graded with quantitative results. For example, your weekly major
exams, attendance, article reviews, reading notes, etc. will all be assigned a number or a
percentage. Even your final policy project will be graded quantitatively. Keep in touch with
your TA to manage your numbers.
We will also grade your work and make our final evaluation of your assignments as well as final
grade with a qualitative perspective using a Level 5 Excellence Scale. In its simplest form, this
is the way my TA and I think and below are characteristics of this scale:
Level 5: Excellence (superior critical thinking, outstanding, highest quality, brilliant)
Level 4: Good (strong, proficient, good quality)
Level 3: Standard (complete, acceptable quality, on time, passing)
Level 2: Poor (incomplete, late, poor quality, potentially unacceptable)
Level 1: Failing (not submitted, no effort, drop the course)
Jassos Ethics

Intellectual curiosity is our purpose

Honesty and integrity matter here
Time management is essential
Communication yields success
Professionalism is our environment
Leadership through service
Excellence requires tradeoffs

Integrity Policy
Cheating of any kind is not tolerated. Any evidence of cheating or plagiarism in any of
your work will result in you failing the course. This is a bright line rule.
Jassos Writing Criteria
The following criteria should be used as a guideline for critical writing. The general format can
also provide help with organizing in-class essay exams, however, my advice for your exams is:
get deep, quick
An "A" essay:
1. Clearly and completely responds to the question, demonstrating sophisticated critical
2. Contains a clear and specific thesis statement (located at the end of the introduction).
3. Reflects a strong correspondence between the thesis statement and topic sentences.
4. Uses clear focused arguments, supported by evidence, with appropriate citations.
5. May offer unique arguments or analysis that others missed.
6. Is well organized with few errors in sentence structure, spelling and mechanics.
7. Incorporates complex sentences and smooth transitions, moderate to high thought-persentence and -paragraph counts, and specific arguments from the applicable reading
8. Contains a complete and informative reference page.
A "B" essay:
1. Adequately responds to the question but at a less sophisticated level.
2. Has a clear thesis sentence, but the thesis statement is weaker than in an "A" paper.
3. Advances solid arguments and supplies adequate evidence or examples for each.
4. Is clear and generally well written, with few errors, proper citations, and a reference page.
5. May gloss over important points or generalize where a more specific analysis is expected.
A "C" essay: Does not meet two or more of the first four criteria for a "B", but answers the
question. Often these papers are too vague or broad, or do not supply adequate evidence.
A "D" essay: Attempts to answer the question, but leaves large gaps in developing the arguments
or analyzing the reading materials.
An "F" paper: Plagiarism or failure to do the paper as assigned.
Some Notes on Writing Graduate Caliber Essays:
1) Always cite work that you paraphrase or quote (including page numbers and web addresses).
2) Never cut and paste or directly copy a phrase with three or more words from an internet or
electronic source without using quotations and citing the source.
3) Paraphrasing and using a citation to credit the original author is preferable to using direct
quotes when you are not trying to make a specific point about the quote itself. As a general

rule, you should have at least one source cited in each supporting paragraph in the body of
your essay. (The number and breadth of specific citations is a solid indication of whether
you have brought sufficient evidence to bear on your analysismore is better.)
About Your Professor, Dr. Sean D. Jasso

Ph.D., Claremont, School of Politics and Economics
MPP, Claremont, School of Politics and Economics
MBA, Pepperdine
Research Concentrations
Politics and Economics: economic development, public policy, political economy,
American politics, comparative politics, political and economic risk, war, peace,
democracy, the new economy
Business and Management: strategy, marketing, corporate governance, leadership, ethics,
globalization, entrepreneurship, small business, the new corporation
Professor, writer, consultant
Independent management and leadership consultant
industries in manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare, entertainment,
construction, retail, philanthropy and wealth management
Various writing projects focusing on leadership, public policy, globalization, marketing,
strategy, and organizational design
Over 10 years in corporate consulting in the areas of strategy, general management, and
business development
Over 10 years in university teaching and research
Over 10 years in hospitality/service industries primarily with The Ritz Carlton Hotel Co.
as well as corporate healthcare marketing and administration

Final Policy Paper Checklist

Dynamic Cover Page

o Title of Project
o Class name, date, professor name, TA name, discussion section, etc
Table of Contents Page
Basics: 12-15 pages, appropriate subheadings, standard MS Word formatting, double-spaced,
Times New Roman 12-pt font, page numbers
Primary Contents (Subheadings)
o Introduction introduce your projects main objective
Include the general plan of the document
o History of the Act why was the law necessary
Public policy prescription
Market failure or Government Failure
o Trace its implementation
Act, Code, Agency, etc.
o Impact on business and society
Demonstrate your knowledge from the course content theories, models,
principles, etc.
o Policy Analysis
Did it work?
What are its strengths and weaknesses?
Recommendations for future policy makers
Appendix Pages (directly following main document)
o Include the official Title page of the law indicating the following:
Congress number (Ex: One Hundred Seventh Congress), An Act, Section 1:
Short Titles and Table of Contents (List of Titles)
References Page (at the very end of the paper following the appendices)
o This is the bibliography (ten minimum quality references)
Academic journal articles, government documents/records, key books, official
Avoid media publications, material with no author, blogs, non-peer reviewed
o Citation format: APA Style
Helpful website:
Excellence Checklist
o Page numbers, professional quality, grammar, insightful, unique contribution,
comprehensive, high level critical analysis, strong bibliography & citation formatting,
manage the details, teach us something new

WEEK 1 Jan 5, 7, 9
On Ethics
Introduction to the course
Jasso Hippocratic Oath reading notes Friday Week 1
Start Justice
Start Primer
WEEK 2 Jan 12, 14, 16
On Moral Development
Justice 1st half reading notes due Fri Week 2
Library Workshop
WEEK 3 Jan 19, 21, 23
On Corporate Governance
Article Review One (Hartman)
Justice 2nd half reading notes due Fri Week 3
WEEK 4 Jan 26, 28, 30
On Corporate Governance Continued
Primer reading notes complete book due Fri Week 4
WEEK 5 Feb 2, 4, 6
Exam One
Article Review Two (Rangan, et al)
Exam One (two days)
o Feb 2, 4
WEEK 6 Feb 9, 11, 13
On Market Failure Theory
Jasso Sarbanes Oxley: Context and Theory reading notes due Fri
Week 6
See Sarbanes Oxley appendix in Primer
WEEK 7 Feb 16, 18, 20
On Public Policy & American Governance
Article Review Three (Porter/Kramer)
Selected Readings
WEEK 8 Feb 23, 25, 27
On Public Policy & the Regulatory Environment
Jasso On Corporate Preeminence readings notes

WEEK 9 Mar 2, 4, 6
On the Future of Governance and Globalization
Selected readings
Concluding lectures
WEEK 10 Mar 9, 11, 13
Exam 2 (two days)
o Mar 9, 11
Ethics Handbook
o Mar 13
Final Policy Paper Due via safe assignment
o Wed March 25


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