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Construction of the Persian ney

Searching for the right piece of Arundo Donax

The Persian ney is made out of a piece of Arundo Donax, a bamboo-like grass. A piece
is selected containing seven segments, which defines the length of the ney. Conditions
must be just right to procude the right thickness and length. For this a hot dry climate
such as in the area's south of Esfahan Iran is needed. The cut piece is dried for several
years, and cleaned out, and 6 holes are burnt in it at the right spots. It has been said that
only 1% of the neys produced this way actually sound good, so it is a time consuming
process despite the simplicity of the instrument.
It is also possible to make a ney out of other materials, with excellent results. I've made
some neys out of PVC and acrylic pipe which are as good as a nice cane ney, though not
quite as good as the best neys I have.
The best materials I found so are:
1. The light PVC pipe used for electrical conduit in Europe. The pipe I use has
outer diameter 19mm, inner diameter 16mm, so the walls are 1.5mm thick. This
is called "16mm PVC pipe" in Holland, where I bought it. The exact thickness is
not so important, but this is the material I used.
2. Extruded acrylic pipe from Look under the plastics
section under "Rod, Tubes, and Shapes". Under clear acrylic tubing, they sell a
size that is 1/16 wall, 5/8 ID, 3/4 OD. In millimeters, this works out to be 1.58
wall, 15.87 ID, 19.05 OD, which is very close to the dimensions of the PVC
from Holland.
Cut a piece of length 610mm. File out one side from the inside, to make a sharp edge (it
is not so important to make it very sharp). This side (the filed outside) is called the TOP
of the ney.
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file to something like:

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/ |
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1cm (approximately)

Now take a cylindrical piece of steel (I use the back of drill bits) of diameter 9mm and
heat it up over a candle. Make it hot enough to melt, but not burn the plastic. Melt in the
finger-holes of the ney with this.
Alternatively you can use a "Forstener drill bit", made especially for making circular
holes, for use with a power drill. For the acrylic this works better.

Finger-holes of the ney. Also shown are a sari and a bottom cover. The nodes, where the braches were attached, are wrapped with red rotan

One hole at the back, 324mm from the top (i.e., the center of the hole is 324mm from
the top), and 5 at the front, at distances 385mm, 407mm, 431mm, 484mm, 527mm from
the top.
Heat the ney gently above the candle, at the area 48mm from the top, rotating the ney
above the candle. When the area becomes slightly soft, take a piece of cord (not too
thin, or you will cut the pipe), wind it around the hot area, and tighten it, making a notch
with inside diameter slightly larger than the finger-holes. This is to imitate indentations
where the side branches on the cane are. Do this at places 48mm, 172mm, 289mm,
396mm, 504mm, 595mm from the top.
The last thing to do is to widen the top. I do this by warming the top over a candle, and
pushing a cone shaped metallic thingy in (about 2-3cm), thereby stretching the ney. I do

this several times, until the top is a little wider than the rest. In the end you can insert
the bottom of a the unstretched pipe into the top, very tightly. This last step improves
the sound a lot. A better way to do this exists but I have not discovered it. If you do, let
me know. (A hint: use a "taper pin" and a "tapered reamer".)
This ney plays in Bb (B flat). You can scale the length, to make neys in different keys. If
interested, ask me for measurements from neys in other keys. They scale approximately
linear (i.e., all proportions remain the same), but not completely. Smaller neys than C
don't play well in the upper register. The longest ney I've made is F (C-kuk).

F ney (C-kuk)

This ney is so long that I can't reach the fingerholes. However bending the ney at the
nodes a bit, making a kindof zig-zag pattern brings the holes within reach. I've also
offset the holes from the center to bring them within reach of the fingers. The sound is
very good.

Sari from brass

Finally make a sari. Cut a piece of flexible plastic, X-ray film material is popular. The
plastic from inside the collar of men's shirts is OK too. Or a soda-pop bottle. Wrap it
around the top, sticking out slightly. This is your mouthpiece (called "sari"). It is
sometimes made from brass, but this is very bad for the teeth and does not improve the
sound in any way.

Making a sari from X-ray film

Some players who have no gap between their front teeth to insert the ney in prefer to
make a small cut in the sari, allowing the ney to enter further in the mouth. I've
experimented with many shapes of cuts but in the end prefer to play without.

Below are measurements of several neys. Keep in mind the lengths can vary by about 1
cm depending on the inside structure. Narrower nodes give a lower pitch, smaller
fingerholes give a lower pitch too.







n1 n2





F (C877 20 16 9


552 587 619 689 749 52 242 409 570 717 847


824 21 17 9


514 548 576 643 701 70 240 390 535 660 765


828 20 13 9


523 553 584 649 704 92 255 400 538 665 785

772 19 12 9


486 519 546 608 660 62 208 357 498 632 760


757 20 11 9


476 509 536 601 655 74 225 364 490 615 730


729 20 15 9


453 483 508 568 613 75 210 344 468 582 694


720 20 12 9


455 486 511 570 624 70 213 347 473 587 690

699 19 13 9


435 464 489 546 592 72 198 325 450 560 656


645 21 13 9


405 432 455 504 550 72 200 315 423 523 615


633 20 13 9


398 428 452 501 543 67 198 311 415 515 610


615 19 13 9


388 412 435 488 53

588 19 12 9


368 395 419 459 550 60 178 283 387 479 562


577 20 14 9


358 386 408 454 495 58 173 280 373 468 548

560 19 14 9


347 373 395 437 478 61 172 270 363 453 542


524 21 14 9


320 346 368 407 448 63 157 245 335 422 500


516 19 12 9


320 344 363 400 443 41 150 245 330 412 486

490 20 12 9


299 322 342 377 414 57 153 238 317 389 455


460 19 11 8


280 303 322 355 393 47 132 215 293 370 448


428 19 14 8.5 230

265 288 307 334 369 50 133 210 280 345 408

424 19 12 9


252 275 293 323 357 50 123 195 265 334 400

391 18 15 9


243 264 278 303 33

49 173 290 403 505 603

47 123 190 254 315 376

Dimensions (in mm) of various neys. L total length, T inner diameter at top, B inner diameter bottom, H
diameter finger hole, h1,...,h6 center of finger hole from top (where you blow), n1,...,n6 center of node
from top.
Contact Kees van den Doel
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