NASA/ECAST Detection

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NASA working alone

NASA is a global leader in space
science, and is currently driving much
of the ongoing activities to detect
near-earth objects.
NASA oversees research institutions
such as the Minor Planet Center and
is working to implement new IR-based
and robotic detection methods and
develop new techniques.
However, NASAs current and future
detection capabilities are threatened
by budget challenges.
Further, NASA oversees a host of
other space research activities, which
all demand resources and expertise.

The US leading an
international partnership

Some people have argued that since
NASA is currently the world leader in
asteroid detection, it should continue
to lead international efforts, but
that formal partnerships should be
established going forward.
One motivation for this idea is to
share responsibilities for asteroid
detection among multiple entities.
This would allow other countries to
build upon the protocols that NASA
and its partners have established, but:
This option would require putting
trust in other countries to detect and
communicate risks around potentially
hazardous NEOs.

An international consortium
that includes NASA

The United Nations has created an
International Asteroid Warning
Network, under the auspices of the
United Nations Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
This group could be charged with the
responsibility of asteroid detection,
and national governments could work
report to it.
This would require coordination and
trust between national governments,
and might mean different protocols and
processes from the ones that NASA has
put into place already, but NASA would
have some seat at the table.
One potential challenge with this idea
is that it may be difficult to enforce
agreements within this partnership.

Private industry

Private firms could be hired to implement
asteroid detection. These entities could
reduce government expenditures on
asteroid detection.
This could increase efficiency or innovation,
and also connect with potential asteroid
mining activities.
This could allow governmental agencies such
as NASA or the European Space Agency to
focus efforts and resources on protecting the
Ear th from identified asteroid threats, rather
than on detection.
However, private firms do not answer
directly to the public since they are not par t
of the government.
Private firms may be motivated more by
commercial interests than by an interest in
planetar y defense.

International scientific/
academic community

Some scientists have proposed a
plan to improve asteroid detection
capabilities through the creation of
a non-governmental organization.
The best example of this is the B612
Foundation, which is working to design
and build a privately financed satellite
called the Sentinel Space Telescope.
A group such as the B612 Foundation
could pull in expertise from around
the world, researching detection and
mitigation ideas and putting them
into practice.
A foundation like this could function
without depending on government
funding. However, it could be argued
that this group will not answer directly
to people from any country since they
are a non-governmental organization.

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