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Tshwane University of Technology

Faculty of Humanities
Department of Education Studies
Education Management 4

- Session 7 Financial Management in Schools

Dr Muavia Gallie (PhD)
26 March 2012

1. Introduction
2. Financial Education Management
3. Legal requirements;
4. Legislation relations relating to
financial matters;
5. Guidelines for Financial Management;
6. Fundraising and strategies;
7. Financial budgeting;
8. Conclusion.

1.1 Introduction
We will focus in this theme on:
The legislative requirements when
managing finance in schools;
Sources of finances available to the
Importance of budgeting when
managing finances.

1.2 Financial Education Management defined

The distribution and use of money for the purpose
of providing education service and producing
student achievement.;
Aims of financial management (FM) are to:
Estimate the needs of local education and
Obtain finances in accordance with the estimated
Administer the finances thus obtained in a legally
correct manner.

2.1 Legal requirements for FM

General legislation
- Companies Act 61 of 1973 (Companies without gain
Section 21 company exempted from paying income tax =
main objective is to furtherance of education; does not
preclude you for making a profit; must stay in company);
- Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 (tax deduction in respect of
donations made to recognised education funds; not
applicable to compulsory school fees; maximum is R500 or
Education legislation
- SASA (MEC must provide public funds; SGB must administer
funds and control property; reasonable sue of facilities by
school and community; state must fund schools on equitable
basis; financial tasks of SGB; financial year of public

2.2 Legislation relating to F-Matters

Obtain additional funds to improve quality of
Devise strategies to obtain funds from parents,
community and private institutions;
Cant spend funds on unnecessary luxuries;
Must establish and maintain account for funds;
School funds consist of compulsory and voluntary
SGB must draft budget to estimate income and
expenditure for the year;
This will assist in determining school fees payable
by parents;

2.2 Legislation relating to F-Matters cont.

Must establish rules and procedures for full or
partially exemption;
Budget must be approved at parent meeting
school can legally enforce payment of school fees;
Keep financial records of funds receives and spent,
assets and liabilities, financial transactions;
Financial statements within 3 months after end of
financial year must be audited and copy to HoD;
New category of schools No Fee Schools!!

3.1 Guidelines for FM

1. Education spending by central government of
various countries 14% to 22%;
2. 1995/96 SA spend 20.8% of total budget on
3. 2011 Total budget was R178 billion;
4. 2012/13 will be R236 billion;
5. Largest of any other developing country;
6. Focus of financial education management
differs from commercial financial
7. One focuses on service and other on profit.

3.2 Fundraising
School fees (primary source of funding; supplement
through school functions; admissions and subscription
fees for sporting events; letting of facilities);
Marketing (public relations; positive image);
Support network (school activities; positive attitudes of
Marketing of facilities and services (libraries; swimming
pools - share with community; offering courses like
literacy and preparatory courses; offset poor parent
contribution with service to school; utilise expertise);
Alumni culture (attracting students back to school; when
they received outstanding education);

3.2 Fundraising cont.

Financial resources:
- contribution to education fund;
- donations;
- fundraising campaigns;
- letting of sport facilities;
- interest-free loans from parents;
- creation of education trust.

3.2 Fundraising cont.

Diverse sources of income:
- net profit from sales;
- interest on savings, investments and bank
- fundraising enterprises such as bazaars,
concerts, etc.;
- insurance investments like unit trusts;
- sponsors through service by banks;
- commission made from selling insurance;
- income from farming.

3.3 Strategies in Fundraising

Multiple, small and uncoordinated fundraising drives
by well-meaning staff and voluntary workers should
be avoided;
Utilisation of learners during fundraising should not
be seen as exploitation of learners;
Take care of competitive spirits and learners who
want to impress teachers and their peers with their
performance so that they coerce their parents to
Must be economically viable - look at the social and
incidental cost (time and effort).

4.1 Financial Budget

Planning and proper control of funds are
extremely important;
Create harmony between the people who are
involved and the objects to gain, which will
contribute to the success or failure of
financial education management;
Budgets is one of the most important tools
used in the financial management of a

4.2 What is a Budget?

It is a detailed plan, expressed in monetary
terms, of activities that have to take place
within a specified period.
The school budget should be a scheduled
plan which balances estimated future income
and expenditure;
Budget serves as control mechanism enables one to establish at any stage
whether expenditure exceeds the budgeted
amount and to take remedial steps timeously.

4.3 Advantages of a budgetary system

Is a source of information regarding finances of the
A macro-programme designed to advance the goals of a
Forces everyone concerned to think in financial terms;
Makes it possible for the needs of all sections of the
school to be noted and evaluated;
May encourage savings by all concerned;
Forces people to set clear targets within the financial
means of the school;
Is a control mechanism that readily reflects deviations in

4.4 Disadvantages of a budgetary system

Instead of being used as a tool for management, the
budget is often applied purely as an accounting
Goals are adjusted according to the availability of
funds - first goals, then priorities, then availability of
A budget may act as a mental straitjacket a
budget may at any time be amended as extra funds
become available.
See examples on p.221.

4.5 Goals and Actions

Budget does not consist merely of words
and figures - gives a financial reflection
of all activities of a school;
Activities should be linked to a goals or
objective - set clear goals;
Budget should agree with mission of

4.6 Budgeting Principles

Must be realistic;
All sources of income should be identified;
All possible expenditure must be determined;
Financial projection must be done (expected price
fluctuations, short-, medium- and long-term goals);
All parties concerned should be involved;
Financial means of community should be
Schools with hostels should budget separately for
To build reserves, one should budget for a surplus.

4.7 Elements of the Budget

Sources of Income (school fees, contributions,
interests, etc.);
Costs (obtaining quotations; problems due to
unrealistic demands - convince people, establish
priorities; dont undermine efficiency; get away from
each one fighting for own interests);
Assets (fixed assets - machinery, motor vehicles depreciation; current assets - temporary and
fluctuate from day to day);
Liabilities (long-term liabilities - loans; current
liabilities - creditors, overdraft facilities).

4.8 Budget Management

Not the task of one person;
Control (compare actual and budgeted figures to
detect discrepancies timeously; exercise
budgetary control; guard against overspending
by departments; successful control needs
adjustment of budgets from time to time, regular
reports from budget committee and dealing with
Deviation analysis and interpretation (make
recommendations to SGB with deviations are


4.8 Budget Management cont.

Internal audit and control of calculations (internal
audit to trace problems; check calculations);
Accounting and reporting back (in meeting with
SGB; get reports from departments through
budget committee; early detection of problems to
be eliminated);
Corrective measures (under-budgeting;
deficiencies in school structure; friction among
staff; lack of communication; negligence in
handling of finances; protect CEO against
criticism from teachers and parents).

5. Conclusion
Exercise financial discipline by curbing
unnecessary expenditure in accordance with
the list of priorities;
Involve as many persons from the community
as possible to assist in planning the budget;
A budget is not a secret document, drafted by
a secret committee. SGB should
communicate its contents to all involved and
as widely as possible in order to minimise the
possibility of friction.


Thank You!


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