Sports Club Applications System - Mostafa Okasha

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Mostafa Yousri Mohamed Farid Okasha

A Computer Studies Coursework Project


Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011



Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Table of Contents
Description Of The Problem..7
Background Of The Business....7
Problem Overview.........................................................................7

List Of Objectives.........................................................9
Business Related Objectives.............................................9
Computer Related Objectives..............................................15
Description Of Existing Solution.......................................................18
Context Diagram................................................21
Document Inspection....................................................25
Current System Reports......................................25
Evaluation Of Existing Solution........................................................33
Advantages ...........................................................................33
Key Areas For Improvement..................................................34
Description Of Possible Solutions.....................................................35
Proposal 1: Extending the existing solution.............................35
Proposal 2: Using a Database Software...................................36
Evaluation Of Possible Solutions.......................................................36
Proposal 1: Extending the existing solution..............................36
Advantages and Disadvantages.....................................36
Proposal 2: Using a Database Software....................................37
Advantages and Disadvantages.....................................37



Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

2- DESIGN....................................................................39
Planning Methods..................................................................40
System Flow Charts............................................................42
Description Of Method Of Solution...........................................46
Method Of Solution...............................................................46
Hardware Requirements .............................................81
R.A.M (random access memory) .............................................87
Hard desk................................................................................88
DVD Writer............................................................................89
Software Requirements.....................................................................90
Operating System...................................................................90
Database Software.................................................................91
Antivirus Software................................................................92

3- IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................
Method Of Solution.........................................................................94
Programming Code.........................................................................133



Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

4- TESTING.................................................................14
Test Strategy...................................................................................143
Description of test plan..........................................................143
Test Results....................................................................................146

5- DOCUMENTATION...................................................15
Technical Documentation...............................................................159
User Documentation................................................................................161
Using the database (user manual)...................................................161

6- SYSTEM EVALUATION.............................................179

Future System Developments & Improvements..............................181




Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011




Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Description Of The Problem

Background Of The Business:

Fister sports club was established in the year 1973 by the head of the Okasha family,
Fister Okasha, in Saudi Arabia. It has been originally founded in order to provide
professional sports training for the main sports of that era, which were mainly, Golf,
soccer, and football. As time passed by, the club became well known for having great
players who took part in domestic and international competitions. In addition to having
great trainers and famous sport players, the club decided to expand by providing other
services to its members, including fitness and social activities, restaurants, and all the
other variety of sports out there. Consequently, this change caused an enormous
number of people to join the club, as it was already well known. Members of Fister
sports club increased, so the business kept on expanding until it became one of the
biggest and most well-known sports club throughout the world. During the late 90s, it
was given the SCOTY (sports club of the year) award for its outstanding performance,
and uncompetitive resolution.
So after all, Fister sports club is a club of great records and achievements, and was
always doing its best to help train members and will always try to. It is a famous club
where anyone would like to join and have the pleasure of training in it with well-known
professional trainers and members.

Problem Overview:
Despite the club having a great image and superior achievements, it faced a problem
which has recently occurred. As the Members and employees of the club increased,
there were more files to manage, and more documents to process. Though keeping
record of the clubs members and registry was impossible to be done using the clubs
manual system which they are currently using. This lead to various problems in the past
few months which require to be urgently solved. Even though most of the large Clubs in
the country have already been converted to a computerized system, Fister Sports Club
remained with its same old manual system. As for the current system, the club
processes registration forms from subscribers manually, and if the information has been
accepted, the information will be recorded into the club members database on paper,


Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

which is stored in the clubs cabinets. This is part of the clubs manual system which is
greatly suffering. This is because sometimes when the forms are submitted, there is
incorrect or inaccurate information given, which would cease the processing of the
membership due to false information given. The club would need to contact the
subscriber and inform him/her about the problem, in order to fix it, and complete the
process. In addition, the documents may pile and mix up together with other forms,
which would cause the process to also stop, until the forms or documents needed are
found. This is due to the large amount of people registering their forms at the same
time, while their already being a large amount of documents which include the
Members, Trainers, and Sports documents. This is quite a slow and inefficient way of
running the club especially that the club has become a large organization, and is yet still
expanding. (e.g.: The clubs registration office was crowded one day, everyone was in a
hurry to submit their forms, so the documents and forms of different people were
mixed up, and now the processing of the forms took ten times as much as usual.
Whereby a total of 100 people registered their forms [30 people had their
membership late, 50 people had it in time, and 20 people had missing or incorrect
information which might have been due to stress from the crowd, which made them
perform some mistakes during entry, or due to missing information which might have
been due to the mixing of the documents.) This process usually takes them a long time
to finish because when the information is input, the employee has to make sure that all
the data is correct, and that the subscriber is a legible member, with valid information.
Furthermore, lots of storage space was needed to store the sheets, which took up a
relatively large amount of space, which could have been used elsewhere. (Maybe a
small office) A few errors were also made during input on the members database from
the forms. All of this resulted in the slowness of the clubs activity, as when, for example,
the members data is being updated; there was a miscalculation in the update or even
an error in carrying out the update, due to there being wrong raw data from the start.
Usually, miscalculations, or errors in the database wouldnt be such a problem,
however, if there was an update, as mentioned above, and there was a mistake in one
of the members or employees information, the process would need to be suspended for
a short time until the problem is solved.
One of the other main problems which Fister Sports Club has faced was managing the
sports. In other words, it was made impossible for the club to manage what sport was
taken by which member, and who was teaching which sport. This catastrophe has
caused the business to lose count of the members being sported, and so, had a great
effect on the statistics, salary calculations and even social events!
Another major problem that the club also faced was the re-registration fees. Members
of the club pay an amount in order to join the club, but they pay a small extra fee each
year in order to renew their registration. Fister Sports Club used to do this method every
year to its members when it was possible, but as the days passed by it became
impossible for them. Calculating the membership dues was a troublesome task, and lots
of mistakes were made in calculation, input and totals. Now that the members are
about a hundred thousand people, the club could not handle updating manually, the
club could not handle updating manually, and all the mistakes made has caused a
tremendous loss to the club. Even the analysis of the business showed incorrect values,
in regard to the real life values.



Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

And so, if all these problems were completely fixed, or at the very least, majorly
reduced, this would greatly benefit the employees, trainers, the club and perhaps, its


Since it is extremely difficult listing the objectives without being aware of the problem
first, this section was compiled after the investigations were completed.
In order to ease listing the objectives, they were divided into two groups:
The business-related objectives: which will be discussed by grouping objectives of the
major business processes identified. These objectives will be prefixed with the letter (B).
The computer-related objectives; which will be derived from the business-related
objectives. These objectives will be prefixed with the letter (C).

Business-Related Objectives: (B)

1 ~ Process: Adding and Modifying Members Data:

B [1.1]-Member ID:
(a) Must be unique.
(b) Must be set automatically.
(c) Cannot be left blank.
B [1.2]-Full Name:
(a) Must not be left blank.
(b) Must not contain any numeric characters.
(c) Must not succeed 50 characters.
(d) Members cannot have the same name.
B [1.3]-Address:
(a) Must not succeed 200 characters.
(b) Cannot be left blank.

B [1.4]-Contact Number:
(a) Must not exceed 12 characters.
(b) Cannot be left blank.

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

(c) Must be in the format [00-000-0000].

B [1.5]-Date Of Birth:
(a) Must be stored in the format [dd/mm/yyyy].
(b) Members age must not be less than 7 years old.
(c) Must not be left blank.
B [1.6]-E-mail:
(a) Must not be more than 50 characters.
(b) Cannot be left blank.
(c) Members cannot have the same E-mail.
B [1.7]-Gender:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Must allow this to be selected from either male or female.
(c) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
B [1.8]-Nationality:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Must not exceed 25 characters.
B [1.9]-Medical Issues:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Must allow this to be selected from either Yes or No.
(c) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
B [1.10]-Type of membership:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Must allow this to be selected from either Standard or Family
(c) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
B [1.11]-Start Date:
(a) Must be stored in the format [dd/mm/yyyy].
(b) Must not be after current date.
(c) Cannot be left blank.
B [1.12]-Member Dues:
(a) Is a default value which must not be changed. {75}
(b) Cannot be left blank.
B [1.13]-Amount Paid:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Has to be in between the range of the Member Dues. ( 0 75)
(c) Its data type should be currency.
B [1.14]-Amount Due:
(a) Calculations done must be in the form of currency.
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(b) Is automatically calculated by [Member Dues]-[Amount Paid]

B [1.15]-Sport:
(a) Lookup is unlimited, can have multi select.
(b) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.

2 ~ Process: Adding and Modifying Trainers Data:

B [2.1]-Trainer ID:
(a) Must be unique.
(b) Must be set automatically.
(c) Cannot be left blank.
B [2.2]-Full Name:
(a) Must not be left blank.
(b) Must not contain any numeric characters.
(c) Must not succeed 50 characters.
(d) Trainers cannot have the same name.
B [2.3]-Address:
(a) Must not succeed 100 characters.
(b) Cannot be left blank.
B [2.4]-Home Phone:
(a) Must be only 8 characters.
(b) Cannot be left blank.
(c) Must be stored in the format [000-0000].
B [2.5]-Work Phone:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Must be only 14 characters.
(c) Trainers cannot have the same work phone number.
(d) Must be stored in the format ["ext(288)-"0000]
B [2.6]-Date of birth:
(a) Must be stored in the format [dd/mm/yyyy].
(b) Trainers age must not be less than 18 years old and older than 100
(c) Must not be left blank.
B [2.7]-Gender:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
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(b) Must allow this to be selected from either male or female.

(c) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
B [2.8]-Nationality:
(a) Cannot be left blank.
(b) Must not exceed 25 characters.
B [2.9]-Start Date:
(a) Must be stored in the format [dd/mm/yyyy].
(b) Must not be after current date.
(c) Cannot be left blank.
B [2.10]-Passport Number:
(a) Must be 6 characters only.
(b) Must not be left blank.
(c) Trainers cannot have the same Passport Number.
(d) Must be stored in the format [000000].
B [2.11]-Email Address:
(a) Must not be more than 50 characters.
(b) Cannot be left blank
(c) Trainers cannot have the same E-mail.

3 ~ Process: Adding and Modifying Sport s Data:

B [3.1]-Sport ID:
(a) Must be unique.
(b) Must be set automatically.
B [3.2]-Sport:
(a) Must be unique.
(b) Cannot be left empty.
(c) Must not be more than 25 characters.
B [3.3]-Trainer ID:
(a) Has to have real values which come from the trainers Table.
(b) Can select one or more IDs.(can have multi-select)
(c) Cannot be left empty.
(d) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
B [3.4]-Session:
(a) Must allow this to be selected from either morning or afternoon.
(b) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
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(c) Cannot be left empty.

(d) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.
B [3.5]-Duration:
(a) Must be given in terms of time. (hours and minutes)
(b) Cannot be left empty.
(c) Must not allow for any other thing to be keyed-in.

4 ~ Process: Publishing Printable Reports:

1 ~ How long member has been in club (annually)
B [4.1]
(a) Must be sorted in relation to Years. (Descending order)
(b) Must display Member ID, Full name, Date of Birth, the Start date, and
the Years in which the member has been in the club.
(c) The members with an earlier start date have a greater number of
years in the club.
(d) Should calculate and display the years spent in the club by deducting
the start dates year (in years; e.g.: 2010/2012) from the current
dates year (in years; e.g.: 2015/2019).
(e) The Start date cannot be after the current date.

2 ~ How long trainer has been in club (annually)

B [4.2]
(a) Must be sorted in relation to Years. (Descending order)
(b) Must display Trainer ID, Full name, Date of Birth, the Start date, and
the Years in which the trainer has been in the club.
(c) The trainers with an earlier start date have a greater number of years
in the club.
(d) Should calculate and display the years spent in the club by deducting
the start dates year (in years; e.g.: 2010/2012) from the current
dates year (in years; e.g.: 2015/2019).
(e) The start date cannot be after the current date.

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3 ~ Members Contact Information:

B [4.3]
(a) Must be sorted in relation to the members ID (in ascending order)
(b) Must display Member ID, Full name, Address, Contact no, Date of
birth and Medical issue.
(c) Medical issue is shown as a check box.

4 ~ Member - Trainer - Sport link:

B [4.4]
(a) Must be sorted by Members ID (in ascending order)
(b) Must display Member ID, Full name, Sport, Trainer ID, Session and
(c) Where by each member can have more than one record, but each
record shows a different sport that the member takes.
(d) Each Sport should have different

5 ~ Sport Trainer:
B [4.5]
(a) Must be sorted in relation to Members ID (Ascending Order)
(b) Must display Sport, Trainer ID and Trainers Full name
(c) There must be no repetition in Sport.

6 ~ Trainers Contact Information:

B [4.6]
(a) Must be sorted in relation to the Trainers ID (in ascending order)
(b) Must display Trainers ID, Full name, Address, Home phone, Work
phone and Email address.

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7 ~ Members Sport:
B [4.7]
(a) Must be sorted in relation to the Members ID (in ascending order)
(b) Must display Members ID, Full name and Sport.
(c) The sport shows all the sports that the member takes.

8 ~ Members Membership Dues:

B [4.8]
(a) Must display Members ID, Full name, Member Dues, Amount Paid
and Amount Due.
(b) Must be sorted in relation to the Members ID (in ascending order)
(c) Calculates and displays the Amount due by subtracting the amount
paid from the Member Dues which is a default value of $ 75.

Computer-Related Objective: (C)

As mentioned above, the following objectives are derived from the business-related
C1 - A relational database will be created using an RDBMS. (Relational Data Base
Management System)
C2 - The following tables will be designed:
(a) Members
(b) Sport
(c) Trainer
C2.1 - There should be a primary key in every table in order to search for records
using this field as a key field.
C3 - Table relationships:
(a) The Sport in the Member - Trainer - Sport link will be linked with the
Sport in the Sport Table.

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(b) The Trainer ID in the Sports Table will be linked with the Trainer ID in
the Trainers Table.
C4 - The following forms will be designed to allow data to be inserted, modified
and deleted.
(a) Members
(b) Sport
(c) Trainer
C5 - The following reports will be designed:
(a) How long member has been in club
(b) How long trainer has been in club
(c) Members contact information
(d) Trainers contact information
(e) Members sport
(f) Member - Trainer - Sport link
(g) Sport Trainer
(h) Members Membership Dues
C6 - Queries, macros and programming code:
(a) Any queries, macros and programming code required to fulfill the
objectives mentioned above will be constructed.
C7 - The user interface will be designed:
(a) A simple switch board will be designed to allow easier interface with
the database that will be created.


(Time related)

B1 To save as much time as possible for the club, and avoid any errors or
mistakes which will slow down the clubs activity in order to save more time,
which will be available to concentrate on more important tasks. The
computerized system will avoid any slowdowns for the club.
o B1 [a] Processing the entries should be a quick task, and not take
much time to be processed. The new system should provide full
capabilities of this method, and save as much time processing them as
possible. Nevertheless, If the system did not process quickly, then it is
just as bad as a manual system, but with a few advantages, nothing more.
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o B1 [b] The manual (hand-operated) system is surely bound to make a

couple of mistakes now and then. Furthermore, there are no automated
checks on the information being inputted. The new system, however,
should be able to detect errors on its own, and inform the user of those
errors. This should surely minimize most errors, and save time for
correcting any errors which would be made on a manual system.

(Effort related)

B2 The new system should save effort, and make the job easier for the
employees of the club, as it would greatly improve their efficiency if they are
motivated by these means. It would also be easier for them to interact with the
system, if it was made simpler, without having to do much work at all. It should
not require much training and be easy to use, so that the job should always be
efficiently and easily done.
o B2 [b] The new system should allow data to easily be entered into the
database. For e.g.: (The Forms filled by the members, if completed,
should automatically be entered into the database, instead of the user
typing in all the data into the database again.) This would decrease the
possibility of their being errors made during input.

(Cost related)

B3 To cut down on business costs. As the computerized system will not need
to use any other resources, this will reduce the consumption of materials, and
would greatly lower the clubs costs.
o B3 [b] The club pays employees in order to manage, and process the
documents of the club. The new computerized system should greatly
lower these costs as it will be in charge of these jobs, and so no
employees will be needed.


B4 Since documents in the manual system were large in quantity, searching

for documents would rather be a time consuming, tedious and tough job for the

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employee. The new system should allow its database to be searched, in order to
avoid any of these difficulties.

Description Of Existing Solution:

As for the description of the existing solution, Investigation is needed to be done using
interviews and questionnaires in order to get answers from people who work in the club
and be able to describe the existing solution.

[A] Investigation:
Investigation is simply an examination which is done in order to figure out what is
wrong. The investigation will take place to find out what is the current solution, and to
describe it.
Investigation can be conducted using four methods:
[A.1] Interviews
[A.2] Questionnaires
[A.3] Observations (Inspecting existing files and documents)
[A.4] Document Inspection

[A.1] Interview:
An interview is a research technique conducted in person in the field, (Rather than in
the researcher's office) whereby a trained interviewer asks a person who is related to
the subject being investigated (which is the club management in this case) a few
questions in order to obtain useful information on the subject.
An interview was made with the head of the Human Resources Department (HRD) and
various questions were asked leading to important answers.
Question (1): About how many employees are involved in processing the forms?
Ans. The process is quite tiresome, as the information has to be recorded more than
once, and in different documents. So, for the meantime, we have 18 employees, each
working in pairs at different areas.
Question (2): About how many registration forms do you receive in one day?
Ans. During the high seasons, when people are most likely to register, we receive
about one hundred registration forms a day. However, during the low seasons, it
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reaches the peak of the forties, and sometimes fifties

Question (3): How many minutes does it take to finish processing a single form?
Ans. A subscriber usually takes five to ten minutes completing the form. But it usually
takes an hour to fully add the member to the database, and create an idea for him/her.
Question (4): Where do you store your members and trainers information and other
documents, and is it satisfactory?
Ans. We store them in cabinets, but unfortunately we have too much of them,
increasing space and effort needed to find required data.
Question (5): Would you mind explaining to me how are your forms processed for both
members and trainers?
Ans. Okay, sure! First of all, the registration forms for either the members or the
trainers are submitted, and are then checked to see if there are any missing entries. If
there are any, then the subscriber is called on their contact number, in order to receive
the missing values from him/her. When the information is all complete and full, the
form is sent to the investigation squad. They are responsible for checking whether the
subscriber has given correct information or not. If the information was incorrect, then
the form is denied and the subscriber is re-contacted in order to be informed about the
situation. In the other case, the values are checked, and are then recorded onto the
proper database. Furthermore, the information is recorded in other documents in order
to prepare the reports needed for the club. (Of course this is done after other
regulations take place, like the manual validation checks etc...)
Question (6): What do you see in your opinion is the worst and best thing about this
current system?
Ans. Overall, this system would greatly benefit the club if it was changed. Due to
there being lots of errors, and mixing of documents, which terribly slows down lots of
processes that take place in the club. But on the other hand, it is quite a cheap and easy
but tedious task to do. Doesnt require any staff training, or side support. So the club
would survive with such a system, but it wont stand for long.
Question (7): How many times did any information get lost or robbed?
Ans. We were lucky enough not to get robbed except for once, but about data getting
lost, that happened numerous times.
Question (8): How long does it usually take you to calculate the members dues, and
about how much do you expect the losses to the business are from errors in

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Ans. It takes about 1 hour for every 100 member, and we have over 100,000
members in the club! So it usually takes about a month to be done with all the
calculations. I would expect our losses to be in the range of 50 60 thousand.
Question (9): Do you think that using a computerized system would make it any better?
Ans. A computerized system would indeed eliminate all of our troubles and save
tremendous amounts of time and money. Although, it might be a quite expensive.
system to create, it wouldnt have to be paid every month. (like the salaries) Not
mentioning that it would greatly encourage our employees.

These were the questions given and the answers received from the head of the HRD

[A.2] Questionnaires:

Questionnaires are forms containing a set of questions for the purpose of gathering
information from respondents. Whereby, the answers would be used to conduct
Some questionnaires were given to the employees of the club of various departments
about some problems which the club might be facing. After interviewing the manager, a
questionnaire was conducted where from it we asked the employees of the club and
found out about the areas with problems inside the club which are given below in the
context diagram.


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After conducting the first questionnaire, other simple multiple choice questions where
distributed to both some of the members, and some of the trainers.
The questions were:
To Members:
1. How many different sports do you take
in the club?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) two
(d) Three or more
3. How can you describe your registration
into the club:
(a) Easy and smooth
(b) Easy but crooked
(c) Tiresome
(d) Difficult

2. About how much did it occur that the

trainer was late or did not appear because
of the time management of the club?
(a) Never
(b) Barely
(c) Occasionally
(d) Always
4. How long did it take you to officially be a
member of the club:
(a) 1-2 Days
(b) 3-4 Days
(c) 5-6 Days
(d) 1 Week or more

To Trainers:
1. How many different sports do you

2. About how much did it occur that a

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(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four or more

3. How many times did a wrong group

appear in front of you when it was
officially your time to train
(a) Never
(b) once or twice
(c) Three times or more
(d) Always Happens
5. How can you describe your registration
into the club?
(a) Easy and smooth
(b) Easy but crooked
(c) Tiresome
(d) Difficult

member was late or did not appear

because of the time management of the
club? (Average per member)
(a) Never
(b) Barely
(c) Occasionally
(d) Always
4. How many times have you or the club
had to cancel, or postpone a lesson
because of management/technical
(a) Never
(b) once
(c) Twice
(d) Three times or more
6. How long did it take you to officially
become a trainer for the club:
(a) 1-2 Days
(b) 3-4 Days
(c) 5-6 Days
(d) 1 Week or more

The two questions below were only given to the H.R staff:
1. About how many complaints do you receive monthly, and what are they mostly
about? (From both Members and Trainers)

2. What are the major difficulties you find in the current system?

All the trainers and members have responded to the questionnaires and the most
common answers were as follows:
To members:
Question 1:
Most common answer (c) Two

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Question 2:
Most common answer (c) Occasionally
Question 3:
Most common answer (b) Easy but crooked
Question 4:
Most common answer (c) 5-6 Days

To Trainers:
Question 1:
Most common answer (a) Two
Question 2:
Most common answer (c) Occasionally
Question 3:
Most common answer (c) Three times or more
Question 4:
Most common answer (d) Three times or more
Question 5:
Most common answer (c) Tiresome
Question 6:
Most common answer (c) 5-6 Days
All the staff of the Human Resources Department has responded to the questionnaires
and the most common points were grouped and were as follows:
1. About how many complaints do you receive monthly, and what are they mostly
about? (From both Members and Trainers)
(Average complaints: 7 from members and 12 from trainers)
For members: Most of the members complained about the poor management of the
club, and that it happened quiet often that they went all the way to the club for their
lesson, just to find another group training, or not to find a trainer at all. So they
requested that the club tries to manage its times, and try to be efficient as much as
possible in order to avoid these problems and satisfy both its trainers and members.
2. What are the major difficulties you find in the current system?

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- The manual system slows down most of our tasks because everything needs to be
made manually, and consumes almost all of our free time in the club, for the same
- The current system requires huge amounts of effort to be done in order to complete a
task, so I find it extremely tiresome and a waste of excess effort.
- Recently, there has been an increase in the subscribers in both the members and
trainers section, which resulted in a huge increase in the number documents and forms
in the club. Now, when I go looking for any documents, it takes me lots of time to find
the things I am looking for, and sometimes I dont even find them.
- Data is always hard to find and put back.
- Data always gets lost.
- Calculating the membership dues and the totals has been a serious problem as there
were a lot of mistakes occurring during calculations, so when we had to review our
work, it took us enormous amounts of time to be done.

On my visit to Fister Sports Club, I observed the members and trainers of the club
(including subscribers), and employees in the Human Resources Department. This is
when I realized various things including, members and trainers always complaining
about the management of the club, and how they had problems in their information. As
for the subscribers, they seemed to be extremely bored while registering, and stressed
because theyre wasting huge amounts of time waiting as they had to wait until the
application was processed, to make sure that there isnt any wrong information.
However, if they decided to leave, and there was some incorrect information, then they
would have to come and correct those mistakes. As for the Staff in the Human
Resources Department, I realized various things such as, the staff seemed bored with
their jobs, and there was little space to walk in because of the large amounts of cabinets
filling up the rooms. I even saw paper all around the place, and found out that some of
the staff got confused with their work. Furthermore, I have seen employees searching
all around the place for related documents and looking around for
employees/trainers/members details for data use or for modifying. I even realized that
they were working on processing the forms as fast as possible, leading to lots of
mistakes being made. Unfortunately, that was a total mess, and because not everything
could be resolved, I only chose five things to solve after using interviews and
questionnaires to establish the following: How long member has been in the club, How
long trainer has been in the club, Members contact information, Trainers contact
information, Members Sports, Sports Trainers, the member Sport Trainer Link and
finally, the Members Membership Dues.

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Document Inspection
After the long observation of the human resources staff working, I inspected the current
sheets that they were using, and have evaluated them one by one.
These were the sheets they were using:
Current System Reports:

1.) Trainers Information Sheet:

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Problems with the Current Trainers Information Report:

(a) Information can be left blank.
(b) Information can be written with bad writing.
(c) Mistakes can happen while writing any information.
(d) Takes time to search for required sheet.

2.) Members Information Sheet:

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Problems with Current Members Information Report:

(a) Information can be left blank.
(b) Information can be written with bad writing.
(c) Mistakes can happen while writing any information.
(d) Takes time to search for required sheet.

3.) Sport Sheet:

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Problems with Current Sport Report:


Times written can be wrong or inaccurate.

Written times can be unclear.
There Might be duplicates which may cause some problems.
Mistakes can happen while writing any information.
Information can be left blank.
Information can be written with bad writing.

4.) Membership Dues Sheet:

(Go to next page)

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Problems with Current Membership Dues Report:


Mistakes can happen while writing any information.

Information can be left blank.
Information can be written with bad writing.
Takes time to calculate.
Calculation mistakes can arise while calculating dues and totals.

Evaluation Of Existing Solution:

The clubs current solution has been described in the sections above; however, there
are yet some benefits and drawbacks of the current solution the business is using. These
are listed below:

(a) The clubs Employees are already familiar with the existing system and method
of doing things, so no training or explanation would be needed.
(b) Current system is not expensive (cheap) as there is no need to buy any expensive
machinery to run the club (e.g.: Computers)
(c) There is no fear of any technical breakdowns, because the system is very reliable
as papers, unlike computers, could not crash, or break.
(d) Cannot get hacked.
(e) Any changes in the system could be made quite fast, as the system is manual and
there will not be the need of bringing in new materials.
(f) Fairly simple to use.

(a) Data may easily get lost, as there is no specific place to store the data, or back it
(b) Calculation errors/mistakes could always be made, as data is being calculated
(c) Consumes a lot of storage space.
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(d) The registration process is a slow and tedious task.

(e) Difficult to produce analysis reports of how the business is running.
(e) Information required could be left blank which could lead to problems such as
not being able to contact the member or trainer because the club does not have
his/her phone number.
(f) Consumes a lot of time to process each registration form
(g) Information could be inaccurate.
(h) Lots of time is wasted on searching and modifying members or Trainers
information as well as on the several processes that are being made.
(i) It will take a greater time for the members and trainers to join the club, as time
would be needed to process the registration forms.
(j) There is low security on the personal information, so theres a high risk that any
burglar could get into the club and steal some of the information.
(k) Searching for required information takes lots of time.

Key Areas for Improvement

The areas that I hope I will be able to improve are as follow:
(a) Decreasing the possibility of calculation errors occurring.
(b) Decreasing the costs of employing a large number of staff in the Human
Resources Department in order to save as much money as possible.
(c) Making members and trainers join the club as fast as possible, by making the
processing of the registration forms a quick and efficient one.
(d) Reducing space used to store documents and information in cabinets, and
replacing them, by storing them into smaller, more efficient storage areas.
(e) Decrease the time being wasted on searching for information/records.
(g) Try to keep information as accurate as possible.
(h) Try to prevent data from getting lost. (backing up)

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(i) Make the values consistent in order to have more accurate calculations and
(j) Prevent new employee's information from being left out blank because they
might be vital for the business in the future.

(k) Reduce the risk of information getting stolen by burglars or other sources.
(l) Create reports of How long member has been in the club, How long trainer has
been in the club, members contact information, trainers contact information,
members sports, sports trainers, and membersporttrainer link.

Description Of Other Possible Solutions:

Listed below, are two possible solutions that could be done in order to reduce or
eliminate some of the current problems within the existing system. These methods
where chosen after implementing some investigations, questionnaires and inspecting
the results. These lead to two conclusions, which are either by extending the existing
solution, or by creating a database solution.

Proposal 1: Extending the Existing Solution:

This method would include:
a) Buying new cabinets to store the documents and data inside. This will
probably reduce the problem of storage, as there will be more areas to store
the data inside. This method could furthermore extend, if the club made a
room only for keeping those cabinets which are storing the information. This
will help the human resources department, as they will have more space in
the office, and would feel freer.
b) Hire more employees to work in the business. This will greatly help as there
would be more people to process forms, search for data, and finish the job.
The more employees there is, then the further a task can be divided into
parts. (For example: building a house can be done in 2 steps by 2 different
people, where by one would be responsible for digging and building the
blocks, and the other will fix the house together. Whereby if there were 5
people, each one can do one task, at the same time, and save large amounts
of effort and time.

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Proposal 2: Using Database Software:

This method would include:
a) To make a database software based on the current system, which will store
up all the members and trainers information. And also store all the sports
information, which member takes what sport, and which trainers trains what
b) Make the database able to calculate information and values, like finding out
how long each member and trainer has been in the club, or automatically
calculating how much each member owes the club, during and at the end of
each year. Finally, the new system will be able to save enormous amounts of

Evaluation Of Possible Solutions:

Listed below are the possible advantages and disadvantages of each suggested proposal.

Proposal 1: Extending the Existing Solution



More cabinets will give space for all the

data to be stored.

Too much cabinets to store data will take

up much space and leave less space for
employees to work in.

Documents can now be sorted more

efficiently as there is more space to store
data. (For example: each pile of
information which has something in
common can have its own section.)

Only some of the problems mentioned will

be solved which means that most of the
problems with the existing solution will
remain unsolved.

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Proposal 2: Using Database Software



Will decrease the needs of the business for

buying new cabinets, as it doesn't even
take up much storage space, because it
stores them on small microchips.

Jobs getting lost from unwanted staff will

increase unemployment in the country.

Will calculate membership dues

automatically reducing time and effort
done by the H.R staff.

The system wont work in case of technical

breakdowns or cutting in electrical supply.

Reduce/eliminate calculation errors /

mistakes that are always being made.

Employees need training before they use

the system.

Members and trainers information that is

required wont be left blank.

Fear of hacking or getting viruses.

Information will be stored more accurately.

Not much time will get wasted on
searching and modifying trainers/members
The formats written will be consistent, and
so this would greatly save time for
calculation, and make data more accurate.
Computerized writing is neat and clear,
which will make it easier to view
Will decrease costs because of less staff
needed to be employed in order to work
on the database.
The risk of information being stolen will
realty decrease as there is no information
on paper, and so the intruder would have
to hack into the system in order to steal
the information, which would be protected
by an antivirus, and probably a password.
It will reduce the problems of time clashes,
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and confusion as the new database should

properly link and manage the information
Documents can be backed-up in case
anything goes wrong with the information.

Selection of Possible Solution:

In view of the above, I will be setting up a database as of proposal 2: Using Database
Software. This is because it has way more advantages than proposal 1 and also has very
few disadvantages, which leads it to be the better choice.

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Planning methods:
The database that will be made needs to be designed first, and in order to achieve this,
a plan is made to help set the time plan to complete each section in order to finish on
time or even better, before it.
There are various ways such as:
(a) Making calendars
(b) Using Gantt charts
(c) Flow charts
(d) Development lists
The planning method that will be selected and used is the Gantt chart, which mainly
illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the
terminal elements and summary elements of a project. This displays the time that needs
to be spent on each section and sub-section; Terminal elements and summary elements
comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. This shows when the project will
be done, and how long each task is going to take.

Gantt chart:
(Go to next page)

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System Flowchart:
Inserting a new record into any of the tables (Members/Trainers/Sports):

These are the

data entries in
each field: (e.g.:

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Deleting A record from any of the tables: (Members/Trainers/Sports)

This includes:

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Amending any of the records from all the tables: (Members/Trainers/Sports)

This includes:

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Searching by ID for details for each unique record from every table

This includes:

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Method Of Solution:

In this section, the computer-related objectives will be discussed.

Objective C1
A blank database will be created using Microsoft Access 2010.

Objective C2
A brief explanation of the tables that appear in this section below (tables 1.1 1.4):
Data Type & Sub-Type:
These values were decided upon by looking at the nature of the data unit stored
in the existing system, or due to the set objectives, such as the Short Date and
Long Integer sub-types.
Field Description:
Briefly describes the data that will be stored in each field.
Shows where key values are and the fields were values must be unique, e.g.: PK
= primary key which means that this field must be unique.
Coded Data:

Showing the fields that will contain coded data, to achieve known benefits such
> Faster input.
> Reducing error.

Value Lookup:
Allows the user to select from a list of values including:
(L) Stands for limit-to-list, which is used in order to force the user to
select one of the listed values.
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Where an asterisk (*) has been shown, these fields will allow the user to add
other values to the list as well.
Default Value:
Values to be used as defaults in relation to the objectives.
Length Check:
To ensure that an item of data has the correct number of characters. It
determines the minimum and maximum lengths of the field. It can make sure
the minimum has been entered - for example a date must have at least 6
numbers in it e.g. 16/10/04. If only 5 numbers have been entered, it will
generate an error. It can also check the maximum length, for example a phone
number cannot have more than 12 numbers.
Allow Zero Length:
Decides whether zero-length strings can be inputted or not.
Range Check:
A range validation check determines whether or not an entered value falls within
a predetermined range. For instance, if a text box allows values that fall within a
set range, say from 5 to 10, all user-entered values that fall outside this range
are not accepted. The range validation check alerts the user that the control
value entered is inaccurate, so the user can make the necessary amendments.
Range validation checks are also used to check the consistency of dates entered
in forms.
Validation Text:
The message that will be displayed if the range check fails.
Format Check:
To ensure the individual characters that make up the data are valid - e.g. no
letters in numerical data. This checks that data is of the right format, that it is
made up of the correct combination of alphabetic and numeric characters. A
National Insurance number must be in the form of XX 99 99 99 X. The first two
and the last characters must be letters. The other six characters are
numbers. The total length is nine characters. Any other format is rejected.

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Presence Check:
Determines whether or not a user has filled out the important fields in a form. A
required field validation check will not allow a form to process until all the
mandatory fields are filled out. If one or more mandatory fields are left blank, a
pop-up box appears, alerting the user to the missing fields.

Objective C2 (a)
This will be achieved by applying all of the constraints mentioned in objectives B1. The
following tables show the constraints translated into the table design for table

Data Type


Field Description





This is the Identification

Number of the member

































The first and last name

of the member
Address of the member
Any Number which can
contact the member
This is the date of when
the member was born
The members Email

This is the sex of the

This is where the
member is from
This sees whether the
member has medical
problems or not
This selects the type of
membership of the
The date at which the
member joined the
This is the total amount
the member is supposed to pay
This is the total amount
paid by the member
This is the amount
owed by the member

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to the club and is yet

This the sport the
member is taking


Table 1: Member Part 1



Allow Zero


Validation Text

Format Check





The member must

be older than 8 years













<=75 And




Table 1: Member Part 2

The Start Date

cannot be after the
current date.

Objective C2 (b)
This will be achieved by applying all of the constraints mentioned in objectives B2. The
following tables show the constraints translated into the table design for table Trainers.

Data Type


Field Description





This is the Identification

Number of the trainer











The first and last name

of the trainer
Address of the trainer
Any Number which can
contact the trainer
The trainers work
phone number

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This is the date of when

the trainer was born
This is the sex of the
This is where the
trainer is from
The date at which the
trainer joined the club
This is the passport
Number of the Trainer



The trainers Email





Table 2: Trainer Part 1




Allow Zero


Validation Text

Format Check



"ext "!"(288)"0000;0;_


The employee must

be older than 18
years old and
younger than




















Table 2: Trainer Part 2

- 50 -

The Start Date

cannot be after the
current date.
The Start Date
cannot be after the
current date.

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Objective C2 (c)

This will be achieved by applying all of the constraints mentioned in objectives B3. The
following tables show the constraints translated into the table design for table Sports.



Data Type


Field Description







This is the Identification

Number of the sport












This is a list of all the

sports in the club
This is the Identification
Number of the Trainer
This states whether the
sport is a morning or an
afternoon session
This states how long
the lesson takes


Table 3: Sport Part 1



Allow Zero


Validation Text

Format Check







Table 3: Sport Part 2

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Objective C3
There are several relationships in the database; The Sport (Sport. Value) in the Members
Table with the SportID in the Sport Table, and the Trainer ID in the Sports Table with the
Trainer ID (TrainerID. value) in the Trainers Table. So it is found that there are going to
be relationships between the SportID, and Trainer ID and the sport with sport from both
the members table and sports table.

Each member, sport and trainer has their own unique ID.
However, a trainer can train more than one sport, and a member can select
more than one sport too.
When the relationship was created, the Sport in the members table was made to
select more than one choice, and thus the relationship was set between the
sport ID, and the name of the sport was given, this is why, a Sport. Value is
When the relationship was created, the TrainerID in the Sports table was made
to select more than one choice, and thus the relationship was set between the
TrainerID, moreover, the name of the trainer was given, this is why, a Trainer.
Value is created.

Thus, a one-to-many relationship will be set in the database, from the Member table to
the Sport table, based on the common field, sport. And from the Trainer table to the
Sport table, based on the common field, TrainerID.

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Objective C4
There will be three forms which will be created. This is in order to allow for data to be
amended, or deleted, and for new data to be inserted. These are the
Members form, Trainers form and Sports Form.
Member Manager Form:

Design view:

Form view:

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Fields present in members manager form:

(a) Member ID, Full Name, Address, Contact No, Date Of Birth, Email Address,
Gender, Nationality, Medical Issues, Type Of Membership, Start Date, Members
Dues, Amount Paid, Amount Due, Sport.
The above fields where chosen because they are the fields which store information
about each member, and can be amended directly. (these are all the fields present in
the employee table).
Value Lookups where made in the following fields:
(a) Gender
(b) Sport

Trainer Manager Form:

Design view:

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Form view:

Fields present in Trainers manager form:

(a) Trainer ID, Full Name, Address, Home Phone, Work Phone, Date Of Birth,
Gender, Nationality, Start Date, Passport No, Email Address.
The above fields where chosen because they are the fields which store information
about each member, and can be amended directly. (These are all the fields present in
the employee table).
Value Lookups where made in the following fields:
(a) Gender
Sport Manager Form:

Design view:

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Form view:

Fields present in Trainers manager form:

(a) Sport ID, Sport, Trainer ID, Session and Duration.
The above fields where chosen because they are the fields which store information
about each sport, and can be amended directly. (These are all the fields present in the
employee table).
Value Lookups where made in the following fields:
(a) TrainerID
(b) Session

Objective C5
Only five reports are made in order to show the information and output the calculations
made; How long member has been in club, How long trainer has been in club, Members
contact information, Trainers contact information, Members sport, Members Table,
Sport Trainer and Members Membership Dues

How long member has been in club

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Design view:

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Report view:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.1]
This report is sorted in order of member ID, then the Full Name of the member, listing
down their date of birth, start date and No. of years in the club. The member table was
needed to make this report. The How long member has been in club query was needed
in the making of this report.
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How long trainer has been in club

Design view:

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Report view:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.2]
This report is sorted in order of Trainer ID, then the Full Name of the trainer, listing
down their date of birth, start date and No. of years in the club. The Trainer table was
needed to make this report.
The How long trainer has been in club query was needed in the making of this report.
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Members contact information

Design view:

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Report view:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.3]
This report is sorted in order of member ID, then the Full Name of the member, listing
down their address, contact number, date of birth and medical issues. The member
table was needed to make this report. The Members contact information query was
needed in the making of this report.

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Member - Trainer - Sport link

Design view:

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Report view:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.4]
This report is sorted in order of member ID, then the Full Name of the member, listing
down their sport, trainer ID, session and duration. The member and sport table was
needed to make this report.
The Member Sport Trainer link query was needed in the making of this report.

Sport trainer

Design view:

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Report View:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.5]
This report is sorted in order of Sport then the Trainers ID, listing down their Full Name.
The Trainer and sport table were needed to make this report.
The Sport Trainer query was needed in the making of this report.
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Trainers Contact Information

Design view:

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Report view:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.6]
This report is sorted in order of Trainers ID, then the Full Name of the trainer, listing
down their Address, Home Phone, Work phone and Email address. The trainer table was
needed to make this report.
The Trainers contact information query was needed in the making of this report.

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Members Sports

Design view:

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Report view:

This report meets the following business-related objective:

(b) Objective B[4.7]
This report is sorted in order of member ID, then the Full Name of the member, listing
down their sport. The member table was needed to make this report.
The Members sports query was needed in the making of this report.

Members Membership Dues:

Design view:

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Report view:

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This report meets the following business-related objective:

(a) Objective B[4.8]
This report is sorted in order of Members ID, then the Full Name of the Member, listing
down the Members Dues, Amount Paid and Amount Due. The Member table was
needed to make this report.
The Members Membership dues query was needed in the making of this report.

Objective C6
A few queries will be needed in order to create the database. These are: The How Long
Member Has Been In Club, The How Long Trainer Has Been In Club, Members Contact
Information, Members Sports, Sports Information, Trainers Contact Information and
Trainers Sports. Whereby macros and programming code will be used in order to fulfill
this will be constructed.
Queries are the primary mechanism for retrieving information from a database and
consist of questions presented to the database in a predefined format. Many database
management systems use the Structured Query Language (SQL) standard query format.
The How Long Member Has Been In Club Query:
Design view:

Fields Used
It uses the MemberID, FullName, DateOfBirth and StartDate fields from the Members
Table; it can output the number of years each member has been in the club, from which
the start date and the current dates years are subtracted from each other. This can be
used to compare values together in order to analyze the members in the club, and this
can be used as an easier method of knowing how many members joined the club in a
specific year.
SQL Code

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SELECT [Members Table].MemberID, [Members Table].FullName, [Members Table].DateOfBirth,

[Members Table].StartDate, DateDiff("yyyy",[Members Table].[StartDate],Date()) AS Years
FROM [Members Table]
ORDER BY DateDiff("yyyy",[Members Table].[StartDate],Date()) DESC;

The How Long Trainer Has Been In Club Query:

Fields Used
It uses the TrainerID, FullName, DateOfBirth and StartDate fields from the Trainers
Table; it can output the number of years each Trainer has been in the club, from which
the start date and the current dates years are subtracted from each other. This can be
used to compare values together in order to analyze the trainers in the club, and this
can be used as an easier method of knowing how many trainers joined the club in a
specific year.

SQL Code
SELECT [Trainers Table].TrainerID, [Trainers Table].FullName, [Trainers Table].DateOfBirth,
[Trainers Table].StartDate, DateDiff("yyyy",[Trainers Table].[StartDate],Date()) AS Years
FROM [Trainers Table]
ORDER BY DateDiff("yyyy",[Trainers Table].[StartDate],Date()) DESC;

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Members Contact Information Query:

Fields Used
It uses the MemberID, FullName, Address, ContactNo, DateOfBirth, MedicalIssues fields
from the Members Table; it is used to show all the basic information and contact
information of the member. It is used to show all the members information including all
the fields mentioned above. This could be used as an emergency list, in case any
member or relative was needed to be contacted.
SQL Code
SELECT [Members Table].MemberID, [Members Table].FullName, [Members
Table].Address, [Members Table].ContactNo, [Members Table].DateOfBirth, [Members
FROM [Members Table];

Members Membership Dues Query:

Fields Used
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It uses the MemberID, FullName, MemberDues, AmountPaid and AmountDue fields

from the Members Table; it is used to show all the basic information and contact
information of the member. It is used to show all the members dues including all the
fields mentioned above. This could be used to know which members paid and which
members did not pay, in order to record these accrued values and carry them forward
to the next year so that the business should be accountable of the amounts due. And
this could calculate the total received and due of the year.
SQL Code
SELECT [Members Table].MemberID, [Members Table].FullName, [Members
Table].Address, [Members Table].ContactNo, [Members Table].DateOfBirth, [Members
FROM [Members Table];

Members Sports Query:

Fields Used
It uses the MemberID, FullName and Sport fields from the Members Table; it is used to
show all the basic information and contact information of the member. It is used to
show all the members Sports that they take. This list could be printed out to the trainer
in order to show him which members he is to train, to prevent any members from
joining in without registering first, and so, would trick the trainer in joining the lessons.
SQL Code

SELECT [Members Table].MemberID, [Members Table].FullName, [Members Table].Sport

FROM [Members Table]
ORDER BY [Members Table].MemberID;

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Sports Information Query:

Fields Used
It uses the Sport.Value, MemberID, FullName, TrainerId.Value, Session and Duration
fields from the Members and Sports Table; it is used to show all the information about
the member, the sports they take and all the information about them. This is used to
show the members the details about the sports they take. So that they can know who
the trainer of the lesson is, and what time they should go.
SQL Code
SELECT [Members Table].Sport.Value, [Members Table].MemberID, [Members
Table].FullName, Sport.TrainerID.Value, Sport.Session, Sport.Duration
FROM Sport INNER JOIN [Members Table] ON Sport.SportID = [Members
ORDER BY [Members Table].Sport.Value;

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Trainers Contact Information Query:

Fields Used
It uses the TrainerID, FullName, Address, HomePhone, WorkPhone and Email address
fields from the Trainers Table; it is used to show all the information about the Trainer
and all the methods of contacting them. This could be used as an emergency list, in case
any trainer or relative was needed to be contacted.
SQL Code
SELECT [Trainers Table].TrainerID, [Trainers Table].FullName, [Trainers Table].Address,
[Trainers Table].HomePhone, [Trainers Table].WorkPhone, [Trainers Table].[Email
FROM [Trainers Table]
ORDER BY [Trainers Table].TrainerID;

Trainers Sports

Fields Used

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It uses the TrainerID, FullName and Sport fields from the Trainers Table and Sport Table;
it is used to show all the information about the Trainer and the sports that he/she
SQL Code
SELECT [Trainers Table].TrainerID, [Trainers Table].FullName, Sport.Sport
FROM [Trainers Table] INNER JOIN Sport ON [Trainers Table].TrainerID =
ORDER BY [Trainers Table].TrainerID;

Objective C7
The below diagram will be used to show how the database will be navigated by the

(go to next page)

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To be able to achieve these navigations from the diagram designed; simple

switchboards will be created for the user to use in order to navigate through the
The difference here between one way and two way arrows is that two way arrows allow
returning back to the previous switchboard unlike one way arrows. One way arrows are
usually used when a form or report is opened.

Hardware Requirements:

The hardware requirements are the hardware that the club will need in order to have a
complete functioning database, where by all the information can be viewed, printed,
amended, and stored.
Listed below is the hardware required for the new system to work.

(they are all listen in the next few pages)

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A processor is needed inside every computer because it does the calculations and
processes the entire computer's data. It processes the tasks of the computer and gives it
commands acting like the computer's brain, a good processor to use would definitely be
the Intel Core i7, giving power to four cores and 8 threads with a max TDP of 45 W and
working at 2.30GHZ, will surely make the computer process more than fast enough to
run the software perfectly.
Reasons why needed:
a) To process the membership dues calculations and the amount of years the
members and trainers have been in the club.
b) To give commands to the computer, also, the computer would never work
without a processor.

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An LCD (Light Crystal Display) monitor is recommended to be used as it is what allows

information to be displayed out of the computer, and is a much better choice than a
normal CRT monitor because it is lighter and takes less space, and the more bigger and
better resolution the monitor is, the better and clearer the display of the information
will be.

Reasons why needed:

a) To display a high definition image of the database, whereby the user can see
what he or she are inputting/editing to avoid any errors being made during
b) Being flat and small in size makes it more mobile and easier to move from
one place to another.

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A mouse is a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor

on your computer screen as you move it around. It is needed to interact with the
computer as well as select and point on items. It also allows for clicking and dragging of
objects. A wireless laser mouse is recommended because it works on all surfaces and
allows ease of usage as it doesnt have a wire, which allows it to be mobile, and is not
badly affected by time and dust, unlike an optical mouse.
Reasons why needed:
a) To select items and buttons present on the database system, by clicking on
them using the cursor, this is controlled by the mouse.

b) A mouse provides a user interface with the computer where by the user can
use the mouse to control the computer system.

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A keyboard is needed in order to enter data into the database and write employee
information, it is a fashioned method of entering data and contains all the letters and
numbers needed to run the database, it is highly recommended as it is the main method
of input into the computer.
Reasons why needed:
a) Input members and trainers information into the forms.

b) To input values of the membership dues in order to calculate total amounts


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A printer is needed in order to print out the reports onto paper so that the information
could be seen on paper rather than looking onto the computer screen regularly to check
on the same information over and over. A colorful laser jet printer is recommended to
be used because it would print colorful reports faster, saving time.
Reasons why needed:
a) To print out reports, rather than reading information from the monitor
screen, as it is harmful to the eye, and information on paper is more handy as
it can be carried anywhere.
b) Low running costs

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R.A.M (Random Access Memory)

A RAM (Random Access Memory) is a volatile memory which temporarily stores data
currently used on the system. It is highly needed to keep the system running as it stores
the data currently used, a 1GB RAM is recommended, but the bigger the RAM, the
higher the performance will be.
Reasons why needed:
a) To store temporary information.
b) Stores programs and files being used at the moment.

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Hard disk

A hard disk is needed in order to store all the information of the database, of all the
members and trainers in the club. It also stores other applications that are required to
run the computer including the operating system. A minimum of 2 gigabyte worth free
space is required on the hard disk and is recommended in order to store all the
information needed without worrying whether the storage area will not be enough or
Reasons why needed:
a) Stores members and trainers data.

b) Stores the operating system on the computer and other software needed to run
the database. (Including the database itself).

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DVD writer

A DVD writer could be needed in order to make backup for the existing data on the
database in case data got lost or corrupted, it writes onto empty Digital Video Disks
which can be stored as a master file or its transaction file. At least an 8x writer is needed
in order to save time while making backups.
Reasons why needed:
a) To store members and trainers information for backup.
b) Data could be then inserted from DVD if existing data on the computer got

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Software Requirements:

In order for the database to run, and even be created, there are several software which needs to
be installed and used on the computer. These software were the basis of the database, and
were all used to complete the database, and make it as efficient as possible.

Listed below is the required software for the new system to work:

OS (Operating System)

The best operating system to use would either be windows seven ultimate or windows
seven professional. An operating system is required in order to run the computer and
operate it. It also performs the tasks of a computer such as copy/paste/cut/defrag and
other operations in which makes the computer work, it also offers the user interface of
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the computer, Windows seven is better than XP because it has more security and power
and has an easier and more adaptive user interface.
It is a great choice because almost all of the software needed to create the database is
compatible with Windows 7 and would work smoothly as the windows is well
created. Furthermore, Windows 7 offers a strong and powerful security which will
prevent any hackers into the system.

Database Software

Microsoft Access 2010 is recommended as the database program, which is one of the
most important software needed in order to run the whole system providing a good
fashionable and easy to use user interface as well as better options than Access 2007, it
is the main program that the hospital will be using to search and amend its database.
It is by far the most suitable program as it offers all the options needed to create a full
and proficient database.

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Antivirus software:

The Nod 32 4 Business Edition antivirus is considered one of the unsurpassed antiviruses
out there. It is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer
viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Such programs may also prevent and remove
adware, spyware, and other forms of malware. Furthermore, it will protect the
computer from being hacked by any source, and so prevent any data from being stolen.
Nod 32 offers help and prevents any virus from damaging a PC's operating system, and
makes sure that all the important information stored are secured from sudden virus
attacks or virus infections.
Nod 32 provides fast, easy-to-use and effective protection without disturbing the other
programs that are running on the computer, and so will not slow down the processing of
the database.

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Method Of Solution:

Objective C1 Creating A Database:


First, go to New
Then Click on Blank datbase
Then create the database

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Objective C2 Creating Tables:


First go to create
And then click on Table

A) Create the members table by opening the design view of the table, and inserting
all the required fields necessary to complete the table.
B) Create the trainers table by opening the design view of the table, and inserting
all the required fields necessary to complete the table.
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C) Create the Sports table by opening the design view of the table, and inserting all
the required fields necessary to complete the table.

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Objective C2.1 Setting the primary Key:


Select the required field, then go to design

Then click on Primary key

Objective C3 Creating Table Relationships:


Relationships are created by connecting fields together

If there is a value lookup, then a relationship will be automatically created
If not, then a relationship can be created like this:
o First, go to Table tools
o Then click on table
o And then select relationships

(go to next page)

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A relationship can be created by dragging a field onto another field, and then
select the options for the relationship and all will be done.

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Objective C4 Creating Forms:


To create a form, first select the table that you want to create the form from
Then click on create
Then click on form, and the from of the table will automatically be created

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The members, Trainers and Sports forms can be created using the same method, but
each from its own table.

Objective C5 - Creating reports:

The following reports should be created:
(i) How long member has been in club
(j) How long trainer has been in club
(k) Members contact information
(l) Trainers contact information
(m) Members sport
(n) Member - Trainer - Sport link
(o) Sport Trainer
(p) Members Membership Dues

In order to create a report, a query should be available

When the query is selected
Click on create
Then select report
And a report of the query will be automatically created

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1.) How long member has been in club

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2.) How long trainer has been in club

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3.) Members table

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4.) Members contact information

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5.) Members Membership Dues

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6.) Members Sports

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7.) Sport Trainer

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8.) Trainers Contact information

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Objective C6 - Creating Queries:


A query is a request of information used in order to group differnet information,

or calculate information together.
In order to create a query go to create then select query design

Then add the tables needed to be in the query, and select the fields required to
do so.
Then finish off the query by deciding on which field should it be sorted
The query is then complete

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How long trainer has been in club

How long trainer has been in club

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Members Contact Information

Members Membership Dues

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Members Sport

Sports Information

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Trainers Contact Information

Traienrs Sport

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Lookup Wizard:
In order to create a lookup on one field the following steps should be considered:

First, Change the data type of that field to lookup wizard

Then a pop up window will appear

Then alter the setting and chose the prefered options

Label the column and create the lookup

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How to write the correct Format in the Input Mask box?

Choose one of the Input Masks and the way it looks, and try if necessary

Write the wanted Format in the text box, and try if necessary

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Choose one of these as wanted, then click Finish

Objective C7 - Creating Navigation System:


Whereby the nevigation system will be a switchboard

In order to create a switchboard first go to Datbase tools
Then select switchboard manager

(go to next page)

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In order to add other switchboards, click on New

In order to edit the currently selected switchboard, click on Edit

First create a new swtichboard and name it:

In order to make a button which leads you to adding new members

First create a new button and name it

Then edit the button and configure it so that it is as follows:

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In order to make a button which leads you to edit existing information sotred

First, crete a new button and name it

Then Edit and configure the button to the following settings

In order to create a button which opens a report the following steps should be followed:

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First create a button and name it

Then Configure the settings of the button so that they open a specified form
The settings should be configured as follows:

In order to quit the application, a button Named Exit is usually preferable to be used
which will exit the database

First, Create a new button and name it

Then Change the command so that it is configured to the correct facility
The setting should be as follows:

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System Backup:
A backup refers to making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to
restore the original after a data loss event. This back up will prevent the new database
from being at risk of losing data.
How to create a backup:

First open the database using Microsoft Access and go to save and publish after
selecting the database
Then Click on Back up database and save.

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All the Computer Related objectives have been successfully accomplished.

System Conversions

1) Direct (Big-Bang) Changeover:

Whereby the user stops using the old system, and starts using the new system,
usually over a weekend or during a slack period.
2) Parallel Conversion:
The old system continues alongside the new system for a few weeks or months
until the new system is stable enough to take full control.
3) Phased Conversion:
This is used for larger systems that can be broken down into individual modules
that can be implemented separately at different times.
4) Pilot Conversion:
This means that the new system will be used first by only a portion of the
organization, for example at one branch or factory

Selected Conversion Method:

I will use the Parallel Conversion Method because:
o Results from the new system can be compared with known results
o If any difficulties occur, operations can continue under the old (fall back)
system while the errors are sorted out
o Allows staff to get used to new system/Trains staff

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Programming Code:
Members Manager Form Visual Basic Code:

Option Compare Database

'-----------------------------------------------------------' Macro1
'-----------------------------------------------------------Function Macro1()
On Error GoTo Macro1_Err
With CodeContextObject
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToControl Screen.PreviousControl.Name
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acLast
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DoCmd.Quit acPrompt
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToControl Screen.PreviousControl.Name
If (Not .Form.NewRecord) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
If (.Form.NewRecord And Not .Form.Dirty) Then
End If
If (.Form.NewRecord And .Form.Dirty) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then

- 134 -

- 135 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""

End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintSelection
DoCmd.Close , ""
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acPrevious
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
End With
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume Macro1_Exit
End Function

- 135 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

- 136 -

Trainers Manager Form Visual Basic Code:

Option Compare Database
'-----------------------------------------------------------' Macro12
'-----------------------------------------------------------Function Macro12()
On Error GoTo Macro12_Err

With CodeContextObject
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToControl Screen.PreviousControl.Name
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acLast

- 136 -

- 137 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

DoCmd.Quit acPrompt
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToControl Screen.PreviousControl.Name
If (Not .Form.NewRecord) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
If (.Form.NewRecord And Not .Form.Dirty) Then
End If
If (.Form.NewRecord And .Form.Dirty) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then

- 137 -

- 138 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""

End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintSelection
DoCmd.Close , ""
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acPrevious
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
End With

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume Macro12_Exit

End Function

- 138 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

- 139 -

Sports Manager Form Visual Basic Code:

Option Compare Database
'-----------------------------------------------------------' Macro11
'-----------------------------------------------------------Function Macro11()
On Error GoTo Macro11_Err
With CodeContextObject
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToControl Screen.PreviousControl.Name
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acLast
DoCmd.Quit acPrompt
On Error Resume Next

- 139 -

- 140 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToControl Screen.PreviousControl.Name
If (Not .Form.NewRecord) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
End If
If (.Form.NewRecord And Not .Form.Dirty) Then
End If
If (.Form.NewRecord And .Form.Dirty) Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If

- 140 -

- 141 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintSelection
DoCmd.Close , ""
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acPrevious
If (.MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox .MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
End With

Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume Macro11_Exit
End Function

- 141 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011


- 142 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Test Strategy:

Description of Test Plan

The following table outlines the test plan. A brief description of the headings is as

Test Case

This number is used to cross-reference
between this table and the test results.
The objective numbers that are related to
the test case.
The fields being tested.
The data being used to perform the test.
The type of test being performed (i.e.
Normal, Abnormal or Extreme).
Further information about the type of test
being performed.
The ideal response to the test data (i.e.
What should happen).
The reference number for the screenshot
in the test results section.

Related Objectives
Test Data
Test Type
Test Type Info
Expected Outcome
Proof of Outcome

[s] = Sports Table || [t] = Trainers Table || [m] = Members table


B [1.12]-a


B [1.1]-b
B [2.1]-b
B [3.1]-b


B [1.2]

Full Name[m]

B [1.3]


B [1.4]
B [1.5]
B [1.6]


B [1.7]
B [1.8]
B [1.9]
B [1.10]


B [1.11]


Test Data

Test Type

[Open form]


[New record]


Test Type
(auto num)

44, Olaya
Ave., Riyadh,



- 143 -

Expected Outcome
[Unique ID number]
[Unique ID number]
[Unique ID number]


Proof of



- 144 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

B [1.12]
B [1.13]
B [1.14]
B [1.15]
B [2.2]


99, The
Ghost St .,
Riyadh, K.S.A
ext (288)1023
Jad Monther
[No Value]

B [2.3]


B [2.4]
B [2.5]


B [2.6]
B [2.7]
B [2.8]
B [2.9]
B [2.10]
B [2.11]

Email address[t]


B [3.2]
B [3.3]
B [3.4]
B [3.5]
B [1.2]-a

Full Name[m]


B [1.3]-b


[No Value]


B [1.4]-b


[No Value]


B [1.5]-c


[No Value]


B [1.6]-b


[No Value]


B [1.7]-a


[No Value]


B [1.8]-a


[No Value]


B [1.9]-a


[No Value]


B [1.10]-a

[No Value]


B [1.11]-c



B [1.12]-b


[No Value]


B [1.13]-a


[No Value]


B [2.2]-a

Full Name[m]

[No Value]


B [2.3]-b


[No Value]


B [2.4]-b


[No Value]


B [2.5]-a


[No Value]


B [2.6]-c


[No Value]


B [2.7]-a


[No Value]


B [2.8]-a


[No Value]


B [2.9]-c


[No Value]


B [2.10]-b

[No Value]


B [2.11]-b



B [3.2]-b


[No Value]


[No Value]

[No Value]

- 144 -


You must enter a

value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.


- 145 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011


B [3.3]-c


[No Value]


B [3.4]-c


[No Value]


B [3.5]-b


[No Value]


B [1.5]-b




B [1.11]-b




B [1.13]-b




B [2.6]-b




B [2.9]-b




B [1.1]-b



B [1.3]-a



B [1.4]-a



B [1.6]-a

EmailAddress [m]


B [1.8]-b



B [2.2]-c



B [2.3]-a



B [2.4]-a



B [2.5]-b



B [2.8]-b



B [2.10]-a



B [2.11]-a

Email address[t]


B [3.2]-c



B [1.4]-c




B [1.5]-a




B [1.11]-a



Enter more
than 50
Enter more
than 200
Enter more
than 12
Enter more
than 50
Enter more
than 25
Enter more
than 50
Enter more
than 200
Enter more
than 8
Enter more
than 14
Enter more
than 25
Enter more
than 6
Enter more
than 50
Enter more
than 25





- 145 -

You must enter a

value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
You must enter a
value in the field.
The member must be
older than 8 years
The Start Date cannot
be after the current
The amount paid is
either out of range or
has an extra amount!
Please type in an
appropriate range ( 1
- 75)
The employee must
be older than 18
years old and
younger than
The Start Date cannot
be after the current
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Does not allow the
entering of extra
Not allowed to insert
less than 9
Must be in format
Must be in format



- 146 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011


B [2.4]-c




B [2.5]-d




B [2.6]-a




B [2.9]-a




B [2.10]-d




B [1.13]-c



B [1.7]-b



B [1.9]-b



B [1.10]-b



B [1.15]-a



B [2.7]-b
B [3.3]-b



B [3.4]-a



B [1.7]-c







[Press on
drop down
[Check box]
[Press on
drop down
[Press on
drop down



[Choose between Yes

or No]
[Choose between
Standard or Family]





[Press on
drop down

Not allowed to insert
less than 7
Not allowed to insert
less than 4
Must be in format
Must be in format
Not allowed to insert
less than 6
Value entered must
be a currency
[Choose between
Male or Female]

[Choose between one

or more Sports from
the Sport field in the
Sports Table]
[Choose between
Morning or
[Value not accepted]
[Either Enter/select
Male or Female]



Test Results:

The tests carried out were taken, and the results were obtained. Below, are the results
of the tests in the above section, where by each group may be grouped and explained
by one test (e.g.: test 001, all categories in there will be shown by one test only):

- 146 -

- 147 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

T1 (for test 001)

Showing that MemberDues has a default value of $75:

Illustration T1: Actual outcome for test case 001.

T2 (for test 002)

Showing that the MemberID field is an Auto number:

Illustration T2: Actual outcome for test case 002.

- 147 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

T3 (for test 003)

Shows that all fields were accepted:

Illustration T3: Actual outcome for test case 003.

- 148 -

- 149 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

T4 (for test 004-030)

Shows that the required fields cannot be left empty.

Illustration T4: Actual outcome for test case 030

T5 (for test 031-035)

Shows the range checks on the fields:

- 149 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T5: Actual outcome for test case 031

Illustration T5: Actual outcome for test case 033

- 150 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T5: Actual outcome for test case 032

T6 (for test 036 - 048)

Shows that the maximum field length cannot be exceeded.
No more letters can be inserted after the Field size has been reached

Illustration T6: Actual outcome for test case 039

- 151 -

- 152 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

T7 (for test 049 - 056)

Showing that data entered has to be of the specified format, and any other value
will not be accepted.

Illustration T7: Actual outcome for test case 056

- 152 -

- 153 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T7: Actual outcome for test case 055

T8 (for test 057)

Showing that data entered has to be of the specified data type, and any other
input will not be accepted.

- 153 -

- 154 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T8: Actual outcome for test case 057

T9 (for test 058-064)

Shows the values available of each lookup field:

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 058

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 059

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 060

- 154 -

- 155 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 061

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 063

- 155 -

- 156 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 058

Illustration T9: Actual outcome for test case 064

T10 (for test 057)

Shows that any value in a lookup which is not available, and was entered, is not
acceptable, except if it was not made on Limit To List.

- 156 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Illustration T10: Actual outcome for test case 065

- 157 -

- 158 -

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- 158 -

- 159 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Technical Documentation & System Maintenance

Context Diagram:
See page 21 section 2

Business-Related Objectives: see page 9 section 1
Computer-Related Objectives: see page 15 section 2

Method of Solution:
See page 47 section 2(Objective C2).
Table Relationships
See page 53 section 2 (objective C3).
Forms Design
See page 54 section 2 (Objective C4)
Reports Design
See page 57 section 2(Objective C5)
Queries Design
See page 74 section2 (Objective C6)
Navigation Design
See page 80 section 2 (Objective C7)
Navigation diagram on page 81, section 2

See tests in Section 4 page 142

- 159 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Summary of Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware: (see Hardware Requirements in page 81)
(a) Processor.
(b) Printer.
(c) Monitor.
(d) DVD writer.
(e) Keyboard.
(f) Random Access Memory (RAM).
(g) Mouse.
(h) Hard disk.
Software: (see Software Requirements in page 90)
(a) Operating System (Windows 7 Ultimate).
(b) Database program (Access 2010).
(c) Antivirus Software (Nod32 4 Business Edition)

- 160 -

- 161 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

User Documentation:

Using the Database (User Manual)

A user manual or user's guide, also commonly known as a manual, is a technical
communication document intended to give assistance to people using a particular
Below are some pictures that will be used in explaining how the database works.
The table below shows the uses of each button present in the database:

Goes to first record
Goes to previous record
Find record
Save record
Goes to next record
Goes to last record
Undo record
Print table/form
Delete record
Close form
Quit application

- 161 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Picture: 1 Main Menu

Picture 2: Members

- 162 -

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Picture 3: Trainers

Picture 4: Sports

Picture 5: Exit

- 163 -

- 164 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Adding new Members

From the main switchboard, Main Menu (Picture 1), click on the Members
button, (Or from Picture 2: Members) and the Members switchboard will open
(Picture 2). After that, click on the Register as a new member and the picture
below will appear. (Members Form in Add Mode)

- 164 -

- 165 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Opening Members Form on edit mode

From the main switchboard, Main Menu (Picture 1), click on the Members
button, (Or from Picture 2: Members)and the Members switchboard will open
(Picture 2), after that click on the Edit existing Members and the form below will
appear. (Members Form on Edit Mode)

- 165 -

- 166 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Members Contact Information Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Members. And From the Members
switchboard (Picture 2), press on the View Members Contact Information
Report, and then the Members Contact Information will open. (The report
Similar to the picture below should be seen)

- 166 -

- 167 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Membership Dues

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Members. And From the Members
switchboard (Picture 2), press on the View Membership Dues, and then the
Membership Dues report will open. (A report similar to the Picture below should
be seen)

- 167 -

- 168 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View How Long Member Has Been In Club Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Members. And From the Members
switchboard (Picture 2), press on the View Members Years In Club, and then the
Members Years in Club will open. (A Report Similar to the Picture below should
be seen)

- 168 -

- 169 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Members Sports Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Members. And From the Members
switchboard (Picture 2), press on the View Members Sports, and then the
Members Sports report will open. (A report Similar to the picture below should
be seen)

- 169 -

- 170 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Members Sports Information Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Members. And From the Members
switchboard (Picture 2), press on the View Members Sports Information, and
then the Members Sports Information report will open. (A report Similar to the
picture below should be seen)

- 170 -

- 171 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Back To Main Menu

In order to go back to the Main Menu Switchboard (Default Switchboard) Click
on Back to main menu.

Adding New Trainers

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Trainers. And From the Trainers
switchboard (Picture 3), press on the Register A New Trainer button, and then
the Trainers Form will be opened in Add mode. (A Form Similar to the picture
below should be seen)

- 171 -

- 172 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Editing Existing Trainers

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Trainers. And From the Trainers
switchboard (Picture 3), press on the Edit Existing Trainers button, and then the
Trainers Form will be opened in Edit mode. (A Form Similar to the picture below
should be seen)

- 172 -

- 173 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Trainers Contact Information Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Trainers. And From the Trainers
switchboard (Picture 3), press on the View Trainers Contact Information button,
and then the Trainers Contact Information report will open. (A report Similar to
the picture below should be seen)

- 173 -

- 174 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View How Long Trainer Has Been In Club Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Trainers. And From the Trainers
switchboard (Picture 3), press on the View Trainers Years In Club button, and
then the How Long Trainer Has Been In Club report will open. (A report Similar to
the picture below should be seen)

- 174 -

- 175 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Sports Trainer Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Trainers. And From the Trainers
switchboard (Picture 3), press on the View Trainers Sports button, and then the
Trainers Sports report will open. (A report Similar to the picture below should be

- 175 -

- 176 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Back To Main Menu

In order to go back to the Main Menu Switchboard (Default Switchboard) Click
on Back to main menu.

Add New Sport

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Sports. And From the Sports switchboard
(Picture 4), press on the Add New Sports button, and then the Sports Form will
open on Add mode. (A Form Similar to the picture below should be seen)

- 176 -

- 177 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Edit Existing Sports

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Sports. And From the Sports switchboard
(Picture 4), press on the Edit Existing Sports button, and then the Sports Form
will open on edit mode. (A Form Similar to the picture below should be seen)

- 177 -

- 178 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

View Sports Trainer Report

From the Main Menu (Picture 1) go to Sports. And From the Sports switchboard
(Picture 4), press on the View Trainers Sports button, and then the Trainers
Sports report will open. (A report Similar to the picture below should be seen)

Back To Main Menu

In order to go back to the Main Menu Switchboard (Default Switchboard) Click
on Back to main menu.
- 178 -

- 179 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011


- 179 -

- 180 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Objective C1
Objective C1 was successfully met where a blank database was first created using
Microsoft Access 2010.
Objective C2
The Members, Trainers and Sports tables where successfully created with their
validations to meet objective C2.
Objective C3
Both the relationship between the Members Table with the Sports table and The
Trainers table with the Sports table were successfully established.
Objective C4
This objective was successfully completed when the Members, Trainers and Sports
forms where created.
Objective C5
All 8 reports where successfully designed, arranged and grouped allowing objective C5
to be met.
Objective C6
All queries needed for calculations and other purposes where successfully created
alongside their SQL code to meet objective C6.
Objective C7
The navigation method was designed and made successfully using switchboards
meeting objective C7.
All of the clubs objectives have been successfully met and all the essentials needed to
complete the database have been created. The head of the Human resources
department was exceedingly satisfied with the result, and hoped that the database will
instruct the bright future of the club.

- 180 -

- 181 -

Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011

Future System Developments & Improvements

There are three types of maintenance/evaluation: Adaptive, Perfective and Corrective.
Both Perfective and Corrective will be used in improvements to the system and Adaptive
maintenance will be used for extensions to the project.
Perfective maintenance: incorporates changes demanded by the user; these may, for example,
be due to changes in requirements or legislation, or be for embedded applications in response to
changes in the surrounding system.

Adaptive maintenance: incorporates changes made necessary by modifications in the software

or hardware (operational) environment of the program, including changes in the maintenance

Corrective maintenance: is the successful repair of faults discovered in the software.


A better and preferable style can be used in the members, trainers and
sports forms where by, it will make input more flexible and easier for the

More validation checks could be used in the database and tables, to ensure
more accurate entry of data, and prevent incorrect processing of

If online registration for membership and sports can be provided, it will

completely ease the process of membership which may lead to more people
wanting to join the club, or take up more sports due to this ease, which will
greatly benefit the business.

Membership cards (Magnetic strip cards) can be used by making a program

which will read the cards, and confirm membership automatically. This
program may need various terminals which will be used to swipe the card
into in order to read the magnetic strip present on the membership.
(Something similar to an ATM machine).

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Mostafa Yousri Okasha || A guide for creating Fister Sports Club: members, Trainers and Sports Database 2010-2011


The project can be expanded by increasing the number of queries and

reports in the club, in order to calculate more values which may be helpful in
future analysis, and when more information is available, calculations will
become more accurate, and so the club will become more efficient.

A membership dues management can be added to the database, where by a

new table will be created which will contain past dues which the members
have not paid off yet. This will make the business more accountable of its
members as they will have a record of each owing due from each member in
the club.

More information can be added about the members and trainers emergency
information (e.g.: Blood group, type of medical deficiency, etc)

The database can be shared on a Large Area Network (LAN) with all the
employees in the Human Resources Department, which will ease the process
of adding and editing information, dude to there being more than one
person on the job.

- Auto updates should be created. This will ensure that the database will never
be lost, as long as the update is available, which will act as another source for
the database. Furthermore, it can act as a source of storage for old data
which is no use to the club anymore, but can be used in order to check any
old data for any mistakes or analysis.

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