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Today more than ever before the global healthcare industry is governed by

strategic activity. In fact, the long-term success of strategic buyers and healthcare
investors, alike, is inextricably tied to mergers, acquisitions and partnerships.
For years, the priorities of strategic buyers throughout the global healthcare
industry have emphasized marketing, sales and distribution as the principal drivers
of shareholder value. This emphasis has fostered an intense dependence on M&A in
order to sustain growth. In fact, although the dependence of strategic buyers on
M&A is only accelerating, the competition for the best assets is intensifying. The
best deals are increasingly difficult to secure
In 2014, (2,017) M&A and partnering transactions were competed by 716
strategic partners. Since 2007, (2,052) strategic partners have
consummated at least one transaction.
HealthiosXchange understands that strategic activity is vital to vibrant, dynamic
and efficient capital markets.
In recognition of the importance of mergers, acquisitions and partnerships as the
foundation of the global healthcare capital markets, the HealthiosXchange has been
designed to assist the most important strategic partners in the world in achieving
their own growth objectives and competitive priorities.
For strategic partners, the HealthiosXchange is:

The most dynamic business development experience serving the

global healthcare industry

A virtual expression of their distinct competitive advantages

A data-centric platform which mimics the development and strategic


A highly efficient social medium involving all the market participants

critical to success

In 2014, 7 of the top 10 M&A deals were in healthcare

HealthiosXchange is the premier capital marketplace dedicated exclusively to the
global healthcare industry. In positioning 2,000 strategic partners at the center of
6,000 emerging growth companies in (46) market sectors and (37) countries,
HealthiosXchange has developed a revolutionary business development asset to
support the competitive priorities of the most important strategic partners in the
92% of the market capitalization of the top 25 healthcare companies is
trading at (or above) their all-time highs
The HealthiosXchange for strategic partners involves a six-step routine, leveraging
the most advanced technologies to permit access to data, relationships and
opportunities in a infinitely scalable yet completely customized manner:

1. SECTOR DEVELOPMENT: Developing an Xchange presence

2. POSITIONING: Establishing Thought Leadership
3. ENGAGEMENT: Shaping the message with a broad audience
4. RELATIONSHIPS: Solidifying commitments with priority
5. DATA ANALYTICS: Applying proprietary informatics to optimize
6. GROWTH: Taking Action
At 17.2x, the Price/Earnings ratio of the S&P Healthcare index is at its
highest point since 2002
PHASE 1 allows every strategic sponsor to organize their unique HealthiosXchange

Sectors are selected according to market presence

EcoSystems consisting of Emerging Growth companies, investors, and

key relationships are assembled according sector preferences

Listings are established for every Emerging Growth Company in a

designated sector

Non-confidential Company information is gathered into each Company

profile, along with preference data to enable transactions

EcoSystem participants are tagged in order to enable data analytics

(e.g. activity mapping, trending, geolocation, matching, targeting,
alerts, notifications, prediction and sentiment analytics)

The 3-year organic revenue growth rate of the top-25 healthcare

companies is 6.1%
PHASE 2 enables strategic sponsors to establish a leadership presence within their
selected market EcoSystems:

Strategic sponsors will populate their own Xchange profile

Xchange Groups will be assembled, containing members of sector

EcoSystems designated for Friending and Following

Research, opinion analysis, position papers will be posted to the

Xchange which will inform the EcoSystems of priorities, perspectives
and strategies of each strategic sponsor

Sector Pages will assemble the Xchange listings of all EcoSystem


Xchange LifeLines comprised real-time news feeds, customized by

each Strategic sponsor, and targeted for each EcoSystem

Each Xchange EcoSystem will be mapped to prevailing social medial


The markets own growth expectation as implied by the forward-year P/E

ratio is 13.1%
PHASE 3 empowers strategic sponsors to establish their Voice with a broad
audience of EcoSystem participa:

Xchange LifeLines provides a constant news feed for the distribution

of custom content

Notifications allows strategic sponsors to be informed on the

achievement of milestones, inflection points and catalysts

Data on public and private transactions in selected market EcoSystems

enables informed dialogue with target companies

Exclusive targeting capabilities allows strategic sponsors to prioritize

conversations among companies

Proprietary Ratings & Review capabilities provides the market

sentiment on a universe of companies in selected EcoSystems

Integrated broadcasting capabilities enable communications with a

broad audience of companies in an anonymous fashion

The number of strategic partnerships has increased 30% annually since

PHASE 4 assists strategic sponsors in solidifying relationships with priority targets
within a designated EcoSystem. The principal elements of Step #4 are

Targeting and tracking specific transactions

Secure messaging with management & Board

Grand Rounds events, featuring many strategic sponsors hosting

virtual conferences with many companies in a highly dynamic and
efficient environment

Shark Tank events, featuring one strategic sponsor presiding over a

virtual presentation by many companies

Live conference events (e.g. Incubator Days, Clinical Meetings, Investor

Conferences) involving key participants from strategic sponsors and
the management and Board of companies in selected sectors

Since 2002, 100% of the returns realized from emerging growth

healthcare investments were generated by 23.6% of Companies
PHASE 5 provides strategic sponsors with real-time data to measure the success of
the Xchange process, reporting on activity within designated EcoSystems, and
disseminating performance scores of target opportunities:

Continuous analytics on 18 million data-points emanating from the

activities of (6,000) companies , (30,000) investors, and (2,000)
strategic buyers throughout the global healthcare industry

3,000 concurrent data experiments generating proprietary insights in

key market categories

Real-time trending and activity scores

Benchmarking of key milestones and inflection points against 25-year

historical and precedent data

Exclusive sentiment analysis and event prediction

Since 2002, 100% of the returns realized from emerging growth

healthcare investments were generated by 14.2% of the invested capital.
PHASE 6 supports strategic sponsors in selecting opportunities, organizing the
process and consummating the transaction.
HealthiosXchange is the premier capital marketplace dedicated exclusively to the
global healthcare industry. In positioning 2,000 strategic partners at the center of
6,000 emerging growth companies in (46) market sectors and (37) countries,
HealthiosXchange has developed a revolutionary business development asset to
support the competitive priorities of the most important strategic partners in the

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