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NAME:-------------------------FOLLOW-UP EXAM 1
DATE:--------------------------ECOPETROL GROUP 28-P2
Present Perfect Simple:
Put the verbs into the correct form
1. I (not / work) -------------------------------------------- today.
2. We (buy) ------------------------------------------- a new lamp.
3. We (not / plan) ------------------------------------------------- our holiday yet.
4. Where (be / you) -----------------------------------------------?
5. He (write) --------------------------------------------------- five letters.
6. She (not / see) ---------------------------------------------- him for a long time.
7. (be / you) -------------------------------------------- at school?
8. School (not / start) -------------------------------------------------------------yet.
9. (speak / he) ------------------------------------------------- to his boss?
10.No, he (have / not) ----------------------------------------------- the time yet.
Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.(Wh
1. I have been in the garden.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. My sister has cooked
dinner.----------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Sue has read the book twice.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------4. My computer has crashed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Jeane has been on holiday for eight
days.-----------------------------------------------------------6. Fred has done his
homework.--------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Gavin has stopped at the
corner.----------------------------------------------------------------------8. Sarah has bought five books.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Jason has talked to his

10.Catherine has cleaned the house because she is having a party

tonight.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer the questions using the particles: Already & Yet.
1. Have you seen the new movie?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Have you been to Paris?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Have you bought that new dress?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Has Allen gone to Melbourne?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Has he heard from Bill yet?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Have you finished your homework?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Have Annie and Bob got married yet?

Present Perfect Continuous:

Decide if you have to use Since or For.
1. Emma has been learning English ----------------------------- five years.
2. My friends have been living here -----------------------------2003.
3. I have been waiting for Danny -----------------------------20 minutes.
4. Ross and Gavin have been travelling around Australia
---------------------------six weeks.
5. Carol has been exercising in the gym -------------------------- 2 o'clock.
6. They have been discussing the problem ----------------------------- one

7. The candle has been burning ---------------------------- two hours.

8. Ben has been wearing that blue shirt ---------------------------- Friday.
9. The researcher has been exploring the territory -------------------------last December.
10.Judith and her boyfriend have been kissing --------------------------- ten
Write questions in present perfect progressive.

1. Kerry / paint -----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. the secretary / the documents / print out

---------------------------------------------3. they / a room / share
--------------------------------------------------------------------4. the dog / run around / how long ------------------------------------------------------5. you / at the door / knock / how long -------------------------------------------------Past Perfect Simple:
Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple).
1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build)
2. He (not / be) --------------------------------------------------- to Cape Town
before 1997.
3. When she went out to play, she (do / already)
---------------------------------her homework.
4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum
(make)---------------------------------------------5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on)
-----------------------------six weeks before.
6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order)
----------------------------------------------------7. I could not remember the poem we (learn)
-----------------------------------the week before.
8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall)
-----------------------------------from the tree.

9. (he / phone) ----------------------------------------Angie before he went to see

her in London?
10.She (not / ride) -------------------------------------------------------------- a horse
before that day.

Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple.

1. (you / finish) ---------------------------------your homework before you went
to the cinema?
2. (why / you / clean) ---------------------------------the bathroom before you
bathed the dog?
3. (you / have) ------------------------------------------------------breakfast before
you came here?
4. (she / find)--------------------------------------------- a place to stay when she
went to Boston?
5. (where / she / live) -------------------------------------------------before she
moved to Chicago?

Past Perfect Continuous:

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.
1) Andrew -------------------------------------------------- in the country. (not/to
2) How long ------------------your grandparents -----------------------------------this
car? (to drive)
3) They -----------------------------------------------------. (not/to cycle)
4) Tony ------------------------------------------------------this book, but Mary has.
(not/to read)
5) How long -----------------he -------------------------------------------- for her? (to
6) ---------------Andy ----------------------------------------------- on the blue car?
(to work)
7) My brother ---------------------------------------------------------- ard enough.
(not/to study)
8) How long ----------------they ------------------------------------------------ for a
flat? (to look)
9) I -------------------------------------------------- my homework. (not/to do)
10) --------------- you --------------------------------- the whole morning? (to
Make Wh and Yes/No questions in past perfect Continuous:
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
Perfect Modals:
Write 10 sentences ( +/-/?) using Perfect Modals:
( Should/could/might/may/must)
1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Passive Voice:
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1. John collects money. -------------------------------------------------------------------2. Anna opened the window. -------------------------------------------------------------3. We have done our homework.
---------------------------------------------------------4. I will ask a question. --------------------------------------------------------------------5. He can cut out the picture.
-------------------------------------------------------------6. The sheep ate a lot.
----------------------------------------------------------------------7. We do not clean our rooms.
------------------------------------------------------------8. William will not repair the car.
--------------------------------------------------------9. Did Sue draw this circle?
---------------------------------------------------------------10.Could you feed the dog?
---------------------------------------------------------------- Write passive sentences (Affirmative and negative) in various

1. the postcard / send (Present simple)
---------------------------------------------------2. the people / inform / not (Past perfect)
------------------------------------------------3. the pencils / count (Future)
--------------------------------------------------------------4. the room / book / not (Present Perfect)
------------------------------------------------5. the door / close (Past simple)
-----------------------------------------------------------6. the rent / pay / not (Present continuous)
----------------------------------------------7. the beds / make (can present)
-----------------------------------------------------------8. the sign / see / not (Past Continuous)
--------------------------------------------------9. the mail / write (Present simple)
-------------------------------------------------------10.a dictionary / use / not(Future)
----------------------------------------------------------11.the trees / plant (Past perfect)
-----------------------------------------------------------12.the money / spend (Present Perfect) cards / accept / not (Past simple)
------------------------------------------------14.the exhibition / visit (Present continuous)
--------------------------------------------15.the windows / clean (can past)
----------------------------------------------------------16.the message / read/ not (Present simple)
----------------------------------------------17.the thief / arrest (Past Continuous)
----------------------------------------------------18.the photo / take (Future)
-----------------------------------------------------------------19.these songs / sing (Present Perfect)
----------------------------------------------------20.the ring / find / not (Past perfect)
------------------------------------------------------- Decide whether the sentences are written in Active or Passive.
Write (A) for active and (P) for passive. Make them into opposite
voice when possible.
1. Boys like soccer (
--------------------------------------------------------------------------2. This room has been painted blue
)-----------------------------------------------------3. Cricket is played in Australia.
)----------------------------------------------------------4. I am given a book. (

5. We have lost our keys. (

-------------------------------------------------------------------6. You might see dolphins here.
)-----------------------------------------------------------7. The report must be completed by next Friday.
)-------------------------------------8. They were singing a song.
)----------------------------------------------------------------9. A letter was written to her. (
--------------------------------------------------------------10. The bike is being repaired.
Read the text and look at the
questions that follow it.

Couple Sue TV Station

The couple banished from the hit "reality"
series "Temptation Island" because they are
parents of a young child have sued the
production company and Fox-TV for defamation, claiming that producers
knew about the toddler all along.
Ytossie Patterson and Taheed Watson claim in their Los Angeles
Superior Court lawsuit that producers edited an episode of the hit show
to make it appear that they had concealed their status as parents and
then chastised them on the air in an "extremely condescending and
humiliating manner."
A spokeswoman for Rocket Science Laboratories, the show's producers,
referred calls regarding the lawsuit, which was filed on Wednesday, to
Fox, which said it would have a statement "later in the day."
Patterson, 34, and Watson, 29, were among four couples sent last
season to an island off Belize in the Caribbean to film "Temptation
Island," which separates the partners and sets each person up on dates
with attractive singles to see who will cheat.
Patterson and Watson were booted off the show midway through the
season after the network said it had discovered that they had a twoyear-old child together, making their further participation inappropriate.
The couple claims in their lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages
that they revealed the existence of their child when asked during
preliminary interviews with Rocket Science and were told that that was
"the wrong answer."
Patterson and Watson claim that "Temptation Island" producers decided
that it would boost the show's ratings if the child's existence were
suddenly revealed during a broadcast.
During that broadcast, the couple claims, hours of conversation
between them and producers was edited and "manipulated" to create a
false impression that they had kept their child secret.
"The footage was edited to exclude plaintiffs' responses to the
producers questions and falsely portrayed plaintiffs as mischievous and
immoral (and that) they had in fact concealed the existence of their

own child and that they had nothing to say about it in the face of this
disgraceful tongue-lashing," the lawsuit claims.
Decide weather the sentences are True or False and correct
the false ones:

The programme mentioned is successful.

The couple says they had told Fox of the child.
The couple felt embarrassed by their treatment on the show.
The four couples go on dates with each other to see what happens.
The couple is suing for financial loss.
The court case is in the Caribbean.
The couple says that the producers changed the film to make them
look dishonest.

The following letter from Mike about his recent European

vacation was sent to Linda. Unfortunately, her dog chewed it
up and now Mike needs to put it back in the right order. Can
you help him? Put the correct number into each of the boxes
in the four missing parts. There are two extra paragraphs you
don't need.
Confused Letter
Dear Linda,
How are things with you? It was great
talking to you yesterday by phone.
--------------------I can't wait to arrive in Athens to see all
that history. Let me tell you something
about where we have visited so far. I
know you want to come here on
vacation too one day!
We started in England and we spent
two days in London and another day in Canterbury. We saw a lot of great
history and the only bad thing was the weather - it rained for the whole time
we were there. Can you believe it?
--------------------Well, I have to say I prefer the American Disneyland. But we met some nice
people from Canada and spent two great days with them. One of them,
Clive, is going to your university next year. How's that for a coincidence!
--------------------After that, we went south into Switzerland. It was very expensive and we
couldn't stay as long as we wanted to, so that's why we're in Italy now!
---------------------See you soon,
1. Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train. They went up
into Denmark but we continued to Munich. Wow - what a great city. I bought
you a surprise gift there. I hope you like it.

2. As I told you yesterday, I am in Rome today. Tomorrow we are getting the

train down into the south of the country and then the ship across to Greece.

3. I paid nearly $200 for it but it looks magnificent and is made of real

4. OK, that's enough from me for now. I want to post this letter now so you
get it by the weekend.

5. At least when we got to Paris, the sun was shining! We only stayed for one
afternoon in the French capital because my friends really wanted to visit Euro
Disney which is to the east of Paris.

6. I sent her a postcard last night. It had the Eiffel Tower on it, which she has
always wanted to visit. Now she can look at it on a postcard every day!

Write a story about an old civilization; give details about the
different events and constructions built, activities done by
important people, etc . Use different Relative Pronouns and
Passive Voice and as much vocabulary as you can.
(The Kanya civilization was born in 1538, it was located in Jupiter.
People who lived there has been named Konios(which means Wise
Aliens) since they developed modern technology before us a long
time ago


Listen to the lecture about how to take care of a computer.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Passive Voice:

Today we are going to learn about

computer care. Ready?
Now, a computer ________________________
_______________ in a cool room; not too hot
and not too cold and not too humid and
not too dry.
Also, a computer _________________________ ________________in a place that is
free of dust. Bright sunlight ____________________________________ Liquids like
coffee or coke _________________________________________ near a computer.
And if some liquid __________________________________________________ onto
your system, the power ____________________ _______________________off
immediately. It must be completely dry before it
_____________________________________________ on again. A computer
_________________________________________________ regularly. A slightly damp
cloth is the best. No chemical cleaners. All right? But a gas cleaner
________________________________________ onto the monitors screen to clean it.
And one last thing. When a computer ______________________
___________________________________________off it.
_____________________________________ On right away. Now, can you remember
all this?
What does the speaker say we should do? Put a tick in the correct


Keep it in a cool place.

Keep it away from sun light.
Keep drinks away from it.
Clean it with a chemical cleaner.
Turn it off and on quickly

Listen to the next story about a historic place and

answer the questions:
A National Historic Landmark
This building, which is the original headquarters of the Lord and Lady
Department Store company
1. Who
------------------------------------------------------------------------2. When
------------------------------------------------------------3. When


4. What
---------------------------------------------------------------5. When
------------------------------------------------------------------6. When






--------------------------------------------------------------------7. What



Talk about famous invents, books, movies, paintings, songs, etc. Use
Passive Voice in different tenses and as much vocabulary as you can.
Talk about exciting things you have done in your life and also about
the things you havent done yet but you would like to do in the future.
Use Present perfect simple
Write different sentences (+/-/?) according to each picture using
Perfect Modals:

1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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