What Is HTML: Content

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d i g i ta l m e d i a l a n d s c a p e s

from w3c

What is HTML
HTML stands for hyper text markup language. Its
refereed to has a markup language because it consists
of a series of markup tags. HTML tags describe content
and must have an open and close tag.


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d i g i ta l m e d i a l a n d s c a p e s

Web Browsers
The purpose of a web browser (such as Google Chrome, Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Safari) is to read HTML documents and display
them as web pages.
The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to
determine how the content of the HTML page is to be presented/
displayed to the user

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Basic Page Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>

HTML uses a open and closed tags to create a

nesting of content. Every webpage has this basic

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

The parent tag is HTML then the body, where all

the content goes.


Every web page has this basic information. The Doctype

refers to the version of html being used. Currently we are
up to HTML 5. Past doctypes look like:

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


4.01 Transitional//EN http://www.

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An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tag
An HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tag
The element content is everything between the start and the
end tag
Some HTML elements have empty content
Empty elements are closed in the start tag
Most HTML elements can have attributes


<h1>This is a heading</h1>


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


<a href=http://www.w3schools.com>This is a link</a>


<img src=w3schools.jpg width=104 height=142>

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HTML element attributes provide additional information
about the element. They always are included in the start
tag. They come in name/value pairs like:


f o r m at i n g


<p align=center>center me</p>

<b>make me bold</>
<i>make me italics</i>
<a href=url>link text</a>
<a href=www.cnn.com/>visit cnn</a>

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Image Tag
The image tag is whats called an empty tag, which
means it does not have a closing tagit just has
<img src=url alt=some_text>
Again the url can be absolute or relative. Alt refers to alt text,
this is the text that shows up when you hover over an image. It
was created so blind people can enjoy images on the internet.
They use screen readers which read describe the image using
the alt text

Images also have a width and height attribute:

<img src=pulpit.jpg
alt=Pulpit rock width=304

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Head Tag
Most webpages actually have another tag before
the body called the head tag. The head tag includes
scripts, instruct the browser where to find style
sheets, and provide meta information. Common
elements in the head tag.

title of page

<title>title of the page</title>

m e ta d ata

<meta name=keywords content=HTML, CSS, XML, XHTML, JavaScript>

<meta name=description content=Free Web tutorials on HTML and CSS>

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Colors on the internet are defined using HEX
(hexadecimal), which is a translation from RGB
(red, green, blue)

rgb (255,0,0)

RGB is considered an additive color space based

on light: it adds shades of red light, to green light to
blue light to achieve the entire spectrum of color.
100% red, green, and blue equals white, thats why
its called an additive color spaceyou add colors
to get white. rgb color is written like rgb(0,0,0).
Each channel (red, green, and blue) can range from
0-255, which refers to its luminosity (how bright
it is). so rgb(0,0,0) means no luminosity, in other
words black.
HEX translate rgb into a six alpha numeric
string consisting of three pairs that describe
each color channel. This allows for 16 million
different colors.

h e x t r a n s l at i o n


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Images on the Internet

Everything published to the web is optimized as
to keep the file sizes small. Its no different with
imagesimages are are optimized for file size and
quality. The internet supports three image types:

jpg 40%

jpg 60%

jpg 80%

jpg 100%



JPEGs are good file types for photography. When

optimizing jpegs its rare to save them at 100%
GIFs are good for images with solid colors
because they dont save based on pixels bud
store information in color tables. If you save an
photograph as a gif it will band because there is a
limit to the number of colors you can save. Gifs also
support transparency and animation.
PNGs over the highest quality image and support
transparency. They tend to be larger than jpgs.

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