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Animal Communication

There are many people learn foreign language. If we can communicate with
snakes, or rodents and other animal, I think it would be useful because after all we are
more often met wih them rather than with foreign nations. Actually we know a lot of
people who can communicated with animals thought may just understand each animal
sounds in the high-low tone and his body language of animal. We consider this as
evidence that humans can understand the language of animals. But, the language is
not taught in our animals such as French, Spanish, Japanese, etc..
Language is clearly a form of communication. Language is generally a form
of communication that is nonstereotypeda and nonfinite; that is, it is learn and
creative. Communication is a process in which information is transmitted from a
source to goal. A language is any example of such a system of complex
communication. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Humans have
different languages with animals. Communication is a process in which information
is transmitted from a source to a goal.
Language as a language system that is composed of components which are
regularly arranged According to a particular pattern and form a unity. Language as a
symbol. Language as a sounds. Language is meaningful when have function as give
message, concept, idea or thought. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols
used for human communication. Language is unique. And etc. then animals
communicate in his own way.
All animals can communicate. Many animals use "body language" as well as a
sound or a smell a rat to communicate with the other (Most animals (including
people) use "body language" as well as sound and smell in order to communicate

with one another). Animal communication systems are not like humans. Many
examples of animals that sometimes people do not realize it, because they
communicate in their own way. In the Qur'an there is also evidence that animals can
communicate in a letter An. Naml: 18

Meaning: Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O
ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Sulaiman and his soldiers while
they perceive not."
Hearing the words ant, Sulaiman smiled, but he did not show his pride for
having great strength, instead he acted tawadhu (humble). This is the fact the power
of God is so infinite. Sometimes people do not realize the power Allah, and we must
Thanks to Allah what has been given.
And it is fact that animals can communicate and we will discuss examples of
animal communication and how animals communicate with each other.
A language is a set of signals by which we communicate. Human beings are
not the only species to have an elaborate communication system. The process in
valves five steps:
1. All communication uses signals or symbols. In here, there are encoding the
2. Selecting a mode of communication

3. Delivering processing of the symbols by the receiver.

4. Perceptual perception of the symbols by the receiver.
5. Decoding of the symbol to obtain the information.
The uses of speech sounds in therefore not a basic part of what we have been
calling language. The chirping of birds, the squeaking of dolphins, and the dancing of
bees may potentially represent systems similar to human languages (Bird song can,
just like human language). Birds of many species need to hear the songs of other
birds during a sensitive period while they grow up, or they will not develop normal
singing abilities. If animal communication systems are not like human language, it
will not be due to lack of speech. Language is a system that relates sounds (or
gesture) to meaning. Talking birds such as parrots and mynah birds are capable of
faithfully reproducing words and phrases of human language that they have heard;
but when a parrot says Polly wants a cracker, she may really want a ham sandwich
or a drink of water or nothing at all. A bird that has learned to say hello or
goodbye is as likely to use one as the other, regardless of whether people are
arriving or departing. The birds utterances carry to meaning. The imitative sounds of
talking birds have little in common with human language, but the calls and songs of
many species of birds do have a communicative function, and they resemble human
languages in that there may be dialect within the same species, birds calls
(consisting of one or more short notes) convey messages associated with the
immediate, such as danger, feeding, nesting, flocking, and so on. Bird songs (more
complex patterns of notes) are used to stake out territory and to attract mates
A specific animals behavior may be considered a communication if another
animals behavior apparently changes as a result. A connection between the behavior
of one animal and another. Bees communicate about honey and about the sitting of a
new hive. Bees dance when they have found nectar. The scout bee will dance in the
hive, and the dance directs other bees to the location of the nectar. A forager bee is
able to return to the hive and tell other bees where a source of food is located. It does
so by forming a dance on a wall of the hive that reveals the location and quality of the

food source. For one species of Italian honeybee, the dancing behavior may assume
one of three possible pattern: round(which indicates locations near the hive, within 20
feet or so), sickle (which indicates locations at 20-60 feet distance from the hive), and
tail-wagging(for distances that exceed 60 feet).
Chimpanzees can use vocalizations to warn of danger, to signal the finding of
food or to indicate attitudes to mating. then chimpanzees greet each other by touching
Marine mammals such as dolphin and whales. They have the ability to make
ab incredible variety of sounds-far more than any other animal, including humans,
can make. Dolphins can communication information on food and danger by means of
whistles and clicks. Dolphin can copy signature whistles and humpback whales that
learn and copy distinctive and complex songs. There are many example from animal
communication, such as:

Bats they use echo to locate objects and to navigate.

Male fiddler crabs wave their giant claw to attract female fiddler crabs.
White-tailed deer show alarm by flicking up their tails.
Dogs stretch their front legs out in front of them and lower their bodies when

they want to play.

5. Elephants show affection by entwining their trunks.
6. Giraffes press their necks together when they are attracted to each other.
7. Gorillas stick out their tongues to show anger.
8. Horses rub noses as a sign of affection.
9. Kangaroos thump their hind legs to warn others of danger.
10. Prairie dogs bare their teeth and press their mouths together to discover if they
are friends or foes.
11. Whales breach (leap out of the water) repeatedly to send messages to other
12. Swans entwine their long necks both to fight and to court.
13. Etc.
Spoken human language is extremely difficult or impossible for most animals
because of the structure of their vocal organs. Apes, for example, can't produce a

large proportion of the vowels and would have difficulty with some of the
consonants. This may be due not only to the shapes of the vocal organs but also to the
limitations of the motor central in the brain that control these organs. We might
attempt, on the other hand, to teach apes language that involves them using their
hands (e. g. sign language or the manipulation of symbols).
Then usually the animal confused when they came, sometimes a limited
number of species have skill to hear a sound, and copying it. And an scientists call
vocal learning, there many trick to imitation a key part in human language, example
parrot, can imitation the human voice and have wowed with their vocabulary and
Whale, can be learn by coach with whistle, the whales will humpback, and can be
copy distinctive and complete songs.
So we can take concluded that animal communication can be: Chemical
signals (used by some very simple creatures, Including protozoa), Smell (related to
chemical signals, e.g. pheromones attract, Repel skunk secretions), Touch,
Movement, Posture (e. g dogs, geese ), Facial gestures (e. g dogs snarling), Visual
signals (e. g feathers), Sound (e. g very many Vertebrate and Invertebrate calls).
Then the signal can be useful for attract (especially mates), repel (especially
competitors or enemies), signal aggression or submission, advertise species, warn of
predators, communicate about the environment or the availability of food.

Fromkin, Victoria. 1993. An Introduction to Language. Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich College Publishers: Los Angeles.

Todd, Loreto and York Handbooks. 1987. An Introduction to Linguistics.

Longman York Press: England
Crane, L. Ben, et al. 1999. An Introduction to Linguistics. Boston: Little,
Brown and company
Johansson, Sverker. 2001. Animal Communication, Animal Minds,and Animal

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