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At Enersight, we put the user foremost.

Planning engineers. Reservoir engineers.
Financial analysts. Operations managers.
And the executive team. Our integrated
application combines previously disparate
workflows covering the complete oil
and gas field development cycle. Thats
everything from conceptual greenfield
development planning with an 80-year time

horizon to facility sizing, gathering systems,

budgeting and look-backs, plus daily drilling,
completions and construction scheduling.
Enersights workflows are unmatched in
user-friendliness. We replace unmanageable
spreadsheets, letting you move smoothly
between tasks, share data with other
teams and provide key metrics like forecast
exit rates to the corporate level in a clear,

Foresight. Clear sight. Insight. Enersight.

comprehensible way. Any change made

at any plan level is instantly reflected
throughout the plan. The executive team
gains faster, better insight and is equipped
with a powerful strategic planning tool
encompassing the companys entire asset
base, worldwide. No wonder some of
the worlds largest energy producers are
satisfied Enersight users.

Enersight Modelling provides a powerful, flexible field development solution
in a highly visual environment. It gives you comprehensive foresight by
incorporating every important element of a fields development plan, over
its complete lifecycle. That includes wells, infrastructure, facility constraints
and downtimes, pacing, rigs, resources, risk, time and economics a full-life
simulation of the field over time. Enersight Modelling: Practical tools that truly
tell the story.
Things that are hard to model: thats just where
Enersight Modelling gets going. It handles large
challenges that cant be solved with spreadsheet
models or standard economic tools. It works in any
type of development scenario from greenfield
planning, through redevelopment and stepouts of
producing assets, to de-bottlenecking a network, to
optimization of mature fields.

Every planning engineer and asset team leader knows

that a change in one variable typically affects nearly
all other assumption in the plan, including key goals
like the number of wells on production and forecast
exit production rates. Because Enersight Modelling
incorporates all the key variables, it lets you compare
and contrast different development strategies and
see, like never before, the impact any change has on
all other aspects of your business.

Enersight integrates these

key functions, creating a
continuous feedback loop
to drive short and long-term



Enersight Modelling supports budgeting to reflect
the complete development simulation, resulting in
accurate planning and financial output. The financial
foresight typically starts with the annual plan to drill a
certain number of wells, build a certain amount of field
infrastructure and deliver certain production exit rates,
all at a certain cost. As the year progresses, Enersights
budgeting module captures your latest estimates,
compares those against previous estimates, and reports
how the realities of plan execution are affecting year-end
forecasts. With Enersight, therell be no surprises.

Scenarios and Uses

Budgeting well numbers, plant capacities, rigs and
other key inputs
Analyzing actual spending and performing look-backs
Incorporating plan changes
Revising estimates, creating rolling business plan
Reporting exit rates, cash flow and
actual capex to executive team

Asset planners
Financial analysts
Asset team leaders

Scenarios and Uses


Development types:
Conceptual field modelling (greenfield), step-out
planning and continuing field optimization

Reservoir engineers
Asset planners
Asset team leaders

Play types:
Shale gas, shale oil, tight liquids-rich gas, LNG,
SAGD, CBM, conventional pools, offshore targets
Variables covered:
Land, wells, equipment, gathering systems, all
types of facility gas processing plants, steam
generating plants, oil batteries, LNG plants,
offshore facilities capex, op costs, capacities
and productivity, rigs and resource allocations

As your field development plan is implemented, you need to ensure

all the well pre-work steps are on-track, so that the well site is ready
to go when the drilling rigs youve contracted arrive. With drilling and
completions activity occurring at multiple sites, you need to track
whats going on, and deal efficiently with the inevitable departures
from plan.

Enersights drilling and completions scheduling

module is designed to help your team perform smooth,
efficient planning for all the pre-drilling steps (including
land access, the well licence, site construction,
seasonal restrictions, etc.), rig scheduling, and
completions services including fracturing. These
tasks are key to minimizing spud-to-on-stream times
and generating the per-well capital efficiencies and
production targets your company is driving for.
This module gives you clear sight on a day-to-day and
week-to-week basis over the schedule, for all your
rigs and drilling locations in fact, any resource that
requires a planning time-line plus the key steps
needed for the next well to be drilled. Essentially,
all the key things you discuss at your regular well
scheduling meeting. As your tasks are executed, this
module also supports the current-years planning by
sharing data on actual rig activity in the field, and tying
that activity to the short and long-term plans.


Drilling and




Analysis and

Manage your execution

resources on a daily basis
Schedule activity for pre-drilling,
drilling and completions services
Track permitting, regulatory steps,
well licences, site restrictions, etc.
Inform field engineers about upcoming
activity in their area
Understand impact of delays/disruptions
and make adjustments


Operations managers
Drilling engineers
Production engineers
Reservoir engineers
For the corporate level, Enersight is all about
providing insights that help the executive team
track performance and make sound strategic
decisions governing the companys operating
assets. The easily generated output from the
asset teams eliminates the traditional reportingperiod bottlenecks while ensuring data accuracy
concerning drilling results, budgeted versus actual
spending, cash flow and production exit rates.
Enersight Enterprise integrates previous plan
iterations with results reserves, production,
cash flow, NPV and more within and among the
fields, and over time. That enables differential
analysis and creates a powerful strategic planning
tool that helps you provide clear direction to your
business units and guide their next round of field
development activities. Enersight Enterprise, in
short, gives you the opportunity to manage your
business better.

Foresight. Clear sight. Insight. Enersight.


From the start, Enersight was conceived to be cloud-based and that
brings you powerful benefits. Quite simply, it eliminates IT issues at the
customers end. Theres no deployment bottleneck, because theres
no software to download or install. Zero support is required from your
internal IT department. Each licensed user can access Enersight from
any computer anywhere, any time. Your own computers power isnt an
issue you have continual access to Enersights computing centre, which
approaches the power of a super-computer.
Being cloud-based also provides seamless
access to Enersights latest updates and
improvements, while letting us provide
unmatched technical support. Whether
you need help understanding some
functionality details, want advice on
how to approach a planning challenge,
or are experiencing a technical problem,
our support staff can go on-line and
see exactly what you are seeing. That
means we can work our way to a solution
together, in real time.

Data Integrity
Enersights integrated nature means everyone
involved in the field development uses a common
development model. That dramatically
strengthens data integrity. Whether you use
our large cluster of secure servers or set up
an on-site Enersight server cluster, you will
be working off a common and collaborative
platform. This is an Enersight design
feature, and will further improve your field
development planning performance.


About Enersight
We are customer-focused and needs-driven. Those are no idle boasts
because we have truly walked in your shoes. Enersights entire core
team comes out of the oil and gas producing and service sectors.
We accumulated decades of direct experience in oil and gas project
engineering, planning, and software support.
We founded Enersight nearly a decade ago with a clear commitment:
to provide our industry with a better way of planning, executing and
analyzing field developments. We remain driven by our customers
needs. And we think it shows.

In Use Worldwide
Planning and operations teams at some of the worlds largest and
most technically adept energy producers are applying the productivityenhancing power of Enersight. Our customers include large through
small companies. Any producer with multi-well fields and significant
long-term planning needs can benefit from Enersight. Shouldnt your
team be among them?

Talisman Energy
Arrow Energy

Wed love to learn more about your needs

and show you what Enersight can do. We are
located in Calgary, Alberta and Houston, Texas.
Please call us to set up a demo at your offices.

Range Resources
Southern Pacific
Aera Energy
Ki Exploration

Don Merritt or Eduardo Littuma

Printed in Canada

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