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PosiConcrete Structural Hybrid System

hybrid floor

MiTek Industries MiTek Industries

MiTek Industries

MiTek industries

PosiConcrete Structural Hybrid System

The basic system:

Posi joists on 600 mm center.

Bearing on bottom cord, resting on
70 mm reenforced concrete floor slab.
Watertight folio to protect casing panel.
14 mm casing panel (OSB, chipborad ).
PS 10
total joist height 338 mm.
+ Top chord 51 mm wide x 76 mm
height. C24 timber.
+ Bottom chord 51mm
x 102 mm
height. C24 timber.

Details on connector:

Metal nail plate connector is pressed in

flange of top chord of Posi joist.
Connector is embeded into 70mm
concrete slab and structural connected.
Concrete caps top connectors and
reenforcement steel by 20mm.
Reenforcement rests on top of connector,
so connector positiones the steel in the
right depth in the concrete. (no spacers
Connecor sits between the posi webs.
One web space = one concrete

Structural aspects:
Loads and span distance applied:

2kN (solid concrete slab +
flooring etc.) .

Traffic load 2kN (load distribution by

concrete slab in area not respected so
far => higher traffic loads possible).

Free span 6 meters using PS10 (338

mm joist heiht).

All calculations acording to EuroCode ,

DIN 1052:2008 and ETAG for Posi webs.

Conector values acording to M 20 plates


MiTek Industries MiTek Industries

MiTek Industries

MiTek industries

PosiConcrete Structural Hybrid System



No casing system to be installed to pour

the concrete floor. Saves about 30% of
onsite labor compared to a traditional
concrete floor.
Excellent sound insulation values due to
high weight of the concrete and the
softness of a sandwich component using
different materials.
Outstanding energy saving capabilities
compared to traditional concrete floor,
due to large space between Posi joists
taking up to 300mm insulaton.
system reduces the weight of the floor by
about 50% compared to full concrete,
but offers about the same shear stiffness
and load carrying capabilities. Beneficial
especialy in seismic areas.
Installation time for
all services is
reduced by about 50% and work can be
started imedeately after installing the
floor. No downtime and delay in the
building process due to casing systems
staying in place for about 20 days.
(Hardening time for concrete)
Due to large free, unsuported span much
more space to move around or storing
building materials in a weather protected
part of the raw building. No studs
blocking ways or rooms.
Individual engineered casing + floor
system. Optimized use of material,
cambered joists to improve deflection.

MiTek Industries MiTek Industries

Short installation time. No overhad

manual work for installling, or taking
down casing system. All components are
supplied by light crane from top.
Saves all on site time + costs for
cleaning / maintaining the casing system,
for storing the casing system, for
transporting the casing system on site
and off site.
Components can be prefabricated as
light weight floor casettes off site and
quickly topped with heavy concrete on
site. Improves precission and speed
compared to the traditional process.
Structural design software directly
interfacing with production line for Posi
joists. This means that the structural
engineer who does the detailed floor
design will automatically receive all
production data at the same time. Saves
costs + time and helps to avoid mistakes
or misunderstandings on site.
Bill of materials, production times and
quantity take offs are precise and
avaliable at the very beginning of the
building + design process for quoting,
costing, on site scheduling , on site
controll and management.
High speed production of joists. Up to
200 lfm/h => 300 m / h (spacing
Precise installation drawings and on site
advises. Avoids mistakes and costly
misunderstandings on site.

MiTek Industries

MiTek industries

PosiConcrete Structural Hybrid System

Commercial aspects:

Customer groups:

Companies who are renting out casing

systems. Sell consumabel instead of
renting out.
Sawmills who are producing casing
boards and studs. Add a timber related
product which goes into the non timber
building markets.
MiTek customers who are active in roof
trusses only. Adds a second product and
opens a new customer group.
Builders using traditional brick &
concrete. Time saving on site for
following activities.
Steel building companies. (Steel
skeleton). Much lighter floor system for
multi storey office buildings.
Prefab house industry. High quality and
sound dense floor system + extra space
for iservices + time savings installing the
Glue lam and heavy timber building
companies. Much slimer and smaller
system than glue lam + excellent ratio of
Professional casing companies. Add a
consumable casing system which can be
sold on top of the expensive on site
labor. Add value to expensive labor and
shorten on site time because the casing
does not have to be taken down and

MiTek Industries MiTek Industries

One PCS connector sells about 2 Posi

web connectors.
1 m floor (600mm spacing) requires in
average about 3,3 PCS connectors and
6,5 Posi web connectors .
=> 2,53 Kg connectors / m
=> 395 m = 1 to connectors.
Each manufacture requires machinrey +
software + service.
Revolution press ~ 180.000,-
Strut runner press ~ 60.000,-
Splicer press
~ 12.000,-
PCS connector requires extra software
which means it could be sold as a
seperate licensed system. Charging a
basic license fee up front, like
Using the PCS connector in design jobs
requires engineering skills which are
possibly not existent at all potential
customer groups. This offers aditional
income for MiTek design services and
external design offices.
For external design offices a special
version of software could be sold , like
the RoofCon-TrussCon design office
version. Offering aditional income and
outstanding marketing oportunities for the
PCS system as such. 3rd party external
engineering offices as multipliers to pull
projects from developers and architects.

MiTek Industries

MiTek industries

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