Blink Review

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Blink is a book about those first two second of looking and

with a single glance we conclude the observation. Blink is the time in which we
make instaneous descion , it is the adaptive unconsiousness . The unciousness or
the sna p judgement oe the first experience could be educated and controlled. As
by author it is also told a thi slicing refers to the ability of our unconsious to
find pattern in situation and behaviour based on very narrow slices of
The author Malcolm Gladwell has unambiguously told
abput the snap judgement made in a second. In this , a pschologist named John
Gotmass has collected a thousand of videotapes which he could predict the
lifespan of marriage of a particular couple. He gave better judgement after
watching the short videotapes of a couples.He has a certain code system
enlisted on 2 for anger, 7 for defensive , 1 for ehining, 11 for sadness Another
way is the counting of negetive and positive emotion .Hence he concluded the
marriages lifespan.
Judging people by appearance is really difficult . to judge a
person , we need a little bit of experience . certain things to be mind i.e. arrange
of book shelves, bedroom, tables ,etc, which tell us clearly about the person way
of behaviour and thicking. To know about a person , it doesnt mean that we
have to be present at all the time beside and understand him.Just what we have
is simple ,spend time with him work with him and mostly do is to go for short
drivr like dropping him too his home.
A man named Braden a tennis coach , his ability is to tell
whether the ball would touch the net during bouncing up in the air . Braden s
adapt unconsiousness has accured over and over time .
Another key play are WORDS which not only influence us
but also give us certain thoughts. Wordswhich depicts negetivity make us fells
depress and clumsy whereas the words ehich depicts positivity ,make us feel
enthusiastic and exhilarate .So words are important in our insctinct descision.
Speed Dating where a group of men and women , having
identical dress code of men and women .With a gap or inerval of six minutes, the
pair of are required to change their partner and interact. After they are given a
rate scale or star scale which scaled from 1 to 10 and give them a point by
partners( men to boy and vice versa). The categories are attractiveness, shared
interest, introvert, extrovert, funny , sense of humour, sincerity, intelligence and
Phychologist used a fascinating tool called Implicit Association Test
(IAT) . In this test , alist of men will appear in computer and we have identify
where the figure of male and female . Later the difficulty level incresed by adding
certain features like career, family , Europian ,American, Africa american, black
or white, etc.
Bob Golomb is one of the best carseller.What makes him good ?
Obviously his sense of humor , good listner, takative, no descrimnation ,
prejudice thin slicing . He treat every customer with hospitality and welcomed
every one even a person came to visit. Never spoke harsly , time punctuality,

and simple. He is a good prejuce power but never apply may be sometime get
What we about good doctors? Simple good doctors are those who
better dergree mean degree from top medical college . Thus we identify the
Doctors. But it is a wrong concept , good doctors are those who have degree as
well as have better frienddhip qualities and interaction. So it will be for doctors to
interact with their patients and have a short conversations. Where the patients
should have the feeling that the is good ,assurance and well behave.
So all men and women have qualities and descion making .
But what we have to know is that our qualities should go in proper place.For
example- Sachin Tendulkar cannot be a good singer ,his talent is on cricket and
he make appropiate descision while hitting a ball which made one of the world
good batsmen .

Airport- What it generlly mean? A transportation centre where not

only people use to travel but also help in developing countries in terms of trading
( import and export). It is one of the fastest way of transportation as compared to
the waterways and roadways. So what will happen when this would hamperred,
twarth ? So in this book it was discuused about management skills during an
emergency i.e. thwart of airport route , maybe of reason like snowstorm , attack (
terrorist,or civil, disputes among countries.
Its an International Airport named Lincoln Inernational located in
Chicago. The airport has a very well sevices. Its start with a snow storm
predicted which was predicted by weather forecast. The airports general
manager Mel Bakersfeld and his companion are in choas because of the snow
storm . Snoe storm has affected the airport delay in flight because of air traffic
and storm . The main problem was not traffic and other all . A full length runway
named Runway which has been impede .Though this was longest runway of
this airport and this runway is used more .Though ther are another runway but
they are not longest as it is . So during emergency thhis Runway 30 is used.
But now the situation is that the runway is longer used because of a plane has
stuck in a mud near runway because unclear view and made pilot to make
mistake during turning. Though all the maintenance depatment are in chaos , the
chief head Joe Patroni (Trans World Airlines head of maintenance operations at TWA ) was not
present at that time. Joe Patroni was telephoned but his abode is three hours from airport. But

they need to clear runway, Joe Patroni was facing problem on coming because of traffic jam and
later he help the traffic maintenance to clear .
General manager brother Keith Bakersfeld who was in rador control and chief of
radar control continuosly his brother to clear the runway. His wife is good never complain about
him though he continuosly serving his duty day and night. He rememer his wife when he ate his
wife made tiffin. Whereas General manager wife Cindy always complain about Mel. She want
Mel to attend the party with her an d spend time together, Which always fail of works and duty.So
its very to coordinate both the tasks. Mel only fell good during duty, when he talk with her
younger daughter.
Ada Quonsett a old lady who always stowaways from Los Angeles to New York
on TWA flight to meet her daughter. And now she want to go rome .she is very intellegent
women.The turning point is of the man named D.O. Guerrero a Construction Company head who
has lost everything and know he want something ahead in his life except unsuccessful.He
always quarrel with his wife Ira z Guerrero because of mental state and family state. He made a
descision of buying the policy in airport death during travel in planes would compensate with
money to his family. The Golden Argosy", which is a Boeing 707 and Rome-bound is the plane
which he decide to accomplish his last goal.He have suitcase in which he fitted dynamits which
he use in contruction sites. Vernon Demerest and Harriis were the pilots of Boeing 707.The
plane is delayed, ehich the boths the pilots fell frustated. D.o Guerrerro reach the airport by taxi
and bought the policy which he lack some money but later his last coins made him enough to
buy the policy. Then he boarded the flight , introvert.Along with him the stoeaway lady boarded
the plane with ardent experince of stowaway. She had a seat near D.O.Guerrero holding his
suitcase tight to his chest. The plane took off. There in the general manger office , Ira z Guerrero
wife of D.O.Guerrrero siting ang came in a complain of her husband leaving Chicago to rome
which she get knoen by the envelop. But Mel was busy with the local people who came with a
complain of noice made by the plane . The citizen near the airport was also in choas because of
the noises of plane and a lawyer with their aid. Later the the problem resolved by manager ,
asked peolple did they gone through the agreement tha t land near are not meant for by law.The
people convinced and gone and beg Mel for ther grievences.
Ira z Guerrero who was called later and her problem. From her they were assure
that his husband having exlosive with him. With wasting time they contacted the pilots of Boeing
707 and asked them to arrest the man.They ran a trick of taking back the suitcate with the aid of
stowaway Ada Quonsett, she was accomplished .No sooner a man came forward took bag and
retured to the D.O>Guerrero . D.o.Guerrero now aware of the situation and to bathroom and later
pull the suitcase and a explosion bizzared.
The plane has lost its one part but still able to hold the planes.Now a emergency
situation occurred and they need to land theBoeing 707 In the longest runway.But the runway
was still in unfunction .Joe patroni arrived but still cannot make the difference but certain at last
the plane moved a inch and came out of the mud .Thus the runway is cleared . Keith Bakersfeld
incharge of radar control give clearer to Boeing 707 and safely landed by the two experieced
pilot. And all were feel a sigh of relieve. Keith Bakersfeld was the most intimidate one because
earlier in previous duty he made a mistake not by but indirectly, killed a family. So this is one of
intimidate one for him.
Decision making is really difficult .We dont have thick about only one person but
of a whole.So there should be a better manager managing his position.

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