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Management Definitions

Chapter 16: Motivation Theory and Practice

Motivation accounts for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at
Need an unfulfilled physiological or psychological desire
Lower order needs physiological safety, and social needs in maslows hierarchy
Higher order needs are esteem and self- actualization needs in maslows hierarchy
Deficit principle states that a satisfied need does not motivate behavior
Progressive principle states that a need isnt activated until the next lower level
need is satisfied
Existence needs desires for physical well being
Relatedness needs desires for good interpersonal relationships
Growth needs desires for personal growth and development
Frustration regression principle states that an already satisfied need can become
reactivated when a higher level need is blocked
Satisfier factor found in job content, such as challenging and exciting work,
recognition, responsibilities, advancement opportunities, or personal growth
Hygiene factor found in the job context, such as working conditions, interpersonal
relations, organizational policies, and compensation
Need for achievement desire to do something better, to solve problems, or to
master complex tasks
Need for power desire for control, influence, or be responsible for other people
Need for affiliation desire to establish and maintain good relations with people
Over reward inequity positive individual perceives that rewards received are
more than what is fair for work inputs
Under reward inequity negative individual perceives that rewards received are
less than what is fair for work inputs
Equity sensitivity reflects that people have different preferences for equity and
react differently to perceptions of inequity
Expectancy persons belief that working hard will result in high task performance
Instrumentality persons belief that various outcomes will occur as a result of task
Valence value a person assigns to work related outcomes

Self-efficacy Persons belief that she or he is capable of performing a task

Law of effect states that behavior followed by pleasant consequences is likely to
be repeated; behavior followed by unpleasant consequences is not
Operant conditioning control of behavior by manipulating its consequences
Positive reinforcement strengthens behavior by making a desirable consequences
contingent on its occurrence
Negative reinforcement strengthens behavior by making the avoidance of an
undesirable consequences contingent on its occurrence
Punishment discourages behavior by making an unpleasant consequence
contingent on its occurrence
Extinction discourages behavior by making the removal of a desirable
consequence contingent on its occurrence
Shaping positive reinforcement of successive approximations to the desired
Continuous reinforcement rewards each time a desired behavior occurs
Intermittent reinforcement rewards behavior only periodically
Law of contingent reinforcement reward should be given when a desired behavior
Law of immediate reinforcement reward should be given as soon as possible after
a desired behavior occurs
Job design arranging work tasks for individuals and groups
Job simplification employs people in clearly defined and specialized tasks with
narrow job scope
Automation total mechanization of a job
Job rotation increases task variety by periodically shifting workers between
different jobs
Job enlargement increases task variety by combining into one job two or more
tasks previously done by separate workers
Job enrichment increases job depth by adding work planning and evaluating duties
normally performed by the supervisor
Flexible working hours give employees some choice in daily work hours
Compressed workweek allows a full time job to be completed in less than five days
Job sharing splits one job between two people
Telecommuting involves using IT to work at home or outside the office

Contingency workers employed on a part time and temporary basis to supplement

a permanent workforce

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