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Remote Neural Monitoring

Dear Editor: I find your articles

compelling reading; interesting and
informative. I am a firm believer in
alien life-forms and their conlact
with us, but your magazine has
broaden.ed my perceptions of not
only what is 'out therc' but what
other secrets the world governments are witbholding from the
Your article on the use of RNM
by the NSA was one I found particularly startling, even to me, and I
always thought I had a very broadminded opinion rapoU( such technologies and the agencics that use
them. This technology has fr,ightening ramifications for every person on the planet: a perverse invasion of privacy and basic
rights. The fact that other ipdividuals can actually see and hear what
their subjects are doing is scary
enough, but that they could actually
inl1uence the subject by affecting
their aural, visual and motor senses
is truly nightmarish stuff.
In finishing, I ask who is accountable for this technology and what
can we do about suppressing its
Yours sincerely, Stephen H.,
Nowra, NSW, Australia.

Poles Apart
Dear Mr Roads: Felt compelled
to comment on a Letter to the
Editor, entitled "Nukes Blasted
Ozone Layer?", featured in the last
issue of NEXUS [vol-. 3, no. 3J.
Geophysical Year 1957 was a
grand pretence-planned to excuse
cX!traordinary US Arctic/Antarctic
activity of that period. Involving
near 5,000 naval personnel aboard
submarines, innumerable surface
ves.sels and aircraft, the true object
of their endeavours was to
v,erify/c1arify certain discoveries
made by one Rear Admiral Richard
E. Byrd.
While America did indeed detonate nuclear deviccs over
Antarctica, they were hardly interested in studying the Van Allen belt
(as if they would have hoped to
learn anything ,through such a technique!) bu! were in fact inflicting
'electromagnetic pulse' (yes, they
wcre already well aware of .its
effect) upon those parts of both
poles cnigmaticaHy known as 'areas
of ,inaccessib.iJity'-momentarilly
rendering ineffective what so many
polar explorers have only ever
taken to be inexplicably severe
white-out conditions of dense
'cloud-bank'. Thc resulting data,
obtained by way of satellites' geo4 NEXUS

graphical observations, no doubt

proved conclus,tve as they were
That said, lit is only appropriate to
mention some Russian findingsspecifically, thab the magnetic
'poles' are not any single or Walldesing points but circular zones of
some 900 kilometres in diamcter.
To quote ,their official documentation of the period: "Explontion
and rescarch have shown tbat an
enormous region of the Earth's surface and correspondingly large
realms of the unknown may be
brought within the compass of
human understanding in a very few
years. "-certainly suggestive, if
hopelessly Ilaive in its assumption
of government-tar public disdosure.
Of course, the governments
involved have had it relatively easy
keeping wQat is commonly (and
somewhat inadequately) labelled
"The Hollow Earth llheory" from
people's attention. The suggestion
that there actually exist physical
opellings at cither pole, which just
happen 'coincidentally' to correspond with atmosphcric anomalies
above, is simply too improbable to
possibly be true-right? Yeah,
The Yan.k government's supposedly imminent (and clearly wellrehearsed) 'tell-all' on the existence
and origin of these precious 'Grey'
ETs is bound to appcase the mainstrcam 'UFO-aware' crowd, but I,
for one, won't be holding my breath
in anticipation of being given the
true truth which is in thcrc...
Regards, Len L., Yarraville,
Victoria, Australia.

Sound Wave Energy Success

Dear Editor: I visited! your site
and want to .share a ncw tcchnology
witb you Fegarding the powe~ of
sound frequencies created by Sound
Wave Energy. SWE is an holistic
approach to heal the physical, mentaI', emotional and spiritual aspects
of the persoll. !lts purpose is to
bring the individual back ,jnto a
sltate of harmolily and balance,
through !he application of vibration
and resonance by the use of audiotapes. But forget that and listen
instead to the miracle my life went
I' was b0rn wifh a deficiency in
my growth hormones, and as a
result I had to take pill's for the rest
of my life under the threat that if I
ever was to stqp taking them I
would become nothing more than :a
zombie. I must confeSS that I have
done so' (stopped taking my medicatiolil) two or thFee {imes. The

results were quite ugly.

As aU X-ray technician, my mother ha.s always been on the look_out
for alternativc medicine since she
realised that conventiona! medicine
was not working for me. I must
have tried tons of different
approaches to heal myself: some
worked a litHe, some didn't work at
all. Two years ago, my mom called
me in Montreal and told me that she
Iilad found something amazing that
could work (or me. I to'ld her,
abused and desperate, that I was not
interested any more. But when I
came to vi.sit her ill Placitas, New
Mexico, she started playing some with different types of frequencies.
Meanwhile, we visited a psychic
woman in Santa Fe who insulted
me by saying Ithat I had a gift of
Love. As soon as she pronounced
those words, I replied, mad as hell,
that I was the person with the least
love in the world and that I hated
everyone begi'nning with myself!
But after a while, listening to the
tapes, a true miracle occurred: I
started crying, my heart was slowly
but surely starting to bloom like a
flower, realising the divinity in
myself. Consciousness arose wide
open in me. Now, when I look
Dack at this event in my life, I
embrace it with love and compassion, saying tbat if I had to live
through it again I would because it
made me into what I am righb now:
a powerful and loving being seeking to grow and to be one again
with all that is. Of course, I don't
take pills any more: I'm the
healthy, happy conductor of a joyoUs life!
AU my love, Robert L., Montreal,
Canada (
CPS: ilf you feel that what I have
said! is coming from my heart, do
yourself a favour and take a took at
the Sound V-lave Energy site:

Prophetic Comments
Dear Sir: iRe NEXUS April/May,
the predictions of Mitar Tarabich
appear to be correct in regard to the
Balkans Ibut not in regard! to other
regions of Europe. Example: "Jin
the beginning, Russia will not wage

Before it was invaded itself,
Russia did wage war, however. On
17th July 194fl (the same year in
Czechoslovakia), the USSR invaded the Baltic States of Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. In Estonia's
case, this was breaking the mutual
assistance pact of 1939 and irnple-

menting the Molotov-Ribbentrop

secret agreeme.nt to divide up
Europe between the two major
Tallinn was bombed heavily and,
on 14th JUne 1941, there followed
the genocide of tens of th.ousands of
Baltic citizens. By 8th Jury 1941,
German forces were in the north,
remai.ning in occupation for three
years. The accommodations made
by the governments of that period
were in resistance to Soviet Iterror
and to regain control of their own
states, although the manner in
which the accommodation was
effecled remains strongly criticised
to this day by Baits at home and
Historically, Rus_sia had not previously occupied the Baltic areas as
long as the British had controlled
India. However, it was determined
to retain Baltic ports under it.s control.
The mosb strategic of these
remains Tallinn, which is almost
ice-free ,in winter, unlike the
Russian navall base of Kronstadt
near St Petersburg. That is, if in
Russian hands, Tallinn can become
the base for nudear submarines
with access to the North Sea and
the Atlantic itself, leaving Western
European cities and even
Washington and New York very
Tarabich's strong fo.cus on his
own people is understandable. I
interpret his reference to "the little
man of a mation far in the north" as
Solzhenitsyn. But ,it might just as
eas!liy be Toomas Paul, a Lu'theran
pastor of Tallinn who has gained
fame as an orator and an historian.
Yours faithfully, Astrid K.,
Acacia Ridge, Qld, Austral.ia.

Animal Products Labelling

Dear Sir: "Mad cow disease" has
highlighted once again how our
individual right of c'hoice is being
" have chosen to be a vegetarian,
both for health and spiritual reasons, and yet, like sO many other
people, I am becoming more and
more alarmed by the hidden usc of
dead carcasses. Not contelilt with
chicken or beef stock in so-called
vegetable soups, renoet ,in most
cheeses and eggs lin the strangest
places, we are now told that gelatin
(which is derived from skin and
bones) is contained in a huge range
of everyday commodities from 101lies to vitamin capsules. Its presence in a popular brand of 'socalled' fruit yoghurt astounds me.

NB: Please keep letters to

approx. 100-150 words in
length. Ed.
Legislation was necessary to
enforce the disclosure of colo.udngs
and preservatives. Surcly now is
time to insist that food containing
animal products also be marked.
The claim that 'contents' are
shown on packaging is not valid. II
doubt that the average shopper
woul-d know that the preservative
sodium nitrate (252) comes fmin
animal wasto. And there is no way
to tell whether one of the many
antioxidants, emulsifiers, colours,
anti-caking and flavour enhancers
have been obtained from animal or
vcgetable origin. Examples range
from 120 to ~520 and includc xanthophylls (161), lecithin (322),
sucrose ester (473), etc., etc.
I appeal to other people to voice
your concerns, petition your ele.cted representatives, to demand a
"Free from Animal Products" label
on all clean p.rodu-cts. If you are
aware of the power of homoeopathy and aromatherapy, then this
should also include soaps, shampoos and too.thp.aste..
You do have the right to know
what you are buying, even if you
do not personally care.
Yours sincerely, Philip H.,
Toodyay, WA, Australia.

'You Pay' liV

Dear Editor: How maQY people
know that their Galaxy box has
smart card capabi>lities? Indecd i~
does. It has dormant technology
tha'~ gives it the capacity to be
linked to smart cards so you can
shop, bank and wha.tever from
home. It has the ability to be
Itinked to systems so you can, for
example, order theatre tickets via
the smart card system and a' little
printer will produce your ticket
right in your lounge room, all paid
What you watch, what you buy,
wha~ yOtll spend your 'credits' on,
where you go, everything... l1he
beautiful thing is that people are so
naive ,that they pay to be monitored
and controlled. Guess that's why
it's Pay TV-boy, do you pay!
And if you do have Gafaxy and
are wondering why the TV you
turned off last night is on in the
morning, don't worry; it's just tJhe
satellite waking your TV up with
its daily instructions. You sce, if
they want your TV on then they
will tum it on. Too bad if you want
it off.
S. 1., Watson, Act, Australia.

Search for Intelligent Life?

Dear Duncan: A recent newspaper report states that signals picked

up by the Parkes (NSW) radio telescope wer.e found to lbe emanating

from the microwave in the staff
Arc we to believe that this hightech, multimillion-dollar marvel of
technology has been foiled by a
humble microwave, or is this a typical attempt to debunk a genuine
unidentified signal?
Am I becoming paranoid through
reading too many NEXUS mags?
Regards, Ian L, Tauranga, New

GeneticaUy-lnoculated Food
Dear Duncan: You might be
interested ,to hear about some new
techniques in genetic engineering
with frUit and vegetables. This
information comes from ,tod.ay's
Sydney Daily Telegraph-Mirror
(13 March). The artkle is entitled
"Super frui~ good for you, but
multi-coloured" .
Not oply can they alter the colour
of fruit so you can havc a "red
banana" or a "multi-coloured tomato" (quite a novelty really, and
being in the restaurant business I
can say that things like this could
make a very well-presented side
salad); however, there are
The article gocs on to say that it
is possible for the fmit to be genetically engineered to also include
extra vitamins, which is a good
Idea, bUl get this! It's also possible
for them to include drugs ill the
fruit to prevent disease and, I
quote, "possibly making inoculat.ions a thing of the past".
Many times I have read in your
magazine about the possibility of
inocul.ati.ons being potcntially disastrous, but what will be the ramifications of this? Hopefully "thcy"
will not be able [0 put this through
any legislation or, more to ,the
point, hopefully it goes before legislation. The people have a right to
Yours sincerely, John P., Cooma,
NSW, Australia.

Vitamin C Conspiracy
Dear Duncan: History repl:ats
itself, ref. your short piece in
Global News, NEXUS vol 3', no.
3, about the French court ruling
that vitamin C is a drug when over
100 mg per day is used. Thcy keep
on trying. In the late '70s, the best
book ever written on vitamin C disappeared worldwidc with quite
indecent speed. It is titled! Tlte
Healing Factor: Vitamin C
Against Disease, by Dr Irwin
Stone, and as far as I know there

mas in this way, why should I not

I immediately devised a way
whereby I could apply the urine in
an ongoing way so that the core of
,the cancer was satuJated continuously with fresh urine. (Margarct
threatened to divorce me!) I firs.t
of aU opcncd my djary to Saturday
27th January '96 and entered, "First
treatment started." All treatments
and noticeable results were entered
from then on. On Wednesday 28th
February '96, entry, "Growths
completcly hcaled." Saturday 9th
March reads, "Area of growth now
difficult to disccrn/see. n 16th
March reads, "Now there is no
trace of where growth originally
Urine Therapy vs Skin Cancer existed, I.e., no scar." The actual
Dear Duncan: I write you this healing time was 32 days.
Margaret and I went down to the
communication with particular refdoctor1s and showed bim the arm.
erence to !be matter of cancer.
Two years ago, a small sore He and his nurses could not find
any trace of th.e canccr and kept
ap~ared on my right ins.ide lower
ann. It was very small and, at the rubbing the hairs of my arm away
time, al1peared quite insignificant. to try to find it. One of the nurses
However, within three to (our at the clinic has become an avid
weeks the sore started itching, reader of and subscriber to NEXUS
accompanied by a burning sensa- Magazine and, at the ~ime,
tion. Within the following six althougn the doctOr demanded to
know what self-treatment I had
months it had noticeably cnlarged.
'I later self-diagnosed it as possi 'taken', neither Margaret /lor I
bly cancer and kept an eye on it. It would divulge tha~ the application
continued to enlarge and I cons.e- of urine did the trick, but .thc nurse
quently visited my doctor. He con- in question (NEXUS reader) stood
firmed it was cancer and advised at the back quietly smiling to herthat it would require surgical self. Later she said when no one
removal as soon as possible. Rrom was about, "You tried that urine
my recent studies of cancer cases th.erapy, I'll bet! Yo.u old devil;
and alterna~ive medicine regarding trust you !," The nurse agreed to
cancer cures, I was mos.! reluctant II bring her issue of NEXUS into the
about surgery in view of the fact I inner sanctum of the clinic and
.that, in many cases, surgery has leave it in conspicuous places in
only served to aggravate the area in the hope that one of the doctors
question on the Pody where it has might' just pick ,it u,p, read it a!)d
been performed, thus weake.ning come to some sort of conclusion on
the region for further later invasion their own. We are stilll awaiting
some feedback news from 'our
to take place.
However, my health did decline nurse on the inside'.
Margaret and I still keep a monisomewhat as time pas.sed on, and,
by Chrjstmas 1995, this cancer sore tor on the entire arm, bu~ it seems
was ,now accompanied by yet remarkable that just one outbreak
another one in close proximity of cancer on just one area of the
Which grew at an alarming rate and surface of the body can actually
became ,in a short time linked wioh drain one's strength an:d affect one's
the original outbreak. Margaret general health the way it did with
nagged me incessantly to get the myself. I have, since the treatment,
surgery done, andl by the New Year experienced a remarkable improve
my resolve was weakening along ment in strength, and general
well-being and, yes, quite a wonwith my health.
It was following the release of derful success story.
Duncan, ,I feel personally indebtyour February-March 1996 issue in
which you featured the "Ur,ine ed to this brave lady, and you have
Therapy" article by Martha M.. my permission to give hcr a copy
Christy, which I il'ead several times, of this personal authentic experi
that I decided to give this therapy a encc.
Kind regards to all at NEXUS,
go myself, albcit in a slightly modified approach. If this brave lady! Robert Adams, Whakatanc, New
could annihilate all her healtn dra- t Zealand.
are about four copies left in' this
country, and possibly the same in
USA (it was printedl in New York).
The trouble was that when you had
vitamin C you did not need 'to use
orthodox drugs. I guess someone
in Europe is trying to instigate a
similar scenario there. Dr Glen
Kalokerinos wrote their excellent
book partly because of the dis.appearance of the one m.entioned..
Carry on ,the good work. Trouble
is, each time NEXUS arrives,
another illusion goes down the
drain, and I haven't too many left.
Yours sincerely, Pa~ C., Maldon,
Victoria, Australia.


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