Conectores Inglés

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According to - de

acuerdo a

- Everything was done according to his instructions -- Todo fue hecho de acuerdo a sus instrucciones

After - despus que

- He started to eat after he had washed his hands -- Comenz a comer despus de haberse lavado las manos
- After he had eaten, he went to bed -- Despus de que haba comido, se fue a la cama

Although - aunque, si

- Although he was not tall, he was excellent at basketball -- Aunque no era alto, era excelente para el baloncesto
- Although she appears to be happy, she is actually very sad -- Anque parece estar feliz, est muy triste en realidad

And - y

- Bill buys things and sells them at a higher price -- Bill compra cosas y las vende a un precio ms alto

As - cuando, mientras, a
medida que, como

- As the two boys walked down the street, they found a wallet -- Mientras los dos chicos caminaban por la calle, encontraron una billetera
- As winter approaches, the temperature gets colder and colder -- A medida que se aproxima el invierno, la temperatura se pone cada vs ms fra
- As she entered the restaurant, she saw us -- Cuando entr al restaurant, ella nos vi
- She acted as a crazy woman -- Ella actuaba como una loca
- He is not as intelligent as they think -- l no es tan inteligente como ellos piensan

As if - como si

- He acts as if he were rich -- l acta como si fuera rico

- They treat me as if they didn't know me -- Me tratan como si no me conocieran
- Bill started to shop as if he had won the lottery -- Bill comenz comprar como si hubiera ganado la lotera
- They looked as if they hadn't slept for days -- Se vean como si no hubieran dormido desde hace das

As long as - mientras, con

tal que

- You can stay here as long as you work hard -- Te puedes quedar aqu mientras trabajes duro
- I will live in this city as long as I can -- Vivir en esta ciudad mientras pueda
- Nobody will know about this secret as long as you keep mum -- Nadie sabr de este secreto mientras mantengas la boca cerrada

As soon as - en cuanto

-- I will do this work as soon as I can -- Har con este trabajo tan pronto como pueda
-- She started to work as soon as she graduated from the university -- Comenz a trabajar tan pronto como se gradu de la universidad

As though - como si

Ver " As if "

As well as - adems de

- My sister as well as John will go to the movies tomorrow -- Mi hermana, as como John, irn al cine maana
- She is intelligent as well as kind -- Ella es inteligente adems de amable
- She works as well as she studies -- Ella trabaja adems de estudiar

Because - porque

- I don't want to go out because it is too cold -- No quiero salir porque est demasiado fro

Because of - debido a

- They stayed in because of the bad weather -- Ellos se quedaron en casa debido al mal tiempo
- She can not play sports because of her illness -- Ella no puede practicar deportes debido a su enfermedad

Before - antes que

- Billy washed his hands before he started to eat -- Billy se lav sus manos antes de empezar a comer
- He had trained for years before he decided to box professionally -- l haba entrenado durante aos antes de decidirse a boxear profesionalmente

Both...and - tanto...como

- He speaks both softly and clearly -- l habla tanto suavemente como claramente
- She plays both the piano and the harp -- Ella toca tanto el piano como el harpa

But - pero

- He spoke clearly, but I didn't understand him -- Habl claramente pero no lo entend
- She saw me, but she didn't recognize me -- Me vi pero no me reconoci

But - sino

- She is not from Argentina but from Brazil -- Ella no es de Argentina sino de Brazil
- He didn't work but he rested all day -- No trabaj sino que descanz todo el da

Either... or - o... o

- Either start to work or quit this business -- O empezs a trajar o dejs este negocio
- He must be either very brave or very crazy -- l debe ser o muy valiente o muy loco
- You should either work or study -- T deberas, o trabajar, o estudiar

Even though - aunque

- ver although

Except - excepto, salvo

- They would go to Europe, except they have to go to Japan -- Iran a Europa salvo que tengan que ir a Japn

For - porque

- We'll have to stay home, for it is raining outside -- Tendremos que quedarnos en casa porque est lloviendo afuera
- He didn't greet her, for he was very angry -- l no la salud porque estaba muy enojado
- She turned on the lights, for she was afraid of the dark -- Encendi las luces porque tena miedo a la oscuridad

Furthermore - adems

- She doesn't want to study , and furthermore she doesn't want to work either -- Ella no quiere estudiar y, adems, tampoco quiere trabajar
- He was a bad person, and furthermore he was very proud of that -- l era una mala persona y, adems, estaba muy orgulloso de eso

However - sin embargo

- They were not having fun, however they stayed all night -- Ellos no se estaban divirtiendo, sin embargo, se quedaron toda la noche
- He didn't study much, however he got good grades -- l no estudiaba mucho, sin embargo, obtena buenas notas

If - si

- If you drink too much, you'll get drunk -- Si bebes demasiado, te emborrachars
- If you spend more than you earn, you'll become a poor man -- Si gastas ms de lo que ganas, te convertirs en un hombre pobre
- If he were in my place, he wouldn't do this -- Si l estuviese en mi lugar, no hara esto

In case of - en caso de

- Break the window in case of emergency -- Romper la ventana en caso de emergencia

- Call this number in case you get lost -- Llam a este nmero en caso de que te pierdas

In order to - para

- They left early in order to arrive on time for the movie -- Ellos salieron temprano para llegar a tiempo para la pelcula
- We are working harder in order to earn more money -- Estamos trabajando ms duro para ganar ms dinero

Moreover - adems, por

otra parte

ver furthermore

Namely - a saber

- There were two people in the house, namely Tom and Mary -- Haba dos personas en la casa, a saber Tom y Mary

Neither... nor - ni... ni

- I want neither to work nor to study -- No quiero ni trabajar ni estudiar

- She drinks neither wine nor beer -- Ella no toma ni vino ni cerveza
- Neither Susan nor Bill wants to see that film -- Ni Susan ni Bill quieren ver esa pelcula

Nevertheless - sin
embargo, no obstante

- Ver however

Nor - ni

- Bill didn't come today, nor will he come tomorrow -- Bill no vino hoy; ni (tampoco) vendr maana

Notwithstanding- no

- Ver however

Or - o

- He never works. He is always sleeping or watching TV -- l nunca trabaja.Siempre est durmiendo o mirando TV
- With all that money, they could buy a new house or travel around the world -- Con todo ese dinero, ellos podran comprar una nueva casa o viajar alrededor del mundo

Or else - sino

- You should study harder, or else you will fail the test -- Deberas estudiar ms duro, sino reprobars la prueba
- They must leave now, or else they will arrive late -- Ellos deben salir ahora, sino llegarn tarde

Otherwhise - de otra
manera, si no

- We should finish this now, otherwise we'll have to do it tomorrow -- Deberamos terminar esto ahora, sino tendremos que hacerlo maana
- Fortunately they left early; otherwise they wouldn't have arrived on time -- Afortunadamente salieron temprano; de otra manera no habran llegado a tiempo

Provided - siempre que ,

con tal de que

- I will buy the product, provided I can pay for it by credit card - Comprar el producto, siempre que pueda pagarlo con la tarjeta de crdito
- They will believe you, provided you swear that it is true - Te creern, siempre que jures que es verdad

Providing - siempre que ,

con tal de que

- They will go fishing next weekend, providing it doesn't rain -- Ellos irn a pescar el prximo fin de semana, siempre que no llueva

Since - puesto que, ya

que, desde que

- He didn't understand a word, since he doesn't speak English -- No entendi ni una palabra puesto que no habla ingls
- Since it was too late, they decided to go to sleep, -- Puesto que era demasiado tarde, decidieron irse a dormir
- She shouldn't eat so much, since she is a little fat -- No debera comer tanto puesto que est un poco gorda

So as to - para

- They decided to take a plane so as to travel faster -- Decidieron tomar una avin para viajar ms rpido
- She paid by cash so as to get a good discount -- Pag en efectivo para obtener un buen descuento

So as not to - para no

- He took a short nap so as not to be too tired for the party -- El tom una breve siesta para no estar demasiado cansado para la fiesta
- She wrote down his telephone number so as not to forget it -- Ella anot su nmero de telfono para no olvidarlo

So that - para que

- You should learn more vocabulary so that you can speak better -- Deberas aprender ms vocabulario para que puedas hablar mejor
- They decided to save extra money so that they would be able to go on vacation -- Decidieron ahorrar dinero extra para poder ir de vacaciones
- He gave her a present so that she would feel better -- l le di un regalo para que ella se sienta mejor

Still - sin embargo, no


- Jack didn't study much for the test; still he managed to pass it -- Jack no estudi mucho para la prueba, no obstante, se las arregl para aprobar
- He can not speak very well; still he understands everyting -- No puede hablar bien, sin embargo, entiende todo
- They felt very sad; still they forced themselves to smile all the time -- Se sentan muy tristes, no obstante, se obligaban a si mismos a sonrer todo el tiempo

Than - que ( en
comparaciones )

- They started to have more problems than they expected -- Empezaron a tener ms problemas que lo que esperaban
- She discovered that learning English is more difficult than she thought -- Ella descubri que aprender ingls es ms dificil que lo que pens

Therefore - por lo tanto

- I didn't have enough time to study for the test and therefore I couldn't pass it-- No tuve suficiente tiempo para estudiar para la prueba y, por lo tanto, no pude aprobarla
- John left very late and therefore he didn't arrive on time -- John sali muy tarde y, por lo tanto, no lleg a tiempo

Though - aunque

- ver although

Unless - a menos que

- You can not drink alcohol here, unless you are an adult -- No puedes beber alcohol aqu, a menos que seas un adulto
- They won't be able to travel to Europe, unless they have their passports -- No podrn viajar a Europa, a menos que tengan sus pasaportes
- Unless you can speak English very well, you can not study in an american university -- A menos que puedas hablar ingls muy bien, no puedes estudiar en una universidad americana

Until - hasta que

- They listened in silence until he finished his speech -- Escucharon en silencio hasta que l termin su discurso
- He looked for his keys until he found them -- Busc sus llaves hasta que las encontr
- Bill can not go out to play soccer until he completes his homework -- Bill no puede salir a jugar al ftbol hasta que termine su tarea

Whenever - cada vez que,


- He goes to the movies whenever he has the time -- l va al cine siempre cada vez que tiene tiempo
- Whenever they have to work, they feel sick -- Cada vez que tienen que trabajar, se sienten enfermos

Whereas - siendo que,


- The weather is very nice here in summer, whereas in winter it is not so good -- El tiempo es muy lindo aqu en verano, mientras que en invierno no es tan bueno

Whether - si

- You must tell me whether you will come -- Debes decirme si vendrs
- I don't know whether to buy this computer or not -- No s si comprar esta computadora o no

Whether... or - si... o

- I don't know whether to take it or leave it -- No s si llevarlo o dejarlo

- She didn't understand whether she had to go or stay -- Ella no entendi si tena que ir o quedarse

While - mientrar, mientras

que, aunque

- Many things happened here while you were out --Muchas cosas pasaron aqu mientras t estuviste afuera
- While they didn't know her very well, they invited her to their wedding -- Aunque no la conocan bien, la invitaron a su boda

Yet - sin embargo, no


- He wanted to reply to that accusation, yet he didn't -- l quera contestar a esa acusacin, sin embargo no lo hizo

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